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Red-shirts To Splash One Million Cc Of Blood On Govt House

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There are unconfirmed reports by the Foreign Ministry that there are concerns of vampires coming to Bangkok ...

Niche-marketing at its very best ! :D

Wonder they have special visa-arrangements for vampires ? :)

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The bloodletting plan was just announced on CNN. So now the whole world is aghast and of course they are thinking that Thailand is barbaric. Let's just hope that they realise that it's just a few fanatics and such actions don't shame the whole of Thaialnd and Thai people.

This is getting really bizarre!

lol i just saw that and now my wife is mad.

she said 'dam_n now the world will think we are crazy uneducated people'

yes its too bad. welcome to Thailand.


There will be no mass blood letting.

However, it did get some attention didn't it? Got some of you in such a tizzy, I fear it may result in little accidents in their bloomers. If it gets extra international and local media attention, so much the better. Love them or hate them, Thai marketers are bold and have lively imaginations.

I am somewhat surprised that the self appointed experts of all that is Thai social history, were unaware of the symbolism of the statement and the intent to show that there was blood to be spilt.

This is a PR ploy. Stop taking yourselves so seriously.


Rational people wouldn't want a movement like this to run their country. Thailand may be more rational than you think.

The score so far -

Asean Summit - Thaksin

Black Songkran - Abhisit

100K Man March - Abhisit

When is the game over? Please, make it be over!


I personally liked the idea I read somewhere about fining the each of the red miscreants 2000 baht for littering if they dispose improperly of their blood.

Their 500 baht stipends wouldn't go very far if they suddenly faced a 2000 baht fine now, would it? Good revenue to the city also.

This has got to be one of the more ridiculous plans I've ever heard. Proves the reds really are insane. They are a danger to themselves and to society and should be locked up for the good of the country until they can be cured of their illness.


Aye, issue them a special red ID card and 90 days address reporting. Also no voting until they finish at least basic level education.

I personally liked the idea I read somewhere about fining the each of the red miscreants 2000 baht for littering if they dispose improperly of their blood.

Their 500 baht stipends wouldn't go very far if they suddenly faced a 2000 baht fine now, would it? Good revenue to the city also.

This has got to be one of the more ridiculous plans I've ever heard. Proves the reds really are insane. They are a danger to themselves and to society and should be locked up for the good of the country until they can be cured of their illness.

Splendid idea about the fines. While they're at it, might as well fine each smoker in the crowd 500baht if they drop a butt on the ground. Money dried up in no time!


Thai PM expresses worry over protestors' health after blood drawing is planned

BANGKOK, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Monday expressed his worry over the anti- government protestors' health after their leader plans to take one million cc blood from them to scatter around the Government House Tuesday in a bid to put more pressure on the government.

The planned scattering of blood around the Government House on Tuesday was made by United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD core leader Natthawut Saikua.

The plan was announced after Prime Minister Abhisit said in a live TV address that there would not be a House dissolution by Monday noon as the UDD group demanded on Sunday.

The drawing of blood is planned at 8.0 a.m., local time on Tuesday, said Natthawut.

But the prime minister is worried about the protestors' health, hence he would let Public Health Minister Jurin Laksanawisit manage to explain about drawing of blood to the UDD protestors, Thai News Agency reported.

In a related development, a drill of handling the UDD blood's scattering at the Government House was prepared by police and soldiers.

Meanwhile, no hospital has replied yet after a request for 500 medical staff from hospitals to help supervise the blood drawing among the UDD protestors.


Thai PM expresses worry over protestors' health after blood drawing is planned

BANGKOK, March 15 (Xinhua) --

Meanwhile, no hospital has replied yet after a request for 500 medical staff from hospitals to help supervise the blood drawing among the UDD protestors.


Why should they? The staff has much more important things to do. Good for them for not responding.

AGREED. These people are behaving like wild animals, absolutely disgusting and very disrespectul. :D

This is the very line of thinking that has many of these Red Shirts angry. Yes, they are not as educated as many of the patrons of this forum, as well as the majority of the white collar workers typically residing in the cities. But that doesn't give the so-called "educated" the right to relegate them to a less-than-civil level of humanity, or categorize them as "wild animals".

This elitist attitude is just as big a problem that needs to be addressed as the lack of education of the huge segment of Thailand's population that make up much of the Red Shirt movement. To these predominantly rural poor, it is this attitude that they find "absolutely disgusting and very disrespectful. :D "

:) Theres nothing like taking my comment out of perspective.......I wonder what you hidden adgenda is. :D

Aye, issue them a special red ID card and 90 days address reporting. Also no voting until they finish at least basic level education.

What a utterly stupid remark.

They probably have no idea of the possible health implications.

Blood is not just some liquid but biological material which will rot and decay, especially in this heat.

Plan B: Get some red paint from Home Pro

I was thinking alongside of tomato sauce. No need to go all the way to HomePro as 7 will have it. And the real blood they can hopefully sell to hospitals to buy more som-tam. Good plan 99 :-)

Thai PM expresses worry over protestors' health after blood drawing is planned

BANGKOK, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Monday expressed his worry over the anti- government protestors' health after their leader plans to take one million cc blood from them to scatter around the Government House Tuesday in a bid to put more pressure on the government.

In a related development, a drill of handling the UDD blood's scattering at the Government House was prepared by police and soldiers.


I hadn't really yet thought about the police and soldiers that will be on duty when the blood throwing begins. They will have to be suited up in jumpsuits, googles and gloves to prevent being spattered with the blood, or else run the risk of being infected with blood-borne pathogens. This really does equate to biological warfare. This is indeed violence, in a very evil way.

How how will the paid redshirts feel about being exposed to HIV, hepatitis, and all manner of other pathogens as part of this publicity scheme invented by their handlers, which I would presume has received approval from Thaksin?

So who are the elite that are exploiting them now, right down to exposing them to potentially fatal blood-borne pathogens?


And I wonder who would have to clean up this Hazardous waste with possibilities of getting hepatitis or Hiv, most probably some poor people from isaan.

but it's ok its all in the name of democracy and the yellows did close down the airport :)

Thai PM expresses worry over protestors' health after blood drawing is planned

BANGKOK, March 15 (Xinhua) -- Thailand's Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva Monday expressed his worry over the anti- government protestors' health after their leader plans to take one million cc blood from them to scatter around the Government House Tuesday in a bid to put more pressure on the government.

In a related development, a drill of handling the UDD blood's scattering at the Government House was prepared by police and soldiers.


I hadn't really yet thought about the police and soldiers that will be on duty when the blood throwing begins. They will have to be suited up in jumpsuits, googles and gloves to prevent being spattered with the blood, or else run the risk of being infected with blood-borne pathogens. This really does equate to biological warfare. This is indeed violence, in a very evil way.

How how will the paid redshirts feel about being exposed to HIV, hepatitis, and all manner of other pathogens as part of this publicity scheme invented by their handlers, which I would presume has received approval from Thaksin?

So who are the elite that are exploiting them now, right down to exposing them to potentially fatal blood-borne pathogens?

I also wonder, who will be cleaning this mess up? My guess will be the lowly janitor from Issan (I'm not making that remark as a way to offend janitors or people from Issan). Agree with you, Bubba about the exploitation.

The bloodletting plan was just announced on CNN. So now the whole world is aghast and of course they are thinking that Thailand is barbaric. Let's just hope that they realise that it's just a few fanatics and such actions don't shame the whole of Thaialnd and Thai people.

But seriously, I recognise that Thaksin is a very shrewd businessman. How on earth could he not have judged the negative PR that is already resulting from this scheme, both inside and outside Thailand? If he was actually successful in becoming the next PM of Thailand, the media of course will refer to him as "Dr. Thaksin, who regained power through a large demonstration of his "red shirts" in the streets of Bangkok that included spreading their own blood on Government House...."

This is getting really bizarre!

Thaksin is the guy making the following PR mistakes

- wins an election and for about a year and a bit does a pretty good job with unbelievable speed, resulting in an excellent PR image worldwide and leading to his asset declaration case being dismissed...things are going great and he looks like he'll be around for 20 years....but.....then.....he......

- ruins Thailand's free media and alienates the NGOs despite both being relatively pro Thaksin to this point then he also.....

- instigates a series of idiotic measures such as trying to buy up the skytrain, trying to buy liverpool, subsidising deisel until the country loses a huge wad of cash, blatantly favouring his own friends and their businesses, suing when Shin is accused of favourtism, signing a bunch of FTAs that the rural poor never get to comment on, generally being a bit of a <deleted> in the media (arrogance, reliance on fortune tellers) resulting in losing Bangkok (governorship as well as seats in the 2004 election)...but he remains popular upcountry...until....he....

- installs a lousy cabinet in 2004 following a sweeping election victory, declaring that provinces who voted for him will get helped; provinces who didn't will be relegated to last; then proceeds to completely destroy stability in the south and have a war on drugs that draws global condemnation so he.....

- proposes chicken for planes, continues to force the airport to be built overpriced too fast and using only his own approved contractors many of whom (like the CTX scandle) appear to have no skill in supplying what he wants plus the south situation gets worse but he ignores it....and instead.....

- tries to get rid of the auditor general, and fails....but then.....

- fiddles the laws on telecoms to allow 49% foreign ownership then immeidately sells 96% of Shin to Singaporeans, but claims to have no knowledge of the deal and shares worth 1b then sold for 47b the following day by his family are supposedly tax free - THIS IS A MAJOR TURNING POINT WHERE HE COULD HAVE GIVEN UP A LITTLE TO SAVE A LOT

- suffers the yellow shirts daily, but then resigns after meeting with the King...says he will quit politics....but then.....calls a snap election because he already had resigned and now needs a way to go back on his word....says he intends to stand again - doesn't give the opposition time to prepare so they boycott and then he cheats in the election because TRT cannot win certain seats in the south or in Bkk standing unopposed - IDIOCY

- the result in annulled so now he is dealing with protests from PAD in BKK, the fall out of Shin stocks falling like a stone...and he pulls out yes no cards in press interviews, goes on reality TV to Roiet and spends a fortune on the Grand Invitation festival in honour of HM despite a certain photo showing him dressed inappropriately and the fact that a royal barge ceremony is royally initiated....barge goes empty and a huge ton of cash wasted but instead of admitting defeat.....he....

- sues BKK post for reporting cracks in the airport and focuses solely on finishing it - refuses to commit to new election dates, admit cheating and refuses to resign AGAIN EASILY DONE AT THIS POINT mostly spends his time in rural Isaan where he is still loved; arranges a mob to come in and cheer him at the new airport opening which most people can see is deranged; it isn't ready to open but they move man and mountain......

- The coup OK HE IS HARD DONE BY AT THIS POINT...but.....

- PPP he selects Samak against his wife's and many other's better judgement - Samak turns out to be his own man and not entirely capable of following orders; unable to change the constitution and unwilling to stop his own political diatribes on his cooking show; despite the signs suggesting that Chart Thai would fail, PPP cheat anyhow and hope they can change the constitution in time....but they cannot....and even then.... he comes back, kisses the ground and struts around meeting with Prem (the guy he is accusing of everything now) asking to meet to discuss - Prem knows a snake when he sees it and says 'maybe' a sure sign that Thaksin should back off...but he still doesnt....

- he then is assumed to be perhaps involved when someone tries to bribe in the wife's court case......and then he goes on the run after they lose instead of staying and being a bit of a martyr on a suspended sentence under appeal (kind of where his wife is now)......AND HE STILL WON"T SHUT UP.....

- and in the meantime, red shirters are going on stage and in the foreign correspondents club and preaching illegal ideas which causes mass public hatred (Da Torpedo) and puts one of the PPP faithful (Jakapop) on the run after he first claims wrong translation but then is forced to run away since he delivered the same speech in Thai in Los Angeles and it has been caught on record.....but in the meantime with things falling apart locally, he.....

- then replaces Samak with his own Brother in law, and instead of dealing gently with the yellow shirts, they lose control and then force the PAD to take action so the PAD head out to the airport and Somchai either has no power to seize the airport back from the PAD or leaves them there.... everyone can see the government has lost the plot and even then they don't get anything done...so the coalition partners are getting antsy...they want their budgets.....

- so when everything is found against them he then refuses to give in and compromise and is now really starting to look a bit stupid as the govt then collapses after they have to pay for their cheating in the previous election and so then they find themselves as opposition having failed to register a single initiative in over a year of government due to a complete obsession with changing the constitution (unless you count Mingkwan's attempt to set up a rice cartel) and then....

- Songkran the red shirts try to storm BKK and discover Bangkok and Pattaya dislike them...they overrun ASEAN Summit with violence broadcast worldwide and teh Jatuporn claims of a massacre are found to be total lies....world press starting to suspect some of these red shirts are just thugs...govt becomes stronger as a result PR MESS.....so....

- with the case coming closer Thaksin decides to go to Cambodia as an advisor - a move hated by southern Isaan people and not really endearing himself to anyone worldwide; as some worldwide suspect that the Cambodian government are 'a bit dodgy' - very unusual to help a foreign power like that...COMPLETE PR DISASTER

- he then tries to get himself pardoned...except you can't do that if you don't take responsibility for guilt...so again PR DISASTER and a waste of everyone's time....so.....

- and with ongoing press appearances getting increasingly bitter and ill thought out, foreign media start to get less interested especially as foreign powers aware of his hazmat status now start to politely take away visa priveleges...and even then

- he complains bitterly when a court case that lays completely bare his ill gotten gains with a get out of jail free card where he can walk away with 1/2 his money instead of drawing the response of well ok, it's a fair cop, instead continues down the path of threats MORE PR MESS

- red shirts now have a clear nonsensical policy; they want no double standards, except that their leader not be judged by the laws of either constitution nor be subject to any further review.... and their activities are scheduled to coincide with the court findings...but they can't get a crowd together until now.....a million man march they talk it up for a month....and....

- organisers repeat various threats of bringing petrol, faeces, rotten fish....etc - basically everything needed to make people submit by force....so a lot of people don't want to come....no where near 1 million turn up..TOO EARLY TO TELL, SEEMS LIKE IT HAS GONE QUITE WELL DESPITE A LOW TURN OUT SOLEY COMPARED TO THE EXPECTATION THEY CREATED FOR THEMSELVES, BIT OF A PR MESS WHEN THEY COULD HAVE NOT SAID 1 MILLION AND PEOPLE NOW WOULD BE SAYING OH LOOK QUITE A FEW INNIT....so

- organisers now try to promote peace and harmony to the press, while preaching fire and ice to the masses......but they fail to take care of basic necessities, so people don't want to stay long; especially the so called 'swing group' the locals who come for a few hours each day (the yellow shirt bread and butter so to speak)....so then they claim they will march to army headquarters...but....

- they are unable to attract a suitable reaction, the govt seems to have things under control, peaceful is great but not so newsworthy and Bangkokians for the most part are annoyed as this is another of MANY protests from the frigging yellows, the reds, residents wonder when will they see a wet T shirts protest - about the only thing left they are willing to put up with more disturbance for.... and even now...

- the organisers call for 1 million pints of CC of blood

So you guys think that he is a genius up to the point he asked for the blood????

Seriously, it reads like a what not to do of political PR.

About the only things done well are:

- you are either a red shirter (pro democracy) or you are an elitist rural poor hating rich Bangkokian

- we don't pay the mobs (we just give them petrol money, shirts, posters, flags, a uniform....but no....it's a popular uprising and the media love the story)

Perhaps not the best thread to write this on, but anytime I hear how good this guy is at PR, I kind of flinch.

As one of his advisors said back in 2005; 'oh yeah, we told him that, but he stopped listening to his advisers 2 years ago'

What a pity he couldn't have turned back at the many points on this road to hel_l that he chose. So many ways he could still have been PM if he'd just played his cards (and he had most of them) a little better.

Splendid idea about the fines. While they're at it, might as well fine each smoker in the crowd 500baht if they drop a butt on the ground. Money dried up in no time!

The fine for dropping a cigarette butt is apparently 2,000 Bt as reported by many residents and tourists.


BBC is on now...interviewing a red shirt leader. The red shirt leader is saying that throwing the blood is an "experiment". He also said that they plan to throw this blood in various areas...not just government areas...but also Sukhumvit. This is a rather dramatic revelation.

Shall we now consider this terrorism?


Well if this doesn't work, maybe they'll do a jim jones and start handing out thr kool-aid. Now that "works for them, works for us."


Would you play for his team?


The manager's never there yet he expects his undernourished, untrained team to play with no coach, very little kit and only traveling fees. How will they reach the professional league?

Splendid idea about the fines. While they're at it, might as well fine each smoker in the crowd 500baht if they drop a butt on the ground. Money dried up in no time!

The fine for dropping a cigarette butt is apparently 2,000 Bt as reported by many residents and tourists.

Heck, that's even better.

BBC is on now...interviewing a red shirt leader. The red shirt leader is saying that throwing the blood is an "experiment". He also said that they plan to throw this blood in various areas...not just government areas...but also Sukhumvit. This is a rather dramatic revelation.

Shall we now consider this terrorism?

Abhisit's house is on Sukhumvit Soi 31.

"My military brothers, did you hear Abhisit's audio clip, which he claimed was fake?"

"Please choose wisely which side you want to be on".

How are you, GI Joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the faintest idea of what's going on. (Hanoi Hannah, 16 June 1967)


BBC is on now...interviewing a red shirt leader. The red shirt leader is saying that throwing the blood is an "experiment". He also said that they plan to throw this blood in various areas...not just government areas...but also Sukhumvit. This is a rather dramatic revelation.

Shall we now consider this terrorism?

Thanks for that update.

They're certainly going to gain a lot of sympathy with words like that. Just dig that hole deeper and deeper.

I would classify it as a form of terrorism since it is biological warfare, and it may be used against innocent civilians for political purposes. What a pathetic bunch of lowlifes to even begin to think using that.


If they're at all serious about this, and the guy interviewed on the telly seemed to be, most of the bleeding will be the protestors themselves bleeding away from Bangkok. Who knows, in years to come this may come to be referred as the virgin protest, one prick and they're gone.

"My military brothers, did you hear Abhisit's audio clip, which he claimed was fake?"

"Please choose wisely which side you want to be on".

How are you, GI Joe? It seems to me that most of you are poorly informed about the going of the war, to say nothing about a correct explanation of your presence over here. Nothing is more confused than to be ordered into a war to die or to be maimed for life without the faintest idea of what's going on. (Hanoi Hannah, 16 June 1967)


Yeah I'll go with that


BBC is on now...interviewing a red shirt leader. The red shirt leader is saying that throwing the blood is an "experiment". He also said that they plan to throw this blood in various areas...not just government areas...but also Sukhumvit. This is a rather dramatic revelation.

Shall we now consider this terrorism?

Abhisit's house is on Sukhumvit Soi 31.

He didn't say Abhisit's house. He said "along Sukhumvit".

That was clearly intended to create an impression on BBC viewers. And it's called terrorism.

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