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Large Coke, No Ice Please.


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Here's a story for you..

Last night I went to "xxxxx cineplex" to watch a movie with my wife.

Wife wanted popcorn and I wanted a cup of soda, so we headed to the concession stand.

Heeding doctor's orders for about 2 years now, ice cold drinks is a no-no for my stomach digestion problem.

Wife ordered my large coke with no ice.

The man gave me large coke filled to about 60% of the cup. I gave it right back to him and asked politely if he could top it off.

He said "you ordered no ice so I cannot give you more coke".

I get the logic here but I paid a full 70 baht for coke (inflated movie theater price too).

I insisted he give me more coke or I want my money back. Another worker saw our situation and stepped in saying that I requested no ice so with ice it would mean the same amount of coke, so I am not being cheated, and gave the cup back to me.

I gave the coke right back with a raised voice and said "please give me more coke or I will need to speak to the manager". I know, my western behaviour got the best of me but I was a bit furious that I paid 70 baht for coke when it would of costed me 15 baht outside.

This is when the line behind me and next to me all turned to see our little quarrel, then the lady grabbed the coke from my hand and filled it to the top.

I said thank you, turned around with a grin on my face.

Was I wrong?

Edited by tangcoral
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Even though I see their logic, it is extremely anal of them and incredibly petty.

Because they buy in such vast bulk quantities they additional amount of coke needed would have been negligible and simply not worth upsetting a customer about.

I'd have probably done the same as the OP out of amazement at the sheer stupidity of it.

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"Boss told them to do this"??

They have some policy like this? I thought it would very very rare to have this type of request.

Didnt know thais ordered drinks with no ice :)

Wife in the background said change the 40% to 60% as I am exaggerating.

Edited by tangcoral
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Was I wrong?

IMHO, yes, because you raise the voice with somebody only following the orders and, yes because in Thailand most of places enclosed mine (orange juice w/ice 70 w/o ice 90) have different prices with or without ice.

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I don't think you should have raised your voice at an employee who was likely only doing what she was instructed to do by her manager.

Well I was a bit irked that the lady co-worker had to butt in and save the guys shocked looked which is understandable as thais dont experience much demands.

So it was directed towards the mean faced lady.

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I don't think you should have raised your voice at an employee who was likely only doing what she was instructed to do by her manager.

Well I was a bit irked that the lady co-worker had to butt in and save the guys shocked looked which is understandable as thais dont experience much demands.

So it was directed towards the mean faced lady.

Were you speaking in English or Thai?

Have you considered that the guy's "shocked look" could have been due in part to you speaking in English....in a raised voice? Perhaps the "mean faced lady" had more of a command of the English language and that is why she 'butted in".

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"Boss told them to do this"??

They have some policy like this? I thought it would very very rare to have this type of request.

Didnt know thais ordered drinks with no ice :D

Wife in the background said change the 40% to 60% as I am exaggerating.

Trust the wife to notice the exaggeration of size :)

You are correct but of course you should never raise your voice,face face face its all about face!

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I always ask at Major and EGV... "sai nam kang nit noy" only a little ice as they love to fill the cups with ice which melt before i have finished the drink and dilute the taste.

never had a problem with them not filling it up before..but i have always wondered why they insist on so much ice...

But i did witness some bizarre behaviour once (wasn't you but similar story)

some crazy old Thai grandfather with his kids...actually shouted and screamed at the workers behind the counter to top up the cups with coke and ice...they did as requested while looking scared sh1tless as he was shouting....then the crazy old loon couldn't get the lid on... :) so he started slamming the lid on and all the coke and ice obviously splashed everywhere.... he eventually stomped off with half filled cups :D

after he walked off out of sight the staff relaxed and everyone including customers ie me and others started lauging out of astonishment and shock...

So its not only you who feels hard done to by half filled cups :D it happens to old pu yai natives too.....

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I don't think you should have raised your voice at an employee who was likely only doing what she was instructed to do by her manager.

Well I was a bit irked that the lady co-worker had to butt in and save the guys shocked looked which is understandable as thais dont experience much demands.

So it was directed towards the mean faced lady.

Were you speaking in English or Thai?

Have you considered that the guy's "shocked look" could have been due in part to you speaking in English....in a raised voice? Perhaps the "mean faced lady" had more of a command of the English language and that is why she 'butted in".

Your right. I was speaking English and didn't realize the circumstances.

I need to control this western habit of mine and respect the culture. :)

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Nope, your not wrong, they also seem to have forgotten you were saving them money on ice :D .

Of course all the people are going to chime in about you raising your voice and all that, its something I'm not personally fond of, but have you ever noticed around the place you will often see thais yelling or shooting at each other :) , I wouldnt lose any sleep over it. :D

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i have done similarly in the past(complaining with a raised voice)but now i think i was wrong.

Now,if i want to complain,i do it gently and ironically,a few Bahts are not worth a bitter argument.

Maybe i'm going native? :)

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On the question what quantity of beverage should be put in, I think it should be the same with and without ice.

It all depends on what they advertise - if it says coke - 50cl, then there has to be coke until the 50cl mark.

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No, you are wrong, its a measured amount whether you have ice or not, if you don't like it don't buy it, or get some cans of coke from the 7/11.

I agree that you were technically wrong, but I might have gotten angry in your situation anyway. :)

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It must be Thai logic. If you add the price of the water and cost of making ICE, it probably will be very close to what would cost for a full cup of coke.

I would do the same thing so maybe they would change their stupid policy

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No, you are wrong, its a measured amount whether you have ice or not, if you don't like it don't buy it, or get some cans of coke from the 7/11.

I agree that you were technically wrong, but I might have gotten angry in your situation anyway. :D

Yeah, lets grind heads on this one UG. You are absolutely right, he ordered a 'coke' and it is a measured amount, they sell it by the cup and you even get to pick which size cup you want. You order a large coke, you should get a large coke. I have never read anywhere that it is a requirement to have ice. :D You may reply, neverdie hath spoken :D:)

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No you weren't wrong.It surprises me even that they made a problem of it.When I order in Mcd or similar I always ask for no ice and never had a problem that the cup wasn't full.

I also experienced that during my time here that whenever having a problem raising voice works wonders.You can argue for hours but after raising voice the argument is mostly solved within seconds.

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I also experienced that during my time here that whenever having a problem raising voice works wonders.You can argue for hours but after raising voice the argument is mostly solved within seconds.

Yeah I am a culprit to this method as well (sometimes), however I chose to live here and they didnt invite me here so I should tone it down a bit.

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Neverdie I thought your post were deleted but you chaqnged your avatar in the mean time.Please change back to the old picture as the new one looks very scary.

Its hideous, isnt it. :D And to think I use to get complaints about old blinky. :)

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Definitely worth a poll,where is JT?

Neverdie I thought your post were deleted but you chaqnged your avatar in the mean time.Please change back to the old picture as the new one looks very scary.
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The machine is set to fill it at that percent. Next if he did it again it would over flow. They say if u don't want ice in your drink you are gay. Witch I think you are for posting this and waisting my time.

Oh really? No ice in my drink means I'm gay? Never heard of that one before/

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Neverdie I thought your post were deleted but you chaqnged your avatar in the mean time.Please change back to the old picture as the new one looks very scary.

Its hideous, isnt it. :D And to think I use to get complaints about old blinky. :)

Or at least if you keep the picture you should change the word above to diesoon :D

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