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Thai Competitor To Viagra Found?


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Forget fungus and/or Viagra; learn Tantra. I'm 60 and 'enjoy' long, long lasting sessions of hard pleasure.

This may work for some but for people with nerve damage due to diabetes the issue needs inervention - in such cases there is no issue with the mind but in the bodies reaction to the mind and to touch

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Hub of Hard-ons? :D

Crackdown on soft-ons :)

Crack-down on hard ons :D

EDIT Beaten to it.. !!

Usually works much better with a crackdown on hardon....

But why quibble.

Crack down on pink slugs is more like it. That's why the good doctor is peddling fungi which are designed kill their prey with tiny white spikes. Heck, it's whatever sells. It's like fortune tellers, everything they talk about can't be proven, as it's all generalizations and nearly all has to do with future predictions. Has anyone ever gone back to a fortune teller and said, "I want a refund. You predicted a new romance (or more money, etc), and it didn't happen." Of course not. No one ever goes back asking for a refund, mainly because it's embarrassing, and it's too small an amount to quibble over.

Has anyone ever gone back and asked for a refund for dick hardening ointment that didn't work? No, and for precisely the same reasons mentioned above.

Edited by brahmburgers
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Forget fungus and/or Viagra; learn Tantra. I'm 60 and 'enjoy' long, long lasting sessions of hard pleasure.

Sweet. More power to you! :D

Seriously, Tantra is the shizzle that will ensure your wizzle does not fizzle before you drizzle. Your bedroom will sizzle and you will be very bizzle when in walks your beautiful mizzle or ladyboyizzle. :D


R-O-T-F-L......Thanks 'MUYTHAI' for describing in such a funny manner.

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If the good doctor can read chinese then searching for 冬虫夏草 would have produced 2,450,000 search results.

Traditionally regarded as precious however common in chinese medicine, they're collected in areas including Sichuan, Yunnan, Qxinghai and wild/natural highland species of Tibet being the most sought after, since there are variety of hundreds the price can be from tens to thousands.

.. hard-ons for millions of bahts?

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If the good doctor can read chinese then searching for 冬虫夏草 would have produced 2,450,000 search results.

Traditionally regarded as precious however common in chinese medicine, they're collected in areas including Sichuan, Yunnan, Qxinghai and wild/natural highland species of Tibet being the most sought after, since there are variety of hundreds the price can be from tens to thousands.

.. hard-ons for millions of bahts?

I came up with 13,800,000 results.

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Hub of old cons?
Hub of Hard-ons? :D

And Crackdown on Hard-ons in the hub of old cons, maybe a random call from a mobile phone with a lucky number will give you a hard on !!!!

reference to my sarcastic comment:


An internet search makes it TRUE then in Thailand !!!!! :) I really must wonder how this is news, unless it may be entrainment. All good fun. mai pen rai :D

Edited by Gobbledoc
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