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Thai Dogs Vs Farang Rights. What Comes First?


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I cannot cycle or run the 1km soi between home and a main road, instead take a longer route to avoid the ownerless soi dogs.

A local US lady feeds some of them, and has 'trained' a group of them to run with her when she rides her motorbike to the shop, so of course now they chase other motorbikes too; after Xmas this caused a woman with child to crash on our corner - a tight 90 deg bend where she had no chance but to slow down; all very slow speed but could have been worse.

I would happily poison the lot, and sleep easy, if I had access to an effective, quick method.

Once worked with a guy who had a dog problem and wrapped a hot dog inside uncooked bread dough. Apparently the dog ate it and that was it. I think a painful end to the dog but ironically he did not seem to have any reservations in doing it. Sad but true.

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This thread gets all the internet warriors out here. Baseball bats on a dog... hahahaha you wont be able to hit the dog the dog will be long gone.

Believe me i got a bang kaew dog he barks at people at times (just some people) but keeps at least 20 meters between him and the person he is barking at (real brave dog). You can chase him with your bat but you will never catch him.

Other times he just walks with people (all depends on the person) but still if you make fast movements he is gone. Most soi dogs that i see here are the same.. gone when you move fast or threaten them. No way you hit them then. I wonder how many of you guys have actually ever chased a dog.

I regularly chase my dog to get him back in the house after his playtime outside is over. Believe me a dog will outrun you all the time and outmaneuver too.. so he only comes when i bribe him with food. Or when he is done playing.

So baseball boys just try it.. if you can hit them they are probably old and sick and no threat to you. Its not often you will encounter really aggressive dogs.

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This thread gets all the internet warriors out here. Baseball bats on a dog... hahahaha you wont be able to hit the dog the dog will be long gone.

Believe me i got a bang kaew dog he barks at people at times (just some people) but keeps at least 20 meters between him and the person he is barking at (real brave dog). You can chase him with your bat but you will never catch him.

Other times he just walks with people (all depends on the person) but still if you make fast movements he is gone. Most soi dogs that i see here are the same.. gone when you move fast or threaten them. No way you hit them then. I wonder how many of you guys have actually ever chased a dog.

I regularly chase my dog to get him back in the house after his playtime outside is over. Believe me a dog will outrun you all the time and outmaneuver too.. so he only comes when i bribe him with food. Or when he is done playing.

So baseball boys just try it.. if yohey are probably old and sick and no threat to you. Its not often you will encounter really aggressive dogs.

Yeah I've chased lots of Dogs Robblok , unsuccessfully ofcourse and only in Thailand for some unknown reason and usually when theres a Full moon. However, there's still a slight chance of making contact while there busy eating something . Wether its a Chicken , Duck or ones leg :)

Sh*t, just realised its a full moon tomorrow, that kinda explains a few things :D

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Its incredibly unusual for Thai dogs to attack someone (even in a pack).

They are normally v gentle and cautious about people.

Get some pepper spray and keep it in your pocket when out walking. A quick burst of pepper spray near them will frighten them away if you are unfortunate enough to find the odd aggressive dog.

I too, was unlucky enough to be bit by a dog recently (one of my dogs on a lead kept barking at him and annoyed him), but it was not a soi dog - it was a bloody labrador/retriever! The next time he started approaching me I squirted my pepper spray in front of him (not in his face) and he ran a mile!

If you try to poison the dog the chances are that you'll poison lots of other, innocent dogs. Just teach the culprit (with pepper spray) to keep away.

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Plus theres a good thread on here yesterday that mentioned information about RABIES. I had no idea about that before hand, you need to take that stuff seriously, make sure you have the other injections.

whats the medical situation like here? would you trust anybody other than bumrungrad?

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Its quite strange how people who own dogs can never blame the dog.I used to run marathons and have been bitten and attacked so many times i have lost count but am always told by the owner the dog has never done it before or say i have done something to upset the dog.

I was once delivering telephone books in UK with my 10 year old daughter when we were attacked at a large house by 2 massive dogs.My daughter was 2 metres away from me with a snarling dogs face inches from hers.I moved very slowly and sat her on a car roof .I was terrified the same as my daughter but when the owner finally came out the moron could not understand why i was upset with his lovey dogs.I say this for the less intelligent dog owner who thinks it is ok for his dogs to attack somebody on his property.How about your neighbours children calling to play with yours,mailman,milkman,repairman,salesman or anybody who has a reason to knock your door.Do you think your dogs can bite them because they are on your property?

I live in the sticks between Udon and Nong khai in a village full of dogs. I have been bitten 3 times.A few weeks ago i was knocked off my bicycle and had cuts and bruises but no bite.The dog is now chained up.I have been attacked walking at night 3 times by packs of dogs and have had to be rescued by pickup.One of the attacks was from strays in the temple at night by i estimate (it was so dark i could not see them) about 30 dogs.Lucky a pickup stopped and rescued me or i think i would have been really hurt or killed.

The dogs sleep all day as it is hot then are awake at night .Most of these dogs are not stray they just attack anything that walks passed their houses.I am now a prisoner in my house after dark.I cannot jog or even walk 300 meters to get a beer.All the thai people are in the same boat .Do not walk or bicycle at night.Do not jog anywhere anytime.

When i need to exercise i rent a place in the city and run and bicycle in the parks.I am now trying to convince my wife to sell our house and live where there are not so many dogs.

There is no excuse ever for a dog to attack an innocent human anywhere anytime.

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Get this...do that...blah blah blah.

At the end of the day, there are simply too many stray dogs in Thailand...& they aren't all 'gentle & cautious', especially when in packs.

Get rid of the bloody things.

actually its the thai way of saying get lost farangs :):D:D . you notice thai dogs dont bother thais :D

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When they are eating something.. but at that point they are not the dangerous threatening barking menace people are talking about. They are just minding their own business then (unless they are eating one of your chickens :))

When they are biting your leg like you said that is a good time to hit them with a baseball bat :D or anything else you can get.

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Its quite strange how people who own dogs can never blame the dog.I used to run marathons and have been bitten and attacked so many times i have lost count but am always told by the owner the dog has never done it before or say i have done something to upset the dog.

I was once delivering telephone books in UK with my 10 year old daughter when we were attacked at a large house by 2 massive dogs.My daughter was 2 metres away from me with a snarling dogs face inches from hers.I moved very slowly and sat her on a car roof .I was terrified the same as my daughter but when the owner finally came out the moron could not understand why i was upset with his lovey dogs.I say this for the less intelligent dog owner who thinks it is ok for his dogs to attack somebody on his property.How about your neighbours children calling to play with yours,mailman,milkman,repairman,salesman or anybody who has a reason to knock your door.Do you think your dogs can bite them because they are on your property?

I live in the sticks between Udon and Nong khai in a village full of dogs. I have been bitten 3 times.A few weeks ago i was knocked off my bicycle and had cuts and bruises but no bite.The dog is now chained up.I have been attacked walking at night 3 times by packs of dogs and have had to be rescued by pickup.One of the attacks was from strays in the temple at night by i estimate (it was so dark i could not see them) about 30 dogs.Lucky a pickup stopped and rescued me or i think i would have been really hurt or killed.

The dogs sleep all day as it is hot then are awake at night .Most of these dogs are not stray they just attack anything that walks passed their houses.I am now a prisoner in my house after dark.I cannot jog or even walk 300 meters to get a beer.All the thai people are in the same boat .Do not walk or bicycle at night.Do not jog anywhere anytime.

When i need to exercise i rent a place in the city and run and bicycle in the parks.I am now trying to convince my wife to sell our house and live where there are not so many dogs.

There is no excuse ever for a dog to attack an innocent human anywhere anytime.

Actually if you get on my property and are bitten by my dog its your own mistake. (provided you got through the locked gate without me and im not around). No reason for strangers to enter my property unless i let them. Different story when a dog attacks you on public space.

30 dogs sounds dangerous to me big packs of dogs can be dangerous. I am a dog owner but i would get scared too. I once had a similar thing happen to me on samui I was with my brother and his gf and at night we walked to the main road and were followed by a pack of dogs barking and howling at us. Nobody did a thing (the people who lived there did not even look). Now i know more about dogs and would probably be less afraid and would have handled it differently.

Still when i let my dogs walk free outside i keep the door open and listen while i work so if he starts to bark i get out and check what he is doing. So if he is barking at someone i take care of it.'

Here in the village we have a lot of free roaming dogs but they have not formed packs like you are talking about and a dog alone is usually a scared dog.

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This thread gets all the internet warriors out here. Baseball bats on a dog... hahahaha you wont be able to hit the dog the dog will be long gone.

Believe me i got a bang kaew dog he barks at people at times (just some people) but keeps at least 20 meters between him and the person he is barking at (real brave dog). You can chase him with your bat but you will never catch him.

Other times he just walks with people (all depends on the person) but still if you make fast movements he is gone. Most soi dogs that i see here are the same.. gone when you move fast or threaten them. No way you hit them then. I wonder how many of you guys have actually ever chased a dog.

I regularly chase my dog to get him back in the house after his playtime outside is over. Believe me a dog will outrun you all the time and outmaneuver too.. so he only comes when i bribe him with food. Or when he is done playing.

So baseball boys just try it.. if you can hit them they are probably old and sick and no threat to you. Its not often you will encounter really aggressive dogs.

Try walking outside your own soi. Lots of aggressive dogs - two of my friends have been bite in the last 3 months alone.

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This thread gets all the internet warriors out here. Baseball bats on a dog... hahahaha you wont be able to hit the dog the dog will be long gone.

Believe me i got a bang kaew dog he barks at people at times (just some people) but keeps at least 20 meters between him and the person he is barking at (real brave dog). You can chase him with your bat but you will never catch him.

Other times he just walks with people (all depends on the person) but still if you make fast movements he is gone. Most soi dogs that i see here are the same.. gone when you move fast or threaten them. No way you hit them then. I wonder how many of you guys have actually ever chased a dog.

I regularly chase my dog to get him back in the house after his playtime outside is over. Believe me a dog will outrun you all the time and outmaneuver too.. so he only comes when i bribe him with food. Or when he is done playing.

So baseball boys just try it.. if you can hit them they are probably old and sick and no threat to you. Its not often you will encounter really aggressive dogs.

Try walking outside your own soi. Lots of aggressive dogs - two of my friends have been bite in the last 3 months alone.

Maybe dogs just fear me naturally knowing i'm to strong dangerous ect.. they would only attack weak ppl who are afraid of dogs. :)

I get around, probably not at the same places as you do Thailand is a big place.

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No doubt the dog situation is out of control in this country. They are treated as the equivalent of India's sacred cows. It is really whacko. Malaysia has the right idea - loose dogs are generally not tolerated and they have "dog shooters" who cut the population down from time to time. Unfortunately, I think you will never see that here.

Yes. They also cane people and are good at bulldozing Hindu Temples and harassing Chinese Christians and Buddhists.

There are more efective ways of dealing with growing feral populations. It's called education and responsible management.

Whenever humans seek to intervene in a natural balance, the humans usually make the situation worse.

It's called giving them the chop...... :)

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So few questions... so many answers... so little time. Suggestions:

1) Thai dog vs farang. What comes first? You're joking with this one aren't you? Animal obviously outranks vegetable

2) Have I any rights? Yes

3) Are there any laws? Yes

4) Can they be enforced? Yes

4b) Bonus question: WILL they be enforced?: No - don't see why these laws should be any different than the rest. :)

5) TIT? Indeed. Some would even say "SOFT"

Edited by fletchsmile
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The dog situation in Thailand is completely out of hand and the dogs need to be controlled or culled. Sorry to say it but it is true. Homeless dogs will form packs and when in packs the instincts take over and they act not much different than wolves (their ancestors). I have run into countless Thais and Expats alike who have been bitten or attacked by these stray dogs. It's an insane situation and anyone who says otherwise is either protecting their position as an owner of dogs or has not fully traveled or spent enough time in Thailand. I'd say the dangers of being attacked would be the number one physical danger in Thailand exceeding even traffic accidents particularly if you venture anywhere outside a highly populated commercial or tourism district such as residential sois, back roads, etc.

Does anyone know if Laos, Cambodia, Philippines, Vietnam have this type of crazy situation?

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ive hit a couple of soi dogs up in isaan within a 2 mth period, maybe even killed them , if they are too lazy or stupid to move afetr me thomping the horn a couple times then i dont care,, bloody things should be shot anyway

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ive hit a couple of soi dogs up in isaan within a 2 mth period, maybe even killed them , if they are too lazy or stupid to move afetr me thomping the horn a couple times then i dont care,, bloody things should be shot anyway

You sound like a real piece of work. But i believe other posters think the same about you.

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Plus theres a good thread on here yesterday that mentioned information about RABIES. I had no idea about that before hand, you need to take that stuff seriously, make sure you have the other injections.

An old Thai belief is that dogs are reborn Thais, who made terrible things in their lives before. This is not a joke, I've heard that too many times.

To be honest, there's nothing you could do now, make sure that you don't get Rabies, or an infection.

Wrong time at the wrong place, cops are not interested in such a 'farlang' problem.

Don't lose your humor, you might need it the next time.....wish you a speedy recovery.

P.S. Some bones and E605 would make an end, but it wouldn't change much. Take care.

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Police and the legal system are not set up to deal with minor incidents like this and definitely not with the litigious foreigner and all his talk of rights. :)

You don't think that a person has a right to walk on a public beach without being attacked and bitten by dogs?

If a dog bites you, then you did something wrong. You have brain so use it. All they have is instinct.

What in the world are you doing in a place where nobody else goes, beach or elsewhere? If there are other people there, why did the dog attack you and not the others? Dogs don't bite for no reason.

Talk about "rights" all you want but discard common sense and suffer the consequences.

phetaroi, That statement certainly is a bucket full of dog sh...it. In fact, your other statements are void of any reality as well....

... every time I ride my bike (peddle type) there are always a couple of dogs chasing after me trying to bite my leg....keeps me in shape though trying to outrun them :D dogs will be dogs....carry a stick or kick 'em in the chops...

Edited by JRinger
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These dogs regardless of thier nature if you touch them or threaten them then you will have to pay the owner for the stress you cause to the dog/s trust me My 2 yr old and myself were attacked by 6 dogs and I injured one to protect my son an it cost me 40,700 baht. The dog ran off with a bruise from a kick but it was also the stress on the owner I had to pay. Simply pick up your limbs and the remain of your children and smile....

You got hustled.

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Trigonometry, I have just come back from a night of drinking, and I am having trouble understanding your post.

As far as I understand, you stayed in a resort where it is likely that there was a dead dog in the shower cistern, and after washing your manhood with this water, it preceded to wilt considerably and you were unable to adequately perform for your GF.

The resort staff were well aware that there was a putrifying dog in the cistern, (presumably their own dog could not be found), but refused to divulge this information to you, preferring to engage in large-scale money laundering under your very noses.

You copied down the telephone number 01 996 3942 from their wall. Alas, I fear this is not a lead. I recognize that number as belonging to Khun Hamyai, who is a well known pre-op ladyboy who frequents that area, and with whom I have a passing acquaintance.

Can you please advise whether your libido has been permanently affected by this incident? You may be able to claim against these diminishing assets.


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It's nothing to do with the Dogs ( It is owners ) that need sorting out sounds like the Dogs was protecting or acting of of fear i have a Protection Dog that could take a guy right out if needed but he is as tame as a cat too.


Thais have the uncanny ability to raise feral dogs in their own home.

Zero training or discipline, zero petting or playing with them. Just add food and ignore.

Most likely, the only thing the dogs were protecting was their "territory".

But to just kill Dogs is not the way you need to teach people about Dogs !!!

Sorry, been here 10 years.

You cannot teach Thais about dogs.

(caveat: unless you run a dog training school, in which case the Thais took the initiative themselves to come to the school)

The extremely few Thais who actually know something about dogs, took initiative to learn themselves.

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I do not know if pepper spray is legal or not , however , you can purchase chlorox in many stores legally , watered down and put in a spray bottle does a good job of chasing renegade animals away , they steer clear of you next time they encounter you .

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I do not know if pepper spray is legal or not , however , you can purchase chlorox in many stores legally , watered down and put in a spray bottle does a good job of chasing renegade animals away , they steer clear of you next time they encounter you .

Wasp spray is better. I does the same job and it shoots a fair distance in one stream. It's also legal everywhere.

I never worry about dogs. I like dogs, but have no problem with killing a nasty one. You quickly get to know which dogs are which in a neighbourhood. Most are just yappers and are too scared to bite. And, even the biters only nip you. Very few dogs actually attack with intent to do serious harm. Those need to be destroyed... along with their owner.

This topic has had some funny replies from people who know very little about animals. The dead dog in the cistern on Koh Larn Island was a doozy. It really made me laugh... but not so much for what happened as the guys attitude.

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"simon43", thanks for neatly linking my "water" to the OP's "dogs".

However, for the sake of the casual reader let me point out that the "dog in the water cistern" is simon's speculation after a night of intoxication, and should be distinguished from facts as stated in my posts.

Re. my libido, I may or may not report more extensively in the future, (depending on how busy my life gets), for now suffice it to say that my organ is beginning to show an inclination to resurrect.

And now to the most important issue, the telephone number. The above-mentioned number I did not find scrawled on the walls of a toilet - the number was printed professionally in large digits on the wall of what seemed to be an outdoor reception area!

So if simon is saying he recognises the number as belonging to a ladyboy who frequents that area, what does that mean? that the ladyboy bought exclusive rights to advertise his services on those premises? I don't think so! he must be intimately connected with that establishment, in terms of management / ownership.

Till further notice I am quite busy, hence not investigating actively. If anyone can shed more light on these strange phenomena I'd appreciate it.

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The sound of a stun gun will scare off dogs that are not accustomed to it. Those things give off a pretty loud crack.

If anyone finds themselves unarmed and confronted by dogs then the best thing to do is to either crouch down as if you are picking up a rock/stick or to raise your hand above your head as if you are ready to strike with a stick. Any street dog in Thailand will have experienced being hit or having things thrown at them and the threat will make them back off.

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