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I had a Red Eared Slider. He was too young to know his sex but I chose to think he was a guy, so I named him Tony the Turtle.

Anyway, my mate invited me for a BBQ and for some strange reason I teneded to take Tony with me everywhere I went, even to the Pub. He provided a lot of amusement, and like a dog he would follow me everywhere, on the floor or in the tank he would follow me.

I dont know how this will sound but we had a great relationship.

Anyway, I took him to my mates BBQ, as he told me he had just filled his fish pond and Tony might like to stratch his limbs a bit.

I never saw him again.

It is possible he escaped, or unlikely?

The pond had some rather large Koi in it. But I thought Koi were not meat eaters. But Tony has gone.

Is it possible the Koi has eaten my Tony? his carapice is about as large as the top of a beer can.

Could the Koi eat the carapice too? as no trace of him has been found.

I know it stupid, but I really miss that guy.


They sell those turtles here by my house for 30 baht

And then?

The problem is, you develop a bond with your pets.

You spend every day taking care of them.

You grow to love them.. You want to take care of them.

My little guy bonded with me too, I am sure of it.

He followed me everywhere. I know how stupid it sounds. But he did.

If you knew me you know this is not something I would not normally do, but I did, i got attached emotionally to this little guy.

It is a <deleted> turtle......

But anyway, I am lost him. Could the Koi have eaten him? and left no trace? or could he still be hiding somewhere?

He escaped once before and I found him behind the fridge.

Any thoughts?

...Tom Yam Turtle....i think

did they offer some soup at the BBQ??

Sorry Pal...I know it is just a turtle but he was my friend...

What does that say about my life?

Anyway, others keep dogs, or cats...I had a turtle.

I apologise for rudeness.


I had also one many years before, and I can feel with you.

And i was also very sad, when he didnt wake up again when springtime came.

I would really go and look again in your friends garden, I dont think, the Koi eat him.

Please dont misunderstand my joke about the soup....


My wife found a Red Eared Slider on the road outside the house, she brought it to our walled compound (2 1/2 rai)

and we put him in our fish pond, (big pond 500 fish and 50 koi) he spent the first few day walking around the compound then settled on nice shady spot for his home, sometimes when I check he is there other times he is out somewhere, I am sure your turtle is just fine and enjoying his new experience, if you were to spend time there I am certain you would find him, don't worry about him they are very hardy little people.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


i have many turtles and a couple live in my fish pond with large koi, everyone is happy but the turtle hides very well. you buddy is just keeping to himself, leave him home next time where he belongs

  • 2 months later...

He is back.


My mates wife was taking a shower a few weeks ago and got the fright of her life, there he was in the shower cubicle with her.

He must have been a bit scared because he is not quite the same as he used to be, he is the same terapin but his personality has changed and he no longer has any claws on his feet.

Anyway, i think he is happy to be home, he gets fed well, both manufactured turtle food, plus some mince and vegies type of food. We give him the odd small fish to eat too, he enjoys chasing them around the tank.

Well, this story ended well, except I have had to leave to go to work.

But Tony is home...alive and well.


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