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I Wonder About This Guy`s Immigration Status......


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I live in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

it was richard branson !! (anyone who has watched "the rebel billionaire" will get it)

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The Midas touch...can't even spare 5 baht! :o

I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

How charitable of you. I am sure even a thai employee who makes a salary equivalent to a quarter of your monthly rent, would have the heart to give this guy 5 baht. Who knows what happened to this farang, maybe he was conned, robbed, lost his mind, can't go home, no visa.....sick. :D

Edited by pluto_manibo
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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

Midas, you have obviously never seen "hard times"otherwise you may have a bit of charity in your character, and to feel no shame for your lack of feeling toward a fellow human. tut tut . Remember "do unto others etc etc SHAME SHAME :o

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I know my embassy would not be of any help if I become a homeless in Thailand, other than to let me use its bank account to receive money wired from family/friends home. How about farang country embassies? Will your embassy lend/advance money to you if you go broke and become homeless in Thailand?

I also live in Sathorn. Where exactly did you see this man? What road?

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Most embassies will pay your fare home and as far as all " do gooders " - good luck to you ! I have no guilt whatsoever in refusing to give money to a foreigner in this situation. I dpont care what anyone says - there is no excuse for an American

to be destitute in Thailand if he is above board. The US embassy could and would definately help him to get home so why is he here competing with all the Thais`s are in far greater need ???!

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I don't think any embassy will or can lend/advance money, unless payment is guaranteed by somebody at home.

In extreme cases they will fly you home, however, you have to repay the money before you are allowed to travel again.

Not talking about charity, but let's face it, the money spent by an embassy comes off the taxes paid at home. It would not really be fair to those whp stayed home.

An embassy, however, will try to help in case of lost docments etc. etc. How friendly and willingly they do it is everybody's guess.

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" however, you have to repay the money before you are allowed to travel again "

I think its only fair you should be made to reimburse the embassy when you get home but surely that is better than him wandering around the streets of Bangkok

begging ?

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i think the French embassy are the only one with free rapatriment ( send back people home ) program.

Do not have to paid them back, but you need to be in a hardship situation .

I will have give to this poor soul to if I think it was genuine !

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didn't midas get his "gift" because of his unthinking selfish request, when given one wish I would hope to temper it with charity,but who knows .I'm allright jack does nothing for the soul.

now the mighty dollar has effectively been devalued of late obviously 5baht is a lot of money in the land of the free. :o

Edited by roscoe
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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

you refused to give him 5 baht? your a sad man mate.

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Going to your embassy when in hardship is the right thing to do...

A guy in Pattaya used to beg with gnarled up fingers...I used to give him ten or twenty baht until I was told how he after a day of begging, he got changed into a suit and with perfectly normal hands drove his Mercedes home.

whether this guy is genuine or running a scam, I dont know but obviously he doesnt want to leave

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I met a German and a guy from Hungary at Koh Phangan.

They just did not want to leave Thailand and were living of begging and ripping of others.The German had some funds but the Hungarian lost his job at a Hotel in Samui and was really in a bad constitution.They were overstaying for more than 2 years and hiding at Koh Phangan.That wasn´t a life anymore.

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People who think giving someone on the street 5 baht is charitable should realize that really giving someone 5 baht is just paying off your conscience. If you really cared about this person you would buy them some food and sit down with them and eat with them. If people are really in such dire straits then giving them 5 baht is nothing!!! They need to either change their act or find someone who will help them change it. Giving them 5 baht will do neither...it won't convince them to change and it won't help them change. If you buy them something to eat and talk with them maybe you would make an impression on them. Maybe you should see if they want to move in with you. Of course you will think that this would be crazy....and I agree....but this is what the person needs...someone to care for them or convince them to change. You are only easing your conscience by giving them a lousy 5 baht....better to give them nothing and tell them in a kind way that they really need to change their act.....but then you wouldn't be rid of them so fast....better to give them 5 baht and not let them waste any of your precious time.

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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

The flipside is he was just ripping you off. I have a friend who knows a guy that was professionally begging, he was making 2-3000 a day conning tourists with the "I lost my passport" story.

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chownah is your house full of vagrants that you have took in?

do you take every bum you see on the street for a free meal and a nice soap bath?

i'll have a bit of that

PM me  :o

I do my charity in my own way and it does not include giving money to people on the street. As my previous post indicated I do not think that giving money to people on the street is charitable...I think it is done to easy your own conscience. I have taken homeless people into my home before off the street. I have offered to take people in the street into a cafe and buy them some food. You might be surprised (or might not) to find out that the overwhelming majority of them won't take you up on your offer...because there situation is not quite as desperate as they would like you to believe. I've even taken the same person in to eat three or four times on different occasions.....he turned out to be a very interesting person...but it was clear to me that he actually had other alternatives to begging but begging was his lifestyle. Even he knew that the people who gave him money were just easing their own conscience and he thought he was doing them a great service by helping them to feel better about themselves.

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People who think giving someone on the street 5 baht is charitable should realize that really giving someone 5 baht is just paying off your conscience.  If you really cared about this person you would buy them some food and sit down with them and eat with them.  If people are really in such dire straits then giving them 5 baht is nothing!!!  They need to either change their act or find someone who will help them change it.  Giving them 5 baht  will do neither...it won't convince them to change and it won't help them change.  If you buy them something to eat and talk with them maybe you would make an impression on them.  Maybe you should see if they want to move in with you.  Of course you will think that this would be crazy....and I agree....but this is what the person needs...someone to care for them or convince them to change.  You are only easing your conscience by giving them a lousy 5 baht....better to give them nothing and tell them in a kind way that they really need to change their act.....but then you wouldn't be rid of them so fast....better to give them 5 baht and not let them waste any of your precious time.

:o Obviously referring to my statement...

I posted in context to what was posted.

If I see someone on the street who looks like they are on their last legs, I always give enough for a meal. If by chance I was fooled and they were professional hustlers or forced by "mafia" elements, I still couldnt care as its max 100 baht. IF at the end of the day, they get up and get in a Merc, they still had to beg all day and look like a tramp - that is worth the money.. :D:D

I agree that this guy is not the type anyone wants in Thailand, but if he asking for money, holding out a cup and begging, we all should try and help.

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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

you refused to give him 5 baht? your a sad man mate.

Why do you think the dude's got the nick "Midas"? :o

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People who think giving someone on the street 5 baht is charitable should realize that really giving someone 5 baht is just paying off your conscience.  If you really cared about this person you would buy them some food and sit down with them and eat with them.  If people are really in such dire straits then giving them 5 baht is nothing!!!  They need to either change their act or find someone who will help them change it.  Giving them 5 baht  will do neither...it won't convince them to change and it won't help them change.  If you buy them something to eat and talk with them maybe you would make an impression on them.  Maybe you should see if they want to move in with you.   Of course you will think that this would be crazy....and I agree....but this is what the person needs...someone to care for them or convince them to change.  You are only easing your conscience by giving them a lousy 5 baht....better to give them nothing and tell them in a kind way that they really need to change their act.....but then you wouldn't be rid of them so fast....better to give them 5 baht and not let them waste any of your precious time.

:o Obviously referring to my statement...

I posted in context to what was posted.

If I see someone on the street who looks like they are on their last legs, I always give enough for a meal. If by chance I was fooled and they were professional hustlers or forced by "mafia" elements, I still couldnt care as its max 100 baht. IF at the end of the day, they get up and get in a Merc, they still had to beg all day and look like a tramp - that is worth the money.. :D:D

I agree that this guy is not the type anyone wants in Thailand, but if he asking for money, holding out a cup and begging, we all should try and help.

I was not referring to your statement with that post. I was just telling my point of view. I AM referring to you with this post...that's why I've include your post here with my text. And what I want to refer to in regards to this post of yours is:

How is giving some down and out looking person 100baht going to help them? If a person is really so down and out then they need alot more of something than 100 baht. Will it help them to see that they need to change their act....I think not...it encourages them. Of course you think "we all should try and help." My point is by giving them 100 baht you are not helping them...but it tricks you into thinking that you are helping them...and it allows you to get rid of them quickly because you really don't want to take the time to really help them. If you think that giving them 100 baht is helping please let me know just exactly how this is going to help them.

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I live  in a nice condominium block near Sathorn Road

and as I was entering the lobby this morning, I was

stopped on the street outside the building by a guy

in his late '40s / early '50s with long grey hair and and dressed

dressed in quite scruffy clothes  who I had noticed

was stopping everyone as they walked along the street.

At first he produced some coloured cards from an old

plastic bag and said he was trying to promote

the sale of some kind of food. When I said I wasn't interested

he then grabbed me by the arm and produced a plastic cup

and begged me to give him 5 baht !!! He said in an American

accent " please man, I'm really hungry and thirsty

and I don't have any money ". I refused to do so

because in any case I would rather give the money to a Thai person

and he became very abusive using four letter words

as I continued to walk into the lobby passing by the

security guards on the front desk who were obviously

embarrassed by the whole thing. It's so sad to see

a foreigner doing this sort of thing and I wonder

what the Thai`s think. This is surely the type of person

they dont want to see on the streets any longer ??

How does a person end up in such a desperate situation

and wouldn't it be easier for them to just go home

to their own country?

you refused to give him 5 baht? your a sad man mate.

tHE o/p ,it would seem is a sadder case than the "beggar".

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People who think giving someone on the street 5 baht is charitable should realize that really giving someone 5 baht is just paying off your conscience.  If you really cared about this person you would buy them some food and sit down with them and eat with them.  If people are really in such dire straits then giving them 5 baht is nothing!!!  They need to either change their act or find someone who will help them change it.  Giving them 5 baht  will do neither...it won't convince them to change and it won't help them change.  If you buy them something to eat and talk with them maybe you would make an impression on them.  Maybe you should see if they want to move in with you.   Of course you will think that this would be crazy....and I agree....but this is what the person needs...someone to care for them or convince them to change.  You are only easing your conscience by giving them a lousy 5 baht....better to give them nothing and tell them in a kind way that they really need to change their act.....but then you wouldn't be rid of them so fast....better to give them 5 baht and not let them waste any of your precious time.

:D Obviously referring to my statement...

I posted in context to what was posted.

If I see someone on the street who looks like they are on their last legs, I always give enough for a meal. If by chance I was fooled and they were professional hustlers or forced by "mafia" elements, I still couldnt care as its max 100 baht. IF at the end of the day, they get up and get in a Merc, they still had to beg all day and look like a tramp - that is worth the money.. :D:D

I agree that this guy is not the type anyone wants in Thailand, but if he asking for money, holding out a cup and begging, we all should try and help.

I was not referring to your statement with that post. I was just telling my point of view. I AM referring to you with this post...that's why I've include your post here with my text. And what I want to refer to in regards to this post of yours is:

How is giving some down and out looking person 100baht going to help them? If a person is really so down and out then they need alot more of something than 100 baht. Will it help them to see that they need to change their act....I think not...it encourages them. Of course you think "we all should try and help." My point is by giving them 100 baht you are not helping them...but it tricks you into thinking that you are helping them...and it allows you to get rid of them quickly because you really don't want to take the time to really help them. If you think that giving them 100 baht is helping please let me know just exactly how this is going to help them.

I actualy dont think about it as much mate, its a few baht :D

I dont want to take him in, but if I can give a little and then 10 other people do too, he might be able to get some accomodation as well - who knows. The guys a farang for petes sake, he obviously NEEDS it, to ask in the first place :D

The way you put it, is that if you cant spend the time with him, kick him in the guts some more - sad really!

Change your nick to Bah Humbug :o

Edited by Tornado
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didn't midas get his "gift" because of his unthinking selfish request, when given one wish I would hope to temper it with charity,but who knows .I'm allright jack does nothing for the soul.

now the mighty dollar has effectively been devalued of late obviously 5baht is a lot of money in the land of the free. :o

You really lost me on this one, what does any of this have to with the devalued dollar.

I might not have given him money, but I would have gotten him something to eat.

I remember one time in the states guys at the freeway off ramps with signs at Chritmas time, I asked one how business was, he said great I won't have to do anything for the rest of the year. I don't think he would have left that spot for something to eat even though his sign said he was hungry.

But I think you guys are right he was performing a service at Christmas time and making us feel better about ourselves. So maybe he earned his money.

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If a fellow human being asks you for 5 baht because they are hungry or thirsty, you give it to them. What is 5 baht to you? It obviously meant a lot to him.

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All of the people out there that think that giving money to people on the street is helping them out....just stop for one moment and ask yourself...."Actually how is this going to help the person?" I keep asking this question on this thread and I never get an answer. I think I get no answer because really it does not help them. It is really difficult to think up even a theoretic situation where it would actually help someone....and the more beat up and worn out they look the more UNlikely that giving them some money will help. You may avoid thinking about this because if you think about what it really takes to help them you will discover that you don't have the time. That's one of the reasons why people who need help in the world today too often don't get it.....people don't want to take the time to help out those who need it....instead they throw a couple of bills at them and immediately leave the vicinity. It is probably more important for you to be able to avoid them than for you to help them so you flip the cash and vacate....this way you don't have to really do anything to help them and you can buy into the myth that you actually care about this person and have helped them out. What is the definition of the word "hypocrisy?" I googled it and here it is:

"Hypocrisy is the act of pretending to have beliefs, virtues and feelings that one does not truly possess. The word derives from the late Latin hypocrisis and Greek hupokrisis both meaning play-acting or pretence. "

I'm not trying to pick on you. I just think that if any of you will take a real look at this issue and decide that money is not the answer...then I suggest that you actually go eat lunch with some of these people...or go work at a charitable organization that feeds the hungry. These are human beings who need human contact. They need people to acknowledge their humanity...not a cash machine to dispense bills whenever they hold thier hand out.

(note: I edited this post to change "likely" to "UNlikely" above. Sorry if it caused any misunderstanding.)

Edited by chownah
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