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I think the biggest danger with pot smoking is that if done regularly it destroys your drive and ambition.

Heavy Pot smokers by and large are underachievers.

This can have serious consequences for life and career.

The other issue of course is the smoking itself which is inhaled quite deeply and if using bongs leads to lots of chest infections and long term use to lung conditions like cancer and emphysema.

Casual use is pretty harmless imho.

As for the person caught well you should never let yourself be vulnerable in places like Thailand because there is always people willing to take advantage. Don't smoke pot in Thailand or take any drugs coz you never know what will happen.

Having said that the laws are stupid but if you want to blame anyone blame the Americans for a lot of these draconian drug laws around the world because if you do a bit of research you will see it is US govt pressure that has changed many of trhe drug laws in countries like Thailand.

Then again it is a quality of life question too.

If earnings and bank balance are your demarcations for a successful life then go ahead,

Many or most of the older smokers, now late 50s' early 70s, that I have known or currently know,

are quite content in their mellow lives. Enough cash to live on and a life they look back and with a smile.

Lived an eventful stressful life and are content at it's tail end.

Not to give this as a life style recommendation to the young, just an anecdotal observation.

Something current on the legalization argument.


Certainly makes for strange bedfellows.

I think the biggest danger with pot smoking is that if done regularly it destroys your drive and ambition.

Heavy Pot smokers by and large are underachievers.

This can have serious consequences for life and career.

The other issue of course is the smoking itself which is inhaled quite deeply and if using bongs leads to lots of chest infections and long term use to lung conditions like cancer and emphysema.

Casual use is pretty harmless imho.

As for the person caught well you should never let yourself be vulnerable in places like Thailand because there is always people willing to take advantage. Don't smoke pot in Thailand or take any drugs coz you never know what will happen.

Having said that the laws are stupid but if you want to blame anyone blame the Americans for a lot of these draconian drug laws around the world because if you do a bit of research you will see it is US govt pressure that has changed many of trhe drug laws in countries like Thailand.

its a good about the post of the effects and risks of weed and laws but you missed out on enforcement issues.

The US and Europe has forced many laws in order to grant trade access. The key is enforcement. Thailand put prostitution on the books for example to get a favorable treaty but thumbed their nose with nearly no enforcement ever of the law.

Thailand enforces drug laws because they want to and has something to do with their nearby countries like Malaysia, Singapore who are very strict. Historically the opium problem in the region was a big national security issue as it can be used to fund insurgencies etc. Again this national security issue surfaced with Myanmar trying to flood thailand with meth.

Opium is/was a major sore point with China because they lost Hong Kong, Macau way back and had to grant access to the mainland for missionaries as a settlement to the opium wars.

It's fairly hard to blame the US now when its nearly legal in California and medicalized/decriminalized in 15 states or something. Indeed its on the ballot this year for full legalization in California later this year.

This last goes a long way to explaining Thailands draconian stance,

that and the Yabaa scourge. yet not too draconian compared to Malaysia and Singapore.


this seems to be just bad luck.

it happens from time to time.

so many farang smoke weed in thailand, especially on the islands,

and now and then a stupid or unlucky one has to pay a lot of money.

but the parading in the media..

i think it's part of some government propaganda campaign or something.

if they really did police work (haha) half of phuket would be shut down.

and if you think it's a good thing he was caught and have his holiday ruined because it's illegal..

then you better not ever sleep with a bargirl, gamble, buy a burnt cd or dvd, or anything else illegal.


schizophrenia is not well understood, I believe. Could be caused by anything, social interactions play a big role. it is well established! Even if it is not, I just established it here. Just like you put pot and mental illness together. we could therefore suspect that your friendship, closeness to your friend made him loose his mind? Could be a trigger, don't you think?

in Pattaya the Beach Rd dealers and officers get along very nicely, Beach Rd is no place to buy drugs. I am all for drug free Thailand. I have no friends.

Well as a person that smoked and no longer does, I have seen a pot smoking friend with schizophrenia. It is a proven trigger for mental illness, maybe something else might have triggered it but the evidence heavily said pot, if he abstained and took his meds he was fine but if he so much as looked at a bong he would go down hill again. Even when I was a daily smoker I always new that there health side effects that I accepted, it never ceases to amaze me that people are willing to fool themselves that there are no side effects. I can't touch the stuff now as I get paranoia, which is a shame because I still feel it has benefits... but they do come with certain risks.

Who gives a toss about any of this!? The silliest thing about this whole thread is that some believe that "laws" will help to prevent something bad from happening.

The truth is that the moment "laws" were introduced, the "self responsibility" of people diminished (went 'out the door') & thus things became worse.

The guy got caught. I feel sorry for him, particularly because there is no real "legal equality" in Thailand. The "law" in Thailand is not about "justice" (which supports revenge anyway), it's about who has the most power (the same as the western world but worse in Thailand). As a result, there is no way that this guy was in any way treated fairly & "without prejudice".

Humans have subscribed to a drug culture from the year dot. This has not changed even though a truckload of laws have been put in place to prevent/inhibit such a thing.

I wonder why more people take/use more drugs than ever before? This includes alcohol.

If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :D but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

Good Grief! You think people should be put in prison for being boring? :D I'm glad you don't live in my part of Thailand. :)

You mean like gettin' drunk every day?

  • 1 month later...

There was a fair amount of interest in this case at the time of the initial posting so I would like to let you know the outcome.

Rick Beaver had been reporting to the court every twelve days or so as a condition of his bail and on Tuesday this week he was informed that he had now formally been charged and had the option to plead guilty and appear in front of the judge that day or to plead not guilty, get a lawyer and go to court at a later date. The latter was not an option so Rick went to see the judge who imposed a fine of 5,000 baht, a two month suspended jail sentence and a deportation order.

He was taken back to Chalong Police Station to recover his passport and then off to immigration to complete the paperwork for the deportation and where he would be detained until it was time for him to leave Thailand. At that time he was told he should book a flight back to his home country, Canada (not Australia as the Gazette continually insisted). His wife was on the verge of booking the flight when I suggested it may not be a good idea to do this immediately as the following day was a public holiday and immigration was closed. We also spoke to one of the volunteer immigration police later that evening who was very helpful and who also advised that immigration generally need 24 hours notice of a flight booking. We decided to find a flight and confirm with the officials at the immigration detention centre that the flight was OK.

Rick's wife and I went to immigration to find Rick sharing a small, hot, smelly cell with about a dozen illegal immigrants from Myanmar. A hard floor to sleep on, no beds, no pillows, we really needed to get him out of there as soon as possible. We were told that as the office was closed and that they were unsure as to the proper completion of the paperwork, Rick's wife shouldn't book the flight until she had formal clearance from immigration officials. This arrived yesterday morning and she booked Rick and herself onto a flight to Seoul and then onto Toronto departing in the early hours of this morning. She was told to take his luggage to immigration and they would escort him to the airport at about 8pm.

All looked good until Rick's wife received a phone call after she returned from the immigration office. Some paperwork had not been signed by the relevant official and being a public holiday he was unavailable so Rick would have to spend another night in the cells and the flights would have to be cancelled and rearranged. This could have been costly and of course immigration, despite giving the wrong instructions, would definitely not foot any of the bill for the cancelled flights. Rick's wife, the immigration police volunteer and my GF all spoke to the officers in charge but they were doubtful they could do anything as the official was out of town. We did not know whether it was a court or immigration official that they needed (nobody could tell us!). My GF mentioned an additional 'fine' to expedite matters but this was ignored.

After several hours, Rick's wife received an unexpected phone call stating that miraculously the paperwork was complete and that they could take the flight. She should meet Rick and his guard from immigration at the airport. She went off in a taxi last night and I heard nothing more so I assume they are now safely in Seoul Airport. I hope to get an email from them soon.

So, one minute you can't leave the country, the next minute they want you out but not until the paperwork is all complete. I don't recommend the immigration detention centre to anyone but if you do get caught for anything, make sure it's not on a Friday or the eve of a public holiday or your stay could be much longer.

We're off to court later, hopefully to recover the bail, which my GF guaranteed. Will this be hassle-free? I'll let you know.


the drug situation seems to me of gotten worse ,or more open over the last few years even in pattaya.

when i moved here for the 1st few years years i never saw anyone selling it. perhaps i just never noticed .

over the last 12 months i have found it impossible to walk along beach road pattaya at night without at least 4 people trying to openly sell drugs to me.

mixed in with the chants of where you go sexy man from beach road girls are the slightly quieter but still very open propositions from males offering there drug warez.

In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

I'm quite sure he drug didn't bring the problems to him, he brought the drugs to him and his problems...i.e. most likely the drugs wasn't a factor in his suicide.

The old cop close to him is a farang?

Great observations. By his wethered appearance he looks like he has indulged in a bit of the substance himself in his life. Did you notice the abrasions on the offenders arm? Was there a scuffle involved in the arrest? I guess the next few years will be cockraoches and rice for dinner.

I want to know what does this guy have to do about his visa if as stated

The tourist, who is currently out on bail, is awaiting formal charges to be filed by the prosecutor, a process that can take up to 84 days

and he was planning on only being here a month, so while on bail what happens about it ..colino


simple he will be fines for everyday he overstays his visa.

I want to know what does this guy have to do about his visa if as stated

The tourist, who is currently out on bail, is awaiting formal charges to be filed by the prosecutor, a process that can take up to 84 days

and he was planning on only being here a month, so while on bail what happens about it ..colino


simple he will be fines for everyday he overstays his visa.

Wrong, in this case. Those nice guys at immigration grant a 90 day extension of stay in the Kingdom for a cost of 1900 baht. Of course, the deportation took place before the 90 days were up, therefore no additional fine was imposed for overstay.

In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

I'm quite sure he drug didn't bring the problems to him, he brought the drugs to him and his problems...i.e. most likely the drugs wasn't a factor in his suicide.

His problem was that he was addicted to the Sh.t he was a good young fella till he started smoking it , worked for me for a time but the crap rotted his brain to the extent he didnt know what he was doing and was unemployable. Before the end he would wander around waving his arms and yelling, all he lived for was the drug and it was the only drug he took, not even booze.

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

I suspect those who say how wonderful it is are users if not addicts themselves, often addicts are the last to admit or even recognise they have a problem.

i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

I suggest you learn something about the substance:

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.

For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for hemp; Webster's New World Dictionary.

The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp - U.S. Government Archives.

The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century.

n 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs - Department of Agriculture.

Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled 'The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.' It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture's 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing 'patriotic American farmers' to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:

'...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...

...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...

...the Navy's rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!'

Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film 'Hemp for Victory' did not exist.


Los Angeles law shows U.S. is trending toward drug liberalization


Representative Ron Paul Celebrates 'Hemp History Week' in Congressional Record Statement


Initiative would legalize marijuana in Detroit


In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

I'm quite sure he drug didn't bring the problems to him, he brought the drugs to him and his problems...i.e. most likely the drugs wasn't a factor in his suicide.

His problem was that he was addicted to the Sh.t he was a good young fella till he started smoking it , worked for me for a time but the crap rotted his brain to the extent he didnt know what he was doing and was unemployable. Before the end he would wander around waving his arms and yelling, all he lived for was the drug and it was the only drug he took, not even booze.

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

I suspect those who say how wonderful it is are users if not addicts themselves, often addicts are the last to admit or even recognise they have a problem.

don't go bragging about your first hand experience when you couldn't roll a joint to save your life. Someone who wanders around waving his arms & yelling must be shot at, and on autopsy you'll find the reefer had nothing to do with it. Cannabis IS fatal to teen agers' brains , induces schizophrenia, and causes the worst of lung cancers as well ( size of the particles stick to upper lung, where can't be operated + hotter than tobacco) but " waving arms yelling" is for the heavily mentally handicapped in my book.


quote name='thaiedward' post='3426464' date='2010-03-18 14:01:12']In many countries, marijuana has been decriminalized not only for medicinal purposes but simply because it should NOT share a place with truly dangerous substances such as meth (the very worst), as well as cocaine, opium and multiple pharmacological products.

Liquor was legalized quite some time ago after the 'law-makers' had figured-out a profitable method to accomplish all of that.

'Weed' is purported to be the single, largest cash-crop in California which is, arguably, the largest, agrarian cultivator of fruit&produce in the entire US of A.

Perhaps people in Thailand and elsewhere will someday be able to understand how to discriminate the huge differences found among illicit substances. Indeed, most of these things can be deeply injurious.

But, when's the last time that any legislators witnessed the beneficial effects of marijuana unto cancer patients and to others with medical issues? Indeed, most USA MD's are paid to attend 5-Star events which are little more than drug promotions.

A comment on the beneficial effects of marijuana:

Had a brother in law who hung himself while full of the crap, did him a lot of good

I'm quite sure he drug didn't bring the problems to him, he brought the drugs to him and his problems...i.e. most likely the drugs wasn't a factor in his suicide.

His problem was that he was addicted to the Sh.t he was a good young fella till he started smoking it , worked for me for a time but the crap rotted his brain to the extent he didnt know what he was doing and was unemployable. Before the end he would wander around waving his arms and yelling, all he lived for was the drug and it was the only drug he took, not even booze.

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

I suspect those who say how wonderful it is are users if not addicts themselves, often addicts are the last to admit or even recognise they have a problem.

don't go bragging about your first hand experience when you couldn't roll a joint to save your life. Someone who wanders around waving his arms & yelling must be shot at, and on autopsy you'll find the reefer had nothing to do with it. Cannabis IS fatal to teen agers' brains , induces schizophrenia, and causes the worst of lung cancers as well ( size of the particles stick to upper lung, where can't be operated + hotter than tobacco) but " waving arms yelling" is for the heavily mentally handicapped in my book.

How do you pick that as bragging? I helped to carry his box and thats nothing to brag about.

I sure would never want to roll a joint, got more sense than do something so stupid.

I saw this happen and tried to help him but no way he would get off the crap so yes I know what caused it.

If police in Holland find 0.9 grams of herb in your pocket they will laugh and ask you if you need some more then at least then you can roll a decent joint...

Nothing wrong with pot especially the Thai one :) but This Is Thailand and Herbal Beaver is not very clever to walk around with a even a useless crumb of the holy herb in his pocket.

However Herbal Beaver should be send home with a warning: 'we truly apologize for the caused inconvenience, but this is Thailand and, like America and many other countries we believe that councious people are a possible threat to the government, so we kindly request you to leave the country, thank you for your understanding'

Taking this as a crime is rediculous ofcourse and boss in own brain !

I'm always amazed that pot heads think that ganga is not a drug and that they don't realize when they are addicted to it. I speak from personal experience as many friends of mine (mostly Americans) smoke it .As a non user I can tell you Ganga smokers are boring company and I am glad the drug is illegal. I don't think these pot heads realize that it is serious for them if they are caught in possesion of it in Thailand. There must be better ways to enjoy yourself in Thailand than turning yourself into a half wit by getting "stoned."

land of the free.??????????????????????????


You can not tar all substances with the same brush, for all of you drinkers & smokers out there its rather like saying Whiskey can be compared to larger shandy, and ultra light cigarettes can be compared to Marlboro super strength. Obviously the only comparison here is that they are both alcohol and cigarettes & the comparisons end there . . .

i suggest your learn a little about the substance before making such a stupid post!

I suggest you learn something about the substance:

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and other founding fathers grew hemp. Jefferson smuggled hemp seeds from China to France then to America.

For thousands of years, 90% of all ships' sails and rope were made from hemp. The word 'canvas' is Dutch for hemp; Webster's New World Dictionary.

The first Bibles, maps, charts, Betsy Ross's flag, the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution were made from hemp - U.S. Government Archives.

The first crop grown in many states was hemp. 1850 was a peak year for Kentucky producing 40,000 tons. Hemp was the largest cash crop until the 20th Century.

n 1916, the U.S. Government predicted that by the 1940s all paper would come from hemp and that no more trees need to be cut down. Government studies report that 1 acre of hemp equals 4.1 acres of trees. Plans were in the works to implement such programs - Department of Agriculture.

Mechanical Engineering Magazine (Feb. 1938) published an article entitled 'The Most Profitable and Desirable Crop that Can be Grown.' It stated that if hemp was cultivated using 20th Century technology, it would be the single largest agricultural crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

The following information comes directly from the United States Department of Agriculture's 1942 14-minute film encouraging and instructing 'patriotic American farmers' to grow 350,000 acres of hemp each year for the war effort:

'...(When) Grecian temples were new, hemp was already old in the service of mankind. For thousands of years, even then, this plant had been grown for cordage and cloth in China and elsewhere in the East. For centuries prior to about 1850, all the ships that sailed the western seas were rigged with hempen rope and sails. For the sailor, no less than the hangman, hemp was indispensable...

...Now with Philippine and East Indian sources of hemp in the hands of the Japanese...American hemp must meet the needs of our Army and Navy as well as of our industries...

...the Navy's rapidly dwindling reserves. When that is gone, American hemp will go on duty again; hemp for mooring ships; hemp for tow lines; hemp for tackle and gear; hemp for countless naval uses both on ship and shore. Just as in the days when Old Ironsides sailed the seas victorious with her hempen shrouds and hempen sails. Hemp for victory!'

Certified proof from the Library of Congress; found by the research of Jack Herer, refuting claims of other government agencies that the 1942 USDA film 'Hemp for Victory' did not exist.


Los Angeles law shows U.S. is trending toward drug liberalization


Representative Ron Paul Celebrates 'Hemp History Week' in Congressional Record Statement


Initiative would legalize marijuana in Detroit


There are actually three different types of cannabis. Cannabis Sativa is the weed people have traditionally used for smoking all around the world. Cannabis Indica is a variety originating in the Hindu Kush and is mainly used for making hashish. ( a 'hybrid' from crossing the two is used in hydroponic production)

The name of the third variety escapes me but for this exercise lets call it Cannabis 'Hempus'...this is the variety that is cultivated for its fibres and turned into paper, cloth, rope etc. but however you need to smoke a 1 kilo joint of 'hempus' to get the slightest buzz.

I have also been told that the hop (for beer) is a close relative.

You might want to add Queen Victoria to your list. Apparently Sir Walter Raleigh? brought it back for her and she used it for period pain.

Incidently the word 'assassin' comes from the Arabic 'hashashin' meaning 'hashish eaters' who were a group/tribe of hired killers who ate hashish before going on a job.

I think I would probably be of no use as just keep giggling and falling off my camel 5555

You might want to add Queen Victoria to your list. Apparently Sir Walter Raleigh? brought it back for her and she used it for period pain.

Which Sir Walter Raleigh are you talking about, the explorer or the poet? The explorer Raleigh was a friend of Elizabeth the 1st, at least for a while, he was the one that went a hunting around the world.

Sir Walter Raleigh the poet did travel a few places but had no contact with Victoria the queen, only with the Queen Victoria pub.

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

Whatever you are smoking seems to cause delusions. blink.gif

I have seen others whoes lives it has ruined as well so dont try to tell me its harmless or beneficial for I have first hand experience.

Whatever you are smoking seems to cause delusions. blink.gif

I am Dutch, i have seen many people use weed. Almost none had problems, sure if you used it everyday it would influence you and make you passive. Recreational use is not much of a problem. People have to see the difference between addicts and people who use it occasionally. Similar to comparing someone who drinks alcohol and an alcoholic. We don't ban alcohol because there are some people who act badly on it.

Truth be said there is far more aggression and other problems that come from alcohol then from a bit of weed.

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