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I Can Finally Leave Thailand.


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Always a good laugh when the foreign watch dogs slam a poster for posting his/her negative feelings about Thailand. My opinion... everyone has their own view based on their experiences. Some come to Thailand and feel as if it is heaven on earth while others feel it is a cesspool of corruption and lies. As with all widely different views, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Good luck to the OP and I hope that where ever he ends up that his kids, himself and wife (is there a wife?) are very happy.


Wise words from the walking man.

I think the op has posted on here for the first time to validate his reason for leaving the same as some others post here hoping that they will be validated for their reasons to stay.

No one is right or wrong as Mr Walking Man has pointed out everyone has their own view based on their experiences.

Me I'm with the stayers, though Thailand isn't what it was for expats or tourists 5 years ago. :)

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I agree with the members whom say that OP has the right to post whatever he wants, after 15 years here.

However, I also agree with the member whom commented about the fact that OP joined the Forum in order to tell some strangers that he is leaving, after 15 years.

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I have been here for 13 years and traveling to Thailand regularly from Singapore for 10 years before that.

What would I miss if I had to leave?

The climate and the food.

And the mai pen rai attitude.

And the smile.

And the emphasis on the family.


Well, I'll probably never leave... :)

Edited by eurasianthai
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Always a good laugh when the foreign watch dogs slam a poster for posting his/her negative feelings about Thailand. My opinion... everyone has their own view based on their experiences. Some come to Thailand and feel as if it is heaven on earth while others feel it is a cesspool of corruption and lies. As with all widely different views, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Good luck to the OP and I hope that where ever he ends up that his kids, himself and wife (is there a wife?) are very happy.


Very good point TheWalkingMan. Well done for saying it how it is.

There is no wife. There is ex Wife ( mother to my son ). Again being married to Thai lady is not for everyone and it wasnt for me. But that is just my opinion. I do have friends here in Thailand who are married to Thai ladys and they are very happy. But i seem to know more who have ended up breaking up rather than them still being together.

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Always a good laugh when the foreign watch dogs slam a poster for posting his/her negative feelings about Thailand. My opinion... everyone has their own view based on their experiences. Some come to Thailand and feel as if it is heaven on earth while others feel it is a cesspool of corruption and lies. As with all widely different views, the truth lies somewhere in between.

Good luck to the OP and I hope that where ever he ends up that his kids, himself and wife (is there a wife?) are very happy.


I agree with WM.

Why is it that any one -troll or otherwise- posting any criticisim(s) of Thailand is vilified and dismissed as a misfit and ner'do well?

My way or the highway. No middle ground or benefit of doubt, Yeah, thats the ticket :)

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I have nothing against the guy for not liking it here and wanting to leave. That is up to him. The truth is that I wish all the real moaners would go with him. :)

Thirded ... though I do have to say that I just don't get people that say how much they hate it and then they stay or the ones that leave because they couldn't hack it here but hang out on a Thai forum just to gripe about it. Makes no sense to me at all!

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Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

Well with a Brit-Centric point of view, the pound is now worth 50 batht, 5 years ago it was worth around the 70 baht mark

The political problems that have risen since the Sept 2006 coup

I probably could go on and on but I don't want to be classed as one of the whingers :)

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Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

Progress or lack thereof.

Thailand has not moved forward in almost a decade. It's like R&D disappeared. Everything innovative is of foreign origin, even the scams. :)

This is a country without a roadmap. How can it move forward when the government is like a cross between the dysfunctional Italians/Israelis/Taiwanese? I remember when I first visited back in the 90's, yes there were all sorts of problems, but there was a sense of purpose, of direction. Now there is just this sense of gloom and doom and waiting. Waiting on this giant weight of political stupidity to be lifted. I hate to sound like some of the old Pattaya people, but way back when, Patong wasn't so bad, and the tuktuks weren't thieves. Young people had a chance at an opportunity, there was real growth. Now it's just paper shuffling and wealth on paper. The gap between have and have not has grown wider. And I still cannot drink the tap water. In a country with such an abundance of potential, it is inexcusable that the same arguments are still rehashed and that the people in a position to make a difference won't step up and make a difference.

People can ridicule President Obama all they want, but at least he brought hope and made a difference to a nation's depressed state. Where is the nation's Nelson Mandela and where is its Botha to take the decision to move forward?

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To the OP I fully understand were you are coming from. Thailand is not for me. I do however appreciate it's fine for some people.

You said it has not been good for you for the last 8 Years. Why did you not move on before now, Ok you said you stayed on for your son's education

Surely he would have been better off to have spent the 8 years at school in your country, If it was your intention to move there Or am I missing something.

Anyway good luck to you

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To the OP I fully understand were you are coming from. Thailand is not for me. I do however appreciate it's fine for some people.

You said it has not been good for you for the last 8 Years. Why did you not move on before now, Ok you said you stayed on for your son's education

Surely he would have been better off to have spent the 8 years at school in your country, If it was your intention to move there Or am I missing something.

Anyway good luck to you

Easiest explanation that I can think of is that the ex-wife (mother) doesn't allow the son to leave.

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I have been here for 13 years and traveling to Thailand regularly from Singapore for 10 years before that.

What would I miss if I had to leave?

The climate and the food.

And the mai pen rai attitude.

And the smile.

And the emphasis on the family.


Well, I'll probably never leave... :)

Sorry to quote myself.

But this being said, I would not mind leaving, I'm sure I'll be happy elsewhere, I was before.

And so will be most people.

So what's the point of this thread actually, if I may ask?

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Can someone elaborate on why they think Thailand isn't what it was 5 years ago for tourists and ex-pats?

I also am in my 16th year in Thailand now and in my opinion this country makes 2 steps backwards for every one step they make forward.You gonna ask now why I don't leave if that is my way of thinking.First of all I like the warm weather 365 days a year.The food is my style and a fraction of the price in Europe,however the last 2 years it changes quickly and I don't have a problem with the exchange rate as my original currency (which now is euro of course) has almost doubled in value since I arrived.Just look how much the prices of food have risen only since new year.But in general life is cheaper as in Europe as long as you stay of the booze.

Another reason why I stay is because the life is more relaxed then in my home country.Not so many rules and taxes but the lack of rules I also dam_n many times.And then I speak in general about the traffic rules.

However for the last 5 years I almost think every day at one point about leaving and these thoughts get more frequent by the time.I'm still here for the reasons I mentioned and because, same as the OP ,I take care for a little boy who I hope can have a decent future with my help but sure I will leave sooner or later.

What bothers me the most about Thailand is that before I came here I traveled to many other country's.And wherever I came I made friends with the local people which I mostly still have contact with at current time.Also,in the district where I lived in my home country we had a lot of immigrants due to the coal mines but I had actually no problem with them and even had some good friends among them.

In these 16 years in Thailand I can not recall I ever had a FRIEND among the local people.

Edited by basjke
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I live in Thailand at the moment ( not for to much longer ) but i am willing to bet anything that my Thai language skills are alot better than yours.

P.S Please dont get your gf / wife to start writing Thai on here for you to try and prove me wrong. :)

Kinda doubt that, if after 15 years you're still getting ripped off all the time.

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The OP is living in a dream world, someone who believes that the grass is going to be greener elsewhere.

1. Racism: Europe, America, Australia etc, the home of racism. If your kids are half Thai, don't think they will be treated with any more respect in your home country, probably worse in fact. Ask any non-white that lives in a Western country how they feel?

2. Bad food: I love Thai food, it`s great and there are lots of eating places to choose from.

3. Lazy: Life is what you make it. Trillions of things to do in Thailand and a lot cheaper than in the West. Just a case of getting your arse off the chair and getting on with in.

4. Money: Money has always been an important issue where I come from; human nature is the same anywhere.

You say that you would only come back to Thailand to see your son. Does this mean you are leaving him here?

Reading in between the lines, I would guess that there is more to your decision to leave Thailand, maybe financial problems all some sort of trouble, but you are fobbing off the blame onto the country it`s self.

Edited by BigWheelMan
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Good luck, and obviously thailand isnt for you. However that being said there will be problems and things you dislike in any country that you settle. It's just the way it is. Personally what I like about thailand is the organized chaos. It's bloody brilliant the way things still function. I think if most people wanted the same things as in the West.. Thailand would not be Thailand. :)

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I will assume that people saying that racism is far worse in their home countries are telling the truth. Who am I to disbelieve them? But you cannot say that about Canada. Period. We are raised to be VERY accepting of differences and to immediately criticise and lash out at even the slightest hint of racism. This is not a bad thing but it is pushed down our throats to the point I would call it propaganda. I remember in highschool listening to assemblies informing us that racsim was something only white people could do to other nationalities and there was no 2 ways about it. This was in the 90's. Then in university I remeber feeling distinctly guilty at all times for being a white heterosexual male, after reading the school newspaper articles and pamphlets from various in school agencies every day. Constant barrage of information telling us how terrible we were, now that I am older and wiser I recognise what it was: hate literature. But whatever, the point is, no one can say there is more racism in Canada than the rampant in your face racism I see daily here in Thailand. And I have a hard time imagining all the other countries are so different.

Perhaps those that say racism in worse back home are very old and remember a time when people were strung up for the colour of their skin? Nowadays it aint like that, not even in the slightest.

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Good luck where ever you go, for sure Thailand isn't for everyone and I'm not sure I will last 15 years but hey don't be too bitter try to remember the good times too.

Sort of agree with you about the food although I love Thai food! I can't eat in Restaurants as they put too much sugar and MSG in. :D

Home food is the best :)

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I admire the OP's honesty. He knew the Thai apologists would bark up and they did in part but then some people think the world is flat when all the evidence supports the theory that it is indeed round.

I admire the resilience to stick things out, putting his child before himself. Those without children in a similar position are hardly in a position to judge as they need only concern themselves and perhaps their Thai partner. An overseas education at university level is what I wish for my daughter and the OP is, in my mind, to be congratulated for being financially astute enough to provide for that expense. I often look at western guys having kids in Thailand and not being able to properly educate them, pushing them into below par schools and making no provision for post high school education. They almost always come up with some excuse but I bet they have beer in the fridge !

Thailand is not for all. It has many faults and problems are increasing. There are issues in the years ahead which could tear the country apart and where that leaves the often despised foreigners we do not know. I could travel no further than this forum in the last week to find tales of Thais hoping that the plane flying their daughter and her western partner would crash so they can steal his assets. Another recent thread recounted a western man whose wife had died I believe and he was evicted and shot. All nicely covered up and the police in the thick of it for their cut. These are weekly reports in a country which falsely purports to be all smiles and peaceful with charm and quiet serenity. Utter <deleted>. Please leave your money at the airport, do not enter and bugger off home could well replace "Smooth as silk".

There is a good side to Thailand but it is harder and harder to find. I'm well into my second decade of travelling around Thailand and have enough years of living in the country to warrant an opinion. The simplest explanation is that money has corrupted the people. It has become their god and as per an old Chinese adage, it does not matter what you do to achieve wealth, only that you do. We see that best personified in Toxin and his cronies, though the establishment is just as guilty, though some less well known.

As the OP has come to notice, the beautiful weather, the great food IMHO, the relaxing environment in some quarters and many other things all lose their lustre over time. Or should I say that they have lost their lustre over the last period of time. Like any marriage, there is the honeymoon period, followed by a period where the bond is tested before you settle into a life which is based upon mutual respect and accommodation. Thailand does not offer this mutual respect or appreciation. You may offer it but it is rarely reciprocated without conditions, mostly based on what they can get out of it. This is often personified in westerners being overcharged, ripped off and often referred to as being below the fleas on the dog in the family structure. Yet we put them at the to of our family tree.

I suspect there are many who cannot leave. There are more who should not be in Thailand. Some have gone native and have lost the plot completely. Others are happy drunks.

I wish the OP and his son well. I hope a period of foreign reflection does not induce a return on the rebound but as someone with many years under his belt, I am sure the Op will retain some fond memories of Thailand and watch with interest how the country either pulls itself together or descends into utter chaos and potentially civil war.

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Some have gone native and have lost the plot completely.

You're over-generalising, and postulating that being native is negative. Some have gone native and are functioning members of society. No loss of plot unless you mean the plot indoctrinated by the former culture. I prefer the native culture in Thailand to the native culture I was born into. YMMV

Edited by SpoliaOpima
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