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Why Ning Is Going To Bangkok Tonight In Her Red Shirt


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I read a post earlier that indicated that the north/north-east poor considered a bangkokian with a car/house (with loans) as elite.

Could be true. Sad isn't it? There are tens of millions who are that poor.

I don't know how noble the Red Shirts are, but after people voted with the majority twice and their elected leader was deposed in some slimy way (when he was at a UN conference), the Reds might be the closest thing to justice they're going to get. They sure ain't going to get a break from the same old good old boys that have been running the show forever.

"Life is hard; when you are stupid, it is really hard"

John Wayne

Marion Mitchell Morrison was not the brightest bulb in the box himself. :)

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she also insisted that she is not marching for Thaksin - she knows he is thinking he is using them - but maybe he is the one who is used by them now ?? - he brought them together - and now that they know each other they might be able to force change in Thai society - without him. He might have miscalculated and is not needed anymore very soon.

They really believe they are going to be able to out-trick the original trickster? Out-deceive the great deceiver? Out-use the biggest user?

Good luck to them with that.

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Probably the best thing I have ever read on TV, must have the anti reds seething as it's very difficult not to be sympathetic, the usual 'they are paid' is just crap, so what, they have to eat don't they. Well written and I sincerely hope the reds at least force elections which is after all mostly what they want, just the basic rights many of the hysterical anti posters have always enjoyed at home. Elections and no coups, not so difficult surely?

It takes about 45 days to starve to death. Those that have to pause and think about giving up lunch for a political cause have no chance.

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Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Not to mention that the poor themselves work very hard to keep themselves undereducated and 'under financed.' Is that a bottle or lotto ticket in your hand? Something with an engine that you can't afford but are financed to the hilt for in your dirt driveway? Playing a bit too much 'karma lotto' at the temple with funds/resources that are better kept for your own family? Sitting on your rear/napping instead of working? If so, hopefully you aren't going to blame the controlling minority for your decision(s) (and likely generation upon generation of poor decision making) for stunting your and your family's forward progress.


Heng, you are correct of course. Problem is, the country belongs to the ethnic majority and not the foreign minority. I would not want to live in Zimbabwe either but it remains their country and their right to self determination trumps all other political considerations.

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Sorry if this has already been covered (I could not be arsed to go through 500 pages of replies) but this story (aside from being "rapped" (sic)) would fit very nicely into the same story I heard from my old man about London in the 20's, dirt poor people, arse hanging out of their trousers, no shoes to wear or at best shoes with bloody great holes in the sole. Perhaps back then if the poor in Britain had a "leader" with gobs of money ready to pay them to create havoc and mayhem so he could get into power they might well have followed him, I dunno. Probably too bloody cold in Britain. The real problem with any of these kind of Thai hard luck stories aimed at tugging at the heartstrings is that they are just that, sentimental stories. I don't doubt for one minute that there are large groups of people in Thailand living in poverty; that there is discrimination going on left right and centre; that there is an elite (Eton, Oxford, Cambridge - couldn't happen in the West) really running the country. It is all no doubt true. But, compared to Europe 90 odd years ago they have it good. There's a big difference between having no shoes in Thailand and having no shoes in Britain. There's a big difference between having ragged clothes in Thailand and having ragged clothes in Berlin. No matter how poor they are I see very little evidence of Thais going hungry; I can tell you the same story of Britain in the 20's of a teacher giving a poor kid money for some fish and chips, but there were far more in dire straits in Britain then than there are now in Thailand. Abundant food and a human friendly climate ensures that.

So, what's my point. The only place I can think of where these appalling conditions led (in part - this is not the place for an in depth discussion of everything that led them there) to a politician deliberately creating havoc, paying people to do his dirty work, making alliances with the enemy for political gain, destroying and using the media to his own ends and ruthlessly trampling on anyone who was in his path was some bloke in Germany. He also did a lot of good things, just like this Thai fellow. No need to mention the other things. Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. Then what?

I'd suggest that the fictional Ning would be far better served becoming politically active for real change in Thailand. I think that people would have more sympathy for the cause of the poor and disadvantaged if they disconnected themselves from Thaksin. I don't know what he has really ever done for anyone other than himself and his own; the truth is frighteningly difficult to establish in Thailand. What I do fear, very much, is that if the Thaksin supporters prevail and he does return, they will to a man/woman rue the day they set out on the road in his support. The old days of shooting people in their own front yards will return with a vengeance, and not for dealing ya ba this time. The current administration might not meet the westerner's distorted criteria for democracy (amazing how many of us actually believe we come from democratic countries. How naiive!) but if they were just one tenth as ruthless as the alternative would prove to be they would not have a problem this weekend. Believe me, if he comes back all Thais might just as well forget any future protests, unless they want a bullet in the head.

Well said. And the parallels with 1930s Germany also correct.

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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

I agree! An educational revolution, not a violent revolution. The educational system here needs reform, but upper education in most countries, I know, require money to attend. Knowledge is power, as it has been said. And what's the minimum wage here? Is there a class system? Hmm...

Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Do you have any evidence for the claim the "work very hard to keep the masses uneducated"? I've lived here over 30 years and have seen nothing of the kind. WHere the education is lacking - and it is sorely lacking - it is the work of Thai tradition and culture, not some elite pulling the strings. Perhaps you also believe that alien being control world politics.

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It's no use pointing out that Thaksin was possibly corrupt, etc. So are the rest so he's no different.

Abhisit is corrupt?

Of course! He's the PM, so he's responsible for what goes on in the government. This very much includes xxxx [Edit: Enticing ] the Newin faction to join the government, or do you suppose they joined because of his handsome looks or democratic ideals?

EDIT: changed a word to make it less likely to break forum rules.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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Goddamn that was sad, made me want to cry. :) This country DOES need a revolution, but of course Thaksin isn't the answer. Why is it so hard to find good people to run this country? Is there no one that would completely rehaul the education system and raise minimum wage and generally just look out for its main population?

I agree! An educational revolution, not a violent revolution. The educational system here needs reform, but upper education in most countries, I know, require money to attend. Knowledge is power, as it has been said. And what's the minimum wage here? Is there a class system? Hmm...

Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Do you have any evidence for the claim the "work very hard to keep the masses uneducated"? I've lived here over 30 years and have seen nothing of the kind. WHere the education is lacking - and it is sorely lacking - it is the work of Thai tradition and culture, not some elite pulling the strings. Perhaps you also believe that alien being control world politics.

On more than one occasion in the 1940s, Prime Minister Plaek Pibulsongkram outlawed Chinese Schools.

Try getting an ethnic Thai child into a predominantly Chinese school and your question will answer itself.

Edited by Pakboong
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Do you have any evidence for the claim the "work very hard to keep the masses uneducated"? I've lived here over 30 years and have seen nothing of the kind. WHere the education is lacking - and it is sorely lacking - it is the work of Thai tradition and culture, not some elite pulling the strings. Perhaps you also believe that alien being control world politics.

I worked in Thailand in the 80's. More than that I happend to spend time in two upcountry locations where I was grabbed by local schools as a guest teacher. From what I see now versus back then, Thailand has seriously neglected education in rural areas. Classes were 20 to 30 now they are 50, understaffed and plain falling apart. It was said back then that Thailand wants cheap labor so schools are not going to be funded in anything more than a subsistence amount. Nothing I have seen in the last ten years I have been back in Thailand makes me think think differently. And yes it is duly noted by RED supporters.

I took a two week break with a fellow employee to South Korea while working in Thailand during the 80's, in contrast the SK goverment was pushing hard with its education and you see the results today.

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Do you have any evidence for the claim the "work very hard to keep the masses uneducated"? I've lived here over 30 years and have seen nothing of the kind. WHere the education is lacking - and it is sorely lacking - it is the work of Thai tradition and culture, not some elite pulling the strings. Perhaps you also believe that alien being control world politics.

I worked in Thailand in the 80's. More than that I happend to spend time in two upcountry locations where I was grabbed by local schools as a guest teacher. From what I see now versus back then, Thailand has seriously neglected education in rural areas. Classes were 20 to 30 now they are 50, understaffed and plain falling apart. It was said back then that Thailand wants cheap labor so schools are not going to be funded in anything more than a subsistence amount. Nothing I have seen in the last ten years I have been back in Thailand makes me think think differently. And yes it is duly noted by RED supporters.

I took a two week break with a fellow employee to South Korea while working in Thailand during the 80's, in contrast the SK goverment was pushing hard with its education and you see the results today.

Teachers in some provinces are paid as little as baht 6,700 a month. Those that control these wages also control the education of the people.

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My GF is 34 and had a poor upbringing and was sent off to be raised by an aunt because there were too many children in the family.

To the best of my knowledge she was never raped by a local policeman - but she has cremated her father, younger sister, her younger sister's son and her own son.

After her divorce she eventually found her way to Pattaya and was lucky enough to meet, err........ me.

She is not putting on a red shirt (unless for reasons of fashion) and she is certainly not going to Bangkok.

She seems to think a mass protest, with the associated risk of violence, is a bad thing for her country. She worries what people will think of her country if we see scenes similar to the Pattaya or Songkran riots. She even worries how the reputation of her King might be viewed by outsiders. She worries that "everytime Thai fight Thai, Cambodia does something against Thailand".

So she is not going.

She believes that Thai people should sit down and speak to each other. She believes that she can achieve more by voting than protesting.

There is no self-pitying, there is no aggression towards the ruling/controlling elite - just a pride and passion for her country that she does not wish to sullied by petty squabbling that pitches Thai against Thai.

I am very pleased I met her, and not Ning.

I agree with your GF, I think the vote is a way to show your support then going to a protest. I hope the world will see that Thailand is not just a land of protest but a beautiful place to enjoy.

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Do you have any evidence for the claim the "work very hard to keep the masses uneducated"? I've lived here over 30 years and have seen nothing of the kind. WHere the education is lacking - and it is sorely lacking - it is the work of Thai tradition and culture, not some elite pulling the strings. Perhaps you also believe that alien being control world politics.

I worked in Thailand in the 80's. More than that I happend to spend time in two upcountry locations where I was grabbed by local schools as a guest teacher. From what I see now versus back then, Thailand has seriously neglected education in rural areas. Classes were 20 to 30 now they are 50, understaffed and plain falling apart. It was said back then that Thailand wants cheap labor so schools are not going to be funded in anything more than a subsistence amount. Nothing I have seen in the last ten years I have been back in Thailand makes me think think differently. And yes it is duly noted by RED supporters.

I took a two week break with a fellow employee to South Korea while working in Thailand during the 80's, in contrast the SK goverment was pushing hard with its education and you see the results today.

So, over the last 10 years, 5 of which Thaksin was PM, 2 of which Thaksin's party was PM, 1 of which Abhisit was PM ... nothing has changed.

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"........It was said back then that Thailand wants cheap labor so schools are not going to be funded in anything more than a subsistence amount. Nothing I have seen in the last ten years I have been back in Thailand makes me think think differently......."

I don't think it is Thailand who wants the cheap labor.But, yes there is an element within Thailand who want and will fight for cheap labor.

Edited by Pakboong
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Reading that made me want to vomit. Can someone explain to me what this girl wants and what on earth its got to do with this rally ? I honestly don't get it.

Only people born and reared in a society make safe and prosperous for them by the sacrifice of other could think like this....

So out of touch with any of the realities of life for so many others.....if you don't understand after reading the story...then you probably never will.

I hope the Buddists are right and in your next life your are born as Ning.....then you will really have something to vomit about...!!!

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I agree with your GF, I think the vote is a way to show your support then going to a protest. I hope the world will see that Thailand is not just a land of protest but a beautiful place to enjoy.

This might work somewhere else. BUT, the vote in Thailand has been systematiclly attacked and becomes less and less powerful.

-Military Coup.

-Rewrite Constitution

-Shake up Senior Judges

-New elections won by the same party the the last 3 steps attempted to defeat.


-Attack the goverment in the judiciary

-Behead the government over a TV cooking show

-Attack the government with street mobs and terrorist takeovers of airports and government buildings

-Force out government again using the now stacked judiciary

-Don't hold further near elections to give time to strengthen hold on government and label anyone opposed as Thaksin apologists/coconspirators.

-Introduce "new politics" because those silly poor people don't deserve full voting rights

Everything since the last coup strikes me as an attack on the vote as any meaningful form of protest or influence.

If the next election doesn't go right (as viewed by the army/current government) I fully expect to see further use of any and all other means to invalidate "the vote."

IOW, the elite power structure deem themselves the only ones worthy of ruling and will abide the appearance of democracy as long as it doesn't interfere with them maintaining that power.

I think Thaksin and his close cronies have been proven corrupt and unworthy of leading the country, BUT the sheer hypocrisy, arrogance, condescension, and corruption of the current government is just as revolting.

Edited by MellowYellow
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-Behead the government over a TV cooking show

Samak employed himself on state-run TV and was able to determine his salary and expenses for that job. Are you unable to see the conflict that caused?

Besides which, he could have stepped right back up again to be Prime Minister, were it not for Thaksin the on-the-run convict living overseas deciding that Thailand needed a new PM in the shape of his brother-in-law.

I think Thaksin and his close cronies have been proven corrupt and unworthy of leading the country, BUT the sheer hypocrisy, arrogance, condescension, and corruption of the current government is just as revolting.

Do you have any links for the corrupt activities of the Prime Minister?

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-Behead the government over a TV cooking show

Samak employed himself on state-run TV and was able to determine his salary and expenses for that job. Are you unable to see the conflict that caused?

Besides which, he could have stepped right back up again to be Prime Minister, were it not for Thaksin the on-the-run convict living overseas deciding that Thailand needed a new PM in the shape of his brother-in-law.

I think Thaksin and his close cronies have been proven corrupt and unworthy of leading the country, BUT the sheer hypocrisy, arrogance, condescension, and corruption of the current government is just as revolting.

Do you have any links for the corrupt activities of the Prime Minister?

Does Samak's TV cooking show amount to anything approaching a signiicant conflict of interest? Or perhaps more a convenient method to try and attack the government?

I can understand people jumping up and down screaming in anger over Thaksin stealing Billions.

But SRSLY, a TV cooking show?

WRT to current government corruption. To say the Democrat party had no irregularities in the election would be beyond naive. Their case was dismissed by the courts in OBV bias whilst their political rivals were disbanded.

Their support of all the other things on my list counts as corruption and deceit as well.

Their efforts to secure power and hold onto using any and all means, regardless of the votes, undermines their legitimacy from the start till the finish.

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To say the Democrat party had no irregularities in the election would be beyond naive.

Their case was dismissed by the courts in OBV bias whilst their political rivals were disbanded.

OK, I like to be called "naive" ...

For me, "the courts" are not just rubberstamping "convictions" made by "the mob",

some accusations are dismissed, some are withheld ...

It does not astonish me, it's called JUSTICE, and it works like that all over the world !


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Here's a little ditty from a a few years back, Now that I think about it, it seems oddly relevant. I wonder whether "Ning" or her ghostwriter have ever heard it?


You say you want a revolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

You tell me that it's evolution

Well, you know

We all want to change the world

But when you talk about destruction

Don't you know that you can count me out?

Don't you know it's going to be alright?

You say you got a real solution

Well, you know

We'd all love to see the plan

You ask me for a contribution

Well, you know

We're doing what we can

But if you want money for people with minds that hate

All I can tell you is brother, you have to wait

Don't you know it's going to be alright?

You say you'll change the constitution

Well, you know

We don't love to change your head

You tell me it's the institution

Well, you know

You better free your mind instead

But if you go carrying pictures of chairman Mao

You ain't gonna make it with anyone anyhow

Indeed chairman Mao reincarnated! Their leader has no value of human life other than his own. Sad history repeats over and over again, but it does.

As far as this story, man ol' Ning made her choices. Now she has to sleep in the bed she made.

Sounds like you copied pieces from the recent books of stories on Isaan girls.

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Does Samak's TV cooking show amount to anything approaching a signiicant conflict of interest?

Yes. It's a clearly stated rule and Samak broke it. Despite that, he could have returned to lead. His career wasn't ended by this infraction, it was ended by Thaksin. If it upsets you so much, level your complaint firstly at Samak's legal advisors, and secondly at Thaksin who denied Samak's return.

WRT to current government corruption. To say the Democrat party had no irregularities in the election would be beyond naive. Their case was dismissed by the courts in OBV bias whilst their political rivals were disbanded.

You assume there is bias because you don't like the findings. Just as Thaksin cries bias the moment he loses.

Do you actually know all the ins and outs of these cases to be able to sit at your PC making swift judgements on matters that others have poured over and scrutinized for months?

So that's a "no" to my request for links regarding the current PM's corrupt activity then.

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Does Samak's TV cooking show amount to anything approaching a signiicant conflict of interest?

Yes. It's a clearly stated rule and Samak broke it. Despite that, he could have returned to lead. His career wasn't ended by this infraction, it was ended by Thaksin. If it upsets you so much, level your complaint firstly at Samak's legal advisors, and secondly at Thaksin who denied Samak's return.

WRT to current government corruption. To say the Democrat party had no irregularities in the election would be beyond naive. Their case was dismissed by the courts in OBV bias whilst their political rivals were disbanded.

You assume there is bias because you don't like the findings. Just as Thaksin cries bias the moment he loses.

Do you actually know all the ins and outs of these cases to be able to sit at your PC making swift judgements on matters that others have poured over and scrutinized for months?

So that's a "no" to my request for links regarding the current PM's corrupt activity then.

Sweet strawman arguments. Unfortunately logic sees thru the silliness. The PM, you and anyone else can keep trying to paint anyone who disagrees with the sitting government as Thaksinites, but how long can you keep doing it and believing it?

I tell you what. How about you address my whole post with the long list of things the current government has done to weaken "votes," instead of trying to cherrypick individual items on the list, create strawman arguments to attack them, ignore everything else; then maybe, we can readdress the legitimacy of the sitting government.

Everything leading to them taking power strikes at their legitimacy. The current PM whitewashing how he got there and then claiming to be clean doesn't speak well to me.

Do you actually know all the ins and outs of these cases to be able to sit at your PC making swift judgements on matters that others have poured over and scrutinized for months?

When your friends are the ones doing the scrutinizing or even those not your friends are threatened by your other friends, you think, maybe, just perhaps, the scrutinizing might not be so unbiased?

Or alternatively, in your argument form "You assume there is NO bias because you like the wining side."

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The PM, you and anyone else can keep trying to paint anyone who disagrees with the sitting government as Thaksinites, but how long can you keep doing it and believing it?

Painting is what you are doing to anyone who disagrees with the reds.

I tell you what. How about you address my whole post with the long list of things the current government has done to weaken "votes," instead of trying to cherrypick individual items on the list, create strawman arguments to attack them, ignore everything else; then maybe, we can readdress the legitimacy of the sitting government.

My comments in red.

-Military Coup. Tick.

-Rewrite Constitution. Tick - the old one had been thoroughly abused as we know.

-Shake up Senior Judges. Tick.

-New elections won by the same party the the last 3 steps attempted to defeat. Nobody won the election, hence why a coalition was formed.

-Attack the goverment in the judiciary Huh?

-Behead the government over a TV cooking show Government wasn't beheaded. PM had to stand down. Thaksin stopped him from returning.

-Attack the government with street mobs and terrorist takeovers of airports and government buildings Tick but some disagreement over whether sitting in a public place constitutes terrorism.

-Force out government again using the now stacked judiciary Stacked in some people's opinion. Just as i guess in some people's opinion it was stacked when Thaksin concealed his assets.

-Don't hold further near elections to give time to strengthen hold on government and label anyone opposed as Thaksin apologists/coconspirators. Government has a term. It's within its rights to serve it, much as that irks the reds.

-Introduce "new politics" because those silly poor people don't deserve full voting rights Nothing has been introduced of that sort.

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Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Not to mention that the poor themselves work very hard to keep themselves undereducated and 'under financed.' Is that a bottle or lotto ticket in your hand? Something with an engine that you can't afford but are financed to the hilt for in your dirt driveway? Playing a bit too much 'karma lotto' at the temple with funds/resources that are better kept for your own family? Sitting on your rear/napping instead of working? If so, hopefully you aren't going to blame the controlling minority for your decision(s) (and likely generation upon generation of poor decision making) for stunting your and your family's forward progress.


Thanks for that Heng.

To be sure there are many hard working rural Thais. Whenever I go the village however I don't see them. I see people who work a half day and call it quits. Start a job for a few days, get the pay, get drunk, and don't show up for a week and by then someone else is doing their job. I see people earning 4500 bt per month but spending 3000 on whiskey, drinking every day. I see fathers at 45 years old who have retired and live off the wages of their 20 year old daughters. I see the drug dealers with the flashy new motorcycle. I see dirty kids running around without any kind of parental supervision, while mom is over at the neighbor's house playing hi-low. I see the parade of people coming by to try to get me to pay for alcohol for them. I see able-bodied men lounging around on hammocks waiting around for the harvest that won't be ready for another 14 weeks. Perhaps this is because most of the people left in the village are the wasters who aren't off in BKK or the local amphur muang working to support their families. I'm not sure. But the levels of alcoholism, gambling, sloth, and laziness I see whenever we head up to the village is very disturbing.

On the other hand there are the small business owners, tuk tuk drivers, and other assorted laborers who do work hard, and they more or less end up taking care of everyone else in the village, along with what gets sent back from those working in the city. In the city I see people working, scraping by, and basically being shat on by wealthier Thais. It is these groups of people that both need and deserve a leg up.

Edited by way2muchcoffee
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Well written and accurate descriptions of life here on the Red Planet (Issan). You both share my own experiences, essentially mirrors of each other.

Unfortunately, there is a deeply entrenched controlling minority who work very hard to keep the masses undereducated. It is their main means of control. This control will not be surrendered without a fight.

Not to mention that the poor themselves work very hard to keep themselves undereducated and 'under financed.' Is that a bottle or lotto ticket in your hand? Something with an engine that you can't afford but are financed to the hilt for in your dirt driveway? Playing a bit too much 'karma lotto' at the temple with funds/resources that are better kept for your own family? Sitting on your rear/napping instead of working? If so, hopefully you aren't going to blame the controlling minority for your decision(s) (and likely generation upon generation of poor decision making) for stunting your and your family's forward progress.

We share exactly the same daily experiences

This is a well written and honest post.

Thanks for that Heng. To be sure there are many hard working rural Thais. Whenever I go the village however I don't see them. I see people who work a half day and call it quits. Start a job for a few days, get the pay, get drunk, and don't show up for a week and by then someone else is doing their job. I see people earning 4500 bt per month but spending 3000 on whiskey, drinking every day. I see fathers at 45 years old who have retired and live off the wages of their 20 year old daughters. I see the drug dealers with the flashy new motorcycle. I see dirty kids running around without any kind of parental supervision, while mom is over at the neighbor's house playing hi-low. I see the parade of people coming by to try to get me to pay for alcohol for them. I see able-bodied men lounging around on hammocks waiting around for the harvest that won't be ready for another 14 weeks. Perhaps this is because most of the people left in the village are the wasters who aren't off in BKK or the local amphur muang working to support their families.

Yes, there are the small business owners, tuk tuk drivers, and other assorted laborers who do work hard, and they more or less end up taking care of everyone else in the village. In the city I see people working, scraping by, and basically being shat on by wealthier Thais. It is these groups of people that both need and deserve a leg up.

Edited by MJP
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