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I talked to some local friends here from the middle upper class and was told that the last University entrance examination, about one month ago, was outrageous. Thousands of students affected.

Test questions:

When is the right time to wash your clothes?

How long does it take to wash your clothes?

What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

... The whole thing went on and on with questions like this. There were various option they could chose from and there was only one answer considered as valid. ...

Big headlines, but only in local medias.

  • Haha 1

I've worked with the people who set these things... multiple-guess is the best name for them. The difficulty I had in persuading them that you could not ask questions like

"What does the passage not say?"

Multiple choice is used because it's easy to mark, not because it gives any meaningful result.


I've got a friend who came to Bangkok for her interview in a prestigious university, received a confirmation of acceptance, sent in her money, got assigned to classes, then when she came to Bangkok a few weeks ago to prepare, she was told she was no longer accepted in the class.  Unofficially, she was told her place had been taken by someone whose family had more pull than hers.


Its not the fact that its multiple choice... its the fact that the questions are completely retarded and have nothing to do with any kind of "entrance exam" to universities anyone on this planet would deem appropriate... of course, but this is Thailand.


elcent; If this is a part of the English compression exam, the multiple choice answers would need to be included for a informed comment to be made. Of course thousands are affected, that is the whole point of testing. Some of the teacher comments regarding student attendance, participation, effort, etc in the classroom, at schools where these so called upper middle class families send their little academic misfits is enlightening, to say the least.

It would appear that some of the testing scores in the past, for college entrance, have been unduly influenced by the family name or deep pockets. Not saying this has changed but any substantiated info of wrong doing would be of personal intrest, I would surmise the appropriate Education authorities may also have a interest.

A TV station asked a Chula expert the same question and he failed to answer 98%. :D

Q. When is the right time to wash your clothes?

A. When most of them are worn and dirty and you don't have many clean ones left.

Q. How long does it take to wash your clothes?

A. 46 or 39 minutes depending on whether the machine is set to Large or Extra-large.

Q. What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

A.Whatever colour your Mother likes most. If it is August 12th, then blue is a good option.

Okay, did I matriculate? :)


When is the right time to wash your clothes?

How long does it take to wash your clothes?

What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

So what's the right answers?

My answer to all would be, don't know, the wife does it.

A TV station asked a Chula expert the same question and he failed to answer 98%. :D

Q. When is the right time to wash your clothes?

A. When most of them are worn and dirty and you don't have many clean ones left.

Q. How long does it take to wash your clothes?

A. 46 or 39 minutes depending on whether the machine is set to Large or Extra-large.

Q. What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

A.Whatever colour your Mother likes most. If it is August 12th, then blue is a good option.

Okay, did I matriculate? :)

What about those sitting on the floor? Which are most I guess. Change the floor? :D

A TV station asked a Chula expert the same question and he failed to answer 98%. :D

Q. When is the right time to wash your clothes?

A. When most of them are worn and dirty and you don't have many clean ones left.

Q. How long does it take to wash your clothes?

A. 46 or 39 minutes depending on whether the machine is set to Large or Extra-large.

Q. What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

A.Whatever colour your Mother likes most. If it is August 12th, then blue is a good option.

Okay, did I matriculate? :)

What about those sitting on the floor? Which are most I guess. Change the floor? :D

Precisely, for we must be careful not to make these questions too complicated for the children of rich parents, or else much could be lost in the way of tuition fees.

Q. What action should be taken when it is Mother's Day and you wake up to find nothing left in your wardrobe and all your dirty clothes over the week lying in a pile on the floor?

A. Go back to sleep and wait for Mama to do them tomorrow.

B. Pay your little sister to come and do your washing.

C. Jump out the window and go clothes shopping in your pyjamas.

D. Ask your papa to hire someone suitably qualified to do the job.


Sometimes I feel guilty when I have my say about Thailand ( the driving being my pet peeve) because the people I love are Thai but the truth's got to be said sometimes and be damned if it's a criticism.

My wife had a trainee at her company. Graduated from uni with a BA in English For International Communication. That guy did not understand a single word I said. Not one. Nothing. Nada. Even "How are you?' and "Where do you come from?"

It's not as if my accent is hard to decipher. It's very neutral.

Now I don't care if you're in Bangkok or Bolivia. It's not a case of me knocking Thailand through some superiority complex. For a university graduate in English to not understand a single word, and I do mean single word, that a native English speaker says in simply unacceptable no matter where you are.

My friend graduated from uni with a German language degree. Another of my friends was German and they used to have conversations together. I asked my German pal if my other pal was fluent. "No" came the reply, "But he's very, very good."

Not a case of "He can't understand a word I say"


The problems the students had with the O Net tests were not just with the English part. Apparently the Thai part was even worse.

About 3 weeks ago, or so, the head of the MOE was on one of the Thai channels with about 50 students who had complained about the tests. They defended the tests, saying nothing was wrong with them, and if they didn't know the answers, it was their schools fault for not teaching them. I think that whole thing is on You Tube, but I don't know how it's labeled.

My daughter took the test and gave me many examples of questions that were pretty much unanswerable.

Since the test was difficult for everyone, it shouldn't make a lot of difference when it comes to the scores.

Supposedly the schools will be given their students scores on the 25th, and then they'll be available online in early April.


Under the Arts section, students were asked questions like:

What color is the symbol of love?

a Black

b Red

c Pink

d White

In another section, students were asked to choose one of the following for a foreign couple that is visiting Thailand to celebrate their wedding anniversary.

Flowers: lotus, dandelion, jasmine, rose, orchid, marigold, tuberose, summer damask rose, golden shower, yellow cotton silk.

Food items: Seafood fried rice, rice with snapper, rice with seafood, rice with snakehead fish in chilli paste, phad thai with shrimp, noodles served in gravy with squid, rice with oyster, rice with omelets stuffed with mince pork, crab fried rice.

Color of the tablecloth: reddish orange, sky blue, green, red, black, pink, yellow, grey, blue and dark brown.


I've got a friend who came to Bangkok for her interview in a prestigious university, received a confirmation of acceptance, sent in her money, got assigned to classes, then when she came to Bangkok a few weeks ago to prepare, she was told she was no longer accepted in the class.  Unofficially, she was told her place had been taken by someone whose family had more pull than hers.

A friend of ours has a young son, three years old.

His parents would like him to take his education at a local school where he can progress from age 5 all the way to University level.

Mum has already talked to the school about entering her son.

There is a test at age 5 for those wishing to enter.

To 'guarantee a pass', and therefor entry to the school and uninterrupted education all the way to Uni is 100,000 bht. For a 5 year old!

Sometimes I feel guilty when I have my say about Thailand ( the driving being my pet peeve) because the people I love are Thai but the truth's got to be said sometimes and be damned if it's a criticism.

My wife had a trainee at her company. Graduated from uni with a BA in English For International Communication. That guy did not understand a single word I said. Not one. Nothing. Nada. Even "How are you?' and "Where do you come from?"

It's not as if my accent is hard to decipher. It's very neutral.

Now I don't care if you're in Bangkok or Bolivia. It's not a case of me knocking Thailand through some superiority complex. For a university graduate in English to not understand a single word, and I do mean single word, that a native English speaker says in simply unacceptable no matter where you are.

My friend graduated from uni with a German language degree. Another of my friends was German and they used to have conversations together. I asked my German pal if my other pal was fluent. "No" came the reply, "But he's very, very good."

Not a case of "He can't understand a word I say"

My company hired a girl with a BS in English, and I saw the same as you did. I told the girl she should get her money back. Of course she did not understand what I told her...

That said, I have found those that attend schools like ABAK (sp) or AUA do have decent if not fair/good English.

Wish this country luck....

I would not be surprised if one of the questions was:

How many grains of sand can be found on a beach?

A TV station asked a Chula expert the same question and he failed to answer 98%. :D

Q. When is the right time to wash your clothes?

A. When most of them are worn and dirty and you don't have many clean ones left.

Q. How long does it take to wash your clothes?

A. 46 or 39 minutes depending on whether the machine is set to Large or Extra-large.

Q. What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

A.Whatever colour your Mother likes most. If it is August 12th, then blue is a good option.

Okay, did I matriculate? :D

No. Its back to special school for you... :)

A TV station asked a Chula expert the same question and he failed to answer 98%. :D

Q. When is the right time to wash your clothes?

A. When most of them are worn and dirty and you don't have many clean ones left.

Q. How long does it take to wash your clothes?

A. 46 or 39 minutes depending on whether the machine is set to Large or Extra-large.

Q. What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

A.Whatever colour your Mother likes most. If it is August 12th, then blue is a good option.

Okay, did I matriculate? :D

No. Its back to special school for you... :)

In Thailand, Mother's Day is August 12, and the colour is blue, because Queen Sirikit was born on a Friday and you can find out the year yourself for it is not my place to be your googler, and Friday's colour is blue.

You won't learn the important stuff at school, ND.


When is the right time to wash your clothes?

Well that would depend on the phase of the moon and whether it casts a shadow over the east wall assuming it is not an auspicious day when the Cambodian maid is servicing papa when it should be deferred to the next lunar cycle.

How long does it take to wash your clothes?

As long as it takes the gecko to cross the ceiling after midnight.

What color of table clothes to you use on mothers day?

Our table doesn't wear clothes so this is obviously a trick question and the answer is in the plain brown envelope attached to my application.

Sometimes I feel guilty when I have my say about Thailand ( the driving being my pet peeve) because the people I love are Thai but the truth's got to be said sometimes and be damned if it's a criticism.

My wife had a trainee at her company. Graduated from uni with a BA in English For International Communication. That guy did not understand a single word I said. Not one. Nothing. Nada. Even "How are you?' and "Where do you come from?"

It's not as if my accent is hard to decipher. It's very neutral.

Now I don't care if you're in Bangkok or Bolivia. It's not a case of me knocking Thailand through some superiority complex. For a university graduate in English to not understand a single word, and I do mean single word, that a native English speaker says in simply unacceptable no matter where you are.

My friend graduated from uni with a German language degree. Another of my friends was German and they used to have conversations together. I asked my German pal if my other pal was fluent. "No" came the reply, "But he's very, very good."

Not a case of "He can't understand a word I say"

My company hired a girl with a BS in English, and I saw the same as you did. I told the girl she should get her money back. Of course she did not understand what I told her...

That said, I have found those that attend schools like ABAK (sp) or AUA do have decent if not fair/good English.

Wish this country luck....

I would not be surprised if one of the questions was:

How many grains of sand can be found on a beach?

The Thais my company employs all speak English well and can understand my accent and what I say so they must be pretty good. And most of them are not English language majors. (Engineering, Business, Tourism)

Its not the fact that its multiple choice... its the fact that the questions are completely retarded and have nothing to do with any kind of "entrance exam" to universities anyone on this planet would deem appropriate... of course, but this is Thailand.

Not only retarded, but extremely subjective...............

How long to wash clothes, well it depends on what you are washing and the programme you select on the machine. :)


Many of the questions on these tests are REALLY BAD.... meaning no clear correct answer... only an arbitrary made up "correct answer".

Only lesson leared... why is it the correct answer "because we said so..." as opposed to asking question where there could only be one real correct answer...

A couple of examples that I have heard from some Thai friends.

This is from the 6 grade (elementary) exam in English...

1. The moon is like...

a. a rock

b. a ball

c. the sun

d. (I cant remeber the last choice)

hmm... when I looked at thei question, I am not sure how to answer...

The moon is like a rock in composition... the moon is like a ball in shape as viewed from the earth .... the moon is like the sun in terms of location (i.e. outerspace)...

correct answer.... b. like a ball

Another example from the highschool exam....

2. If you will be having a party where a foreigner will be invited what food should you serve for the meal?

a. Tom Yam Kung

b. Pad Thai

c. (an egg dish, I can't remember wich)

d. Green curry


Me personally , I am a fan of green curry, but the "correct" answer... Pad Thai - so make sure you all remember that...

Another from the High school exam....

3. A high school girl has become pregnant what should she do?

a. drop out of school and get a job to support her child

b. find the father and get him to help support the child

c. drop out of school for a short time to have the baby and then return

d. have an abortion

Hmmm... good to know that there is only one possible correct answer for every person world wide in this list...

correct answer... c. drop out of school for a short time to have the baby and then go back to school.


This question is based on truth...it was discussed in class one day. Only a Thai or someone who understands 'illogical concepts' will answer the question correctly.

Q: When is the correct time in the morning, to brush your teeth?

A: As soon as you wake up.

B: After you shower.

C: Immediately before breakfast.

D: Immediately after breakfast.


If you ask a Dentist, I beliver the correct answer should be immediately after breakfast...

You are suposed to brush your teeth directly after every meal, correct?

Does Thai oral hygiene differ from western oral hygiene? If so, I would like to hear the answer and the reasoning behind it.

If you ask a Dentist, I beliver the correct answer should be immediately after breakfast...

You are suposed to brush your teeth directly after every meal, correct?

Does Thai oral hygiene differ from western oral hygiene? If so, I would like to hear the answer and the reasoning behind it.

Me too, and more about understanding illogical concepts please.

The problems the students had with the O Net tests were not just with the English part. Apparently the Thai part was even worse.

About 3 weeks ago, or so, the head of the MOE was on one of the Thai channels with about 50 students who had complained about the tests. They defended the tests, saying nothing was wrong with them, and if they didn't know the answers, it was their schools fault for not teaching them. I think that whole thing is on You Tube, but I don't know how it's labeled.

My daughter took the test and gave me many examples of questions that were pretty much unanswerable.

Since the test was difficult for everyone, it shouldn't make a lot of difference when it comes to the scores.

Supposedly the schools will be given their students scores on the 25th, and then they'll be available online in early April.

Thais are not stupid.

If the test is made that way, there is a reason for that.

Just a question: are there oral tests as well?

Because if a test is made so "unanswerable" that everyone's results are low, everything will depend on the oral test...

no paper trail :-)

This question is based on truth...it was discussed in class one day. Only a Thai or someone who understands 'illogical concepts' will answer the question correctly.

Q: When is the correct time in the morning, to brush your teeth?

A: As soon as you wake up.

B: After you shower.

C: Immediately before breakfast.

D: Immediately after breakfast.

The only answer that makes sense is A.

All the others would depend on if the person taking the test is male or female :-)

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