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This is my story.

we lived in samui for a year (2009). moved back to hongkong end of 2009. have two recused dogs in our house in samui. have maids to look after the house and the dogs. before leaving samui i got my thai friend around to help me explain to them in thai.. how to look after the dogs... washing them, cleaning their ears( with ear cleaning lotion), checking for ticks(they are on frontline plus), how to and when to use antiseptic sprays , creams etc. left extra money for doggies extra meals(treat) like heart/lungs of chicken/pork, chicken meat, beef meat, fish etc three times a week but but but last month when i went to see them they look thinner than before, their fur looked dull and their ears were all covered in sticky brown stuff. the treats i left for them were still there covered in moulds. their body was covered in small cut(??), small one had a bite wound on his neck (from neighbor's dog) etc and they stank. when i saw them i cried.

Now i am planning to bring them to hongkong. in hongkong they will be in an apartment(2000sq ft with no garden ) most of the time. of course i will take them out for walk/hike in country parks/pet friendly parks everyday and drive to pet friendly beaches once a week .i know they wont enjoy it here as much but atleast they will be properly looked after.

now my question is am i doing the right thing by bringing them here(hongkong)? i don't know if i will be able to find a trustworthy thai maids to look after them there.

Pls advise .



Why in the world do you need to post this?

You want everyone to feel sorry some Thai maid did not do a good job and take care of your pets?

Welcome to Thailand, what do you expect?

They are your pets and you should be the one that takes care of them, no one else.

Shame on you for leaving them in Thailand.

Why in the world do you need to post this?

You want everyone to feel sorry some Thai maid did not do a good job and take care of your pets?

Welcome to Thailand, what do you expect?

They are your pets and you should be the one that takes care of them, no one else.

Shame on you for leaving them in Thailand.

Well said. The responsibility lies firmly with the owner, don't blame someone else for your own actions. :)


i think the reason for posting is quite obvious > subject of this post "help me make the right decision"

i dont know , not sure if moving them to hongkong would be the right decision becus they will be in the apartment most of the time. i dont need to no sympathy or anything from anyone but a help me or direct me in right direction.

i know what most/some thais are like thats why the need to move them to hongkong.

thanks for yr two cents.


I guess it depends on the age of the dogs. If older they will have problems with living in an apartment if they have been used to roam in open gardens etc., they may become agressive and irritated if confined for longer periods of time.

If you want to keep them in Thailand find a shelter (at a cost) that can take care of them while you are away. Don't trust a maid with this kind of job!!!!



Oh come on!!

Tell us:

In Baht:

1) How much are you paying the Maids In Samui?

2) How much do you allocate to provide the dogs with

"antiseptic sprays , creams ................. doggies extra meals(treat) like heart/lungs of chicken/pork, chicken meat, beef meat, fish etc three times a week"

If "1" is less than "2" then anywhere in the world - what would you expect to happen ................... sometimes I just give up -





i sympathised with you and agonized over your pains as well.

you definitely should not bring your pet to hkg for sure.

it is way overcrowed over there and way under limited in living space.... i knew very well.... we also have phil maids over there looking after just two people.... paying each one some 600 usd per month for their services PLUS ROOM AND BOARD ET CETERA AND MEDICAL EXPENSES WHEN INCURRED.... for those who never have an opportunity to own an apartment or house or resident in hkg.... you are very fortunate indeed.... the home association fee alone amounts to 800 usd per month.... OOOOOUUUUUCHHHHHHHH....

if you really need to leave your friends in thailand and really could not find reliable person to help you out.... pm me, we'll work something out for the sake of our four-legged friends, alright?

from your post.... i surmise that you are a reasonable person and is truly fond of animals. we shed tears when our dobie left us....

it is just impossible for many humans who have not yet developed a close relationship with animals, be it winged or legged animals.... to even begin to understand the depth of your pain and agony.... :)

I guess it depends on the age of the dogs. If older they will have problems with living in an apartment if they have been used to roam in open gardens etc., they may become agressive and irritated if confined for longer periods of time.

If you want to keep them in Thailand find a shelter (at a cost) that can take care of them while you are away. Don't trust a maid with this kind of job!!!!


Thanks opalhort.

My dogs one is a year old , small one is 9 mnths old.

Yes they are used to running around in 2.5 rai(?) of garden/jungle. Thats why i am bit worried that they might get all bored and irritated.

I have been doing lot of research and found out .. they will be in quarantine for 4months as Thailand is catg. 3 country.

To patrick

"Oh come on!!

Tell us:

In Baht:

1) How much are you paying the Maids In Samui?

2) How much do you allocate to provide the dogs with

"antiseptic sprays , creams ................. doggies extra meals(treat) like heart/lungs of chicken/pork, chicken meat, beef meat, fish etc three times a week"

If "1" is less than "2" then anywhere in the world - what would you expect to happen ................... sometimes I just give up -


They are over paid, them lazy waste of space.. 10k per head per month for doing F* all all day.

I left them 4k for my dogs for the month of JAN 2010 but i know they spent it all on themselves or kept it themselves.

They are getting fired next month as i am going there to sort it out.

I was only moaning about my useless maids so no need to get all touchy/angry/upset/flame-y about me moaning bout MY useless waste of space thaimaids.

IF you are not a pet owner/don't have any advice or suggestions like opalhort.... please dont waste yr precious time.

Thank you all.

Kung Hai Fat Choi.

to Nakachalet

Many many thanks.

I am pming u now .

Oh come on!!

Tell us:

In Baht:

1) How much are you paying the Maids In Samui?

2) How much do you allocate to provide the dogs with

"antiseptic sprays , creams ................. doggies extra meals(treat) like heart/lungs of chicken/pork, chicken meat, beef meat, fish etc three times a week"

If "1" is less than "2" then anywhere in the world - what would you expect to happen ................... sometimes I just give up -



i forgot to add-

Their first aids plus nutrition supplements all from hongkong. There is a cabinet full of doggys first aids, nutrition supplements, tick n flea preventatives , grooming supplies all from hongkong. u may ask me why? because .. they are better quality and instruction is written in english.

Hope that answer yr Q/curiosity.


Coming from one of the most populated countries in the world where many have dogs, in their house as the weather totally sucks most of the year or in an apartment, I think it depends on what you are going to do with your dogs in Hongkong and your available time.

If you are able and willing to take them out at least three times a day, where they can run and play around, or even better joining a doggy sport (if available in HK), then it would be for me definitely an option to bring. Of course, the quarantine period is a lot less for them, but nonetheless doable (provided that the care they give is good).

There are more people in Thailand who leave their pets under the care of their maids. Sometimes that goes very well, and sometimes not. I'm sorry that you and your dogs fell in the 'not' box.

I hope it will work out for you and your dogs.


There is also a home care service for pets that may be of help to you.

They do have a website, just google Creaturecomfortsamui. (Sorry unable to post url)

Have used them when gone on visa run / short trips away but think they also do longer term.

Great service and reasonably priced. Perhaps your staff will do a better job if they know someone is visiting the dogs a few times a week!


I kept dogs in Hong Kong in flats for many years, including two Alsatians in succession. Look for an apartment on the first floor of a block, which will usually have a flat roof space belonging to your apartment; then at least they have a small space to play. The rest is up to you... regular walks (this makes it important that you choose your location near a park or some potential exercise place), veterinary care etc. There is a good RSPCA branch in Hong Kong, with veterinary care and kennels if you go away for a week or more, and also several private vets.

My dogs were happy and fit, and I never had a serious medical problem with any one of them (except the first Alsatian, which I homed at 2 years old, when it already had a serious case of canker... this we cured... and the dog was the best I've ever had after that). I never had a case of tick infestation, or any skin disease.

Basically, OP, it's up to you. You care for your dogs, not a maid or houseboy. You exercise them, and feed them. You take them to the vet when necessary (for mine it was usually an extra walk, about 2 or 3 miles).

My dogs were a wonderful feature of my life in Hong Kong.

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