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Plumbing Problem


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Can anyone tell me if it is possible to cut and rejoin a braided plumbing hose and if so where i can get the parts reqd? While attempting to tighten the nut on one end it decided to shatter into 5 pieces. And i have no access to the other end to simply remove and replace the hose. To make matters worse the toilet has been fitted "thai style", cemented to the floor. If anyone knows how i might solve this problem without having to try and remove the toilet it would be much appreciated



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The problem with the cheaper braided hoses is the nuts do corrode, so if one end has shattered due to corrosion the other end will finally leak and then split,(sorry) But I would take out the Toilet and replace the hose with an all stainless hose like the one’s in the picture.


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Do you really have to remove it? I would think the hole would allow access to a plumbers tool (or fingers) to remove the nut and tighten a new one.

Have a plumber check. They are cheap and even if have to remove the toilet it is not that big a problem as the cement bond is relatively easy to remove. Have had done several times for upgrades and tile change.

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Thanks lopburi, but with the existing broken hose in place i can only get 1 finger in the hole and unfortunatly thats not enough.

Are you saying that it is possible for a thai plumber to remove this toilet without breaking it so that i can reuse it. It is made by a company called Mogen and cost me 16000 baht together with a hand basin and its only 2 yrs old. I am particularly annoyed that a somewhat expensive toilet came supplied with such an inferior quality hose.

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The hole indicates a maintenance panel --- it is not tiled as per the wall. There also appears to be a gap between the wall and the panel.

These maintenance panels are supposed to be easily removed for the type of problem you are experiencing. However, it may get damaged and need to be replaced, but they are not expensive.

Best of luck.

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One finger may be all you need. Try turning the hose CCW and see if it loosens the nut enough for your finger to remove. As said above there may be access from some place that would not require removal. I still have a 35 years old American Standard that has been removed/replaced twice.

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If you are the slighest bit handy you can do this yourself. Just note the thickness of the toilet bed. Remove the cistern, usually two screws to the wall and a butterfly thing holding it to the pot. When replacing don't overtighten anything or something may crack.

Don't drop anything down the hole else you will get some problems innthe future!

You should be able to remove the tile without breaking, just scrape around the joints untill all out then gently leaver it. If it breaks and you cannot replace..try superglue.

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You should be able to just remove the access panel & use the lines that sometime recommended. He is right the braided always fails within a certain amount of time. You should be able to do this & avoid r&r ing your toilet at all. The have special slotted sockets with a lug on the end you can put a large crecent wrench to turn the socket in the U.S. for removing interior hoses through large enough holes in the tile. I have never seen any out here though. If you can get the pane off & just replace with stainless instead of braided. And use plumbers tape on the ends so you don't need to over tighten to get a good seal.

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Unfortunatly there is no access panel. The small hole you see in the first pictiure is in the side of the toilet. It is a 1 piece unit so the cistern is not removable. You would also need thin 8" long fingers to be able to remove the hose by hand. I am a bit puzzled why there is no access. The Mogen website provides no help whatsoever. We have those type of wrenches in the UK also Beardog but i forgot to put 1 in my suitcase. I have searched Surat thani for one before but never found anything. The hole is so small i am not sure it would fit through anyway. I am now waiting for the plumber to arrive so we will take it from there.

thanks everyone




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Do you still have the number of the guy that installed it? Long gone or whatever? Call a "plumber" and make the deal if he breaks the toilet he pays for a new one. But my guess is the "cement" seal is easily broken with a sharp knife type tool and some careful cutting and tapping.

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