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Why Mix Google Ads In A Persons Writing?


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I believe what the OP is refereeing to is the new Google ads which look like a forum, hence clearly designed to fool us into clicking them. (see circled in red below) It's was hard enough to find the forum you wanted amongst the many forums and banners before. Very sad and disappointing to see this attempt at blatant trickery used on us by our beloved ThaiVisa. :)

Interestingly for the powers that be, I had not noticed these ads as they look too much like forums. Sorry George that tactic is not working (at least on me), unfortunately now they've been pointed out I can't fail to see them :D

And unfortunately our discussion of them, as with any discussion of advertising, only serves their purpose even more.

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The OP, ie the person who started this topic, gave it this title:

Why Mix Google Ads In A Persons Writing?

Unlike ScubaBuddha, I believe that the OP means the type of ad placement framed in red in this screenshot from FireFox:


I had not the slightest interest in this topic until somebody said that this type of ad placement "breaches our copyright". I know little about Google but I know this: with the exeption of a few dollars, all their revenue comes from advertising. Therefore, when Google collects money from advertisers and allows website owners this type of ad placement, they make absolutely sure that it does not violate anybody's copyright.

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The difference here is that we seek advise and discuss every new or changed ad unit with the Google rep, and get it approved or declined. If an ad layout or placement is not approved we must change before going live.

I think the whole reason that this discussion exists is to be found in the above quote.

Most of content on thaivisa is user generated, instead of seeking advice and discussing solely with the Google Adsense rep, maybe TV should also discuss and seek advice from those that contribute and help to create this site before going 'live' with new ad layouts, or at the very least listen and act on the users feedback after releasing a new 'live' version. For sure this would not an easy task, but I think that the majority of users/contributors understand the need for the site to make money, but as users/contributors they also do no want their user experience overly contaminated with advertisements.

If thaivisa were the sole providers of the site content then they would be in their full right to place as many advertisements in as many ways as they wish. It is different when 'users' are creating the content and their feedback and opinions should be listened to and where applicable acted upon.

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The OP, ie the person who started this topic, gave it this title:
Why Mix Google Ads In A Persons Writing?

Unlike ScubaBuddha, I believe that the OP means the type of ad placement framed in red in this screenshot from FireFox:

Yeah I think your right. I guess I will have to start a new thread venting my frustration on making the ads in the forum index look like forums themselves. Come on george give us a break mate.

Edited by ScubaBuddha
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...I guess I will have to start a new thread venting my frustration on making the ads in the forum index look like forums themselves...

Somebody mentioned "ad blindness" or something like that. I seem to suffer from that malady, too, as I don't notice the ads enough for them to bother me, except some avatars that are flashing at a madly fast rate. There should be a law against these. But that's not what this topic is about and I won't start a new one on the subject. If ever the time should come that I can't stand it any longer I'll just stop reading sites that use them. Or remember to hit the ESC key.

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