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Glitterman Speaks About Part 1, The Original Idea.


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This is revealing and direct information on the idea and construction of Pattaya's most famous moving sight. THE GOLDEN MAN.

The bicycle itself is a piece of junk, of unknown make as it was all hand painted over in yellow when i bought it back in november 2003 for just 600 baht from a second hand shop in Soi Bukao. It is 21 speed, but the shop sold it with all the gears not working, i took it home and repaired it , . I repainted the yellow bike silver and painted my name James Bond on the metal plate of the basket [see all my photos in the 'view members albums' of my member profile].

A couple of months later i added my first bit of decoration, a fibre optic torch light, sold by street vendors at that time, [now this type totally unavailable], the ladies recognised me more easily and i enjoyed the extra attention.

Christmas 2004, walking through Carre Four, noticing a length of gold wide leafed tinsel for sale, i thought it would be a good idea to dangle a length at the ends of my handlebars, gold has always been my favourite colour .

So i bought the tinsel, cut a couple of 18" lengths, and plugged them to the ends of the handlebars, the effect was fantastic, the gold diggers.......uuuummmm.....i mean ladies eyes lit up, and at night it acted as a string of mirrors in cars headlights, perfect for safe night riding. Then that night laying in bed i had that 'Eurika' moment 'what would it look like if i covered the entire bike in this gold tinsel'. I had never seen it done before and i was so excited about the idea that i could not sleep that night, and so watched the golden dawn shine its first morning rays of goldenlight into my visionary eyes. THE GOLDEN MAN WAS BORN.

I cycled around on this gold tinsel covered bike for a year, only adding more fibre optics. Then in xmas 2005 i felt my artistic talents confined to the small size of the bike frame, so i wanted to put some sort of extention on the back making the bike look longer, i needed something that would bend and not break when girls got on and off my passenger seat behind me. So in a shop in Bankok i found a very long bendable plastic blanket dust beater [it looks a bit like a fly swatter but much larger and stronger]. Attaching this horizontaly from under the passenger seat i was then able to dangle yet more gold tinsel from this extention.

Then later followed a large Thai flag on an old plastic balloon stick.

Then in mid 2006 i bought a 4 foot length of small diameter aluminium tubing, and stuck the flag on that, with more tinsel. I had to make an unclipping lock so i could remove the flag pole every night for storage

I then realised i could no longer use my bike for everyday use such as shopping. So i had to sacrifice the bike and only use it for the hour or two at night, when i would go around in a reflective plastic gold shirt [more about that in part 3 soon], and 12 separate units of coloured lights.

I was starting to generate a lot of cheers and screams from the thousands of bar girls that i passed, so my 'show' became directed at passing as many beer bars as possible [hundreds], and it included busy Walking Street. It was quite simply a beer bar night show for the bar girls. I loved to hear them all scream at once, so loud that i could not even hear my music playing in my headphones......great stuff.

Now these days my show has changed from night to day and the majority of cheers come from the customers [expats ect] in the bars, the girls at 4-6pm are too sober, so shy.

comming soon part 2.

The royal Glitterman hath spoken.

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If you are not interested then why are you reading and replying?

The evidence suggests that people on here do give a **** about Glitterman's lectures.

1924 views to one and 1475 to another so far.

Not bad by Pattaya Forum standards.

Ride on Glitterman.

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If you are not interested then why are you reading and replying?

The evidence suggests that people on here do give a **** about Glitterman's lectures.

1924 views to one and 1475 to another so far.

Not bad by Pattaya Forum standards.

Ride on Glitterman.

I'm only posting because I am bored and I only read the first 2 lines of the OP before I realised it was cr4p.

More loonies in Pattaya than I thought.

Edited by Chaimai
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The topic title as I see it reads 'Glitterman speaks........

I must have some sort of superior view to some of yours......because if you had no interest in Glitterman, you would not even open the thread..... bored or not....much less post... :)

Look forward to your next harmless offering Glitterman..... :D .

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The topic title as I see it reads 'Glitterman speaks........

I must have some sort of superior view to some of yours......because if you had no interest in Glitterman, you would not even open the thread..... bored or not....much less post... :)

Look forward to your next harmless offering Glitterman..... :D .

I bow to your superior view - harmless but pointless.

You cannot begin to understand how bored I am otherwise you would realise why I am bothering to post. It's a bit like swatting flys really - you have nothing to do, a fly pops up and SWAT !

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The topic title as I see it reads 'Glitterman speaks........

I must have some sort of superior view to some of yours......because if you had no interest in Glitterman, you would not even open the thread..... bored or not....much less post... :D

Look forward to your next harmless offering Glitterman..... :D .

I bow to your superior view - harmless but pointless.

You cannot begin to understand how bored I am otherwise you would realise why I am bothering to post. It's a bit like swatting flys really - you have nothing to do, a fly pops up and SWAT !

If you were really really bored and had really no other choice you would be reading the SWAT threads!!........ :) .

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Glitterman: Origins- fascinating post.

Sooooo, what do all of you perfect judgement-passers do to bring a smile to other people? Oh... nothing, eh?? Then, what choo talking about, fools?? Ragging on our one and only super hero... shame on you. Make you feel better about your sorry self to put him down...? Sad. Ride on, Glitterman! And letz hear more from you! Tell your story. You the man!!

Edited by Michaelaway
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Theres no doubt about it, glitterman is a cooke of greatest proportions, but hes harmless. FULL of himself but harmless.

I wonder if he has a work permit? :)

I wonder if some people have lives

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Glitterman is just one of a string of eccentric characters who have in past years, paraded themselves around Pattaya. They all add a bit of interest to the place and as has already been suggested, they are largely harmless.

I can remember many, many years ago a heavy bodied, long haired blonde guy who rode around town in an open jeep type vehicle, with music blaring from a very large PA system, promoting Baby-au-go-go.

Today, we have our Thai cowboy magician strutting the streets doing his thing.....and a whole host of Thai men dressed up as women. :)

Glitterman could probably do better by starting his own Thai Forum blog on his adventures rather than looking for acceptance from members through this thread, where he is sure to get some brickbats thrown at him.

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Now if he would tell that the Taxi Money for the Girls would be less (or non at all as he is driving them home with the golden Pushbike) because of his golden Glitter thingy, that would get the Attention of the Audience, incl. the Moderators of course.

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Glitterman is just fun. I get excited when I spot him riding by, stopping to watch. Really.

I just feel sorry for him .Its kind of pathetic what he does .

That's kind of unnecessary. If he was a bad person, then I could understand, but I haven't heard anything like that.

Edited by bangkapiboy
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Go for it Glitterman......living the dream.

Doing what most of us dare not ................................

Eh? Riding a bicycle in a foreign country dressed up as a golden trout?

Can't recall seeing this on my list of 30 things to do before I die.

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I cannot comprehend the aggravation that the Glitterman creates among some of you. Live and let live I'd say. Yes, Mr. "James Bond" aka "Glitterman" is a tad spun off but so what? Why does it offend you? I for one actually enjoy him being around also in this forum adding a bit of colour to the Pattaya normalities...

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I quite agree, he is certainly adding colour.

Its good to have some characters about and is all about enjoying yourself.

Far better taste than the usual crime and sleeze.

Go for Glitterman, I,ll be in town in May so I,ll keep my eyes open.....

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I cannot comprehend the aggravation that the Glitterman creates among some of you. Live and let live I'd say. Yes, Mr. "James Bond" aka "Glitterman" is a tad spun off but so what? Why does it offend you? I for one actually enjoy him being around also in this forum adding a bit of colour to the Pattaya normalities...

Words of wisdom, boys... listen up!

(Good moderator... good.)


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I cannot comprehend the aggravation that the Glitterman creates among some of you. Live and let live I'd say. Yes, Mr. "James Bond" aka "Glitterman" is a tad spun off but so what? Why does it offend you? I for one actually enjoy him being around also in this forum adding a bit of colour to the Pattaya normalities...

his unjustified arrogance is as offending as it is ridiculous :)

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