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Farangs = more cash. Thailand is racist in most dealings whether it be for, or against, Farang or Thai.


Not just here though.I have an old mate who is half indian, with an Indian surname. While he was born in India, he can't speak the lingo and does not own an Indian passport. According to him, most of the 5 star Hotels in India have two rates..one for the locals and one for farang.the Indian rates can be half price. So when he's travelling there he books direct with the hotels. :o

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I think it depends on the appearance of said lady.

in what way exactly ?

a snake tatoo from neck to ankle perhaps :o

Lets be honest many guys on here don't know the difference between what a decent and non-decent lady looks like.

Perhaps I could lean on your vast experience to explain the difference to me. Most of the Thai people I have met in the last 12 years in Thailand look decent to me, from the lady and man who work in hotels and sweep the streets to the som tam lady and the people in the shops and villages. Perhaps I need new glasses. :D

Also in that time I have never had any problems booking into hotels in Thailand with my girlfriend/wife. :D

Farangs = more cash.

I think this is most likely to be the answer.

Maybe I've been lucky, but my partner and I have never experienced this kind of treatment anywhere in Thailand... and apart from the north, we've travelled and stayed in hotels in most of the provinces.

Taoism: shit happens

Buddhism: if shit happens, it isn't really shit

Islam: if shit happens, it is the will of Allah

Catholicism: if shit happens, you deserve it

Judaism: why does this shit always happen to us?

Atheism: I don't believe this shit

In my opinion this is a quite disgraceful way for Thai hotels to treat their own people.

Vote with your wallet - don't stay there, and tell loads of people. If they ever start to struggle financially they'll change their mind :o


I don't understand this problem - if we're going to a hotel on spec. I usually send the wife in ahead of me to negotiate the rate as we invariably get a better deal.

Never had a problem.

Nobody has ever made a snide remark at my wife and lived to tell the tale! :o


I've seen clear signs in some places on Khao San saying that Thai guests are not allowed. If someone is having trouble believing this situation, I just they stroll along and take a few random samples.

A couple of years ago when we had to resort to booking a coach from Samui, my ex-gf was refused for being Thai.

Also in Samui, we found we could't order from the hotel/restaurant in Thai - there were no Thai staff (all Burmese/Filipino, perhaps they don't risk being deported for theft?)

Racism based on nationality is bad enough, but when it's against people in their own country, it must really grate. I can understand why some Thais feel a bit of resentment.

P.S. Someone mentioned tourism offers for Thai residents - I've found they are available to farang residents too. I don't remember being asked for proof.

I think it depends on the appearance of said lady.

in what way exactly ?

a snake tatoo from neck to ankle perhaps :o

Lets be honest many guys on here don't know the difference between what a decent and non-decent lady looks like.

Looks like being the operative phrase:

Decent - dressed modestly, hair not dyed, no tattoo's showing, not covered with peirced extremities.

The visual differance can easily be determined.

As in any society first impressions are important and form the basis of most perceptions.

I think it depends on the appearance of said lady.

in what way exactly ?

a snake tatoo from neck to ankle perhaps :o

Lets be honest many guys on here don't know the difference between what a decent and non-decent lady looks like.

Looks like being the operative phrase:

Decent - dressed modestly, hair not dyed, no tattoo's showing, not covered with peirced extremities.

The visual differance can easily be determined.

As in any society first impressions are important and form the basis of most perceptions.

So from what you lot are saying Pornthip, the chief forensic scientist in Thailand,is not decent and would not be let into a lot of hotels. Bullsh1t Probably they size up the farang they're with first ( that's why I get trouble)

Looks like being the operative phrase:

Decent - dressed modestly, hair not dyed, no tattoo's showing, not covered with peirced extremities.

The visual differance can easily be determined.

As in any society first impressions are important and form the basis of most perceptions.

So if my wife decides to put a colour through her hair,then she is labled as a whore or if some Hiso shelia from TV has a tat, then she is a prostitute as well?

Perceptions is the word that you have used and so many Thais get it wrong.If a farang is married to a Thai, then the thai must be.....blah blah blah

It has never happened to me,but a part of me would almost welcome the challenge if it did. :o

In my opinion this is a quite disgraceful way for Thai hotels to treat their own people.

Vote with your wallet - don't stay there, and tell loads of people. If they ever start to struggle financially they'll change their mind :o

The trouble with voting with our wallets is that it's only the small resident farang population that are aware of this. Travel agents back in the west aren't likely to tell their customers "by the way, your chosen hotel is racist towards the locals, would you like to choose another?"

Mind you, a well-placed article in the Guardian-types and a bit of pressure towards the Thomas-Cooks, would make a difference. "Ethical tourism" is big business, even if it rarely quite hits the mark. Next time you meet a wandering journalist looking for an "angle"...

A Thai travel agent friend of ours always has to be mindful of my wife's nationality when booking us hotels for our usual 2 night stay in BKK prior to returning to the UK as many do not accept bookings for Thais, in particular Thai women. The usual excuse is that they are 'full', this happens too frequently with the same hotels to just be a coincidence. Also, last week we met a guy from the UK who stayed at the Diamond Cliff in Patong Beach in Phuket not so long ago and a married couple from Europe were checking in at the same time. They had paid for a package in advance via a European travel agent but when it came to checking in at the hotel the husband was told that although they could accept him as a guest they could not accept his wife as she was Thai. He complained profusely but to no avail so they had to stay at a different hotel.

In my opinion this is a quite disgraceful way for Thai hotels to treat their own people. I can understand that they may want to discourage certain elements but this goes far beyond that and would be viewed as racist in most european countries. I know hotels have a right to refuse to take a booking and not to give a reason but there are limits.

Has anyone else got any examples?

Yes your right...............Thai businesses do not like Thai customers,at least the big multi-national ones don't ( small businesses don't like customers full stop). We have been subject to snide remarks from staff in good quality hotels on numerous occaisions. The bigger and more expensive the hotel,the more chance you have of being on the receiving end of abuse. Normally we combat this by presenting my wifes British Passport,when the hotel asks for her Identity card. Other firms have this attitude toward their own Nationals as well. My wife will not fly Thai Air International for that very reason for that very reason.

Snap - at all the hotels we have stayed in in BKK my wife complains that the reception staff give her 'funny' looks, as if they are doing her a massive favour. Not nice in one's own country.


I am gonna be Thaied up tonight and tomorrow with the election and depending on what happens around 3-00am on Friday morning will be jumping up and down Lanna Tie style or sleeping it off (miz sod)Khmer Blew ....a banhya ha...lei high mode :D ......wait and see.

Friday night should have recovered.... :o

Did you get to the spotlight in Chiang Mai?

I am gonna be Thaied up tonight and tomorrow with the election and depending on what happens around 3-00am on Friday morning will be jumping up and down Lanna Tie style or sleeping it off (miz sod)Khmer Blew ....a banhya ha...lei high mode :D ......wait and see.

Friday night should have recovered.... :o

Did you get to the spotlight in Chiang Mai?

Didn't get to CM at all. Got the kids this W/E so catch up soon.



After reading all the stories I can safely say nothing like any of you described has ever happened to me or any girls I have stayed at hotels with.

I do however boycott Thai Air for the reason that they treat you like sardines.

After reading all the stories I can safely say nothing like any of you described has ever happened to me or any girls I have stayed at hotels with.

I do however boycott Thai Air for the reason that they treat you like sardines.

Dunno last time I use Thai Air - I felt special!!! :o (soon to confirm if it was a one off)


Looks like being the operative phrase:

Decent - dressed modestly, hair not dyed, no tattoo's showing, not covered with peirced extremities.

The visual differance can easily be determined.

As in any society first impressions are important and form the basis of most perceptions.

So if my wife decides to put a colour through her hair,then she is labled as a whore or if some Hiso shelia from TV has a tat, then she is a prostitute as well?

Perceptions is the word that you have used and so many Thais get it wrong.If a farang is married to a Thai, then the thai must be.....blah blah blah

It has never happened to me,but a part of me would almost welcome the challenge if it did. :o

Unfortunatley when confofronted with a conservative person or a hotel receptionists jealousy this perception will continue to develop. And even more unforualtely the TG who is being targeted will nearly always perceive the attacker to be their superior (culture again) and hardly ever fight back when challenged.

It is a fact of life in Thai society it is still class ridden.

After reading all the stories I can safely say nothing like any of you described has ever happened to me or any girls I have stayed at hotels with.

I do however boycott Thai Air for the reason that they treat you like sardines.

Eh..!! :D

They have one of if not the best leg room (seat pitch) in the industry... can't see how that is treating you like "sardines".. :D

totster :o


I've never had a probem checking in to a hotel with my GF when we have checked in together. The only time I ever had a problem when my GF and I wanted to stay at Asia Hotel Pattaya, and had arrived separately. I had a day off, so I drove down in the morning and checked in, she drove down in the evening after work. She was treated like a BG, and they demanded a huge "joiner" fee. Asia hotel sucks in a big big way. They have security guards on every floor monitoring activity... watching for girls being sneaked in. My GF had to show a pass just to enter / exit the elevator.

We checked out the next morning and went to a cheap BG hotel. (If you can't beat them- join them!)

I work in the tourist industry, and my company holds contracts with many Thai hotels. They seriously do discourage Thai customers by preparing the contract in "markets". International market is always cheaper- Thai market is rack rate if there is a Thai market quoted at all.

The reason I have given is that Thai people will over-occupy the rooms... bring the whole family and sleep on the floor. Also they tell me about problems with Thai people cooking in the rooms.

I can kinda see their point in these aspects, but it still makes me angry as it smacks of racism. Especially so when you are negotiating with a Thai hotel manager / marketing representative and they are refusing their own people!

The reason I have given is that Thai people will over-occupy the rooms... bring the whole family and sleep on the floor. Also they tell me about problems with Thai people cooking in the rooms.

Well I can't forsee that excuse being valid at the Dusit Thani...Or would it?

Goes to show that the culture of this nation is bizarre, they have material wealth, fast cars but cooking in rooms? That's a habit some destitue family from the slums would get up to surely, not a well-heeled hiso family?


The reason I have given is that Thai people will over-occupy the rooms... bring the whole family and sleep on the floor. Also they tell me about problems with Thai people cooking in the rooms.

Well I can't forsee that excuse being valid at the Dusit Thani...Or would it?

Goes to show that the culture of this nation is bizarre, they have material wealth, fast cars but cooking in rooms? That's a habit some destitue family from the slums would get up to surely, not a well-heeled hiso family?

It does indeed apply to all of the "better" hotels in Thailand. They are the most protective in this sense.

The truly well heeled Thai Hi-So family will have a house in Hua Hin, Jomtien etc. and not stay in a hotel. The other 95% tend to treat each other quite equally and fairly, on the same level. Surely we have all seen a pickup truck loaded to the max with Thai people stuffed in the cab and sitting in the back on the highway going on vacation. Said pickup truck will also have everything they need... foam mattresses, cooking equipment, etc. to have a holiday that everone can enjoy.

Having said this- I'm not knocking it. I've joined them on more than a few occasions, and had a great time.


The reason I have given is that Thai people will over-occupy the rooms... bring the whole family and sleep on the floor. Also they tell me about problems with Thai people cooking in the rooms.

Well I can't forsee that excuse being valid at the Dusit Thani...Or would it?

Goes to show that the culture of this nation is bizarre, they have material wealth, fast cars but cooking in rooms? That's a habit some destitue family from the slums would get up to surely, not a well-heeled hiso family?

Pat, are you suggesting that the Dusit Thani is one of the dicriminating hotels?? Going to the Club Canada Ball on sat, maybe they won't let my wife in .... now that will be one for the papers.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

Pat, are you suggesting that the Dusit Thani is one of the dicriminating hotels?? Going to the Club Canada Ball on sat, maybe they won't let my wife in .... now that will be one for the papers.

DJ Pat didn't say it. I did, and I'm afraid that the context of this topic has been misunderstood... to clarify;

The Dusit Thani or any hotel would not discriminate against your wife and prevent her from attending an event there, unless she shows up inappropriately attired.

She could face a problem if she called them and tried to reserve a room. The hotel would certainly be suspicious, question her about who will be staying in the room, number of guests, insist on a credit card payment up-front, and it is likely that they would charge her the full rack rate.

The top end hotels like Dusit Thani don't really fall into the discrimination category because of their rates. Their prices are simply unrealistic to most Thai people. The base room category has an internet rate of 145 USD ++, and a rack rate of 210 USD++. 145 USD is approx 5800 baht. This is a week's wages or even as much as a month's wages for a lot of Thai people, and they wouldn't dream of spending this kind of money.

The real culprits discriminating against Thai people are the 1000 to 2500 baht per night hotels in the tourist areas such as Pattaya and Phuket. It is realistic for 4-6 Thai people who earn 8000 per month to pay 2-300 each and get a 1200/night room to share.

The only time I ever had a problem when my GF and I wanted to stay at Asia Hotel Pattaya,

Just want to say I've stayed in the Asia twice. With my wife and never had a problem, they do charge falangs more though (but we got around this). There were quite a few Thais there when we were there and one time there was a thai convention there might be different managment or something....who knows.

The top end hotels like Dusit Thani don't really fall into the discrimination category because of their rates. Their prices are simply unrealistic to most Thai people. The base room category has an internet rate of 145 USD ++, and a rack rate of 210 USD++. 145 USD is approx 5800 baht. This is a week's wages or even as much as a month's wages for a lot of Thai people, and they wouldn't dream of spending this kind of money.

That's why it's called "top end."

I haven't heard of any Thais having any issues with the Dusit Thani.

Myself, I don't recall any issues with any hotels at all.



My Thai GF and i were never really "denied' at a hotel, but there were was an incident at one 4-star hotel (i mean 4-star beach hotel, not a luxury hotel). First the front desk wanted me to deposit 500 baht for the "extra room occupant". After i told them i booked/paid in advance for two people, showed them the receipt, etc. they sort of let go. Then the next thing was they requested my passport (i'm ok with that, no problem) and wanted to see her ID card. They give back my passport but claim they require her ID card as a security measure. I tell them she's my girlfriend, that i live in Thailand and that i'm not a tourist. But i'm ready to check-out now and go to a different hotel when they apologize and everything is OK again. Weird, huh.

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