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Problem is no one ever thinks they will be caught or banged up for even a small quantity. I quite imagine the lad that sold it to him, probably is working for the BIB. Easy Mark - drug dealer gets paid, and BIB gets an arrest. :)


The fact is that possession of ganja or small quantities of yaba does not automically equal deportation and immigration blacklist. Depending on how much "bail" you can pay, you can have your case expeditiously closed in about 7-10 days with no record outside of the local district you were prosecuted in. Thank you, come again!

If you doubt this, I suggest you take a peek at the Samui district court house which has clearly been subsidized by Full Moon Party busts.

This is so I've heard anyway :)


Why was he stopped? was he smoking down the street or was he set up?

people who are stoned are more docile than people on the sangsom, ive seen so many accidents and fights all due to drinking in the heat than smoking weed.

crazy draconian laws over there for a plant that they grow on them little islands you see scatterd about, lol, we were shot at and warned to get our boat further away from one of these islands, the fisherman said it was because they were preserving wildlife, never laughed so much, in a country that eats anything that moves what were they preserving.

The fact is that possession of ganja or small quantities of yaba does not automically equal deportation and immigration blacklist. Depending on how much "bail" you can pay, you can have your case expeditiously closed in about 7-10 days with no record outside of the local district you were prosecuted in. Thank you, come again!

If you doubt this, I suggest you take a peek at the Samui district court house which has clearly been subsidized by Full Moon Party busts.

This is so I've heard anyway :)

Why they not use the guy to catch the dealer, get the dealer behind bars, do some waterboarding to make him tell where he get the stuff from etc. This innocent guy could have helped them to roll up a whole gang (but guess that's not what they want either)


The Plastic Cop looks so proud, what a loser.

Has to be drug arrest of the year to be able to find such a small amount. :)

Im more interested who the old cop is

He looks the more stoned to me.

He's not a cop he's a parking attendent. He's got a whistle. And you know what Thai's are like when they get one of those....... Gestapo.

0.9 grams is nothing.... How did they find it??? Using a microscope? :D

Maybe he got it from the cop next to him, as it is generally known that you get the best weed from.... yes indeed the police!

I feel sorry for the guy :)

The fact is that possession of ganja or small quantities of yaba does not automically equal deportation and immigration blacklist. Depending on how much "bail" you can pay, you can have your case expeditiously closed in about 7-10 days with no record outside of the local district you were prosecuted in. Thank you, come again!

If you doubt this, I suggest you take a peek at the Samui district court house which has clearly been subsidized by Full Moon Party busts.

This is so I've heard anyway :)

Why they not use the guy to catch the dealer, get the dealer behind bars, do some waterboarding to make him tell where he get the stuff from etc. This innocent guy could have helped them to roll up a whole gang (but guess that's not what they want either)

Dream on

It's a big wheel and he was on it, More like the dealer set him up

Yeah I feel sorry for him too, He should not be in this situation


If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :D but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Good Grief! You think people should be put in prison for being boring? :D I'm glad you don't live in my part of Thailand. :)


If he only had 0.9 of a gram, I think it's a reasonable assumption that he smoked the rest of the deal... I think 500 Baht buys more weed than 0.9 of a gram, even in Phuket ...


The fact that being in possession of small amounts of ganga is a criminal offence i find totaly stupid but then to imagine they caught him with 0.9 gram and to talk about fines or even the death sentence! ...what planet are they from? Alas we have to accept that the laws here are often nonsense but the thai police and the courts take them seriously, In the end i guess its all about money and nothing more in such a case but this police volenteer character looks very suspicious!

Thailand's finest volunteer police force. :)

4the forang ploiceman looks like he works for the royal thai police. not the volenteer police. maybe he is a thai citizern. done the exam and stuff. makes me wonder why forangs come out here where people enjoy freedome to become a police officer.

I just not understand. maybe these people couldnt make the force back home. so try it out here

0.9 grams is nothing.... How did they find it??? Using a microscope? :D

Maybe he got it from the cop next to him, as it is generally known that you get the best weed from.... yes indeed the police!

I feel sorry for the guy :)

max is 3 months in jail and deportation. the least is 1500 baht fine and slap on the wristes. the fact that he is in the media is a big problem. for him!



I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better. I've been here for 20plus years and seen more than my share of people going mad with drug use. Most of them have been long-term weed smokers, they lose it good and proper in the end.

The class A lads normally run out of money or get fed up at getting ripped off and go home or turn to Yaa baa as a cheap alternative , then go mad.

Either way they go back to their home countries well and truly broke and mad, sometimes they avoid the nick here, sometimes not.

And why do they always leaves dogs for some-one else to deal with?

Rant over


There are lots of farang (volunteer) Tourist Police in Pattaya.

I actually see no issue with any of this so far. People angry they decided not to accept bribes for once??

In many places in America you'd be taken to jail for .9 grams too. So long as the punishment is not severe I think justice is beingv served. Good on them for making a media spectacle of busting foreigners for small amounts of drugs and for having farang coppers who are lifelong tweakers who wont take bribes. They don't want Phuket to be a place people travel to to take drugs. If that is the goal, sacrificial lambs are necessary from time to time.


Its a total joke!!! 0.9 grammes! Surely its better for everyone if he paid a small fine and was let go with a severe warning! I wonder how many ozzies this will put off going to Thailand!!


I bet that old volunteer cop is sooo proud of himself,a joints worth of weed,what a bust and what a hero.

I think anyone who becomes an unpaid police volunteer is obviously doing it for the status,look at my uniform,

what sort of checks are done on these guys on what they got up to in their own countries.

Hahaha....this old Geezer, Assistant Sheriff, is just funny. Where did they pull him out from?

Play Your Cards Right? It looks like Bruce Forsyth on Ice.

"You get nothing for a pair - not in this game" :)

Im more interested who the old cop is

He looks the more stoned to me.

He's not a cop he's a parking attendent. He's got a whistle. And you know what Thai's are like when they get one of those....... Gestapo

(Just in case you missed the post earlier)


What happened to someone giving the lowdown on the geriatric wannabe cop? obviously some ppl know who he is, why he has to get his rocks off by getting his picture taken with a poor innocent lamb that was probably set up.

Exactly! Couldn't have said it better. I've been here for 20plus years and seen more than my share of people going mad with drug use. Most of them have been long-term weed smokers, they lose it good and proper in the end.

The class A lads normally run out of money or get fed up at getting ripped off and go home or turn to Yaa baa as a cheap alternative , then go mad.

Either way they go back to their home countries well and truly broke and mad, sometimes they avoid the nick here, sometimes not.

And why do they always leaves dogs for some-one else to deal with?

Rant over

And what has yabaa to do with marihuana ????

Guess you better stick to topics you know more about because this makes no sense. :)


first of all the marijuana is thailand is generally crappy and expensive. So people should know and don't even bother. Go to Hawaii, California, Holland, Switzerland etc.

Since people don't tend to become violent and incoherent drivers on MJ then does not make a lot of sense for chang swilling keyboard warriors to say they are any better or even not worse danger to society. Reality check.

having said that it is against the law in Thailand. Even worse in Malaysia and Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, Korea etc. Will be a long time before that changes. Be warned and don't listen to Tuk Tuk drivers about anything illegal.


I hope that he has learned his lesson, and will not carry plant-leaves in any quantity, around on his person in future.

If he had only been carrying a huge plastic bucket filled with festering human blood, the police would have smiled at him & waved him on.

It is an important lesson in wisdom & common sense, which I for one have been enriched & enlightened by.

.9 grams of marijuana for 500 baht?

They mentioned it was dried marijuana. wow the most dangerous kind. What a danger to the community.

Most likely brain-dead through over-consumtion, even before he stepping off his flight! All I can say is Bloody MORON, considering all the contrary advice given by the Oz govt.....and many others!! :D:)


Be warned that the law for drugs here is simple possession. If an undercover cop trying to sell hands you a baggie, and you accept it, even just to check it out, you are in possession and busted. If your gf has drugs in your room, you are in possession.

My sister- and brother-in-law got a ride in a pick-up south to BKK, stopped, searched and a bag of ya-ba found. Nobody claimed it, so all 8 thais in the truck got 12 years each, because they were in joint possession. Apparently quantity affects sentence, but there are no classes of drugs - just a prohibited list.

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