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Given the sexual proclivities of some it seems more likely to happen here than back home. If you see your mate with a girl you have "had relations" with, what if anything do you say? Does the girl fake like she doesn't know you? Or do you just flat out know from the non verbal signals between the two?

Anywhichway I guess it must be interesting?

Any good stories to share?



Usually she'll make out she does't know you but sometmes not...

If she's in the 'Public Domain' as it were, I'm sure anyone with half a brain would know theres a chance she'd been with a few other blokes...

My Uncle B*** once turned up at our Hotel in Patters with a lass whom his pal J** had 'Boofed' - to use a rather crude but apt colloquialism - a couple of nights before. It was amusing to see to men over 55 bickering over a lass for whom anyone's cash would do.


You do seem to have a knack for coming up with some of the more interesting thread topics, don't you Loz?

I can't claim to have any good stories to share and I wouldn't talk about them if I did, but of all the times in the past that are best kept to myself, it might generally have come down to situational awareness, and correspondence with the manners of the other party, because I would hope for the same if the situation was reversed and some ex of mine happened to run into me when I'm out on the town with a new friend.


I used to go to one karaoke bar regularly and play. One woman in particular took a liking to me and whenever I came in would sit with me in the booth and we would play away. One time a friend who didnot know I knew about this place wanted to show me around. So he took me there. He immediately latched on to the girl that I always played with because she came over first. The other girls didnot know what to do. They thought if they went to me there would be problems. The girl kept looking at me not sure what to do. I just sat there and watched everything going on without saying anything. A couple of days later I was back and she was so thankful I said and did nothing. I actually found it amusing thia guy thought he was opening doors for me and everything was old news to me. The girl and I are still friends and she introduced me to her cousin so we could share, she was very appreciative.


A mate on a trip to bangkok, met a girl and on arriving at his hotel, had a shower, she had a shower also, she had left her diary out and he could'nt help himself, had to have a look, Luigi arrives tuesday 1week, Frank arriving april 2weeks, George arriving may not sure.

Elephants trunk broken, motorbike flat tire....


All I can say Loz, is that either you have led a very sheltered life, or never lived in a rural community!!

For this very reason, even when single, I always played away from my home patch!!!!!

I can think of a few husbands who were very frosty towards ex partners......others who got on with life.....but I reckon it still grated!!!

As for the diary episode above, I can think of many a hotel massage girl that would have that type of entry...par for the course...when a customer is returning?....did the list make any difference then??? :)


Some years ago when I worked on the buses, an attractive young lady got on one of my last runs about midnight. When I reached the final destination, I told the lady, sorry this is it, you will have to get off. The lady began crying and told me that her boyfriend had beat her and chucked her out of their house, she had no where to go she said.

Anyway to cut a long story short she ended up at my place. During the night it was like sex on tap, never had an experience like it since. The next morning she phoned her boyfriend and decided to go back with him. That was the last I saw of her.

Back at work I told one of my work mates the whole story of how I met this girl on the bus and what we did. I had her in bed, on the stairs, over the freezer, it was great I told him.

5 months later the same work mate who was a bus driver told me that he had met this girl and they became engaged. Congratulations I said and never gave it a second thought. The following week my friend brought his new fiancée into the bus depot canteen during our lunch break. As she walked in our eyes met. Yes it was her, the girl that spent the night with me 5 months previous. At first it was a deep silence, red faces and heads bowed. I said, hello and she acknowledged with a nod. On that note I quickly finished my lunch and went elsewhere.

One of the most embarrassing moments of my life. After that she kept well away from the depot and I did not see her again. I never told my work mate anything, what's the point, I thought.

Some time later, to my relief, I heard that the couple split up and never married. After that when my work mate ever mentioned anything about the break up, I just replied; never mind plenty more fish in the sea and quickly changed the subject.

Yep, those were the days.

Given the sexual proclivities of some it seems more likely to happen here than back home. If you see your mate with a girl you have "had relations" with, what if anything do you say? Does the girl fake like she doesn't know you? Or do you just flat out know from the non verbal signals between the two?

Anywhichway I guess it must be interesting?

Any good stories to share?

As I mentioned on another tv thread, I know of 5 of my ex girlfriends who now have serious relationships with other men. One has a new baby, another is pregnant and the other three seem perfectly happy. Each of the gals asked me to be quiet about our previous relationship and I've respected their wishes. Both my ex-wives in Canada are happily married, so I don't see that it is a lot different. What women do now, or did prior to meeting me does not interest me in the least. If they are pleasant to me then I'm pleasant to them. Otherwise I just ignore them. When they DID first hook up with their present guys they were a bit worried, but I just treated them like any other couple and they caught my drift. Maybe that is why I get along so well with all of the bar girls. I don't pass judgement on anyone.

You do seem to have a knack for coming up with some of the more interesting thread topics, don't you Loz?


Are you calling me a cunning linguist?

Interesting tales from the crpyt, thanks Gents.

I was thinking it would be kinda hard to play the, "we are just mates" card given that most people with the girl would think you met her at the same place/under the same circs and take quite some convincing that you actually helped her change the flat tyre on her Honda Wave outside Big C.

Kinda shocked there are no stories of extorting monies or at least free drinks in return for keeping your mouth shut.. but that would surely be a double edged sword! (without the pork)

I guess discretion is indeed, the better part of valor.



Maybe give him some tips on how she likes it??!!!

Depends on how good a mate he is and how he intents to go with the "relationship" and also if she was in the bizness or not....

If she wasnt in the bizness...

If its just a girl he is having a fling with, yea I will tell him.

If its just a girl i had a fling with and he is serious about her, I turn into a mute.

If she was in the bizness and

he wants a serious relationship with her, I tell him

He only wants a fling, I tell him....probably with all the graphic details.

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