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Farang Rak Thai. Do The Foreigners Like Thais?


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Farang Rak Thai. Foreigners love Thais.

But do the foreigners really like the Thais and do the Thais really like the foreigners?

Actually no.

For most, on both sides.

But well, I do, what about you?

And more importantly, why?

Edited by Farangrakthai
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This doesn't have a great deal of meaning if you don't include a poll, but even then, you're only looking at the small sample of people who use this website. Still, I'll cast my net in, I like Thai people. Some are good, some are bad.

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Last night, at a party, I met some strangers and found most really hearty and friendly folks. like the guy from Petchabun Province who was overjoyed to hear how much I love the mountains... I'm often touched by that direct unfiltered acts of kindness towards me, an ugly fat farang. Like the old woman following me 400 m to correct incorrect directions. Or strangers wanting to help when you stop / look at a map etc.

Even going to sleep during a visit is now something I might do :)

In years coming to LOS, I never felt threatened or in danger. This is a good place and we all take our baggage, wherever we go. A grumpy man might be grumpy over here, too. someone who loves life might smile back and appreciate what the country and its people give.

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I personally think thinking along the lines of "do i like a nationality" isnt right. Sure, i guess culture comes into play etc, but best to base people on who they are not their nationality. "Thai" covers a lot ground, "Farang" even more so. Northern Thai, Southern, Eastern..I am sure they have their own different ways and we will have different experiences based on our interactions.

But, to cut to the chase, do i like Thai people? Well, why wouldnt I? Some piss me off, some are rude, some are extremely lovely, just the same as Farangs and other nationalities.

Edited by eek
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Jingthing was asking if HE is superficial because he likes Thai people based on them being cute. He wasnt asking if Thai people are superficial. (Well he wasnt really asking a question anyway as such).

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Jingthing was asking if HE is superficial because he likes Thai people based on them being cute. He wasnt asking if Thai people are superficial. (Well he wasnt really asking a question anyway as such).

Well Thai people are kind of superficial as a cultural generality regarding surface appearances. But so am I. Cute trumps all faults. We are a match.

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Thais - and foreigners - aren't interchangeable units. You're not describing tubes of toothpaste. Some Thais like some foreigners. Some Thais like lots of foreigners. There are probably some who don't like any and I dare say there are a fair few who don't really have an opinion.

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Jingthing was asking if HE is superficial because he likes Thai people based on them being cute. He wasnt asking if Thai people are superficial. (Well he wasnt really asking a question anyway as such).

Well Thai people are kind of superficial as a cultural generality regarding surface appearances. But so am I. Cute trumps all faults. We are a match.

Fair enough. :)

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Jingthing was asking if HE is superficial because he likes Thai people based on them being cute. He wasnt asking if Thai people are superficial. (Well he wasnt really asking a question anyway as such).

Well Thai people are kind of superficial as a cultural generality regarding surface appearances. But so am I. Cute trumps all faults. We are a match.

Fair enough. :)

Indeed :D

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For the most part, I’m ambivalent about the thais; because last time I checked the country was called thai-land. As it has that name I’ve kinda resigned myself to being around a lot of ‘em. :D

I mean where else are 60+ million of these ever smiling yet diminutive people gonna stay except in a place aptly named the "Land 'O Thaiz"? :D

I tolerate them much as they tolerate me, with a contemptuous indifference. As long as they don't impact me and I don't impact them we seem to manage to co-exist just fine.

Now askin’ me do I like 'em? Hmmm, that’d be stretch of the imagination :) ; tolerate is far more accurate description for both sides (the indigenous natives and myself).

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Farang Rak Thai

This is really odd.

The OP adapts the motto of an ultra nationalist Thai Political Party into a question on whether foreigners in Thailand like Thais.

I'm of the opinion that the emergence of the Thai Rak Thai political party and the anti foreign sentiments spread by the Thai Rak Thai party is the direct cause of the sea change in Thai attitudes towards foreigners.

There was a definite before and after Thai Rak Thai change in these attitudes and now the Op trots out "Farang Rak Farang"


But Hey Ho, let's answer the questions.

I think I like/dislike Thais I know in Thailand in about the same ratio that I like dislike people back in my home country - Like people back home Thais are busy living their lives, most of them living honest hard working lives, most of them honest people, some very good people, some very bad people and a lot of indifferent people.

On the other hand, I dislike and/or distrust a unusually large proportion of the foreigners I meet living in Thailand - far too many of whom are malcontented misfits and, to be kind about it, Walter Mitties.

Most, but by no means all, of the present company excepted of course...

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One could be forgiven for thinking not a lot of thought goes into some of your posts. Your last one smacks of the kind of "this is thailand, if you don't do like I say, get out" mentality found at the shallower end of the Thai gene pool. I think a balanced view is that people are people, it matters not where you are from. All that matters is what attitude you bring with you to where ever you are now.

That "this is thailand, you don't understand thai culture" wore real thin real fast with me. I went out of my way to understand and I know I have much more to learn. It is a huge help I tell you, knowing when the thai culture card is being abused.

People are nice ans nasty everywhere. What could be better than simply treating people as you find them?

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A taxi driver asked me the other night if, in my experience, I found that Thais liked foreigners. I told him I found that some of them do and some of them don't. He then asked me if, in my experience, foreigners like Thais, to which I replied the same. "ถูกต้อง" (correct) he replied. It was a fairly banal and pointless conversation.

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I think I like/dislike Thais I know in Thailand in about the same ratio that I like dislike people back in my home country - Like people back home Thais are busy living their lives, most of them living honest hard working lives, most of them honest people, some very good people, some very bad people and a lot of indifferent people.

The answer I was looking for actually, thanks Guesthouse

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One could be forgiven for thinking not a lot of thought goes into some of your posts. Your last one smacks of the kind of "this is thailand, if you don't do like I say, get out" mentality found at the shallower end of the Thai gene pool. I think a balanced view is that people are people, it matters not where you are from. All that matters is what attitude you bring with you to where ever you are now.

That "this is thailand, you don't understand thai culture" wore real thin real fast with me. I went out of my way to understand and I know I have much more to learn. It is a huge help I tell you, knowing when the thai culture card is being abused.

People are nice ans nasty everywhere. What could be better than simply treating people as you find them?

Agreed -"People are nice ans nasty everywhere. What could be better than simply treating people as you find them?"

Back to the old adage you reap what you sow......so you choose who you are and how you behave........people will respond to your persona and actions..........

Which is why people should try not to generalise about their personal experiences......and try to inflict responses they receive on others!!

Do I love Thai people......yes the ones that choose to be part of my life... :) ....others...yes I take as I find...... :D .

Edited by 473geo
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I Laos, Malaysia, Philippines I have much more the feeling I'm communicating on a mature level with open minded people who are well able to listen, who are honest, intelligent, motivated and disiplined.

You can blame someone for his ignorance, it is not an excuse just a very bad habit, answer (in general) is no.

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They never fail to surprise me ten times more than the predictable sorts I encounter back in Australia. Mostly the surprises here are good.

There's a sense of humour that's quite unique here. That's what I like about the people here in Thailand. Everyday there's ten times more things to laugh about, because it's ten times less predictable, and so are they. :)

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They never fail to surprise me ten times more than the predictable sorts I encounter back in Australia. Mostly the surprises here are good.

There's a sense of humour that's quite unique here. That's what I like about the people here in Thailand. Everyday there's ten times more things to laugh about, because it's ten times less predictable, and so are they. :)

I agree with that one also, I think there is a big difference in city people and villagers, on the local wetmarket in my small town people like a laugh and are very talkative. Here I recognise most of the Thailand as it used to be and where I originally came from.

Also may be said, the old people and 'traditional' villagers usually are quitte OK, the second and third generation I really dislike.

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They never fail to surprise me ten times more than the predictable sorts I encounter back in Australia. Mostly the surprises here are good.

There's a sense of humour that's quite unique here. That's what I like about the people here in Thailand. Everyday there's ten times more things to laugh about, because it's ten times less predictable, and so are they. :)

yop,, fully agree with that,,,gets my vote !!

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