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Why Do Limey Brits Live In Thailand

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Fruit and <removed> vegemite? :D At least have a man's spread and bung some marmite on there! :D

Real ale is warmer than liquid nitrogen-blasted poofy larger because it'll taste like shit if it ain't (must admit, the just-under room temp stuff ain't too good) . The current rugby team is <deleted> due to 70% of the superb side that trod on the Aussies toes + very bias referee, absconding. Give it time though and you convicts will be quaking again. :D  Cricket? who gives a rats ass about that girls game? :o

I'll hazzard a guess who gives a rats ass about that girls game (presume you don't mean soccer which, strictly speaking, is for girly men, not actual girls) Girly vegamite eaters that's who.

Did someone mention Skegness as a great holiday destination :D

I don't think that the british are whingers.... it is just that we like to grumble a lot. We don't really take it to heart .. but other nationalities see it as whinging because that's what it would be in their country. Having a grumble is just a way of saying hello how are you. We will grumble about everything: weather too cold, or too hot; Americans; French; British; food, governments, tax, football, supermarkets, the cat, the goldfish, ... It's probably comparable to Thai's always talking about food.

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

Weather you cosider taxes high or low is dependant on your income.

semed to me the harder you work to make something of youself in the UK the more you subsidise the scroungers that can't be ar33sed to get out of bed :D

Taxes overall are high... it's not just income tax you have to look at, it's also National Insurance, Council Tax, Tax on fuel and booze, Stamp duty to be paid when buy a house, capital gains etc...

  Interesting that the UK (and US) are such terrible places to live. Every time I walk by one of their foreign embassies, there are always a ton of locals lining up to apply for a visa.

Yeah, the UK really sucks whistling.gif

Everyone wants to get in to the UK because of how easy it is to get something for nothing, this doesn't apply to many Thais who want to come in because most are supported or want to work, however a large number of people come to the UK from all over the world and live off the public funds, the reason a lot of tax payers in the UK are pissed off is because it's them who have to pay for these peoples healthcare, rent, spending money etc..

It doesn't just stop there, also a large number of people in the UK who are unemployed and want to stay that way, why shouldn't they, ultimately they get more income from government benefits than they would if they worked.

As I wrote before, taxes in the UK are not high. I paid 50%+ income tax in Denmark plus all the other taxes, which are also considerably higher than the UK e.g VAT in DK is 22%.

Having read this thread all the way through, I am now convinced that the Aussies are correct in their assessment:

the vast majority of UK ex-pats, as reflected by these postings on TV, are whingers.

A tax can still be high even though its less than what you are used to paying....just means your getting screwed even more than us! Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

/Start Rant :o

Also I have serious issues as mentioned further above about scroungers etc coming into the country and the way this country is going in regards to its own countrymen. Case in point, in the paper the other day was a women with Arthritis who had tried to get hydro therapy treatment for 2 years...she saw an advert for a local pool and physio, applied to join and was turned down.....reason: Asian muslims only!!! <deleted>!?!? Its paid for by the lottery and they are turning away white people! You see if Thailand would put up with shit like that, or Aus, or USA...they look after their own people first!

Im certainly not letting my taxes be used to fund Mohammed and his 10 kids, 5 aunts, 3 uncles and building a mosque. Note: not just Muslims I have an issue with even though their the major part....Gypsies also tearing up land and leaving rubbish/crap everywhere they go etc while we then also end up paying for land for them. Note: Im well aware about British scroungers also, not just "asylum seekers"...Their both as bad as each other...but at least one group are your countrymen. Rather than cash handouts Id offer rent/food coupons so Sharon and her 10 kids cant go playing bingo and smoking 10 packs of fags a day complaining they have no money!

Also criminals in this country getting away with bloody everything when if you stand up for yourself your the one who gets in trouble. My taxes paying for "troubled teens" to take ###### holiday trips to Kenya and other B.S like it...

Controversial maybe...no doubt screams of racist bigot coming my way....but many people feel the same way about the way the UK is headed. I also have no issue with 2nd/3rd generation immigrants that came here decades ago from the likes of Jamaica etc etc...but these days I feel we need to be a helluva lot more selective. Australia went through exact same phase, in 60s/70s Aus welcomed huge number of migrants but now they ###### well make sure your not going to be a drain on the state and they dont put up with B.S from asylum seekers.

Please spare me comments about myself being a migrant going to Thailand etc also and any percived hypocrisy...Thailand dont exactly make things easy if you have no finances and they ###### well protect their own people before outsiders...you only get in if you have something to offer them be it money, certain skills, whatever...as every country should...

/End Rant. :D

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A tax can still be high even though its less than what you are used to paying....just means your getting screwed even more than us!  Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

/Start Rant  :o

Also I have serious issues as mentioned further above about scroungers etc coming into the country and the way this country is going in regards to its own countrymen.  Case in point, in the paper the other day was a women with Arthritis who had tried to get hydro therapy treatment for 2 years...she saw an advert for a local pool and physio, applied to join and was turned down.....reason: Asian muslims only!!! <deleted>!?!? Its paid for by the lottery and they are turning away white people! You see if Thailand would put up with shit like that, or Aus, or USA...they look after their own people first!

Im certainly not letting my taxes be used to fund Mohammed and his 10 kids, 5 aunts, 3 uncles and building a mosque.  Note: not just Muslims I have an issue with even though their the major part....Gypsies also tearing up land and leaving rubbish/crap everywhere they go etc while we then also end up paying for land for them.  Note: Im well aware about British scroungers also, not just "asylum seekers"...Their both as bad as each other...but at least one group are your countrymen.  Rather than cash handouts Id offer rent/food coupons so Sharon and her 10 kids cant go playing bingo and smoking 10 packs of fags a day complaining they have no money!

Also criminals in this country getting away with bloody everything when if you stand up for yourself your the one who gets in trouble.  My taxes paying for "troubled teens" to take ###### holiday trips to Kenya and other B.S like it...

Controversial maybe...no doubt screams of racist bigot coming my way....but many people feel the same way about the way the UK is headed.  I also have no issue with 2nd/3rd generation immigrants that came here decades ago from the likes of Jamaica etc etc...but these days I feel we need to be a helluva lot more selective.  Australia went through exact same phase, in 60s/70s Aus welcomed huge number of migrants but now they ###### well make sure your not going to be a drain on the state and they dont put up with B.S from asylum seekers.

Please spare me comments about myself being a migrant going to Thailand etc also and any percived hypocrisy...Thailand dont exactly make things easy if you have no finances and they ###### well protect their own people before outsiders...you only get in if you have something to offer them be it money, certain skills, whatever...as every country should...

/End Rant.  :D

Good rant.... sums up how a lot of people feel in the UK... :D

totster :D

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Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

...and of course you are complaining about tax on monies earned by the sweat of your own hand, not a penny inherited from mummy and daddy, or acquired by other nefarious means - all good hard earned cash?

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Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

...and of course you are complaining about tax on monies earned by the sweat of your own hand, not a penny inherited from mummy and daddy, or acquired by other nefarious means - all good hard earned cash?

Earned and inherited...but none of it illegal. What does it matter if some is inherited also? My family certainly doesnt want it to be broken up, we sit down and all decide the best way to protect what we have for today and the future. As every family should do. And with inheritance tax...why on earth should we have paid tax all our lives then be hit with a mammoth tax bill when you lose your parents?! Talk about kicking you when your down. Sorry son, your dads just died and you need to pay us this huge tax bill. :o

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Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

...and of course you are complaining about tax on monies earned by the sweat of your own hand, not a penny inherited from mummy and daddy, or acquired by other nefarious means - all good hard earned cash?

What a bunch of hooey. Trying to convince people the money ain't theirs? That's nothing more that the redistribution of weath chant dolled up in a different dress. People spend alot of time and effort talking other people out of their money. Sounds nefarious.

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Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

...and of course you are complaining about tax on monies earned by the sweat of your own hand, not a penny inherited from mummy and daddy, or acquired by other nefarious means - all good hard earned cash?

Earned and inherited...but none of it illegal. What does it matter if some is inherited also? My family certainly doesnt want it to be broken up, we sit down and all decide the best way to protect what we have for today and the future. As every family should do. And with inheritance tax...why on earth should we have paid tax all our lives then be hit with a mammoth tax bill when you lose your parents?! Talk about kicking you when your down. Sorry son, your dads just died and you need to pay us this huge tax bill. :o

Perhaps the word whinging is not adequate?

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Call it what you will. I am simply responding to the topic of the thread...and defending some of my reasons for doing so that you may not agree with. Whos doing the most whinging , me and others who are posting in regards to the topic, or you who are whinging that other people are apparently whinging too much :o

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Call it what you will.  I am simply responding to the topic of the thread...and defending some of my reasons for doing so that you may not agree with. Whos doing the most whinging , me and others who are posting in regards to the topic, or you who are whinging that other people are apparently whinging too much  :o

There is only One Person who will be the judge of that.

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Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

...and of course you are complaining about tax on monies earned by the sweat of your own hand, not a penny inherited from mummy and daddy, or acquired by other nefarious means - all good hard earned cash?

What a bunch of hooey. Trying to convince people the money ain't theirs? That's nothing more that the redistribution of weath chant dolled up in a different dress. People spend alot of time and effort talking other people out of their money. Sounds nefarious.

The redistribution of wealth – an interesting concept – but isn’t that the nature of all taxes?

There are those who will argue that the redistribution of wealth is one of the greater evils of Communism. Be that as it may.

But, personally, when the Great Day comes, I would rather have my Karma calculated on the basis of the negative points earned for supporting Communism, than those earned by defending the wealthy who flee from paying taxes in the democratic country I call my own.

I despise those who support the half-brains who write diatribes denigrating so-called foreigners and immigrants in our Great British society.

And I loathe these pecuniary parasites who feel the need to criticise, in the vilest manner, those who have not been as fortunate as themselves.

Apart from that, I’m quite a nice guy, really.

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...Now to one of the main reasons I left the UK. Tax is getting totally ridiculous there.

This point always amuses me when I see it. British taxes are not that high.

Weather you cosider taxes high or low is dependant on your income.

semed to me the harder you work to make something of youself in the UK the more you subsidise the scroungers that can't be ar33sed to get out of bed :D

Taxes overall are high... it's not just income tax you have to look at, it's also National Insurance, Council Tax, Tax on fuel and booze, Stamp duty to be paid when buy a house, capital gains etc...

   Interesting that the UK (and US) are such terrible places to live. Every time I walk by one of their foreign embassies, there are always a ton of locals lining up to apply for a visa.

Yeah, the UK really sucks whistling.gif

Everyone wants to get in to the UK because of how easy it is to get something for nothing, this doesn't apply to many Thais who want to come in because most are supported or want to work, however a large number of people come to the UK from all over the world and live off the public funds, the reason a lot of tax payers in the UK are pissed off is because it's them who have to pay for these peoples healthcare, rent, spending money etc..

It doesn't just stop there, also a large number of people in the UK who are unemployed and want to stay that way, why shouldn't they, ultimately they get more income from government benefits than they would if they worked.

As I wrote before, taxes in the UK are not high. I paid 50%+ income tax in Denmark plus all the other taxes, which are also considerably higher than the UK e.g VAT in DK is 22%.

Having read this thread all the way through, I am now convinced that the Aussies are correct in their assessment:

the vast majority of UK ex-pats, as reflected by these postings on TV, are whingers.

A tax can still be high even though its less than what you are used to paying....just means your getting screwed even more than us! Also though its the tax on world wide income which is not done in Thailand that im looking at too....what I would pay tax on world wide income in the UK covers my cost of living for a whole year in Thailand, living in a bigger house with a pool and a maid.

/Start Rant :o

Also I have serious issues as mentioned further above about scroungers etc coming into the country and the way this country is going in regards to its own countrymen. Case in point, in the paper the other day was a women with Arthritis who had tried to get hydro therapy treatment for 2 years...she saw an advert for a local pool and physio, applied to join and was turned down.....reason: Asian muslims only!!! <deleted>!?!? Its paid for by the lottery and they are turning away white people! You see if Thailand would put up with shit like that, or Aus, or USA...they look after their own people first!

Im certainly not letting my taxes be used to fund Mohammed and his 10 kids, 5 aunts, 3 uncles and building a mosque. Note: not just Muslims I have an issue with even though their the major part....Gypsies also tearing up land and leaving rubbish/crap everywhere they go etc while we then also end up paying for land for them. Note: Im well aware about British scroungers also, not just "asylum seekers"...Their both as bad as each other...but at least one group are your countrymen. Rather than cash handouts Id offer rent/food coupons so Sharon and her 10 kids cant go playing bingo and smoking 10 packs of fags a day complaining they have no money!

Also criminals in this country getting away with bloody everything when if you stand up for yourself your the one who gets in trouble. My taxes paying for "troubled teens" to take ###### holiday trips to Kenya and other B.S like it...

Controversial maybe...no doubt screams of racist bigot coming my way....but many people feel the same way about the way the UK is headed. I also have no issue with 2nd/3rd generation immigrants that came here decades ago from the likes of Jamaica etc etc...but these days I feel we need to be a helluva lot more selective. Australia went through exact same phase, in 60s/70s Aus welcomed huge number of migrants but now they ###### well make sure your not going to be a drain on the state and they dont put up with B.S from asylum seekers.

Please spare me comments about myself being a migrant going to Thailand etc also and any percived hypocrisy...Thailand dont exactly make things easy if you have no finances and they ###### well protect their own people before outsiders...you only get in if you have something to offer them be it money, certain skills, whatever...as every country should...

/End Rant. :D

Sure, there are bums who try to get into the UK. A lot of immigrants do the dirty jobs most Brits don't want to do. (Same, same US)

Anyway, the UK seems ok to me. I'd be more concerned when NOBODY wants in :D

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I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!


What a typical yank! You've just proved the point to a tee that someone else made earlier about Yanks not being able to laugh at themselves. I have many American friends but it's the country's attitude as a whole that gets up the world's nose. Lighten up jerk-off! and in your own words you can kiss MY red, white and blue ass.

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Just an observation but it's probably a good thing immigrants continue to settle in the Great Whinge (er, Great Britain) :D ... They seem to absorb alot of the whinging, which has likely prevented a complete societal meltdown: Yob vs Yob, Everyone vs Geordies, etc, etc, etc :o . English against English essentially. The English have absolutely mastered the deft art of taking the p#ss... If it were an Olympic event, a gold medal ever year would be an absolute certainty :D At least in Thailand, everyone seems to get along, well, for the most part

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To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of contracting a chill;

To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

To be able at last to place in trivia contests, here among other Brit expats whose dearth of intelligence and education compares with their own;

To ensure that all screens and tellies are turned to "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

To teach non-native speakers the incorrect pronunciation of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them the correct one;

To pose as experts among those unable to understand what they are saying and freely make uninformed pronouncements on every conceivable subject;

To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are retired or living off investments;

To affirm the overwhelming superiority of Orthodox British foodstuffs and lagers by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.


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If you (or anyone else) thinks that England is a dreary, wet, and dismal place, you should try Scotland. :o

The friends I have who are British say it is because England is a dreary, wet, dismal little crap island with high taxes, skanky women and dreadful food. :D

They say Thailand is wonderful because the weather is great, food is good, things are cheap, taxes low to non-existant and of course the women fantastic. Mind you, this is not what I am saying; I am not British and don't live in Britain. This is what


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somehow rather i knew someone will start this thread  :D


So we've had Aussies, Yanks, and now Brits... :D

Gotta admit, TV is entertaining at times. :D

Whos next? Kiwis? Canadians? French?

I think the French have been done. Kiwis or Canadians?

Britain is possibly the world's most beautiful island ... but the food certainly ain't crap ...

Well, at least these comments are funny.

I don't think that the british are whingers.... it is just that we like to grumble a lot. We don't really take it to heart .. but other nationalities see it as whinging because that's what it would be in their country. Having a grumble is just a way of saying hello how are you. We will grumble about everything: weather too cold, or too hot; Americans; French; British; food, governments, tax, football, supermarkets, the cat, the goldfish, ... It's probably comparable to Thai's always talking about food.

This is mostly true, except for not taking it to heart. I love British humor, and I enjoy the company of many Brits. But at the same time, the English can be some of the most hateful, meanest ######s on the planet.

But, personally, when the Great Day comes, I would rather have my Karma calculated on the basis of the negative points earned for supporting Communism, than those earned by defending the wealthy who flee from paying taxes in the democratic country I call my own.

I despise those who support the half-brains who write diatribes denigrating so-called foreigners and immigrants in our Great British society.

And I loathe these pecuniary parasites who feel the need to criticise, in the vilest manner, those who have not been as fortunate as themselves.

Apart from that, I’m quite a nice guy, really.

Great post. I totally agree. I really do not understand people who villify genuine refugees. Unbelievable.

I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!


What a typical yank! You've just proved the point to a tee that someone else made earlier about Yanks not being able to laugh at themselves. I have many American friends but it's the country's attitude as a whole that gets up the world's nose. Lighten up jerk-off! and in your own words you can kiss MY red, white and blue ass.

You see, the issue here, is that your comment was not funny or made in jest. It was just a mean-spirited jab which you then tried to pass off as humor. You have proven no point except for the fact that you enjoy bashing Americans. And you have proven this point by revealing your reasoning that Britian is one of the most beautiful islands in the world :D

*(Sorry to the Scots and Irish, which is why I have a problem applying everything to "Britain").

Edited by kat
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If you knew how to spell it you'd have no problem with the pronunciation. :o


To enjoy a climate wherein they may display their tattoos, bald heads, and protruding bellies without fear of contracting a chill;

To escape the necessity of having deeper relationships with those like themselves;

To be able at last to place in trivia contests, here among other Brit expats whose dearth of intelligence and education compares with their own;

To ensure that all screens and tellies are turned to "footie," so to numb the brains of expats of other nations;

To teach non-native speakers the incorrect pronunciation of words like "aluminum" before Yanks can teach them the correct one;

To pose as experts among those unable to understand what they are saying and freely make uninformed pronouncements on every conceivable subject;

To stab one another in the back without fear of suffering any important consequences, given that so many are retired or living off investments;

To affirm the overwhelming superiority of Orthodox British foodstuffs and lagers by bemoaning their absence elsewhere;

To meet Yanks and express their sincere gratitude that they are able to speak English rather than German.

:D  :D  :D

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Let's do Canucks next! As always, we get left out... :D

OK, most of my family is from the UK -My Grandmum would say: "Canader is lovely dear"... :D And my Grandad would say: "I'm bringing the Kaaa around the Gaaaden" My other Grandmum is Scottish and I 'canna unnerstan her' when she's had a couple sherries with her Scottish friend Mary next door. :o Love her to bits tho. One thing: You didn't slag the UK in my Grandad's house - not even in Canader, or you'd get a right good bollocking (at the least!)

Edited by bahtandsold
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If you knew how to spell it you'd have no problem with the pronunciation.  :o


http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary?book...ary&va=aluminum :D

Main Entry: al•u•min•i•um

Pronunciation: "al-y&-'min-E-&m

Function: noun

chiefly British : ALUMINUM

Source: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.

I suppose it's where you look, or where you come from, or a combination of both.

On the other hand Cole Porter said it best so let's call the whole thing off.

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On the other hand Cole Porter said it best so let's call the whole thing off.


Well, this has been scintillating stuff and a ripping good read but more important matters are at hand- some of my fav shows are on tonight: Arrested Development :o (USA) 'Kumars' at 42 (UK) followed by 'Parkinson' and the Brit awards!

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somehow rather i knew someone will start this thread  :D


So we've had Aussies, Yanks, and now Brits... :D

Gotta admit, TV is entertaining at times. :D

Whos next? Kiwis? Canadians? French?

I think the French have been done. Kiwis or Canadians?

Britain is possibly the world's most beautiful island ... but the food certainly ain't crap ...

Well, at least these comments are funny.

I don't think that the british are whingers.... it is just that we like to grumble a lot. We don't really take it to heart .. but other nationalities see it as whinging because that's what it would be in their country. Having a grumble is just a way of saying hello how are you. We will grumble about everything: weather too cold, or too hot; Americans; French; British; food, governments, tax, football, supermarkets, the cat, the goldfish, ... It's probably comparable to Thai's always talking about food.

This is mostly true, except for not taking it to heart. I love British humor, and I enjoy the company of many Brits. But at the same time, the English can be some of the most hateful, meanest ######s on the planet.

But, personally, when the Great Day comes, I would rather have my Karma calculated on the basis of the negative points earned for supporting Communism, than those earned by defending the wealthy who flee from paying taxes in the democratic country I call my own.

I despise those who support the half-brains who write diatribes denigrating so-called foreigners and immigrants in our Great British society.

And I loathe these pecuniary parasites who feel the need to criticise, in the vilest manner, those who have not been as fortunate as themselves.

Apart from that, I’m quite a nice guy, really.

Great post. I totally agree. I really do not understand people who villify genuine refugees. Unbelievable.

I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

I had every right to put that flag up there and defend my country as everyone was coming down on Americans for senseless reasons beyond our control. Normally, you would never see me even talking about America at all, let alone defending it. As the times go on though, I will no longer tolerate people labeling me or my compatriots as war-mongers, conservative neo-cons, loud-mouthed and ignorant just because of a government that I have no control over and didn't vote for. If you have had personal problems with an American before then you had problems with a HUMAN BEING that just happened to be American. Where they were born has little to do with anything. All Americans are not how you are generalizing and I certainly am not.

You will never see me criticizing England or any other country for the many flaws that it may possess, and no matter which country you come from, it is flawed no matter what you say. What good is it going to do anyone to point out the things that you feel are negative about a place? Will it change anything? Hardly. If someone were to ask me about England, I would feel inclined to tell them about all the things I like about the place and not the things I don't like. I like how a majority of the English are well-mannered. I like how you have betting parlors everywhere and its not frowned upon. I like puddings very much. You see, it's not so hard to be positive is it?

If you want to be a negative jerk-off all your life than that's you perogative. If so, I still want you to kiss my Red, White and Blue A**!!!!!!!!!!!


What a typical yank! You've just proved the point to a tee that someone else made earlier about Yanks not being able to laugh at themselves. I have many American friends but it's the country's attitude as a whole that gets up the world's nose. Lighten up jerk-off! and in your own words you can kiss MY red, white and blue ass.

You see, the issue here, is that your comment was not funny or made in jest. It was just a mean-spirited jab which you then tried to pass off as humor. You have proven no point except for the fact that you enjoy bashing Americans. And you have proven this point by revealing your reasoning that Britian is one of the most beautiful islands in the world :D

*(Sorry to the Scots and Irish, which is why I have a problem applying everything to "Britain").

What about the taffs...they can't be happy that you left them out. :D

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What about the taffs...they can't be happy that you left them out. :o

All Taffs, are oblivious of what is written in TV, because, after 30 years of hanging our heads in shame, we are either returning to the green, green grass of home or at least ensuring we have enough of the readies to travel to the Millennium stadium and other grounds to sing “Bread of Heaven” at the top of our voices when Wales, the Six Nations Champions, take to the pitch.

Either that or we are too pissed to care, still celebrating the Glorious Victory, having, at long last, experienced Nirvana.

We are the Great in Great Britain, without a doubt.

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What a typical yank! You've just proved the point to a tee that someone else made earlier about Yanks not being able to laugh at themselves. I have many American friends but it's the country's attitude as a whole that gets up the world's nose. Lighten up jerk-off! and in your own words you can kiss MY red, white and blue ass.

You see, the issue here, is that your comment was not funny or made in jest. It was just a mean-spirited jab which you then tried to pass off as humor. You have proven no point except for the fact that you enjoy bashing Americans. And you have proven this point by revealing your reasoning that Britian is one of the most beautiful islands in the world :o

Thank you dear Kat, the voice of reason. I have given up trying to explain it any further.

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What about the taffs...they can't be happy that you left them out. :D

All Taffs, are oblivious of what is written in TV, because, after 30 years of hanging our heads in shame, we are either returning to the green, green grass of home or at least ensuring we have enough of the readies to travel to the Millennium stadium and other grounds to sing “Bread of Heaven” at the top of our voices when Wales, the Six Nations Champions, take to the pitch.

Either that or we are too pissed to care, still celebrating the Glorious Victory, having, at long last, experienced Nirvana.

We are the Great in Great Britain, without a doubt.

:o Ahh the dragon... :D

Edited by britmaveric
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The friends I have who are British say it is because England is a dreary, wet, dismal little crap island with high taxes, skanky women and dreadful food. :o

They say Thailand is wonderful because the weather is great, food is good, things are cheap, taxes low to non-existant and of course the women fantastic. Mind you, this is not what I am saying; I am not British and don't live in Britain. This is what


Your British friends say because England is blah, blah? So Scotland and Wales aren't part of Britain and with that assumption the aforementioned aren't dreary and don't have skanky women as well?

Britain is possibly the world's most beautiful island if people actually get off their asses and have a look around it. But unfortunately most visitors stick with London and the home counties and a quick dash to the Lakes. Yeah, it's wet and miserable at times, taxes in line with other developed nations, women can be awful but there's some beauties, but the food certainly ain't crap. Having someone who know's how to cook the myriad of wholesome dishes may help.

The reason I'm here is wife and kid, easy living and none of the over-the-top pc crap that is rife in Europe, oh and to get away from boring Europe. As far as nightlife goes, Thailand is great, but take away the women and you haven't got much. Nightlife in the UK is unbeatable, you'll be spoilt for choice by the plethora of bars, pubs and clubs, and of course choice of beer and REAL ale, and you may even come across a half decent dolly-bird from time to time.

Peder, do you know where 'limey' comes from? No Googling!

I could post the Unoin Jack but wouldn't want to be seeing as getting on my high horse...Illuminati

Absolutely - Britain is one of the most gorgeous places in the world - no, I'm not kidding - but it does get more than it's fair share of pretty awful weather - but try summer - and it's fantastic. Loads of great little pubs, beautiful scenery (try the South West), and lot's of real history, right there in front of you. The roads are generally good too...

The food's very good, and I will not attempt to compare Thai and British cuisines - the two are totally different - thank goodness - so we can enjoy both as and when we feel like it.

Why do we have so many "UK style" pubs in Bangkok if we all hated the place so much?

The nightlife in Thailand is very good, and the ladies are lovely, but I have seen a few very tasty ladies in the UK too...not many I grant you...but they do exist.

...having said all that, I am really trying to point out the differences are what make both places great for different reasons. For sure I prefer to live in Thailand, and visit the western countries when I feel the need - so it's possibly the best of both worlds... :D

Edited by Greer
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The friends I have who are British say it is because England is a dreary, wet, dismal little crap island with high taxes, skanky women and dreadful food. :D

They say Thailand is wonderful because the weather is great, food is good, things are cheap, taxes low to non-existant and of course the women fantastic. Mind you, this is not what I am saying; I am not British and don't live in Britain. This is what


That just about sums it up ..... I was gonna reply but no need now.. :D

totster - posting from the dreary, wet, dismal little crap island with high taxes, skanky women and dreadful food. :o:D

same as.Roscoe

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