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My PA will be gracing the pool at the Conrad mid-week. I fancy getting her something slinky and easy on the eye while I am in Pattaya on Tuesday. Any recommendations on where to get something classy, sexy, racy... but still tasteful?


...sexy, racy... but still tasteful?...

NanLaew, please define "tasteful" in the context of your post. Aside from that, if PA stands for Personal Assistant, you should not buy her a bikini. If she is paid so poorly that she cannot afford to buy her own swim wear, just give her money to go and buy something on her own.


Puccini, i read this thread a while ago and thought the exact same thing. But ive recently been commenting a lot on the "guys" threads and didnt want my nose bitten off.

A mans idea of sexy and tasteful (not to mention still being comfortable and fitting well) is often off. Women have personal preferences and know their body shapes. Still its sweet when a guy tries..for his gf. Buying something as intimate as a bikini for a PA however, or any other person you have a professional relationship with, is inappropriate. Depending on the OPs relationship with his PA, she may likely take offense (and/or get the wrong idea), and he will find himself advertising for a new one.


^^^^^ Thanks for that recommendation Phil, I will check it out. Do you recall what floor it's on?

BTW, I was in Central for the first time last Tuesday and was pretty impressed with the line up of stores and it looked busy. The wife treated herself to a new bag and the boy played himself out at Toys 'r' Us. Something for everyone!


Just as an FYI Nanlaew, before you spend your hard earned money, every woman has a different shape, and bikini shopping, like underwear shopping is a very personal thing. They need to be tried on for fit and comfort.

Since you seem bound and determined to buy what is most likely an inappropriate gift, and one that may or may not fit correctly, just don't be disappointed if you never see her wear it.


^^^^ & ^^^ Tasteful is something that wouldn't be out of place at a 5-star pool or Vogue magazine. I could always get a Thai style 'swimming burqa' one-piece but I know that even for a well educated and conservative Thai girl, she would be offended. What is 'appropriate' is only a constraint when you think conventionally; she is my PA (my company too), quite well paid and not just an overworked secretary. Actually, it was her suggestion a few weeks back when we last stayed there on business but we ran out of time.

^ Thanks for the advice but through 2 marriages and several other relationships, I pretty much can work out what would and wouldn't fit. I have seen her body in a bikini in Oahu and Varadero so no surprises there.

Now, if there's also some quality swimwear shops in Bangkok that may save some time. Any clues there?


try the market at bottom of soi bukaew on a tuesday and friday .

Thanks for that. Tuesday is a good fit as well. Bottom meaning the end that meets Pattaya tai, near Tukcom?

try the market at bottom of soi bukaew on a tuesday and friday .

Thanks for that. Tuesday is a good fit as well. Bottom meaning the end that meets Pattaya tai, near Tukcom?

I was hoping to find useful information about bikinis for big breasted girls instead of this.. :)

I hope your wife finds out about this.

About what?

About the fact that you want to get your assistant a slinky, racy, sexy bikini so that you can stare at her instead of your wife.

I hope your wife finds out about this.

Talking about his wife, NanLaew should ask his wife to take his PA shopping for the bikini. This would be a nice gesture on his part, not go and buy it himself.

I hope your wife finds out about this.

Talking about his wife, NanLaew should ask his wife to take his PA shopping for the bikini. This would be a nice gesture on his part, not go and buy it himself.

Good idea! :)


^ Your panties are showing guys. I have a gorgeous PA and an even more gorgeous wife. They have met and know each other very well. Sorry that your soap opera fantasies won't be realised.

So, back to the business at hand and finding suitable swimming attire for Wednesday.

^ Your panties are showing guys. I have a gorgeous PA and an even more gorgeous wife. They have met and know each other very well. Sorry that your soap opera fantasies won't be realised.

So, back to the business at hand and finding suitable swimming attire for Wednesday.

Well seeing they know each other so well. Your wife should have a couple of bikini's that you bought her, get her to lend the lady one and she can get a nice sexy one cut from it to fit her and there should be enough material left over from it to make a nice dress. :):D:D:D

^ Your panties are showing guys. I have a gorgeous PA and an even more gorgeous wife. They have met and know each other very well. Sorry that your soap opera fantasies won't be realised.

So, back to the business at hand and finding suitable swimming attire for Wednesday.

Actually, I'm not a guy, so I have no fantasies about your wife and your PA. :)

^ Good, a lady shoppers perspective instead of the testosterone driven one. Where would you shop for a bikini?

Didn't you read my other posts, and the post from the other female posters? We DON'T think you should shop for a bikini! You want the "lady shopper's" perspective? Well, you have gotten perspective from at least three of us, and we all seem to be telling you the same thing. It sounds like you just don't want to listen. So, best of luck to you, your wife, and your PA in her skimpy bikini.


I asked where YOU would shop for a bikini, as a woman, not where I should shop as a man.

I asked for places to buy a quality bikini and a so far a couple of blokes gave me what I wanted. For the most part, the sensible ladies did give me some advice and the wife going shopping with the PA isn't unreasonable (it's been done before), just impractical. But the harpy's chime in with some nonsense about my wanting to stare at my PA and obsess on the 'skimpy' aspect of my OP.

Being sexist is pretty ugly, moreso when it comes from the farer sex.

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