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Thaksin Accused Media Of Launching Negative Campaigns


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At least Thaksin is mentioning Thailand's weakest media concerns indeed. The Nation is neither well known for it analyses, it's independence and it's investigative journalism. The mentioned press is more concerned about the well being of the Airport occupiers and the art of wiping car bombs under the carpet. But than again I argued it many times the Thai press is intellectually lazy and journalists do not have any code of honor. If one of them is raped by a certain Vice prime Minister in a Bangkok hotel they report on it, only to be told by their bosses that they cannot do so, after which they fall silent. If this is the case by a relatively small and easy subject their is no reason to assume that anything we read in the Thai press is worth the paper it is printed on. I deeply distrust any Thai newspaper. Pro or Anti Thaksin, left or right. You need numerous sources to figure out what might possibly be the truth behind something in this country.

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Mr Thaksin or Taki shenegra?

Is that really a question?

In case you don't know, the correct answer is Thaksin. The "Taki" name was on a fake passport which fooled even some of the early posters on TV though they are now having to distance them from it. You can check facebook too if you want independent information. I suppose you know who started the "Taki" rumour.

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Thaksin tried to heavily control and make biased these same journals and media outlets.

He has only himself to blame if they hate his guts. He reaps what he has sown.

His hypocrisies are laid bare for all to see. Boohoo to his crocodile tears.

So two wrongs make a right?

Your hatred for the man is blinkering your vision as usual.

I agree but what I don't understand, really I don't, is how these people don't use sources other than tv and the nation to get their facts. don't they think for themselves and critically examine "facts", I'd appreciate your comments oberkommando. what is it with these guys.

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In case you don't know, the correct answer is Thaksin. The "Taki" name was on a fake passport which fooled even some of the early posters on TV though they are now having to distance them from it. You can check facebook too if you want independent information. I suppose you know who started the "Taki" rumour.

I thought this had been confirmed by the ministry for foreign affairs?

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The current unelected unpopular Gov't needs to go. We need Taksin back like the good olde days. The Current PM may have been born in the Uk and educated at Oxford, but is a phony. The Military are the ones really ruling the country. Sontee is a trouble maker since 2005, he needs to be arrested.

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Your hatred for the man is blinkering your vision as usual.

... and your devotion to him has blinkered yours :)

A man who is a snake enough to cowardly evade his own country, then help cambodia?? And to think that people actually believe him.....he's such a joke.

One person pointed out on the post he never says anything positive, man so true. Its always belligerent words and fighting back and revenge and all of these sorts of concepts. The media oughta just pretend he doesn't exist.

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Thaksin tried to heavily control and make biased these same journals and media outlets.

He has only himself to blame if they hate his guts. He reaps what he has sown.

His hypocrisies are laid bare for all to see. Boohoo to his crocodile tears.

So two wrongs make a right?

Your hatred for the man is blinkering your vision as usual.

I agree but what I don't understand, really I don't, is how these people don't use sources other than tv and the nation to get their facts. don't they think for themselves and critically examine "facts", I'd appreciate your comments oberkommando. what is it with these guys.

You are both making blanket assumptions and then blythely go

about your posting as if those assumptions are facts.

Assume away it only makes you look less clear on you points.

If some official tried to ruin my business I wouldn't like him,

but I guess you would if he was for your politics and I wasn't.

And yet the nutter still gets most ALL of his announcements in ALL the papers,

no matter who negative and insulting to the government and even higher.

So where is the second wrong/ When is he being censored,

and truth about his statements shut out?

Or is it because he isn't being handed back his old status and all is forgiven.

I can see between the old guard zealots and the newbies,

and assorted retreads coming out of the walls ON SCHEDULE.

the mods are in for a very bumpy ride this next month or so.

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Thaksin is has a point though, the publications he mentions, one of which sponsors this forum (and not surprisingly the majority of responses here parrot the anti-Thaksin agenda of said publication), are all heavily controlled, influenced and bias against him.

Ignoring the usual trite and boring anti-Thaksin nonsense for a minute, we should concentrate on the real issue at hand, and that is lack of freedom of the press in Thailand, and their political bias, which is influenced by the same groups bent on denying democratic process and due process in their country.

Thaksin also points out the hypocrisy of this government when it comes to justice, something clearly evident in the case of the alleged murdering Police officer he mentions.

Whatever Thaksin's failings or his aims, you simply cannot deny that he is on the money with this one.

The lack of freedom of the press and political bias!

Nearly everyday the main cartoon in The Daily News, the second largest selling paper in Thailand, has its main cartoon strip lampooning Apisit. today he's sitting on a tank, the implications of army backing are obvious. Sometimes he's a puppet, the strings being pulled by the army.

Thai TV carries reports of every red demonstration, however small, explaining their grievances.

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Everybody deserves a fair impartial hearing, its a fundemental of democracy.

but In the media that is colour dependant

And In the courts that is also colour dependant.

Now is not the time for wise words, now is the time for fairness and impartiality, ie democracy.

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Sorry for my ignorance, but who is Thaksin?

He's a minimart owner in Pattaya who once shortchanged a TVF member 1 baht over a bottle of Leo. As we all know it couldn't have possibly been a genuine oversight but was a typical Thai "scam/rip-off/cheat the foreigner/another nail in the coffin for Thai tourism/they don't want us here only our money " situation poor Thaksin has become something of a whipping boy on this forum.

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Everybody deserves a fair impartial hearing, its a fundemental of democracy.

but In the media that is colour dependant

And In the courts that is also colour dependant.

Now is not the time for wise words, now is the time for fairness and impartiality, ie democracy.

Fairness and impartiality mean considering the evidence of the case, not being swayed by threats of chaos and revolution by Thaksin's family members. I don't see democracy as part of this.

Look to see why Thaksin changed certain laws and which companies benefited.

Policy corruption.

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Everybody deserves a fair impartial hearing, its a fundemental of democracy.

but In the media that is colour dependant

And In the courts that is also colour dependant.

Now is not the time for wise words, now is the time for fairness and impartiality, ie democracy.

Fairness and impartiality mean considering the evidence of the case, not being swayed by threats of chaos and revolution by Thaksin's family members. I don't see democracy as part of this.

Look to see why Thaksin changed certain laws and which companies benefited.

Policy corruption.

And Thaksin is getting his day in court.

That is fair.

HRM asked for the judges to do their duty as the law is written.

That's fair.

Not giving in to the threats of chaos which are all coming from

the Thaksin partisan side is what is expected from the courts.

That is fair.

The media doesn't make the choice of conviction or not,

and no color should have any say in the judges deliberations.

That's fair.

When the courts let him off in 2001, which started us down this course,

there were no colors, but the same group now called reds

pressured the court and got their deal. Bad business.

That wasn't fair

The results of that bad decisions years on

are not fair for the country.

That his likelihood of conviction is high is not from unfairness,

but from the obvious facts of the case, he was more corrupt than he could hide.

For Thaksin fair is if he gets his way, unfair is if he doesn't.

And he has plenty of money to try and tell us what he thinks is fair.

But we can be fair and not believe it just because it is repeated over and over.

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Everybody deserves a fair impartial hearing, its a fundemental of democracy.

but In the media that is colour dependant

And In the courts that is also colour dependant.

Now is not the time for wise words, now is the time for fairness and impartiality, ie democracy.

Fairness and impartiality mean considering the evidence of the case, not being swayed by threats of chaos and revolution by Thaksin's family members. I don't see democracy as part of this.

Look to see why Thaksin changed certain laws and which companies benefited.

Policy corruption.

And Thaksin is getting his day in court.

That is fair.

fairness for him?? he had his chance, then he escapes his homeland just to spew forth evil, greed, and menacing threats. let alone all the innocent deaths on the war on drugs. where would you insert the word "fair" for this guy??? no one could more singlehandedly define the term "weael"

all those poor farmers who got cheated, gettin' (some) of their tax money back and thinking they're getting money and loans from his generosity.

doesn't matter what the media says, there is no escaping all the mass corruption, you'd have to be blind and deaf not to recognize a Tyrant with a capital "T"

HRM asked for the judges to do their duty as the law is written.

That's fair.

Not giving in to the threats of chaos which are all coming from

the Thaksin partisan side is what is expected from the courts.

That is fair.

The media doesn't make the choice of conviction or not,

and no color should have any say in the judges deliberations.

That's fair.

When the courts let him off in 2001, which started us down this course,

there were no colors, but the same group now called reds

pressured the court and got their deal. Bad business.

That wasn't fair

The results of that bad decisions years on

are not fair for the country.

That his likelihood of conviction is high is not from unfairness,

but from the obvious facts of the case, he was more corrupt than he could hide.

For Thaksin fair is if he gets his way, unfair is if he doesn't.

And he has plenty of money to try and tell us what he thinks is fair.

But we can be fair and not believe it just because it is repeated over and over.

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