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Unhinged Ex-wife


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Obviously change your phone number. Most Thais don't like the police coming around but that may well cost you and you don't know exactly what deal will be thrashed out. I would make a blog and send someone, even yourself, emails with notes of the last week or month. That way you establish a paper trail as evidence.

The bigger problems come with where you live or work. If you are in a small town, it may prove beneficial to move. Even in somewhere as large as Pattaya, if she knows where you used to hang out, then it would not be difficult to find you.

I had an older ex wife (not Thai) and even though she was into her 30s when we met, she holds it against me that she will never have children because of the time she spent with me. It screws with their heads and they blame you for everything. As first though you have to sever contact.

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Why did you tell her you have a girlfriend?? That's like throwing fuel on the fire. That's like ASKING for trouble.

They will be happy if THEY find someone new and YOU are alone, but if they find out YOU have someone and THEY are still alone... LOOK OUT!! Now you wish you never told her.

signed: That's why they call it HINDSITE

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Why did you tell her you have a girlfriend?? That's like throwing fuel on the fire. That's like ASKING for trouble.

They will be happy if THEY find someone new and YOU are alone, but if they find out YOU have someone and THEY are still alone... LOOK OUT!! Now you wish you never told her.

signed: That's why they call it HINDSITE

so true,it is a big mistake to tell them.

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She showed the ropes around here and now you running off with a girl her daughter's age?

Killing herself first should nt be any problem, so long as it not anywhere near where and your new gf lives, cos that would really spook off the new lady. Thais hate Pii, especially angry one.

I once dyed my hair blonde (remember I am black), started smoking, stopped shaving, and eventually took a long overland trip from soi morlene Bkk to penang, to batam, to jakarta and the back to sukhumvit 36, with a new phone number and kept to myself for a few months, just to lose the affection of a woman I never even was married to.

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If you want to keep the phone number, a friend of mine came up with a great idea. He had the same problem as you (except he never married her, thank god) and even though he moved to a different province, she kept calling.

He didn't want to change his number and have to renew numbers with all of his contacts, so whenever she called, he would just put the phone down, but leave it connected. That way, she would rave for a while, and then realize that no one was listening. If she did it for a while, it would eat up the minutes on her phone. She would try calling his phone with different numbers, but as soon as he heard her voice, he'd just leave the phone on the table for a while.

I guess she realized that it was costing her money to talk to dead air, so she gave up, and stopped calling. Brilliant! :)

I wouldn't worry too much, many Thai girls will go off once they find out you've met someone after them (even if they dump you). As an earlier poster said, it's all good if they meet someone else first, but otherwise they have lost face because you have someone new. Sever all contact, and after about 2 weeks to a month, she will leave you alone. (unless she drinks, then you'll get the late night drunk calls)

Good Luck!!

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Think and react strategically.

Make sure that if there was ever a court case that you have a picture of doing everything right and balanced.

e.g. Judge says "did you speak to anybody in her family?", or "Why didn't you report the matter to the police?", or "Have you suggested that she discuss the situation with a doctor?"etc.

Make sure you can answer these questions and more so that it shows you as having done everything correctly and in a balanced and caring way. Credibility.

As suggested, change your phone no and perhaps your address.

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If you are concerned that she may be able to find out where you live, then take steps to eliminate or minimise that possibility. If you are unable to move to another location, (due to work commitments etc), then convince your ex that you have moved! In my case, I rented another car that she would not recognise. I printed false namecards for my employer with an office address some 300km from my actual location. Completed the illusion by creating a fake website of my employer which includes a photo of me and the address on a desolate industrial estate at 300km distance.

Now, when my ex sends an email threatening to track me down, (I ignore her emails BTW), I can sleep peacefully, knowing that she is scouring the industrial estate for me... :)


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If you are concerned that she may be able to find out where you live, then take steps to eliminate or minimise that possibility. If you are unable to move to another location, (due to work commitments etc), then convince your ex that you have moved! In my case, I rented another car that she would not recognise. I printed false namecards for my employer with an office address some 300km from my actual location. Completed the illusion by creating a fake website of my employer which includes a photo of me and the address on a desolate industrial estate at 300km distance.

Now, when my ex sends an email threatening to track me down, (I ignore her emails BTW), I can sleep peacefully, knowing that she is scouring the industrial estate for me... :)


Simon...f*kc me mate....you must have been married to a really loonie as well then...to go all this trouble to get her off your back

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Hi, I live about 300 kms from Jomtien, on an industrial estate. Every few weeks we get this crazy woman banging on our door, looking for someone named Simon. Any ideas on how to stop this?

Yeah...PM Simon and ask for his new address, phone number and the license plate of his new car... :)

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How could you be so stupid??

Everyone (who's been here a while) knows exactly what 'love' :) is all about.

Hello F1 , are you posting in the wrong thread ? Sounds like the correct answer to a sin-sot question I read earlier , but the OP was in total denial , he calls it "Being in love with an honest woman second time around ". 555

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Sounds like a terrible situation, if i was in your boots I'd change my phone number and then tell her to go fuc_k herself.

Definately a Mentally unstable women,and sounds dangerous with it.

Only one answer when reasoning is not possible:

Take your wife and chattels and disappear somewhere where she cant find you both,and have no contact with her.

Only time can calm this situation down.

Log a complaint for harassment on then day you leave with the Police.

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If you are concerned that she may be able to find out where you live, then take steps to eliminate or minimise that possibility. If you are unable to move to another location, (due to work commitments etc), then convince your ex that you have moved! In my case, I rented another car that she would not recognise. I printed false namecards for my employer with an office address some 300km from my actual location. Completed the illusion by creating a fake website of my employer which includes a photo of me and the address on a desolate industrial estate at 300km distance.


Why just not build a giant base under a motorized false lake like a James Bond villain and be done with it Simon mate? :)

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Bear in mind the proverb "hel_l hath no fury than a woman scorned" so be carefull and protect yourself, make no further contact with her, change your phone number, if you are renting you accommodation change your address and move to the other end of town, keep a record of her behavier toward you, activities of scorned women are more dangerous in Thailand than in Western countries, and keep a low provile for a while both for youself and your new GF, thus to avoid the possibility of her being able to mobilze her family into action.

Good luck.

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you strike me as vacillating ....perhaps after 9 years part of you finds it difficult to let go...you still speak with her..perhaps you think this is the decent thing to do but actually it is cruel...you are telegraphing you still want her..anyway that's how she will interpret it....

Next time she calls tell her plainly ' i don't love you any more'....repeat it profusely....unless she is completely unhinged it will sink in

..she needs to hear this to move on as well..you have to completely kill any illusions you still care for her ..it is the kindest thing to do to someone in the longer term as it helps them move on....

...btw she sounds dangerous, I suggest you totally disappear, perhaps to a nunnery

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mca - not a bad idea. My ex was so unhinged that some 3 years ago, she insisted that I wrote on a piece of paper 'I confirm that xxxx is not mad - signed yyy husband'.

She carries this slip of paper in her handbag at all times, just in case someone accuses her of being mad ........ :)

That is the honest truth!


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Hmm - probably the first time when I had to call out the emergency ambulance to have her physically restrained and sedated

Life is a lot more uneventful since those days....


Uneventful is good, considering what you went through mate.

Cheers, Rick

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These birds are nutters but they do follow through, a friend of me missus was in a similar situation and had a small 5 year old child (not the farangs) she had no other familly.

when they split she threatened suicide and then actually drank toilet cleaner or rat poison not sure which as the story was a bit haywire, anyway she died a very slow bad death excruciating death worse part about this story is HOW the hel_l can she do that knowing the kid has no one else only her

They are mentally unstable and its not just a few of em

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If you get a skype account you can get a telephone number in another country - say Hong Kong - and tell her you have moved there.

When you use the skype acc to telephone thailand she will see the Hong Kong phone number.

When she phones the HK number to check she will be forwarded to your mobile in Thailand but will not know this.

You will have to ditch the Thai mobile sim or block her number.

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We have no children, thankfully. She is also 10 years older than me if that makes any difference.

It's pretty stressful.

You married a woman 10 years OLDER than you? That's got to be a rare case here. Sorry to say, but from all I have seen here, I would not touch marriage with ANY of these women. Unless you want to take them back home and you have no other options, I can see why some guys do. To live in Thailand with one? Not necessary.

Agree with you totally, a2396. I really love my new g/f but would not marry her. Why end a good relationship?


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You are the problem! If you keep talking to her, she will be in your life. Move , change your phone number. If your GF has a visa take a trip together, to Malaysia, Laos, etc.

Once she understands you are gone for good, she might except it and go on with her life.

As I said you are the problem!

If you really want it to be over cut off all contact with her, What she dose to herself, it is not your concern!

Grow Up !

Cheers: :)

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I heard this one from a half pissed Brit in a bar once (yeh i know) :) ....

Guys missus wouldnt leave him alone, didnt want to know about divorce, changed appartments but she showed up at his work ect ect

After 6 months dodging her he decides to take a holiday back home but before leaving he arranges a scary lookin thai guy from his previous work to go visit her with some elaborate story that he is from a "private debt collection service"

He waves around some phoney paperwork and tells her the hubby has fleed the country and owes 600,000 baht and if the debt is not cleared within 6 months, and if she is still married to him at that time, then the agency has no choice but to pursue her for liability of her share of the debt...through whatever means possible.

Guy reckons his missus already had a phone number for his brothers place in ol blighty and she was on the phone that night asking for a divorce :D

Probably a load of <deleted> but you gotta laugh :D

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