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Ok your asleep and BANG some <deleted>****er slams their door shut at 3 am waking you and I suspect everyone else up, you go to the Niti office and ask them to tell the tenant to please be aware of other renters there and to close the door quietly, result bangs door 4 times instead of once.

Seems often here when asked politely not to they behave like freaking children having a hissy fit.

Ps wasnt me but one of my tenants, the person in question has stopped doing it now apparently.

I also had this happen to me at an old rental once told woman made a point of slamming it as hard as she could really thought her door would break. Shortly after getting a note from Niti she too shut up, its almost like they darent have anyone tell em they are being a nuisance.

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Remove there door and replace with one made of Balsa wood until they learn the error of their ways.

If you are more confrontational:

remove and replace with balsa wood door.

if slamming continues and door does not break, balsa is extremely absorbant. Go to Ptt and and buy a jerry can full of 91 ron petrol. pour on the door. allow to soak in. at 3 am knock on the wall. When they answer, offer them a cigerette... then RUN!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Remove there door and replace with one made of Balsa wood until they learn the error of their ways.

If you are more confrontational:

remove and replace with balsa wood door.

if slamming continues and door does not break, balsa is extremely absorbant. Go to Ptt and and buy a jerry can full of 91 ron petrol. pour on the door. allow to soak in. at 3 am knock on the wall. When they answer, offer them a cigerette... then RUN!!!!!!!!!! :)

Surely just easier to lace the ciggarettes with cyanide and offer them one before replacing their door? :D

Edited by yabaaaa
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Seems to me that the world is full of inconsiderate ass*oles, and of every nationality and race.

Must be that parents give their brats everything they ever want and no discipline, so when they grow up, they think they can behave however they like.

What's the answer- till the politicians have the guts to support the "good guys" against the scum, I don't think there is one.

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Remove there door and replace with one made of Balsa wood until they learn the error of their ways.

If you are more confrontational:

remove and replace with balsa wood door.

if slamming continues and door does not break, balsa is extremely absorbant. Go to Ptt and and buy a jerry can full of 91 ron petrol. pour on the door. allow to soak in. at 3 am knock on the wall. When they answer, offer them a cigerette... then RUN!!!!!!!!!! :)

Surely just easier to lace the ciggarettes with cyanide and offer them one before replacing their door? :D

they don't sell cyanide at my local PTT... but then, I live in Korat. Probably better service in the Capital. :D

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What is a niti office?

If the person slams the door again, open your own door and congratulate whilst her applauding enthusiastically. Get as many people to join in as you can so that every time she slams her door, she has a host of her neighbours applauding loudly and letting her know how utterly fantastic she is.

She will soon stop.

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It might be that you went to the office first, rather than to the tenant? I used to live in an apartment block and had noisy neighbors (at different times, as i seemed to be the longest staying tenant!). My first step with anyone overly noisy was always to write out a note in Thai (or English if not Thai..obviously) and put it under the door. The note would be basically along the lines of asking them nicely to please remember to close their door (keep noise down etc..whatever the issue is) quietly, as it disturbs the rest of the tenants on the floor. If there was no response then I would then go to the office, but, it never got that far. Maybe i had more considerate neighbours, but they took on board what was written and I never had an issue. I did have some guys above me that were noisy, but banging my broom on the ceiling usually got them to quieten down. :)

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This problem usually occurs in the lower class cheapish apartment blocks. Up until about 3 to 4 years ago I used to live in an apartment in the lower end of the market simply to save money on rental costs (I don't like making landlords rich). Nowadays, funnily enough I am the landlord for a couple of properties, but that's by the by.

I used to suffer from the noise coming these selfish, self-centred, thoughtless ba***ards, ranging from slamming doors, noisy parties, arguments, screaming, stomping across the room on the floor above, reving up their cars and playing their car sterios in the car park even at 2 or 3am.

The time of day didn't phase them. Even parties with drinking and music and singing and shouting until 4 or 5am etc etc.

If I thought I could have gotten away it, I would have happily cut their stupid heads off their bodies and stuck them on a pike at the entrance to the building.

I was about the only westener in the block, and what it did give me was an extremely close insight into real Thai behaviour.

I found it was no use in complaining to either them directly (I tried a couple of times) as they would just ignore me or tell me to <deleted> off...nice ehh? Welcome to the real Thailand, Nor was it useful complaing to the management as they also ignored me (muttering bla bla farang, farang under their breath).

Yes I got the puicture. Either handle the problem in my own way by clandestinely devising pay backs, or just put up with it and try to live with it, or get out and leave this seething load of scum to their lot.

Ultimately I chose the latter.

Since then of course, I have bought a few properties of my own around town and now live in one in a great area in smallish, relatively exclusive, upper middle end Condo block. And since I have been here, I have not had one occasion to complain about any of my neighbours, save for some of them sometimes forgetting to close the main security door behind them.

Edited by barky
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Remove there door and replace with one made of Balsa wood until they learn the error of their ways.

If you are more confrontational:

remove and replace with balsa wood door.

if slamming continues and door does not break, balsa is extremely absorbant. Go to Ptt and and buy a jerry can full of 91 ron petrol. pour on the door. allow to soak in. at 3 am knock on the wall. When they answer, offer them a cigerette... then RUN!!!!!!!!!! :)

Surely just easier to lace the ciggarettes with cyanide and offer them one before replacing their door? :D

they don't sell cyanide at my local PTT... but then, I live in Korat. Probably better service in the Capital. :D

7-11 have it, on the shelf right next to the ant poison and pepsi.

Thais are blissfully oblivious to sound. We give out birthday gifts every month, in the canteen at midday 2 days ago they had music on at what must have been 150db with 2 meter high speakers shaking violently. Only after using sign language to someone 3 meters away did it get returned such you could speak to the person sitting alongside. Not a single person, of which there were 100's within earshot were even worried about the level of sound.

Edited by jayjayjayjay
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It might be that you went to the office first, rather than to the tenant? I used to live in an apartment block and had noisy neighbors (at different times, as i seemed to be the longest staying tenant!). My first step with anyone overly noisy was always to write out a note in Thai (or English if not Thai..obviously) and put it under the door. The note would be basically along the lines of asking them nicely to please remember to close their door (keep noise down etc..whatever the issue is) quietly, as it disturbs the rest of the tenants on the floor. If there was no response then I would then go to the office, but, it never got that far. Maybe i had more considerate neighbours, but they took on board what was written and I never had an issue. I did have some guys above me that were noisy, but banging my broom on the ceiling usually got them to quieten down. :)

Makes no odds from what Ive seen whether or not a note goes on the door or its the NITI office the result is usually the same ie banging increases as if its kind fun to antagonise even more.

Sadly last year I was waking down by one of the offenders rooms who just ignored any requests either by letters under doors or NITI and my tube of araldite rapid clear accidentally fell out of my person and unfortunately slipped into their keyhole after I had premixed it for another project. the ensuing excitement later that evening was a picture.

The wife blamed her husband for the fact they couldnt get into their room saying " I told you not to lock the top lock " (deadbolt) , next to arrive was a locksmith who tried drilling thru the lock but ended up being unable to and drilled thru their door by mistake. Now they have a mangled door and a new lock BUT they are a lot quieter ???????????

I notice at long last some projects are putting rubber door seals to damp out a lot of this banging noise.

Evil I suppose but then if they dont give a flying f88k about anyone I dont about them.

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What is a niti office?

If the person slams the door again, open your own door and congratulate whilst her applauding enthusiastically. Get as many people to join in as you can so that every time she slams her door, she has a host of her neighbours applauding loudly and letting her know how utterly fantastic she is.

She will soon stop.

Forget it youll be the only one out there Thais will shy away from anything that might be even mildly confrontational.

NITI office are the people who deal with al the paperwork and admin maintenance of the building I never found out what NITI stands for if anything?

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That behaviour seems to be a part of the national mindset, what happens when you toot your horn at someone as a minor caution or warning whilst driving, more often than not, after you've driven by they feel obliged to sound their horn in response, what, you dare to tell me what to do, I'll show you!

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I agree with MrJohnson,

Earplugs are an easy fix. If they work for you then there need not be any further crap entered into for anybody..

From my experience, complaining does nothing in LOS. You will no sooner solve one problem and another two will come along..

a barking little !#$% of a dog

or some even louder tennant will moove in :)

if earplugs dont work then its time for plan B :D

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I agree with MrJohnson,

Earplugs are an easy fix. If they work for you then there need not be any further crap entered into for anybody..

From my experience, complaining does nothing in LOS. You will no sooner solve one problem and another two will come along..

a barking little !#$% of a dog

or some even louder tennant will moove in :)

if earplugs dont work then its time for plan B :D

Its usually plan B the problem can be the door is closed so hard the room moves physically.

I agree its one problem person after the other here with the noise brigade and poor behaviour, hence we bought 10 rao of land and will stick our house in the middle. Ive found it makes no odds if its a cheap or expensive building ie 1.5 million up to 10 million, I know as ive got about 70 rooms.

Edited by yabaaaa
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Somebody told me a long time ago that Thais are incredibly tolerant, but also incredibly inconsiderate.

I've found it to be v true.

We may find inconsiderate behaviour intolerable, but the Thais don't - and its their country!

Ear plugs are your best option....

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Somebody told me a long time ago that Thais are incredibly tolerant, but also incredibly inconsiderate.

I've found it to be v true.

We may find inconsiderate behaviour intolerable, but the Thais don't - and its their country!

Ear plugs are your best option....

Never thought of it that way, but its very true. Thanks for sharing this bit of Wisdom :)

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