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Shipping Ups From Usa To Chiang Mai


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Hello all,

After 2 failed attempts by Bank of America to snail mail a debit card to me in India and now Chiang mai. I am going to have to ask them to send the card to a friends address, in the states, so they can ship via UPS to my addy here. Hopefully this will be painless ( aside from the cost of shipping ). Has anyone here had good/bad experiences with shipping UPS to/from Chiang mai?

Thanks for all replys in advance! :)

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I always advise US customers sending items to me to use US Priority Mail. They have a flat rate envelope for $11.95. Those almost always arrive within 4-6 days and are web trackable. I send things from Thailand via registered airmail and ocassionally EMS and in the past 10 years or so found that 100% reliable. The reason I advise people not to sent things here via courier is because those almost always get hit up for duty and other charges. Not only that, but Fedex on several ocassions has not been able to find my house, although the post office always can. One time I had to call the Fedex office to ask why a package for me had not been delivered. It had been sitting there for two weeks and it had not ocurred to them to call me or the local PO to track down my house. Let me repeat, have things sent here via courier at your peril.

P.S. If sending something like a debit card tell your friend to place it between cardboard so that nobody can tell there is a card in the envelope. I have had many cards sent here via priority mail and placed in between a card or two.

Edited by qualtrough
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I've had many unfortunate experiences with the Thai postal system but I have to agree that UPS and FedEx might have a more difficult time finding a home. For credit or debit cards, use FedEx or UPS but Fed Ex is better.

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Here is what I have done in the past, taking a totally different approach.

Call the Visa number (assuming visa) on the back of the card and report the card lost Visa will issue a new card and hand deliver it to you at no cost.

I realize that this may not be possible for you to do at this point.

The bottom line is BOA is not issuing the card VISA is doing all the work.

My last card was issued in France.

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I always advise US customers sending items to me to use US Priority Mail. They have a flat rate envelope for $11.95. Those almost always arrive within 4-6 days and are web trackable. I send things from Thailand via registered airmail and ocassionally EMS and in the past 10 years or so found that 100% reliable. The reason I advise people not to sent things here via courier is because those almost always get hit up for duty and other charges. Not only that, but Fedex on several ocassions has not been able to find my house, although the post office always can. One time I had to call the Fedex office to ask why a package for me had not been delivered. It had been sitting there for two weeks and it had not ocurred to them to call me or the local PO to track down my house. Let me repeat, have things sent here via courier at your peril.

P.S. If sending something like a debit card tell your friend to place it between cardboard so that nobody can tell there is a card in the envelope. I have had many cards sent here via priority mail and placed in between a card or two.

I had a package sent to me back in Feb. using US Priority Mail, I got worried after it hadn't arrived a week later. Called the folks, got the tracking number, went to the website and couldn't track it. Called the folks back, they went back to the post office and the answer from the post office was that once the package leaves the US it is no longer trackable. That package took 2 weeks to arrive. Today I received another one, it was post marked Mar. 9.

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No matter if you send Priority mail... I'll be 2 weeks-ish for something to arrive. Always give yourself extra time like 2 - 4 weeks. You'll be a lot less disappointed then. lol

As for the cardboard thing.. I normally use a thin book or magazine. -shrugs-

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I have had FedEX and DHL

Both are good but I personally prefer DHL.

Send it any other way and you're taking a risk..

No bank in a developed country will send a credit card (or anything else of any value) to Thailand.

And just to be on the safe side I get the sender to wrap the credit card in aluminium foil (for you yanks that's aluminim "or however american english writes it") They can put a man on the moon but they cannot spell :)

But then the guy in charge of NASA at the time was a "kiwi" wasn't he" He probably needed an interpreter!!

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(for you yanks that's aluminim "or however american english writes it") They can put a man on the moon but they cannot spell

We would spell it aluminum while y'all would spell it aluminium.

Edited by metisdead
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First, let me thank you all for your replies. What a wealth of information one gets from these forums.

Second, just got off an online chat session with BofA customer service and found out they screwed up my address ( connected my apartment number with the street number ). Anywise, I will head to the post office in the morning and see if they have it a bin somewhere. If not I will try the whole thing over again.

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Use the US post office priority, which actually they use Fed-ex for the international transfer, but then picked up by thai post. This is the best way, Fedex, DHL, UPs always end up wanting custom fees. Been living in Thailand for 10 years had many packages sent via all ways and it seems US post office is the best, always quick longest it ever took was 10 days. However mine have always been to BKK.

Good luck !!

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I agree that USPS is the way to go if you want to avoid any duties or custom fees. But, you don't have a good way to trace their shipments, so I'd recommend using USPS for items you don't really mind loosing. For something like a new credit card, DHL or FedEx is the way to go. No experience with FedEx, but we use DHL frequently and find their on-line tracking to be very accurate.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Going into week 4 and my 3rd attempt of getting BofA to send me a card has been another disaster. They will NOT give you a straight "yes" or "no" answer about tracking the shipment/card on their end. Even though they say they can track it!!!. They will only give the date it was shipped. <deleted>???

Anywise, had them cancel and send a new one ( my 4th request ) to a friends addy in the US who will send via Fedex asap. Anyone know/have any experience on how long it takes for Fedex to ship a letter/packet from US-California to Chiang mai? I would like to use one of the international options on the the Fedex link bellow.....


Thanks to all replys in advance! :)

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  • 5 months later...

(for you yanks that's aluminim "or however american english writes it") They can put a man on the moon but they cannot spell

We would spell it aluminum while y'all would spell it aluminium.

Adding to this, it was an American who discovered aluminum(the ore) so i guess he spelled it like he wanted...pronounced different this way too....kinda like Talk or toke about it.....

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I always advise US customers sending items to me to use US Priority Mail. They have a flat rate envelope for $11.95. Those almost always arrive within 4-6 days and are web trackable. I send things from Thailand via registered airmail and ocassionally EMS and in the past 10 years or so found that 100% reliable. The reason I advise people not to sent things here via courier is because those almost always get hit up for duty and other charges. Not only that, but Fedex on several ocassions has not been able to find my house, although the post office always can. One time I had to call the Fedex office to ask why a package for me had not been delivered. It had been sitting there for two weeks and it had not ocurred to them to call me or the local PO to track down my house. Let me repeat, have things sent here via courier at your peril.

P.S. If sending something like a debit card tell your friend to place it between cardboard so that nobody can tell there is a card in the envelope. I have had many cards sent here via priority mail and placed in between a card or two.

I had a package sent to me back in Feb. using US Priority Mail, I got worried after it hadn't arrived a week later. Called the folks, got the tracking number, went to the website and couldn't track it. Called the folks back, they went back to the post office and the answer from the post office was that once the package leaves the US it is no longer trackable. That package took 2 weeks to arrive. Today I received another one, it was post marked Mar. 9.

I have one US Priority Mail package per month sent to me in Chiang Mai. Delivery times are typically 11 to 14 days but on one occasion the shipment took 7 weeks. Somnetime the packge is pretty badly manhandled by the time that it gets here too. But so far everything sent by US Priority Mail has arrived.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had FedEX and DHL

Both are good but I personally prefer DHL.

Send it any other way and you're taking a risk..

No bank in a developed country will send a credit card (or anything else of any value) to Thailand.

And just to be on the safe side I get the sender to wrap the credit card in aluminium foil (for you yanks that's aluminim "or however american english writes it") They can put a man on the moon but they cannot spell cool.gif

But then the guy in charge of NASA at the time was a "kiwi" wasn't he" He probably needed an interpreter!!

We say it properly as Aluminium, which is what we clothe ourselves when we walk about our nukular plants, to protect us from Camium poisoing...which to you I suppose is Cadmium. You Brits be somefin' else.

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I have had FedEX and DHL

Both are good but I personally prefer DHL.

Send it any other way and you're taking a risk..

No bank in a developed country will send a credit card (or anything else of any value) to Thailand.

And just to be on the safe side I get the sender to wrap the credit card in aluminium foil (for you yanks that's aluminim "or however american english writes it") They can put a man on the moon but they cannot spell cool.gif

But then the guy in charge of NASA at the time was a "kiwi" wasn't he" He probably needed an interpreter!!

We say it properly as Aluminium, which is what we clothe ourselves when we walk about our nukular plants, to protect us from Camium poisoing...which to you I suppose is Cadmium. You Brits be somefin' else.

Well actually; we call it CADNIUM !

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No bank in a developed country will send a credit card (or anything else of any value) to Thailand.

Not true, I have been receiving credit cards by mail in Thailand from developed country banks for more than twenty years.

I agree withe you Damte99. I still receive my cards by regular post from the USA, have been for 20 years OVERSEAS.

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Just regular post should be fine.

I've received about a dozen or so new debit or credit cards, forwarded by my family over the last several years. Never had a problem. I think the OP is worrying way too much.

The reason some banks in the US don't send new cards via mail to an overseas address, is that many of them require customers to have a US address. A foreign address is something they won't allow per bank policy.

USAA, which is a financial services company that started as a bank for the US Army (later other military branches, and now anyone including civilians), is an exception.

I think the OP is confusing various US bank's policy requirements for a US address....with some scary idea that they won't send overseas, because the card will be ripped off in the mail, and the cardholder will owe a zillion dollars for fraudulent charges.

Tell your family to mail the card in it's usual tri-fold paper enclosure, in a #10 envelope.

Proper postage and a correct address. Maybe a piece of tape to seal the back envelope flap, if you're concerned.

That's all it takes. B)

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