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Many have chosen the LOS to be their ideal destination long and short term for one reason or another, so in the interest of newbie's to this amazing kingdom it would be i'm sure of interest to all in sharing your reason. Since my first visit back in 1969 obviously i've seen much change, today's Thailand reminding me of the singapore's of yesterday and no doubt it will go that way, However, there still remains that magnetic pull despite a few negative points, so what are your 'positive 'thoughts.
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Sitting down with my freinds and discussing whether we should barbeque Nui's dog which ate 2 new chickens and then deciding not to, because it is a puppy and doesn't know, then deciding to  bbq its' mother for not teaching it properly.


Well...it sure is a vibrant and exciting place to be. One is never left with nothing to do. Hills, beaches are a short flight away, and there's nothing wrong with beer Chang either.   :o
nothin' like a Chang on a hot day J....nothin' like it.    :o   Lucky that the climate is hot too    :D

Stop it you Guys...I'm feeling left out!!! B)

Now we understand at least one of the reasons you propose to retire in the L O S. Watch something growing from your balcony, ice box within hands reach.      :D     Surin Province awaits you. Believe it or not, you can buy beer Chang there too.    :o
Now we understand at least one of the reasons you propose to retire in the L O S. Watch something growing from your balcony, ice box within hands reach.      :D     Surin Province awaits you. Believe it or not, you can buy beer Chang there too.    :o

I can see it already....under the mango tree looking out onto the 5 acre dam I built...stocked with fish...chang beer in hand...bloody politics!!!!

Tell 'em your motto is ' Make your politician work. Don't re-elect him. Then head for that mango tree, the beer Chang,  the parliamentary pension. It is a hard life, but someone has to do it   ???

today's Thailand reminding me of the singapore's of yesterday

how the hel1 did you figure that, Thailand is nothing alike Singapore, thailand is a place of beauty, natural beaches,gentle people and many many more.

Singapore is a dam-n rock, with nothing, the people are conceded up the ying-yang, oh! did i say they smell bad too.

Met my girl in college back in the state, we grad. , have good job, was about to get a good raise, planning to buy a house, life was good, suddenly bada-bang bada-boom (her side) family medical problem, gotta head back to thailand ASAP, not that her family is poor or anything, when a family member is sick you gotta go back ASAP no question ask, as for me stuck in bangkok for awhile, a long while lol, fuk i wanna go home


Just wanna know, as I have heard most Farangs who lives in Thailand likes to drink Beer Chang. Just wondering..if it is an advertising ? Or just doing after another ?

How is it with Beer Singh ? Or other beers ?

Just curious....that's all...I am No Beer drinker :o



Beer Chiang is no reason to move to Thailand much less live here. You can get it in the states if you really want it there, costs a little more but none the less....

Does anyone have a real reason of why they're living here besides cheap beer?


Just curious....that's all...I am No Beer drinker B)

I don't drink as well  ::o:

but I can see a reason here, hum hum good enough ..

the cheapest beer and for sure the one that put you upside down fast  B)

hey' guys .... what about early morning?

any hangover? ... memory loss?  :D

a bit squiffy and having a vb at the mo - never drink the stuff but it's cup eve! Will make up for it with a champagne breakfast  :o
Coz it is the center of the universe.

A lot to be said for this. Still can't convince my wife that Thailand isn't really that big, as depicted on the Globe at Newstime. She still thinks it takes up about half the world........:o


i'll bet she problaly think the Chaopraya river is the only drinking sources of water for human kind :o / just playing man (j/k).


what happened to the topic? It turned to beer, how about the swish of some schnopps?

Why be bloated, the mint gets you there in a huff and a puff.

:o Daveyo


Thank's for the feedback guy's, it certainly gives the impression expat life is just one big beer guzzling experience with the exception of a couple of home truths. For me the mix of buddhism and democracy is the ideal chill out, add to that a beer or two...... dee-jai mahk.

where did you get vb at resonable price

must mist it at tops

:o in Melbourne, Victoria Beer :D




ask a serious question and you get beer :o me, I live 5 feet from the beach on an island, except for the rainy season downpours not much to complain about really. we own our own business, own our own house, vehicle, etc. not too bad. we started out in the US when we first got married but my husband is an ocean person and my family lives in the mtns. brr... never liked the cold myself. so, since i don't drink beer (chang ugh) I guess I 'd have to say, the lifestyle is good.



Nice post..... :o

Each to it’s own.

Life must be a beach for you then LOL.

I live 15 feet from a river bank in Kan.


Beer Sing, Beer Thai for me.


Beer cells are kicking in now. No Brain cells left at this time of the day.

Hic Hic Hurray


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