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Bad Bottled Water?


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I get bottled water delivered at the condo where I live. My wife and I always sleep with a glass on our nightstand. About a month ago, I picked up my glass in the morning and it was very cloudy. Since it had only happened one time, I didn't think too much about it.

Today, it happened again. Only this time it is quite yellow. Looked good last night, and just got a glass out of the bottle and it looks good. Tastes great also.

The glasses are clean, so no contaminants from them.

Has this ever happened to anyone before? I have never seen water turn cloudy overnight before. And I have been sleeping with a full glass by my bed for many, many years.

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I think that it is important whilst living in Thailand not to assume that delivered bottled water will be pure.

There might be some unscrupulous employee working for the water company.

On occasions the actual water container might have become soiled.

Boil the water before drinking if you have doubts and if this problem continues, either complain to your supplier or else change supplier. I have been using the R.O. machines on the Sois now for a few years using my own 6 litre plastic containers. 1.5 litres of R.O. water costs 1 baht. Recommended!


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^ Apparently they never change the filters on those Soi machines. I would never use that water. Never.

If you go directly to the water companies for the bottles you eliminate the retail link as a source of contamination or fraud. Having said that, you never know what people use those water containers for :)

Edited by Phil Conners
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^ Apparently they never change the filters on those Soi machines. I would never use that water. Never.

I can well believe that. But I filter the water myself again through my jumbo German made NUVO filter machine.

And I have suffered no ill effects from drinking the R.O. Soi water (none that I know of).

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I would think they would sanitize the returned bottles...but you never know. I have left a bottle in my hot car for a week, and it looked and tasted good. Not sure why it would turn yellow overnight....or cloudy the time before. I have never seen water do that before...even tap water!

I have lodged a complaint with the condo mgmt here...but doubt it will go very far...

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OK...good stuff. But unfortunately, no peeing geckos, and no guests peeing in the glasses either. But good suggestions!

I have no idea, but if it happens again, I will save the water and have it tested for sure!

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^ Apparently they never change the filters on those Soi machines. I would never use that water. Never.

I can well believe that. But I filter the water myself again through my jumbo German made NUVO filter machine.

And I have suffered no ill effects from drinking the R.O. Soi water (none that I know of).

Mildly contaminated water (water that still tastes clean) will not show ill effects that can be noticed but can still be detrimental to the health over time.

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Mildly contaminated water (water that still tastes clean) will not show ill effects that can be noticed but can still be detrimental to the health over time.

Why must you post such absolute drivel?

How can water taste 'clean'?

You know nothing about water quality, water chemistry or indeed what are known as heavy metals, and never will.

Stick to AC/DC.


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Yes, we are going to change suppliers. But not until we move next month. At this condo, only one supplier.

We use to buy bottles from the super...but it gets old lugging those big bottles around! Much easier to have then dropped off at your door. And I have almost...I say almost....mastered the art of mounting the new bottle without spilling too much. The first attempt was a disaster!

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Craig have your gal talk to the company. sometimes it is in the filtering & sometimes it is in the bottle itself. If your seeing any color to it you know it is not right. Since fluoride is not added it should be clear. Recently our bottles had a musty Odor to it. Alisa talked to the delivery guys & they just changed the filters(probably waited a little to long) they gave us a couple bottles free of charge for our troubles. And the bottles forget about it. I have never heard of any companies sterilizing the bottles.

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Craig have your gal talk to the company. sometimes it is in the filtering & sometimes it is in the bottle itself. If your seeing any color to it you know it is not right. Since fluoride is not added it should be clear. Recently our bottles had a musty Odor to it. Alisa talked to the delivery guys & they just changed the filters(probably waited a little to long) they gave us a couple bottles free of charge for our troubles. And the bottles forget about it. I have never heard of any companies sterilizing the bottles.

Bummer...I "assumed" the bottles were sterilized! Maybe that is why they cap the empty bottles...so they don't get so dirty on the way back? Ugh...

I did a google search on water quality here in Thailand. It was not good. Even bottled water is suspect. Looks like I may have to shell out the bucks for a decent RO system....at least I wouldn't have to mess with those dam_n bottles anymore!



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Craig have your gal talk to the company. sometimes it is in the filtering & sometimes it is in the bottle itself. If your seeing any color to it you know it is not right. Since fluoride is not added it should be clear. Recently our bottles had a musty Odor to it. Alisa talked to the delivery guys & they just changed the filters(probably waited a little to long) they gave us a couple bottles free of charge for our troubles. And the bottles forget about it. I have never heard of any companies sterilizing the bottles.

Bummer...I "assumed" the bottles were sterilized! Maybe that is why they cap the empty bottles...so they don't get so dirty on the way back? Ugh...

I did a google search on water quality here in Thailand. It was not good. Even bottled water is suspect. Looks like I may have to shell out the bucks for a decent RO system....at least I wouldn't have to mess with those dam_n bottles anymore!



I wouldn't be that paranoid about the water. At times you just have to talk to the company & make sure they are keeping it clean. Even with home filtration systems you will have problems of water purity if your filters are not cleaned & serviced regularly. Even the 5-6 liter bottled water may have problems. We got bottles of Nestly water that tasted like pvc pipe-most likely stored improperly in heat.

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Amtech reverse ozmosis water delivered to my door every Friday at 1pm. 40 baht Big bottles, never a moments concern with it.

Can't be too careful when it comes to drinking water supplies.

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Well, if you didn't get an upset stomach off it, i don't suppose there is too much to worry about! :)

I'm not sure what happened. Never got a bad stomach, never tasted bad...just a little cloudy. Maybe the glass had some contamination? The only thing that upset my stomach was some bad ham a few weeks ago...I was out of it for 2 days.

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I'm not sure what happened. Never got a bad stomach, never tasted bad...just a little cloudy. Maybe the glass had some contamination? The only thing that upset my stomach was some bad ham a few weeks ago...I was out of it for 2 days.


sweaty ham that is starting to change colour will do that

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