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Why Can't People Accept The Truth?


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first of all OP check your typing,lots of typing mistakes(not a big issue) :)

yes thais can't accept truth,its 1000000% nothing but the truth.

Not a big issue!!!! Why say anything then? Did you understand the topic? There are way too many nerd police on TV!

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2. Divide and rule. They love to keep each other down and hate to see anyone break free and make even a moderate success of their lives.

Thats the same here in the UK. Probably the same all over the world. Just depends on who you choose to suround yourself with really. These people obviousley have inferiority issues and are not selfless. It's a real flaw in a persons character to see this.

It is common in the UK, it's endemic here. Not nice I agree.

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I think I would really like your mom. She is/was an astute woman. That line of hers is so true. I don't worry about what others think. If I did I wouldn't post pictures and make fun of myself. But, I DO enjoy irritating a few self righteous, bigoted ones.

I remember reading a few years back an interview with one of Henry Ford's family where they asked how the old man dealt with gossip etc. They said Henry never gave a single thought to such things as he didn't want to give people the satisfaction that their words had affected him in some way.

I don't often read things where I think "Spot on" but I feel these are wise words indeed.

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It is probably some of these papers (MBA etc.) you can buy on the Internet. For a few US$, you can be a professor in a couple of days. At least on the paper.

Hmmm, ok.... I was not aware you can buy that online, but have googled it, and its just as easy

to make your own certificate and print it off on some expensive paper.

All I can say is, it is highly unlikely you are going to be employed in senior management with a bogus

degree from an unknown university, especially on an expat package (car, apartment, per diem, bills,

salary, etc) - hiring managers do DD and background checks, including reference checks to the faculty

where one has studied. Of course, this is for specialist & management jobs, not for KFC, of which I

cannot speak of.

Please dont make fun of people studying and pursuing higher education, the pursuit of knowledge is

a noble pursuit.

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The poor girl is trying to survive...... At least she's not using any of you as an ATM.

After a short while of navel contemplation on your comment , I came to the conclusion that there is one certain person in our midst that is on a vendetta to aleviate her predicament , he has already been on a 'Sniffing' reconoitre .

Tally Hoe , good hunting chaps , seems he would like the(peiceof) tail from this foxy maiden .

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Has anyone ever met a Thai girl outside of a bar or sin city for the very first time and had her say, "Hello, my name is xxxx and I am a prostitute"

What single girl in her right mind would ever admit that to a person she is meeting for the first time?

You might be surprised if you live in a small village how much the villagers know.

They don't have much to do with their time accept gossip and be nosey.

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Has anyone ever met a Thai girl outside of a bar or sin city for the very first time and had her say, "Hello, my name is xxxx and I am a prostitute"

What single girl in her right mind would ever admit that to a person she is meeting for the first time?

You might be surprised if you live in a small village how much the villagers know.

They don't have much to do with their time accept gossip and be nosey.

As you know so much about village life and gossip.......you will also be aware, that what they do not know.....they make up.. :) .

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I told them If they visit me, I divorce, and then my wife will not get my life insurance money or her widow pension when I die. If that's what they want, just come!

So you're financially blackmailing your wife and you feel good about it ?

Ask her how she feels about it.

Was thinkng about the same.

Another thing is, if her family really is a bad family, and that is the reason for not wanting to be in touch with them.

Not exactly a smart chess move talking about a pontential life insurance (widow pension)?


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Yah, it's a dam_n shame. It's really one of the things that is becoming worse about Asia. Any woman that mingles even in business around white folks is a target of much gossip, stares. And just think, that girl is putting in good work at a low salary while the others are sitting on their asses in the countryside.

And she is probably sending money home to them! It is a dam_n shame!

This might be the issue here.

There are a few "beauticians/hair dressers" that send a substancial amount of money back.

A bit more money one might expect earning in that job.

In the past, it was some sort of public secret what a girl might do when she was in the city, and she returned with a gold bracelet, gifts, and some extra cash.

But normally the family and relatives would never ask any questions, since they also gained from it.

Neighbours that didnt have any "lucky" daughters would sometimes be a bit jealous.

For what we know, that might be the situation here.

In other words, same same as all other smaller communities all over the world.

Including the western world.

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Shame on the people for gossiping even if true but everyone does it to some degree.

The girl has no shame regardless if she is, was or will be in the business. Her choice of career and her body.

It does not look good to follow up with this girl when you are already involved. Keep sharp objects away from your gf.

Being from Issan and working in a bar seems to be the norm from what I have learned on TV, but I do not want to gossip or make general statements that are not true...ooops

Shame on me

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Well, I'm seconding ThailandTommy with regards to malicious intent on breaking up a relationship. This can be done in some underhanded and devious way, involving gossip which leads to loss of face.

Germans are well known for Schadenfreude, too. You wouldn't belive the silly race in some small street to be #1. Most expensive car etc.

OP, keep working on correcting this nasty rumor.

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The quote from Henry Ford above is an excellent quote.

Well done to the OP for smelling out bull crap and politely and correctly confirming for himself as any open thinking person should that that was what it was.

Two girls from the same Isaan village but with very different attitudes. If I was in the OP's shoes right now I would be reconsidering my choice of GF given her "bad mouthing" a fellow village girl, for what ever lame duck reason she could put forward. You want that attitude around you for the rest of your life?

Actually I don't know which is worst - the jealous bad mouthing Isaan village woman or some of the posters on this site who's intelligence it is beyond that an everyday Isaan village girl can speak English OK . Would suggest that some broaden their relationships beyond go-go bars pro's :)

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If they're gossiping about you then that at least means you're interesting enough to be gossiped about rather than boring like them

that is the quote of the week, and i shall translate to hebrew and post on the kibbutz bulletin board and our internal weekly braodsheet; obviously most of u dont live or never have lived in a very small parochial town. try living on kibbutz or moshav and 'yee shall taste of the evils of the wagging tongue'... ive been impregnated, aborted, am currently pregnant with twins, cuckolded, committed adultery , am leaving the kibbutz, am adotping a child, my husband married me for my visa, am leaving my present job, am taking mrs. xxx's place at her job etcetera etcetera etcetera............. :):D

non of that true of course, but kibbutz is small, life for the most part is humdrum and the main dining hall is a great place to partially hear snippets of conversations about people and jump to wrong conclusions. same same any small village anywhere.

OTH, the thais say 'tee muu baan mai mee kwam laap' (in the village there are no secrets)-- so sometimes u have to weed through the junk to get to the truth, which might be as mundane as someone seeing nang dam talking with a man in the coffee shop and she comes home with a new cell phone. however the teller of the story already does the evil 'ass uming ' about someone, and there u go-- yet an other good piece of gossip made out of a mildly true event.

and of course most villagers in most countries believe in juicier gossip rather than dull boring mundane truth. on kibbutz we have some women that we call CNN because they 'always know the latest news' even if it isnt true.

live in a small town, u have to learn that u cant change the gossip mongers, most people will believe the dirtier lie (me included, i just found out that some gossip i had heard over and over again about my boss about some event from years ago actually was nothing like what really happened. and i thought that i was above believing malicious gossip and i had done her a disservice by believing the gossip ).

so, OP give your girlfreind a break for believing. give the villagers a break also. and as we say here, the best way to fight fire is with fire, by starting counter rumours. its a fine art, and one i am not good at, but am getting better at each year as going on 30 yrs life on kibbutz.



and wil u all stop bickering about spelling and such. its like dealing with little boys in kindergarten. get back on topic. again.

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Lets all be honest here, some of you are as bad as those in the village, why the need for private detective work? What this girl does in her life is none of anbody's bloody business. Let her get on with her life, she seems nice let her be. Most of the young girls at Uni in Bangkok earn 30k per month as hookers at night. What she does is up to her you will never stop the elders in the village having a good gossip.

Well said Tigs!


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like i said jpolen:

for someone who spends their time at nana and around pro's, you have answered all my questions about yourself.

i dont know anything about SAS or CIA, that's fantasies apparently only your hear at nana

The quoted post is a great advertisement for the Australian universities where you undertook your academic studies my friend! :)

I guess have to explain it more slowly for you so you understand - the OP mentioned that in his visits to Nana many

foreigners claim they are SAS or CIA or similar. What I am saying, because my circle of friends is quite different to the

OP's, and I do not hang around at Nana and the like, I do not meet people who claim they are SAS or CIA, hence I do

not know anything about SAS or CIA in Thailand. I hope that is clear for you now, if not, I can explain in more detail.

And yes, the Australian universities where I undertook my studies: RMIT University, Monash University, and the

Australian National University are excellent, world class institutions with stringent entry criteria, if you need some pointers

on the application process let me know.

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Well, I'm seconding ThailandTommy with regards to malicious intent on breaking up a relationship. This can be done in some underhanded and devious way, involving gossip which leads to loss of face.

OP, keep working on correcting this nasty rumor.

My other half has a circle of "friends" who are not shy in telling her how she could / should do better for herself by meeting a younger / more handsome / richer man. Presumable one who will hand over large chunks of money with no questions asked...

Amateur matchmaking.

It seems to be really important to show off the biggest ugliest heaviest piece of gold, to prove success.

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jpolten, you should try to structure some more intelligent arguments, apart from

concentrating on my tertiary education, every one of your posts to me you have

mentioned my degrees!! - what has got you so envious anyways? that I have studied

more than you? or does it make you feel like a big british man to put someone down

because they are more educated than you? Once you get even a little close to my expat

package $, then we can talk.

Here's a few brief references to SAS and CIA that my script has picked up,

seems too many people watched Rambo 4 recently:


Retired SAS, now with MI5.... He met her when he was training the US Special forces


Probably ex-SAS as well.


Most of the farang I bump into at Nana are straight wildly hetro ex SAS or CIA services.


If anyone is bragging about being ex CIA or SAS and you believe them you are the fool!

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OP : I would have done exactly the same as you did in the situation you described.

Mr. PHD and others whose wifes/gf's would have a problem with what the OP did:

wake up and smell the COFFEE ; your wife/gf does not trust you at all if such a minor issue (checking the truth of a story/rumour) becomes a reason for "CIA/SAS" style interrogation by the respective wife/gf!! If my wife/gf would react like that she would be out of the door immediately. No time for silly jealousy!

Spelling CIA: i am not a native english speaker so don't bother

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Lets all be honest here, some of you are as bad as those in the village, why the need for private detective work? What this girl does in her life is none of anbody's bloody business. Let her get on with her life, she seems nice let her be. Most of the young girls at Uni in Bangkok earn 30k per month as hookers at night. What she does is up to her you will never stop the elders in the village having a good gossip.

Well said Tigs!


good points.

These freelancer uni types finish with farangs too

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I can see how many of you have spent serious amounts of time in a very small village by your posts. People in small villages gossip, they have nothing better to do, what they don't know they fabricate. Its a fact of life, regardless of what small village you live in. gossip makes the world go round.

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Lets all be honest here, some of you are as bad as those in the village, why the need for private detective work? What this girl does in her life is none of anbody's bloody business. Let her get on with her life, she seems nice let her be. Most of the young girls at Uni in Bangkok earn 30k per month as hookers at night. What she does is up to her you will never stop the elders in the village having a good gossip.


(exept the uni hooker statement.... I can't speak form expereince on that) :)

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jpolten, you should try to structure some more intelligent arguments, apart from

concentrating on my tertiary education, every one of your posts to me you have

mentioned my degrees!! - what has got you so envious anyways? that I have studied

more than you? or does it make you feel like a big british man to put someone down

because they are more educated than you? Once you get even a little close to my expat

package $, then we can talk.

Here's a few brief references to SAS and CIA that my script has picked up,

seems too many people watched Rambo 4 recently:


Retired SAS, now with MI5.... He met her when he was training the US Special forces


Probably ex-SAS as well.


Most of the farang I bump into at Nana are straight wildly hetro ex SAS or CIA services.


If anyone is bragging about being ex CIA or SAS and you believe them you are the fool!

Please don't come close to my package :):D

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nasajsc: you seem awfully full of yourself. Why do you end up using your educational background and the size of your expat package as some sort of justification for your opinions, spelling or anything for that matter? You must feel terribly insecure about both yourself and your wife having to resort to these tactics on an ANONYMOUS forum!! Silly and childish.

The OP has every right to do whatever he feels like and in this particular case many people would have done the same. Their motivations may differ; curiosity, physical attraction, wanting to know the truth, etc.. Why would visiting the Nana area make anybody worse or better than anyone else? Many offices in the area besides the foreigner oriented "entertainment". I wonder how someone so single and narrow minded could ever and up in a senior management role? Not in my company!

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  • 3 months later...

Anyone who has lived in a Thai Village for any length of time will understand the amount of idle unfounded gossip that

gets passed around,its got to the stage of almost being a National sport,and fiercely competitive for those that can add

that extra little contribution to make it a perfect piece of gossip,without it being traced back and causing problems for

the muck spreaders.

Boredom is what its all about,and the seniority of recognition for knowing something your neighbour does'nt, so your status rises accordingly

As someone once said "Knowledge is Power"

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Anyone who has lived in a Thai Village for any length of time will understand the amount of idle unfounded gossip that

gets passed around,its got to the stage of almost being a National sport,and fiercely competitive for those that can add

that extra little contribution to make it a perfect piece of gossip,without it being traced back and causing problems for

the muck spreaders.

Boredom is what its all about,and the seniority of recognition for knowing something your neighbour does'nt, so your status rises accordingly

As someone once said "Knowledge is Power"

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