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Thaksin's Rural Red Shirts Swarm The Capital


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u seemed to have misread and misinterpreted the intent of the referenced post....

but weather in bkk is rather hot and humid....

temperature will rise and fall very quickly at the spur of the moment.... so to speak....

but suriyaj.... did u watch the section of the video that showed how marchers from a certain village in isaan.... were packing PLA-LAR (smelly fish mixed) in small

plastic bags....? the villagers said.... so they could throw them at the pm when they got to bkk....

at a time like this.... one should only recall a few decades back in mainland china.... when farmers were re-educated and retrained by the commies to march on the cities and to attempt to annihilate other classes.... should they be blessed or should they be properly redressed....?

and how about these farmers in thailand....? should they be allowed to do what their no good self-centered leaders told them to do....?

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How trivial can people get? It was the red person in the interview who talked about fermented fish! We have also heard reports (coming from the mouths of red leaders themselves) of red created weapons consisting of the very same fish mixed with the human waste of various sexes (all three).

Back to the substance. The reds do NOT have the students. Their movement is doomed without the students. They don't have the monks either. Their base is just too limited. This is a losing cause.

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

Well let's see, are you in Chang Mai? Thaksin strong hold? Come to southern Thailand and the only red shits they're wearing here are wearing them because it's Sunday! 100,000 people nationally turn up, mostly because they are paid to? What a statement of support!

Hmmm well sorry I live in Thailand's second largest City! South? isnt that where the Mussie Wussie bombs are?

Just where I'd never want to live! Actually, Los Angeles California has the second largest Thai population of any city other than Bangkok... But back to the point, if Thaksin's government didn't spend a lot of money up where you live and didn't pay people to go to Bangkok now, would there be a Red Shirt march at all? He sure took care of the southern Thai's didn't he? Better dead than red?

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Fermented fish can be inflammatory, digestively (sic) speaking ...

As far as the complainant. Lets understand. The reds are losing this and losing it badly. They promised a million. They got under 100K. They are already lying they got 300K but we know their games. Expect a lot of sour grapes type speech, propaganda, and actions in the coming days. But none of that will change the result one iota. Their Thaksinista movement is going down ...

Associating food with a particular ethnic group in this way can be seen as racist. It's like saying garlics everytime you talk about French people or hamburgers when you talk about Americans. It might be fun when Black Adder does it but in normal adult life it's becoming less acceptable.

In the current tension in Thailand demeaning comments about any group are deeply inappropriate.



I know a guy from Wigan who likes gravy on his chips, that;s the way they like them oop north. Whoops, sorry, how racist of me.


And don't mention pasties to Mr. Toad because he might get really upset.

Edited by Moonrakers
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Well I gotta hit the gym at major ratchayothin tomorrow around 1-2pm hopefully they're outta my way by then. Better yet if I get there early enough maybe I can watch them from the giant panoramic windows. It'll be like working out at the zoo :)

What an unpleasant, snide, patronising comment. Are you implying that these protesters are animals? Actually the red shirts have a good case in protesting about the vast gap between rich and poor in Thailand (it's just a shame about their choice of leader) -- but then I guess you'd be on the rich-side of that divide, right?

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They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...

You're wrong again dude - they have majority support in the country as far as people i know - tuk tuks up here are flying red flags - I have yet to find any yellow fellows outside of BKK and this forum

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How trivial can people get? It was the red person in the interview who talked about fermented fish! We have also heard reports (coming from the mouths of red leaders themselves) of red created weapons consisting of the very same fish mixed with the human waste of various sexes (all three).

Back to the substance. The reds do NOT have the students. Their movement is doomed without the students. They don't have the monks either. Their base is just too limited. This is a losing cause.

they already knew that they lack support but Thaksin has to fight until the end (his own words), to get something back? :) and these people believe that they will get part of it. :D

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I am going to begin cyber-twatting people who contune to use terms like "elitist farang" or "yellow farang"

I think that the yellows are dicks, I also think that Thaksin is a dick. The two are not mutually exclusive.


now you have all my first year algebra students totally confused....

do you really really mean to say that the two are unlike and not the same....

or are you trying to explain that the two are similar in some ways and dissimilar in others....

and therefore do you mean that they are mutually exclusive because they similar because they are alike....

or do you mean to say that they are not mutually exclusive.... because they are dissimilar and that they are not the same.... :):D L O L ha ha ha

thx moonrakers, sir.... i felt much better now after enduring such a boiling and boring days watching redshirts.... chanting YOOP SA-PAR, YOOP SA-PAR.... but that they do not know nor be able to explain what the SA-PAR is.... at times, i really feel cheated.... on their behalves.... truly.

Edited by nakachalet
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Please allow a bit of a correction:

A. UDD - "United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship of Thailand", "red shirts", "นปช.", the folks currently protesting in Bangkok

B. PAD - "People's Alliance for Democracy", "yellow shirts", "พธม.", the folks who seized the airports

I really don't have a horse in this race, but... I understand the polarization of the country. The elite don't like Thaksin and use him as the scapegoat for removing elected officials in their favor. As in all things Thailand, it seems this is merely about money and power. The folks who currently have it repeatedly get beaten in the vote, so they nullify it by dreaming up ways to take over the government. Which is what they did when Abhisit was installed. I don't blame the PAD for being irked. Their votes don't count. Anyway, however it ends up, I do hope that it will not be violent and that the result is a happier, more democratic Thailand. Be careful out there tomorrow folks.
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I am going to begin cyber-twatting people who contune to use terms like "elitist farang" or "yellow farang"

I think that the yellows are dicks, I also think that Thaksin is a dick. The two are not mutually exclusive.


now you have all my first year algebra students totally confused....

do you really really mean to say that the two are unlike and not the same....

or are you trying to explain that the two are similar in some ways and dissimilar in others....

and therefore do you mean that they are mutually exclusive because they similar because they are alike....

or do you mean to say that they are not mutually exclusive.... because they are dissimilar and that they are not the same.... :):D L O L ha ha ha

thx moonrakers, sir.... i felt much better now after enduring such a boiling and boring days watching redshirts.... chanting YOOP SA-PAR, YOOP SA-PAR.... but that they do not know nor be able to explain what the SA-PAR is.... at times, i really feel cheated.... on their behalves.... truly.

I have even confused myself now.

Never mind, you know what I meant.

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u seemed to have misread and misinterpreted the intent of the referenced post....

I was referring to these comments...

They will get frustrated. They don't have the majority support or the moral authority to pull off what they are demanding. They do have fermented fish. You figure it out ...
Was over at Chatujak market and there was a small group of red shirts who were basically just being ignored. The usually bustling market was very quiet today. Shops open, but not many shoppers. The shop owners I spoke to in the market were pretty upset at the Reds for hurting their businesses...

Haven't seen the latest figures on the turnout of Reds. Last one I saw estimated 100,000. I imagine it's grown a bit since then but still it's hardly the 1 million the reds had been promising. If they have such widespread rural support how come such a small turnout? My feeling is that the government need only wait them out. When they run out of sticky rice and stinky fish they'll pack up and go home. Good riddance.

How trivial can people get? It was the red person in the interview who talked about fermented fish! We have also heard reports (coming from the mouths of red leaders themselves) of red created weapons consisting of the very same fish mixed with the human waste of various sexes (all three).

Back to the substance. The reds do NOT have the students. Their movement is doomed without the students. They don't have the monks either. Their base is just too limited. This is a losing cause.

I can see now that making demeaning comments about Thai people is the norm in this forum, doubtless this make the members feel clever. Thanks to anonymity no one has to take responsibility for what they say on the Internet, but I invite you to try discussing this openly with other people in real life. I'd rather discuss politics face-to-face with real people who wish to exchange informed viewpoints. I hope your use of this Internet forum allows you to feel superior.

Have fun.

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The AFP article is written in a rather demeaning way, making out the reds are a bunch of country bumpkins eating som tam and sticky rice.

No doubt the yellows consumed there fair share of som tam at the airport sit in.

Yes your spot on with that one!!

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Well I gotta hit the gym at major ratchayothin tomorrow around 1-2pm hopefully they're outta my way by then. Better yet if I get there early enough maybe I can watch them from the giant panoramic windows. It'll be like working out at the zoo :)

What an unpleasant, snide, patronising comment. Are you implying that these protesters are animals? Actually the red shirts have a good case in protesting about the vast gap between rich and poor in Thailand (it's just a shame about their choice of leader) -- but then I guess you'd be on the rich-side of that divide, right?

I have to agree. an a**hole of the first order!

So, a couple of the drivers where the missus works (Jomtien) were offered 2000 baht per day to participate (not driving just turning up). If I hear about this you have to assume the message went to 100% of Thailand. Were then is the national support for this? Most people just seem to want both sides to leave them alone.

Always a sucker for the underdog, I hope some thing comes from this effort. Not an election tomorrow but growing realisation that the masses, rural and urban, need to start organising themselves properly. As much as possible without the current self proclaimed leaders leading them down somone else's path.

I worry that if this is 'put down' it will go underground and get serious. don't you?

Trades Unions, where are they?

Students, where are they?

Socialists/Communists, oh jeez!

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The red shirts seem to have fallen far short of the one million figure originally touted, from reading the various accounts it would appear that there are not much more than 150,000 red shirts gathered in Bangkok to protest the government. I was wondering if anyone knows if there is any truth to the stories that the crowds will increase as the week wears on because the military has now let up on the checkpoints? This seems to be a no win situation for Abhisit, if the troops rough up or fire upon the demonstrators then the worldwide press will pounce on the story and play it up in the worldwide media thereby giving Thailand another black eye, but if they just allow the demonstrations to continue, then as the week wears on the anti government crowds could swell :) This is a true dilemma for Abhisit, it will be interesting to see how the situation plays out over the coming week(s).

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I don't get the reasonong of many people in this forum which have been always a PRO PAD forum.

A friend of mine, a welthy Chinese-Thai has donated a week ago at the red shirts rally 100,000 Baht to support them.

And many other welthy and less welthy citizens that I know have supported the cause of the RED's.


But keep spewing your yelllow propaganda which is the MAIN CAUSE of what is happening now.

You have to bear in mind that most of the pro PAD Thaksin haters never posted anything anti when he was in power, they are just gutless pro the staus quo without any real principals, other than bending over for who ever is in charge. Some of the pro PAD lot on here beggar belief, I have even read that Thailand is not ready for democracy as all the people are not educated enough to vote. This really is a disgusting concept that was used in Europe to argue against universal sufferage, as well as a reason for not giving women and blacks the vote.All Thailand needs to enter the 21st century are fair elections and no coups and a much diminished personality cult. lets hope for elections sooner rather than later, the Reds are right to feel betrayed by the military and are right to try and do something about it. They should mount a campaign to stop paying taxes without fair representation, there is a precedent for that which worked!

Edited by davelec
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How trivial can people get? It was the red person in the interview who talked about fermented fish! We have also heard reports (coming from the mouths of red leaders themselves) of red created weapons consisting of the very same fish mixed with the human waste of various sexes (all three).

Back to the substance. The reds do NOT have the students. Their movement is doomed without the students. They don't have the monks either. Their base is just too limited. This is a losing cause.

Agreed, however watching the reports on TV, I start to have doubts if the protests will end peacefully. I see far too many grim looking frustrated village bullies who just seem to wait for an opportunity to start brawling.

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The numbers are so small, and the PROACTIVE security response so impressive, that I see little problem in keeping things under control. There won't be any soldiers shooting at red shirts, as much as some red shirts may want to provoke that. Today was supposed to be the BIG peak day. It was a total dud. Abhisit just has to hold tight until the stinky fish runs out ...

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I don't get the reasonong of many people in this forum which have been always a PRO PAD forum.

A friend of mine, a welthy Chinese-Thai has donated a week ago at the red shirts rally 100,000 Baht to support them.

And many other welthy and less welthy citizens that I know have supported the cause of the RED's.


But keep spewing your yelllow propaganda which is the MAIN CAUSE of what is happening now.

You have to bear in mind that most of the pro PAD Thaksin haters never posted anything anti when he was in power, they are just gutless pro the staus quo without any real principals, other than bending over for who ever is in charge. Some of the pro PAD lot on here beggar belief, I have even read that Thailand is not ready for democracy as all the people are not educated enough to vote. This really is a disgusting concept that was used in Europe to argue against universal sufferage, as well as a reason for not giving women and blacks the vote.All Thailand need to enter the 21st century are fair elections and no coups and a much diminished personality cult. lets hope for elections sooner rather than later, the Reds are right to feel betrayed by the military and are right to try and do something about it.

Excellent post Dave! Thaivisa posters (or at least the ones who seem to have all day to post) for the most part are anti red and for that matter anti American. They don't seem to want true democracy to flourish in the Kingdom despite the fact that most are from countries that have a true democracy :) I never quite figured that out, unless the common though process is that if true representative democracy ever came to Thailand then it would have a decided anti farang fever to it, and would leave many of these red shirt bashers with the prospect of going back to their home country and living out their days in poverty or borderline poverty?

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Good on the REDS and power to the people. :)

If 46,000 (according to media) or 300,000 (according to the red leaders) is the best the 'people' can come up with, looks like they are gunna loose Brit...

... You are backing the wrong horse again :D

If taksin is footing the bill based on 300,000 at 2k per day and it turns out that after he sent all the money less than 50,000 actually showed up, he will be pretty p(^&)@^ed at his friends the organisers... where did the money go...

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I don't get the reasonong of many people in this forum which have been always a PRO PAD forum.

A friend of mine, a welthy Chinese-Thai has donated a week ago at the red shirts rally 100,000 Baht to support them.

And many other welthy and less welthy citizens that I know have supported the cause of the RED's.


But keep spewing your yelllow propaganda which is the MAIN CAUSE of what is happening now.

You have to bear in mind that most of the pro PAD Thaksin haters never posted anything anti when he was in power, they are just gutless pro the staus quo without any real principals, other than bending over for who ever is in charge. Some of the pro PAD lot on here beggar belief, I have even read that Thailand is not ready for democracy as all the people are not educated enough to vote. This really is a disgusting concept that was used in Europe to argue against universal sufferage, as well as a reason for not giving women and blacks the vote.All Thailand need to enter the 21st century are fair elections and no coups and a much diminished personality cult. lets hope for elections sooner rather than later, the Reds are right to feel betrayed by the military and are right to try and do something about it.

Excellent post Dave! Thaivisa posters (or at least the ones who seem to have all day to post) for the most part are anti red and for that matter anti American. They don't seem to want true democracy to flourish in the Kingdom despite the fact that most are from countries that have a true democracy :) I never quite figured that out, unless the common though process is that if true representative democracy ever came to Thailand then it would have a decided anti farang fever to it, and would leave many of these red shirt bashers with the prospect of going back to their home country and living out their days in poverty or borderline poverty?

When your opposition feels the need to resort to bizarre and totally off base ad hominem attacks, it is obvious they have lost.
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I don't get it. 65 million Thais and and a micro minority of100,000 can bring down a government just by showing up, carrying signs, playing music and making speeches to themselves? Interesting dynamic. I just don't see how this works for them.

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I don't get it. 65 million Thais and and a micro minority of100,000 can bring down a government just by showing up, carrying signs, playing music and making speeches to themselves? Interesting dynamic. I just don't see how this works for them.

You've got it. It isn't. They have lost. Yes, there will be noise for awhile and sadly most likely some violence provoked by the frustrated desperate reds, but really, the fat lady might as well have already sung, because the fat lady isn't fat, she is only TEN PERCENT of her advertised heft, and really quite weak and peckish. Hard to get too fat on stinky fish.

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Fermented fish can be inflammatory, digestively (sic) speaking ...

As far as the complainant. Lets understand. The reds are losing this and losing it badly. They promised a million. They got under 100K. They are already lying they got 300K but we know their games. Expect a lot of sour grapes type speech, propaganda, and actions in the coming days. But none of that will change the result one iota. Their Thaksinista movement is going down ...

Associating food with a particular ethnic group in this way can be seen as racist. It's like saying garlics everytime you talk about French people or hamburgers when you talk about Americans. It might be fun when Black Adder does it but in normal adult life it's becoming less acceptable.

In the current tension in Thailand demeaning comments about any group are deeply inappropriate.



I know a guy from Wigan who likes gravy on his chips, that;s the way they like them oop north. Whoops, sorry, how racist of me.


And don't mention pasties to Mr. Toad because he might get really upset.

Sithee, lad! Tha doesn't appen to be a Slawit Moonraker, dust tha? If so, and like all reet minded men tha as vinegar on tha chips, send me a PM....!

Mind you, 14 years in't Smoke got me inta black pepper and tartar.

Tara for now!

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I don't get it. 65 million Thais and and a micro minority of100,000 can bring down a government just by showing up, carrying signs, playing music and making speeches to themselves? Interesting dynamic. I just don't see how this works for them.

I guess they saw how well the same plan worked for the yellow shirts at the airport and though that they might as well try it themselves :)

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Good on the REDS and power to the people. :)

If 46,000 (according to media) or 300,000 (according to the red leaders) is the best the 'people' can come up with, looks like they are gunna loose Brit...

... You are backing the wrong horse again :D

If taksin is footing the bill based on 300,000 at 2k per day and it turns out that after he sent all the money less than 50,000 actually showed up, he will be pretty p(^&)@^ed at his friends the organisers... where did the money go...

Wow, what an important contribution! He cares not a jot, he will carry on until the last satang has been squeezed from the poor as a contribution to his 'cause'.

"Where did his money go to?"

We all (apart from a lot of Thais unfortunately) know where it came from though. Shamefully he has fooled the populace that he was helping THEM, instead of how it has been proven indisputably that he was only helping HIMSELF (and family of course).

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I don't get the reasonong of many people in this forum which have been always a PRO PAD forum.

A friend of mine, a welthy Chinese-Thai has donated a week ago at the red shirts rally 100,000 Baht to support them.

And many other welthy and less welthy citizens that I know have supported the cause of the RED's.


But keep spewing your yelllow propaganda which is the MAIN CAUSE of what is happening now.

You have to bear in mind that most of the pro PAD Thaksin haters never posted anything anti when he was in power, they are just gutless pro the staus quo without any real principals, other than bending over for who ever is in charge. Some of the pro PAD lot on here beggar belief, I have even read that Thailand is not ready for democracy as all the people are not educated enough to vote. This really is a disgusting concept that was used in Europe to argue against universal sufferage, as well as a reason for not giving women and blacks the vote.All Thailand need to enter the 21st century are fair elections and no coups and a much diminished personality cult. lets hope for elections sooner rather than later, the Reds are right to feel betrayed by the military and are right to try and do something about it.

Excellent post Dave! Thaivisa posters (or at least the ones who seem to have all day to post) for the most part are anti red and for that matter anti American. They don't seem to want true democracy to flourish in the Kingdom despite the fact that most are from countries that have a true democracy :) I never quite figured that out, unless the common though process is that if true representative democracy ever came to Thailand then it would have a decided anti farang fever to it, and would leave many of these red shirt bashers with the prospect of going back to their home country and living out their days in poverty or borderline poverty?

When your opposition feels the need to resort to bizarre and totally off base ad hominem attacks, it is obvious they have lost.

Jing, What you consider to be ad hominem attacks, most objective readers would consider to be the truth :D One only has to read the past threads at the time of the airport siege to see that 80% of the thaivisa posters were vehemently pro yelow shirt, and most were non apoligetic about the illegal actions of the yellows! This time around it is just the oposite as 80% of the posts are anti red shirt, despite the fact that these protesters have taken no illegal or violent action like the yellow shirts did when they took siege of the airport and some government buildings :D

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I don't get it. 65 million Thais and and a micro minority of100,000 can bring down a government just by showing up, carrying signs, playing music and making speeches to themselves? Interesting dynamic. I just don't see how this works for them.

I guess they saw how well the same plan worked for the yellow shirts at the airport and though that they might as well try it themselves :)

leave it out Vegas! some of us have holidays booked!

fingers crossed there'll be no airport closure, just fermented fish and three-sex poo thrown tomorrow, the sweet smell of democracy :D

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And for the Thais who wore the Yellow shirts, they protested voluntarily. Nobody paid them and they did not create violence.

Somebody needs to wake up. cheesy.gif

AND... the Yellows had a legitimate reason to protest. They were not going to stand for a known Thief and his Proxies running the Government. This Government has not been caught for any illegal doings, so the Red T-shirts are trying to push them out on absolutely NO legal grounds. It's simply because their guy isn't in command. You Red T-shirts need to quit acting like a bunch of teenage delinquints, stop your sobbing, go home and wait for the next election.

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hi suriyaj

come on now....

why r u getting so bended out off shape like this.... huh?

everyone is entitled to his/her own opinion right....? that was what they taught me in philosophy 101....

many in here have very strong opinion on certain subjects.... because of their personal past experiences.... and we all have to respect that.... but we do not need to subscribe to what is said.... because our own personal life experiences might be even far more different from theirs....

we all can agree.... to disagree.... right?

as a matter of principles and principals.... we all is much better off.... having more friends than enemies.... right?

what i am trying to say is.... pls do not get too serious about what is said on thaivisa here.... alright? this is an open forum.... an equal opportunity to express ideas for all.... like when you are enjoying your 100 usd buffett at caesar place in vegas.... you have the rights to choose what pleases you the most.... see what i mean, friend....

just hope you would enjoy the abundancy of varieties and choices.... rather than fixate on one discolored bunch of grapes from timbucktoo.... lol


u seemed to have misread and misinterpreted the intent of the referenced post....

I was referring to these comments...


I can see now that making demeaning comments about Thai people is the norm in this forum, doubtless this make the members feel clever. Thanks to anonymity no one has to take responsibility for what they say on the Internet, but I invite you to try discussing this openly with other people in real life. I'd rather discuss politics face-to-face with real people who wish to exchange informed viewpoints. I hope your use of this Internet forum allows you to feel superior.

Have fun.

Edited by nakachalet
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