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Pm using same tactics as hitler,

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PM using same tactics as Hitler, says social critic

Published on Nov 3, 2003

A leading social critic yesterday compared Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra to Adolph Hitler and warned that he is a threat to the country’s independent media and intellectuals.

“Thaksin tricks and abuses the Thai public into believing that what he is doing is right, like Hitler did with the German people prior the World War II,” said Sulak Sivaraksa, at his 70th birthday celebration, organised by the Social Science and Humanity Textbook Project at Rung-aroon School.

He said that after two years as prime minister, Thaksin had shown that he placed his own ambitions and political interests ahead of what was best for the country.

He said the prime minister had used money and power to put the Thai media under his spell.

Thaksin had penetrated and influenced the Thai media that once dared to challenge the government, and that is why the media was now mostly pro-Thaksin, Sulak said.

“Thaksin’s enemies today are those that do not agree with him, especially academics, intellectuals and NGO workers, as well as members of the Assembly of the Poor,” he said.

Sulak said that it was ironic that Thaksin was able to come to power in the first place as a result of the October 14, 1973 democracy uprising, which removed obstacles that prevented the middle classes from participating in Thai politics.

Thaksin has been get away with his abuse of public office partly because of the failure of Thai intellectuals to build greater awareness of social justice and democracy among the public, he said.

-- The Nation 2003-11-03


Scary... except for the fact that Thai Rak Thai has a huge following of academics and is made up (a large part anyway) of academics.


Guest IT Manager
Scary... except for the fact that Thai Rak Thai has a huge following of academics and is made up (a large part anyway) of academics.


Where did that "fact" come from? What I have seen at rallies and meetings of TRT did seem to include many I would refer to that way. Generally ordinary people off the streets and business people.

Also where are the academics putting the PM's policies to the people.

TRT is more oriented towards business people and those with no profits to be shown from liberalisation of the body politic, or education of the average Joe, as well as the "Joes" themselves, who saw the village fund and use the 30 baht medical scheme.

I believe the first agenda item, if he was serious about being "for the poor", should have been education, but it wasn't, and doubt it ever will be.

Scary... except for the fact that Thai Rak Thai has a huge following of academics and is made up (a large part anyway) of academics.


Heng, I think you're getting confused between "teachers" and "academics". Granted many teachers, for some strange reason, seem to get off on Thaksin, but real "academics" (in the free thinking Thirayuth Boonmi mould of Uni profs), don't seem to be quite so enamoured with this new brand of totalitarianism sweeping the country. Maybe it's just me, but the two year honeymoon period for the PM, I would say is over now and now everyone's got a mobile phone, a new car and a whacking great debt to boot, he's gonna have to be continually more creative to survive the course. Trouble is there's no obvious replacement leader on the ascendancy, so a bit like Blair in UK, he may be able to rule by default. Scary indeed.


See nobody wants to touch this thread with a 20 foot bargepole. Too hot to handle or have ya all got Toxinosis? Actually, I think the comparison is unfair and too extreme, but a Lee Kuan Yew with a dash of Peron and Mahatir thrown in for good measure comparison, would be much fairer and nearer the mark.

Guest IT Manager

I will poll the barge this far. As a Clever as opposed to smart Politician, Taksin, the revered leader, see the future for Thailand in terms of the future for Taksin.

Unfortunately the Thairath's of the world aren't as foolish as perhaps he would hope they were and constantly show him as a bit ( microscopically) self serving (PM goes to India and signs satellite deal for example).

As people become aware of the reason for the 30 baht medical scheme and the million baht village fund (what used to be 300 baht at the polling booth but is called politely "populist policies"), and see the rental accommodation they saw as a good investment because foreigners will lap them up at 30-45,000 baht per month), go begging for tenants, they will take another look.

For example, who is the head of armed forces? OMG his cousin. Who is the head of the NCCP? OMG his good friend.

As I have said before in this forum, Thai people are not stupid. Given time, they will realise the cost of Thais' who love Thais', and will have a long look at the ballot paper, in spite of the teachers saying "put an 'x' there darling". no offer of 300 baht any more, though the look will be less severe now this new chap is doing the looking.

Given time, things will change for the better. October 14 even if His Excellency wasn't there, will be remembered for what it was. A statement by the people that they do not want to be ruled, they wish to be guided, in such a way, that every single man, woman and child will benefit from that guidance. A good PM is like a Ships Captain. He takes care of the ship first, the captain second.

Thailand is on the edge, between democracy and Taksinocracy. Time will prove what wins. Lots of money and an eye for business, or the peoples need to have a say in how their lives are run.

In my humble opinion, the people will give it a few sessions, and then count the cost of having a billionaire, with a son who sports a 40 million baht wristwatch in a 5 baht newspaper, who cheats on his exams, and a daughter who works in macdonalds, over a man who in one fell swoop saw a need to bring in a loan from the IMF to help the country control the greed of the aforementioned businessman and his colleagues, who successfully negotiated the loan package, then disappeared back to what he really loves (his family). This, a man who started life as a temple boy.

Give Thais' credit. Lots of it. They can work it out, the same as the Germans did, as the US and the UK, and even poor little Australia. Also, give them time. The ones you know, support. the ones you don't, pray for. THEY WILL WORK IT OUT. With or without our help.

Now where did I put that soap again?


Good on yer IT for getting out your poll! :o Great to see such unbridled optimism of what the future holds in store for LOS. Only wish I could share it. By the time people wake up to what's going on, then it's going to take a miracle to clean up the spill. They paved paradise and put up a parking lot...............

PS Impressed and amazed at your son's knowledge and studies, so there's hope yet....................


Hi Bronco, Kan I use your Avatar, I need it now, as I am on my high Horse with this reply


To you all,

I am, a Refugee and always will be one, BUT………………..

I really hate politic,

Where do you think this or any Government can pay for the Education for the poor ??????? or any thing else for them ?????

Me think, first we have (in Thailand) the High-So that lost a lot during the 1997 Thaitanic ???? Baht sank to the bottom…..together with the Middle Class……….

So now, Thailand is on a roll, but to make this happen, Thailand needed a Businessman our Good Leader, The P.M. and like Khun Anan, before, after the last Coup, to bring UP the “MIDDLE CLASS” to pay for the poor people of Thailand through taxation, visa charges etc… Same Same in all countries in E.U.

But I must say, “God helped those how help themselves” (not stealing of course) and really the poor do not help themselves. (What did the previous Gov’s’ment do for the POOR PEOPLE, Nil). So is this all of a sudden T.R.T problem ???? No it is not. They have no created this problem. At least they are the ones that are trying doing something about it.

I see them each and every day (Poor People), as they been before for more than a century ago, and yes, I give them a few Baht, but nothing changes, still they keep on coming, each & every day.


Hi Bronco, Kan I use your Avatar, I need it now, as I am on my high Horse with this reply


To you all,

I am, a Refugee and always will be one, BUT………………..

I really hate politic,

Where do you think this or any Government can pay for the Education for the poor ??????? or any thing else for them ?????

Me think, first we have (in Thailand) the High-So that lost a lot during the 1997 Thaitanic ???? Baht sank to the bottom…..together with the Middle Class……….

So now, Thailand is on a roll, but to make this happen, Thailand needed a Businessman our Good Leader, The P.M. and like Khun Anan, before, after the last Coup, to bring UP the “MIDDLE CLASS” to pay for the poor people of Thailand through taxation, visa charges etc… Same Same in all countries in E.U.

But I must say, “God helped those how help themselves” (not stealing of course) and really the poor do not help themselves. (What did the previous Gov’s’ment do for the POOR PEOPLE, Nil). So is this all of a sudden T.R.T problem ???? No it is not. They have no created this problem. At least they are the ones that are trying doing something about it.

I see them each and every day (Poor People), as they been before for more than a century ago, and yes, I give them a few Baht, but nothing changes, still they keep on coming, each & every day.


Me too, Kan,can't stand the body politic. But politics affects us all, like it or not.

And what you're saying is load of <deleted>, esp. the bit about the Middle Class being needed to "pay for the poor of Thailand" and "the poor do not help themselves". Jeez, where do you come from! Take the silver spoon out your gob and open your eyes man. Don't want to break it to you too hard, but it is the poor of Thailand who pay for the rich and middle class. They pay figuratively, with their sweat and blood and literally with their labour and taxes. Yes, the poor farmers (majority of the popn.) pay far more taxes proportionately, through taxes on their rice and other produce, than any parasitic politician, karachagan or rich businesman ever did. They pay daily their dues, by sweating their hearts out so you can eat rice, live in concrete monstrosities-- built by the poor of Isaan (and now, Burma too)-- and in a thousand other ways you take for granted, but have never stopped to consider as you casually "see them each and every day".

No, Kan, you have never "seen" the poor, you've only looked at them as you throw down your "few baht". Do me a favour and climb back on your high horse and gallop to other threads where your input is more relevant.



Thank you for taking out your time to respond to my post.

And yes, I will, as you quoted “Do me a favour and climb back on your high horse and gallop to other threads where your input is more relevant.” Because I hate Politics.

But, as you quoted “No, Kan, you have never "seen" the poor,” in Thailand, you mean ?, I was one of then, Not in Thailand but in Europe and yes I put that Silver Spoon in My Mouth, no one helped me only myself. That was what I tried to say in my quote “God helped those, how help themselves” Opps should have been “who help themselves” Beg my pudding.

Once again, thank you for your response.



Thank you for taking out your time to respond to my post.

And yes, I will, as you quoted “Do me a favour and climb back on your high horse and gallop to other threads where your input is more relevant.” Because I hate Politics.

But, as you quoted “No, Kan, you have never "seen" the poor,” in Thailand, you mean ?, I was one of then, Not in Thailand but in Europe and yes I put that Silver Spoon in My Mouth, no one helped me only myself. That was what I tried to say in my quote “God helped those, how help themselves” Opps should have been “who help themselves” Beg my pudding.

Once again, thank you for your response.


I don't want to presuppose your circumstances Kan, but I suspect there are a few ever so slight differences between your perceived poverty in Europe (where according to the official statistics I too was amongst the poorest of the poor), and actual poverty (a relative term) here, as seen every day in Thailand (if you have the vision to see and not prejudge people's circumstances). Your original posting which I objected to, smacked of being somewhere between Samak Sundaravej's dismissal of the down-and-out poor in Bangkok as being no better than stray dogs (hence his ability to ship them both off to Cambodia, no questions asked), and the PM's rationale for freeing the poor from their condition - all they need is to unleash their locked up capital and bingo! (they'll be well off). That simple.

Unfortunately, all three of you fail to realise the underlying reasons for poverty, which was hinted at by Leo Tolstoy (I think?) in a quotation, which I can't remember verbatim, but went something along the lines of:

The rich man worries over the poor man and says he'll help him. Feed him, clothe him, give him charity. If fact, he'll do anything for the poor man, apart from climb down from off his back.

In Thailand, where the disparity between rich and poor is greater than any other nation on earth, is the prime reminder of this basic truth.

The rich man worries over the poor man and says he'll help him. Feed him, clothe him, give him charity. If fact, he'll do anything for the poor man, apart from climb down from off his back.

Good Quote!!!!

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