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From The Box.

Update on Tracker Issue - a fix @ 2010-02-13 22:47:57 GMT (1 hour ago)

Quite a few people have been affected by a problem that is actually out of our control namely communication with the tracker easily.

It seems one or two of the international trunks is actively targetting our announces & scrapes & rejecting them (therefore your torrents wont work)

Sysops & coders have been working feverishly in the back ground, and with the help of testers proven the above to be true.

Solution: Easy, simply re-download all .torrent files for the torrents youre trying to download or seed (in the same way as if you were downloading them for the first time). The new .torrent files are different to the original ones you downloaded.

Your torrent client may/will tell you something like you have the .torrent do you want to update the trackers, say yes. Wording varies by torrent client.

Unless you re-download the .torrents and you are affected you wont be able to communicate with the tracker, therefore no uploads or downloads.

This solution is a "get around" more than a permanant fix as coders are still investigating as to the who's and the why's as well as doing this quick fix. I will update as/when i have any news.

if youre not currently seeding at all all your torrents should be in http://thebox.bz/mysnatches.php (purple words above the white tool bar ^^)

Update: If you have lots of seeding torrents, you can download a .zip file containing all of the .torrent files you've downloaded from the site.

The link to do so is here: http://www.thebox.bz/mass_download.php

After extracting the .torrent files from the .zip file, choose which torrents you'd like to update in your client and add them to your client.

All .torrent files downloaded from the site as of 23:00 GMT 13/02/2010 will work with the site fine for all users

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