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Red Shirts Plan Intensified Protest In Bangkok : Saturday

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Actually not. Thai law states that he will be barred from politics if he is convicted and spends a night behind bars. This is why Thaksin and other dodgy characters skip bail. As long as they are not physically imprisoned, there is always the possibility that they can make a deal and be rehabilitated.

Thaksin certainly doesn't sound like he is talking about a deal. According to Tusathit, tonight Thaksin said if our peaceful fight doesn't work we will resort to civil disobedience. He added, if its necessary, we will surely resort to civil disobedience.

I think it funny how Thaksin keeps saying "we." If he wants to make it "we" he should return and fight his own battles.

The gall of that little man knows no bounds. He's so full of himself - it would be a bizarre joke if not true.

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Actually not. Thai law states that he will be barred from politics if he is convicted and spends a night behind bars. This is why Thaksin and other dodgy characters skip bail. As long as they are not physically imprisoned, there is always the possibility that they can make a deal and be rehabilitated.

Thaksin certainly doesn't sound like he is talking about a deal. According to Tusathit, tonight Thaksin said if our peaceful fight doesn't work we will resort to civil disobedience. He added, if its necessary, we will surely resort to civil disobedience.

I think it funny how Thaksin keeps saying "we." If he wants to make it "we" he should return and fight his own battles.

Yes, and by "we" does he mean the Pheu Thai Party too? For starters, their first act of civil disobedience should be to actually give up their MP seats since they are so useless anyway in parliament anyway and draining taxpayers' money with their non-constructive antics.

Another mystery I'm still waiting for is the "world shocking" picture of the prime minister the red leaders said they would release two days ago.


Their photoshop guy probably got a heads up from their fake audio tape guy that once busted, he's on his own. :)

BTW, can you imagine if the Reds tried to stage demonstrations like this in China or Burma or Thaksins current employer Cambodia? They might see daylight in 20 years. Lucky they are facing off against a democratic government who allow peaceful protest.

And if you try to take the airport like PAD did? I am sure China or Burma or Cambodia will let you walk free, because you did it for the better of all human.


The redshirts are making a fashion statement.

Being so close to Khao San Rd the past few weeks, they decided to shave their heads so they can look as cool as the farang tourists.

I think this is the end. Friday is the farewell parade, then it's back to the fields.


Guinness Book of World Records?

If the RED capture the airport, maybe the Guinness guy might come.

Na, his flight would not be able to land.

Tomorrow is Friday 26th

D Day for Thaskin

As he did not return to Thailand and put in an appeal

Te money is now gone

and in my understanding he can never take part in Politics again in Thailand

If this is true what is the reason to keep fighting

He has lost

Opiniona please

Does the law really stipulate that he must personally lodge the appeal?

From what I can make out, there is not really an active yellow-shirt movement at this point: it's red or not.

I don't see it that way. The Yellows have mobilized when they saw cause to do so. And pretty much each time they've demonstrated they've shown success, and been generally quite peaceful considering their numbers and longevity or their individual protests. They're sensibly sitting this one out from the sidelines, and enabling the Reds (and their paymaster) to continue to shoot themselves in their feet, as the days roll by.

These people have really gone crazy.

You don't know my mom. She dumped a large salad bowl full of fruit salad on her daughter-in-law's head, the day her son married her. She jerkily cut off her baby granddaughter's blond curls down to the skull with a razor - to express her anger at the kid's parents. That's crazy.

Are you actually trying to characterize the PAD/yellow shirt protests as peaceful?

With Thaksin about to lodge an appeal with new evidence we could see this little round calm down now pending further court deliberationj on acceptance or not and if accepted on hearings. Ho Hum

Yes, considering the endless line of witnesses and mountains of documents presented over the course of that lengthy trial, it will be interesting to see what "new" evidence he presents. What did he uncover in the past 30 days that he didn't know about in the peceding however many days of the trial?

Read about his planned basis for the appeal in the paper this morning and it would seem he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hel_l when his lawyers file it with the court today.

Another mystery I'm still waiting for is the "world shocking" picture of the prime minister the red leaders said they would release two days ago.


and still no word on day 3 of this "world shocking" picture being published.

You don't suppose the red leaders would lie about something, do you?

Does the law really stipulate that he must personally lodge the appeal?

No, his lawyers plan to do so today, although, as stated above, I don't think they really understand the concept of "new" evidence. It seems to be the same old tripe that he lost the case on.


The fact he's left it until now (the very last day) is also quite telling. I personally think this indicates it was his last option on the list...

blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

Considering the ample girth of the rotund Suporn leading the way for the hair trimming today, I guess there's not much chance of a starvation protest next week.

in lieu of the not eating protest



blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

Considering the ample girth of the rotund Suporn leading the way for the hair trimming today, I guess there's not much chance of a starvation protest next week.

in lieu of the not eating protest



What is the point of this?

blood one week, hair the next, maybe toenails next week?

Considering the ample girth of the rotund Suporn leading the way for the hair trimming today, I guess there's not much chance of a starvation protest next week.

in lieu of the not eating protest



What is the point of this?

Gettin' ready for th' lay-dees....

Does the law really stipulate that he must personally lodge the appeal?

No, his lawyers plan to do so today, although, as stated above, I don't think they really understand the concept of "new" evidence. It seems to be the same old tripe that he lost the case on.

Really? I thought that was a stipulation of the court, that appeals of new evidence must be presented in person by the accused.

I figured that we'd see them lead one of the little grannies with a Thaksin face mask into court, and apologize that "he" can't speak because of his well advertised sore throat! :)


Banner headline in today's Daily News says that members of the RKK (main Muslim separatist group from the south) have slipped into Bangkok with weapons and are hiding among the Red Shirts and are preparing to cause havoc. The article doesn't say whether the Red Shirts leaders are regarded as being aware of their presence.

I don't know enough about Thai journalism to speculate whether this is sensationalist nonsense or not, but if there is substance in this, it is the last thing anyone needs.


I had the pleasure of the protest occupying the road outside my work last week, and the highway near my home later on. While there were certainly a lot of people it is nowhere near the number involved at the height of the yellow campaign. Not even remotely close.

I had the pleasure of the protest occupying the road outside my work last week, and the highway near my home later on. While there were certainly a lot of people it is nowhere near the number involved at the height of the yellow campaign. Not even remotely close.

Careful you'll have the whole english laguage red propaganda apparatus descend to denounce your lies. We all know they really had 76 million people on the last march and the authorities lied about the numbers.

Seriously does anyone klnow of the routes they plan to take and what disruption they plan on causing as my daugthers school has a trip to Bangkok on this weekend to the book fair.

Banner headline in today's Daily News says that members of the RKK (main Muslim separatist group from the south) have slipped into Bangkok with weapons and are hiding among the Red Shirts and are preparing to cause havoc. The article doesn't say whether the Red Shirts leaders are regarded as being aware of their presence.

I don't know enough about Thai journalism to speculate whether this is sensationalist nonsense or not, but if there is substance in this, it is the last thing anyone needs.

I hope it is sensationalist. Thailand doesn't need any more violence.

Also if they do come, I'd hope they'd be found out real quick. Just as most Issan people speak Lao or Lao-Thai at home, those from the deep south speak Malay. When speaking "Bangkok" most from the deep south are still going to have a very different accent from those that grew up in Issan (where most of the red shirts are from). Even those from the normal south (not deep south) tend to have a noticeable accent that is hard to hide. People from the south also tend to look different from those from the North/NE.


Seriously does anyone klnow of the routes they plan to take and what disruption they plan on causing as my daugthers school has a trip to Bangkok on this weekend to the book fair.

From the updates thread yesterday.

Red-shirts Not to Hold Procession around Town on Saturday

The red-shirt group held a press conference this evening, affirming it will not go to Centara Hotel to disrupt the Inter Parliamentary Union meeting there.

The group will be rallying around town tomorrow for Bangkok residents to come out and join their gathering at Panfah Bridge on Saturday.

They affirmed they will not go out in a procession around Bangkok this Saturday, the same way they did last Saturday.

They said they will disclose later what activities they will conduct on Saturday, which is another day of major activity for the group.

The group's leader Jatuporn Prompan also slammed the unveiling of a video clip that showed red-shirt protesters attacking a woman on a pedestrian bridge, saying the footage was from last year and seem as though it was staged.


-- Tan Network 2010-03-25


How is that possible? They promised an even larger gathering than any they'd held so far - 180,000 to 300,000 people! They were going to get Guinness to fly in because it was going to be so large? That was what, just 2 days ago when they announced it.

Bottom line:

We'll contact Guinness Book of World Records in order to entice more protesters. It's nothing but a gimmick like everything else before this.

When will the folks wake up, this is not about democracy.

For sure they will be able to make it to guiness book of records!!, For must stupid people gathered at same place. :)


Oh and according to today's update thread, Jatuporn is now saying the protest is back on, they just don't know what they're doing yet. Instead the protesters should all gather and wait to be told the plans tomorrow.

Oh and according to today's update thread, Jatuporn is now saying the protest is back on, they just don't know what they're doing yet. Instead the protesters should all gather and wait to be told the plans tomorrow.

Looks like it. From today ...

Red-shirt procession for tomorrow not finalised

BANGKOK: -- Red-shirt leader Jatuporn Promphan said on Friday organisers have yet to finalise the plan for the tomorrown’s procession of cars and motorcycles.

“Protesters will assemble on Rajdamnoen Avenue before the rally organisers seek their support on how the procession should proceed,” he said.


-- The Nation 2010-03-26


Headless, clueless, and even more blatantly than ever jumping to the tune of one man.

Yet there'll still probably be a sizeable crowd tomorrow (paid and otherwise), all singing to whatever tune they choose, regardless of what the lyrics are.

There is no chance in 3ell I will raise kids here.


> What is the point of this?

Saving 50b by not having to pay the barber. :)

Guinness Book of World Records

I wonder how many Thais even know what this is, so I guess it was T's brilliant idea. It seems no one ever heard of the Velvet Revolution, to say the least.

The fact he's left it until now (the very last day) is also quite telling. I personally think this indicates it was his last option on the list...

And heading into the last hour of the very last day to do so. I hope the lawyers haven't been delayed by red traffic jams to get the appeal in just under the wire.

The fact he's left it until now (the very last day) is also quite telling. I personally think this indicates it was his last option on the list...

And heading into the last hour of the very last day to do so. I hope the lawyers haven't been delayed by red traffic jams to get the appeal in just under the wire.

Wouldn't that be funny :)

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