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Whats The Weirdest Thing Your Thai Wife Has Eaten ?


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I have also heard of some asians eating monkey brains.

This one is an urban legend about the Japanese... :)

There was a restaurant in China Town here in Bangkok where they put a monkey 's head, who was alive, through the a hole in the table and his skull was opened and the brain was eaten with spoons.

I got closed after a while and countless protests.

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Ice cream in a burger bun. :)

They do that in the Philippines.

Maybe not the weirdest but definitely something that turned my stomach. She loves her som tam. I can't stand the smell of it. Well her "new thing" is to add some concoction she makes including what I suspect is rotten squid or fish. The smell is enough to peel paint. New rules, eat it outside, and brush your teeth before even thinking about giving me a kiss.

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I will eat anything som tam, ant lavae, chicken feet etc but once a year she eats a toad curry her mum makes. Its after the hot season and the rain starts and all these toads start jumping around everywhere.

The idea of it isn't so bad, before I saw it I even said I would try it. Anyway it is a bowl full of toad bodies and the little eggs from inside them :D

The strange thing is she won't eat frogs because they don't have nice skin??????????? :):D

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I'll try anything, I even enjoyed chicken feet (but they were all broken up and I couldn't tell what they were)<br /><br />can't actually bring myself to eat chicken feet as I cant help but picture the &lt;deleted&gt; they are covered in when they are in use!!!<br /><br />the missus eats anything, loves those weird insects that look a bit like a cross between a cicada, a locus and a grasshopper that live in the mud in the rice fields,<br /><br />tried them, were tasty but I struggled to get past the texture when sober...<br />

Edited by johnnyj
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You could ask another question or start a new thead..

What normal food would your Thai wife not try or eat?

My mates Thai wife in England will not touch anything for breakfast except some sort of rice dish....

she will not try toast / bacon / eggs / cornflakes etc..

My Thai Mrs sat in an Indian restaurant in the UK and just ate a popadom while me and my mates demolished the tandoori and curry dishes..

Pizza...no way.... will pick at the toppings only

An ex Thai g/f who took for a Sunday carvery in the UK only ate one roast potato...!

Thais in my experience are not like farangs who want to test everything no matter how revolting to them...but Thais will not try to eat anything outside

of their noodles/fish or rice dishes..

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You could ask another question or start a new thead..

What normal food would your Thai wife not try or eat?

My mates Thai wife in England will not touch anything for breakfast except some sort of rice dish....

she will not try toast / bacon / eggs / cornflakes etc..

My Thai Mrs sat in an Indian restaurant in the UK and just ate a popadom while me and my mates demolished the tandoori and curry dishes..

Pizza...no way.... will pick at the toppings only

An ex Thai g/f who took for a Sunday carvery in the UK only ate one roast potato...!

Thais in my experience are not like farangs who want to test everything no matter how revolting to them...but Thais will not try to eat anything outside

of their noodles/fish or rice dishes..

its funny you should bring this up. in thailand my wife will eat kutioew nam tok or anything with uncooked pigs blood. but when we go back to the u.k. and on the occasion i cook roast beef on a sunday, she wont touch it because of all the blood. now i have to buy a joint thats thin and long(no not that kind of joint) so that she can eat the well done parts from the outside part of the joint, while i and the rest of the family eat the middle part, with all the blood.

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You could ask another question or start a new thead..

What normal food would your Thai wife not try or eat?

My mates Thai wife in England will not touch anything for breakfast except some sort of rice dish....

she will not try toast / bacon / eggs / cornflakes etc..

My Thai Mrs sat in an Indian restaurant in the UK and just ate a popadom while me and my mates demolished the tandoori and curry dishes..

Pizza...no way.... will pick at the toppings only

An ex Thai g/f who took for a Sunday carvery in the UK only ate one roast potato...!

Thais in my experience are not like farangs who want to test everything no matter how revolting to them...but Thais will not try to eat anything outside

of their noodles/fish or rice dishes..

its funny you should bring this up. in thailand my wife will eat kutioew nam tok or anything with uncooked pigs blood. but when we go back to the u.k. and on the occasion i cook roast beef on a sunday, she wont touch it because of all the blood. now i have to buy a joint thats thin and long(no not that kind of joint) so that she can eat the well done parts from the outside part of the joint, while i and the rest of the family eat the middle part, with all the blood.

My girlfriend stayed with me in England for 6 months and as soon as we got back to Thailand she had us walking aroung tesco lotus for bacon butties with brown sauce, cottage pie and cheescake. She loves roasts but impossible without an oven, the others are just possible though.

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My wife loves to eat the afterbirth of a cow she says arroy mak mak makes me feel sick just thinking about it :)

You're joking right? :D

After more than 5 years of marrage I have never seen my wife or her family eat anything put normal Thai food! but then again they are not from Issan.

How do you guys live with people that eat rats, insects, afterbirths etc? :D

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My wife loves to eat the afterbirth of a cow she says aroy mak mak makes me feel sick just thinking about it :)

You're joking right? :D

After more than 5 years of marriage I have never seen my wife or her family eat anything put normal Thai food! but then again they are not from Isaan.

How do you guys live with people that eat rats, insects, afterbirths etc? :D

My wife says its SEP SEP SEP SEP,cant be bad for her as she only weighs 45 kg and is as fit as a butchers dog :D

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Hmmm...I guess my definition is different than some. The weirdest things for me is her eating ant larvae, the eyeballs of the fish, or snails. Take your pick, she loves them all and eats them quite often.

Mine eats fish eyes as well but judging by the look on her family's faces they don't. When she came to the UK we went to a Thai restaurant and had fish. I decided if she ate one eye I would eat the other. Imagine my relief when we turned it over and someone had stolen it. :)

I saw ant larvae on the menu in Khon Kaen although think they were out of season. Still she likes mushy peas so there is hope.

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My wife loves to eat the afterbirth of a cow she says arroy mak mak makes me feel sick just thinking about it :)

Not sure I'd like that but I think it's good for you. As far as I know a lot of animals eat the placenta. Some say it prevents post natal depression but I'm not sure that's true.

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How about strawberries dipped in fish sauce?


Being handed a strawberry, which I thought had sugar on, when infact it was salt, is just not on.....if it was dipped in fish sauce, then I would know right away something wasn't right. Bloody cow

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Fried, sun dried frogs...she tried to get me to eat 1. I said give me another beer.

One time I brought some fish flavored candy from a gag gift shop back home. Passed it around to the girls in the bar...all but one spit it out, but one came back and asked if I have more....

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