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Two More Blasts Hit Thailand Amid Protests

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if these acts was conducted by muslims they would have cought them of at least identified them.....or am i wrong? lol

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Seems ironic you mention brains not being in idle at the end of your post. Yours is clearly not even in idle. The red shirts demand democracy. They want free and fair elections with the winner being accepted as the winner. The whole political unrest in Thailand has come about because of the Democrats refusal to accept the mandate of the people.

Do a Wikipedia search of the last 5 generals elections and see who were the winners were - it wasn't the Democrats.

I don't NEED to consult wikipedia to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here through it and followed it closely.

You can't "demand" democracy when your party has been dissolved for electoral fraud and have any shred of credibility.

You can't "demand" democracy when your leader states unequivocally that Democracy is not his goal.

You can't demand democracy when your leader demolishes the checks and balances that hold the executive branch accountable.

You can't "demand" democracy when the current government (contrary to your belief) was elected to office the same way as the previous 2 governments. (By the members of parliament by forming a coalition!)

You can't "demand" democracy when your leadership threatens (and those threats bear fruit) violence.

Please look back at the 2007 elections and see who had the most votes (note --- in parliamentary democracy votes do not count and only seats in Parliament do!), I am guessing that you will be shocked to see that the Dems got the most votes.

Please look back in recent Thai political history and see who the independant power-brokers in Isaan and the North are and look what happened with them. The next step will require a bit of deduction from you. Now tell us why the factions that Thaksin put together deserted PTP. It certainly wasn't for the rumored 40 million baht! They knew that Thaksin had lost and decided to distance themselves.

The poor in Thailand DO deserve a voice (and are getting better and more sustainable benefits under the Democrats than they ever did under TRT/PPP), but until they get rid of the Thaksin baggage they will remain just a discredited rabble.

I don't need you to preach the government's talking points to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here and followed it closely.

You can't pretend you are democrats, elected and rightful government when your party is just as guilty of electoral fraud but went unpunished because of a biased, militarily altered judiciary.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party and major supporting elements openly preached about "New Politics" and how the poor are unworthy of equal voting power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party eliminated ALL checks and balances and only gained power through military, judicial and violent mob rabble coups.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party was NOT elected like any other government before it. Using military, judicial, and violent mob rabble coups to obtain power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party has ALREADY threatened and used violence and mob rabbles to obtain power.

The poor in Thailand do deserve a voice and until the current government concedes to holding an election at earliest possible time, they will NEVER get any fair assistance from this government.

However, you can pretend that you are not a Thaksin apologist.

Readers note that there is not one economic demand voiced by the red apologists except for wishy-washy references about the poor.

It is only about Thaksin. He is the poor one.

Everything else is window-dressing.

Couldnt be more clear to most of us.

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

Then, she would seem (considering the videos showing the 2000 baht payments to all the numerous protesters) to be VERY unique!

The official media take everything out of context.

Those payments were for fuel expenses per group.

Most money comes from the numerous donations of people who cannot go themselves and from the sale of shirts and other objects.

Once again, look at People's Television and hear how many ordinary people donate small amounts, most often roi baht (THB 100).

excuse me agin friend....

the people-channel three evenings ago just claimed that....

a koon-jing (a hiso status lady) just donated some 12 mil and that was the source of money that some redshirts were dispensing....

TO COMPENSATE AND REFUND for various drivers and pickup trucks owners seeking democracy.... but who otherwise would not have sufficient funds to come to the rally....

and now you are saying that those redshirted core leaders on the podium were lying to the redshirt attending the rally along the heavenly bridge....about that souce of funds?

that koon-jing would be very mad, if she learns that some redshirts misappropriated her entrusted funds for other personal reasons....

who can we believe now....?

I reckon that if I was a Muslim Extremist in southern Thailand and the Malay peninsula and my goal was secession from Thailand and the Islamification if SE Asia I would have been stashing explosives around Bangkok for the last 6 months just waiting for a moment like this. To incite civil war amongst the Buddhist ruling elite and country folk would be an ideal way to push their agenda for separation and to bring the southern population over to their way of thinking. I'm not saying this is the case but it seems that a lot of munitions and arms have gone "missing" from southern barracks over the last few years and not a lot of people are really talking about the possibility of a "third force"....

IMO most "country folk" are better Buddhists and better people than most "Buddhist ruling elite".

Ha Ha , I find this to be a fairly true statement. I think it's because the "country folk" have no interest in ruling the world or even Thailand, they just want to feed themselves and their families..

Dick, you may as well give up. This person evidently knows it all. I assume that most was learnt leaning over a bar in Bangkok chatting to other farangs with Bangkok Thai friends who have hardly ever seen a rice field. I wonder if jd knows that the CURRENT Deputy Prime Minister is known by most Thais to be a senior Mafia leader????

I wonder too if he knows that Thaksin actually DID help the peoples of the North and North East, and whether they received support money or not, they still have good reason to believe in him. Many of them even have University degrees now that he was able to override the revolting Thai elite for long enough. They can afford health care and their villages have found other means of making a livelihood outside of the Opium industry that FARANGS created to control Asia. Oh, I wonder what happened to Thailand's IMF debt???? Stop the BS, the power of the elite will fall in time, regardless of the attempts to corrupt truth. If not, the result is simple, 'the rich get richer and the poor get poorer'.

BTW, I would join the protests myself, if I was not threatened by the current Fascist government with a huge fine and cancellation of my work permit... !

I asked Dick a few pages ago, and still no answer, so I will ask you and Dick again:

*Why* do you (and Dick's girlfriend) want to go to the protests? What does she/you think the protests are for?

I read somewhere that Thaksin paid off the IMF debt by borrowing off Singapore. Can anyone confirm that?

How DID Thaksin help the poor in the North and North East? What did he actually do in his 5 years as PM?

Was it just cash handouts, and loans that they couldn't pay back?

I don't think I have seen much posted on TV that actually explains anything good that he did, except for the 30-baht health-care ... and that apparently caused the level of care to drop.

So any information would be really useful for me to get an unbiased view of things.

Otherwise, I'll just need to keep being biased against Thaksin.

election, yellow shirt thugs ie kasit get arrested for taking over airport - terrorism, abhisit arrested for accepting illegal ivory as a gift - plain fuc_king stupid and ignorant, pad are generally racist and xenophobic, at least thaksin knew problems in thailand were due to thai people not farang or bird flu etc.... etc...

"taking over airport - terrorism" ??? How is that terrorism? May be illegal, but not terrorism. They walked in there, blocked the roads, no damage, nothing stolen. Very peaceful. Much like the red shirts are doing now. Nothing like the red shirts last Songkran. Threatening to blow up a gas tanker in a residential area. That's terrorism.

"PAD racist and xenophoboc" ??? They did some illegal things (that are before the courts, btw) and said some stupid things (70% MPs voted for, 30% appointed) but when were they racist or xenophobic? (I'm not a PAD supporter. this is just stupid comment.)

"abhisit arrested for accepting illegal ivory" ??? haven't heard about this one. Anyone else got any information?

"thaksin new the problems in thailand were due to thai people" Yes, they are.

But the big question is WHAT DID THAKSIN DO TO FIX THEM?

Please look back at the 2007 elections and see who had the most votes (note --- in parliamentary democracy votes do not count and only seats in Parliament do!), I am guessing that you will be shocked to see that the Dems got the most votes.

would you care to explain?

my guess is that you don't understand the voting system in thailand.

read what was written and the response :)

I don't need you to preach the government's talking points to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here and followed it closely.

You can't pretend you are democrats, elected and rightful government when your party is just as guilty of electoral fraud but went unpunished because of a biased, militarily altered judiciary.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party and major supporting elements openly preached about "New Politics" and how the poor are unworthy of equal voting power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party eliminated ALL checks and balances and only gained power through military, judicial and violent mob rabble coups.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party was NOT elected like any other government before it. Using military, judicial, and violent mob rabble coups to obtain power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party has ALREADY threatened and used violence and mob rabbles to obtain power.

The poor in Thailand do deserve a voice and until the current government concedes to holding an election at earliest possible time, they will NEVER get any fair assistance from this government.

Apparently you in fact have NOT followed events closely. As for your living here .. who knows that might even be true :)

You state that the Democrats have committed (as a party) electoral fraud and has been protected. Your proof? Oh, right, there is none.

You state the Democrats 'preached New Politics", this is proof that you have not followed things closely. The democrats have never done that. Some of the leadership of the PAD did. Note they have their own political party now which negates some of your further arguments.

You state that the Democrats did away with checks and balances that are part of democracy. Another lie. They have not. Thaksin did. In fact the best thing about the current constitution that was pushed upon the electorate is that it includes strengthened checks and balances. This was pushed on the electorate by the Military installed government and not the Democrats.

You state that the current government was not elected like the prior 2 governments and that is 100% a strawman argument. They were elected by the Members of Parliament and that is how Samak and Somchai got into office as well. In fact, Samak and Somchai were elected into office by the same MP's :D Yes .. truly a strawman on your part.

The Democrats have not used violence or a mob to gain office. Again you can't see the difference between the PAD and the Democrats and that shows that you just don't "get it" at all when it comes to Thai politics.

The poor do deserve a voice and if you look at what has happened since the democrats were elected you will see something that Thaksin and his proxy governments never gave them. That is sustainable and real help without using them. There will be elections when either the current coalition fails OR when they are scheduled. I trust that the poor in ALL regions of the country will have seen the progress made under the Democrats by the time that the next elections are scheduled! :-)

On a final note (for the guy that fails to mention or even notice the violence done by the reds) exactly how was the judiciary "altered" as you claim above?

I don't need you to preach the government's talking points to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here and followed it closely.

You can't pretend you are democrats, elected and rightful government when your party is just as guilty of electoral fraud but went unpunished because of a biased, militarily altered judiciary.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party and major supporting elements openly preached about "New Politics" and how the poor are unworthy of equal voting power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party eliminated ALL checks and balances and only gained power through military, judicial and violent mob rabble coups.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party was NOT elected like any other government before it. Using military, judicial, and violent mob rabble coups to obtain power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party has ALREADY threatened and used violence and mob rabbles to obtain power.

The poor in Thailand do deserve a voice and until the current government concedes to holding an election at earliest possible time, they will NEVER get any fair assistance from this government.

Apparently you in fact have NOT followed events closely. As for your living here .. who knows that might even be true :)

You state that the Democrats have committed (as a party) electoral fraud and has been protected. Your proof? Oh, right, there is none.

You state the Democrats 'preached New Politics", this is proof that you have not followed things closely. The democrats have never done that. Some of the leadership of the PAD did. Note they have their own political party now which negates some of your further arguments.

You state that the Democrats did away with checks and balances that are part of democracy. Another lie. They have not. Thaksin did. In fact the best thing about the current constitution that was pushed upon the electorate is that it includes strengthened checks and balances. This was pushed on the electorate by the Military installed government and not the Democrats.

You state that the current government was not elected like the prior 2 governments and that is 100% a strawman argument. They were elected by the Members of Parliament and that is how Samak and Somchai got into office as well. In fact, Samak and Somchai were elected into office by the same MP's :D Yes .. truly a strawman on your part.

The Democrats have not used violence or a mob to gain office. Again you can't see the difference between the PAD and the Democrats and that shows that you just don't "get it" at all when it comes to Thai politics.

The poor do deserve a voice and if you look at what has happened since the democrats were elected you will see something that Thaksin and his proxy governments never gave them. That is sustainable and real help without using them. There will be elections when either the current coalition fails OR when they are scheduled. I trust that the poor in ALL regions of the country will have seen the progress made under the Democrats by the time that the next elections are scheduled! :-)

On a final note (for the guy that fails to mention or even notice the violence done by the reds) exactly how was the judiciary "altered" as you claim above?

In your very 1st sentence you call me a liar based on no knowledge.

What chance is there of having any reasonable discussion. You want to lead with an insult.

I wrote a much more concilitary response in another thread before seeing this one. Now I wonder why I even bothered.

I don't see things as you think I am supposed to see them, therefore I am wrong. This is your logic form.

Ok. Score one for personal insult and intellectual dishonesty.

I concede you are right in all matters because you say so.

Please look back at the 2007 elections and see who had the most votes (note --- in parliamentary democracy votes do not count and only seats in Parliament do!), I am guessing that you will be shocked to see that the Dems got the most votes.

would you care to explain?

my guess is that you don't understand the voting system in thailand.

read what was written and the response :)


lot of nonsense was written.


Apparently you in fact have NOT followed events closely. As for your living here .. who knows that might even be true :)

You state that the Democrats have committed (as a party) electoral fraud and has been protected. Your proof? Oh, right, there is none.

You state the Democrats 'preached New Politics", this is proof that you have not followed things closely. The democrats have never done that. Some of the leadership of the PAD did. Note they have their own political party now which negates some of your further arguments.

You state that the Democrats did away with checks and balances that are part of democracy. Another lie. They have not. Thaksin did. In fact the best thing about the current constitution that was pushed upon the electorate is that it includes strengthened checks and balances. This was pushed on the electorate by the Military installed government and not the Democrats.

You state that the current government was not elected like the prior 2 governments and that is 100% a strawman argument. They were elected by the Members of Parliament and that is how Samak and Somchai got into office as well. In fact, Samak and Somchai were elected into office by the same MP's :D Yes .. truly a strawman on your part.

The Democrats have not used violence or a mob to gain office. Again you can't see the difference between the PAD and the Democrats and that shows that you just don't "get it" at all when it comes to Thai politics.

The poor do deserve a voice and if you look at what has happened since the democrats were elected you will see something that Thaksin and his proxy governments never gave them. That is sustainable and real help without using them. There will be elections when either the current coalition fails OR when they are scheduled. I trust that the poor in ALL regions of the country will have seen the progress made under the Democrats by the time that the next elections are scheduled! :-)

On a final note (for the guy that fails to mention or even notice the violence done by the reds) exactly how was the judiciary "altered" as you claim above?

In your very 1st sentence you call me a liar based on no knowledge.

What chance is there of having any reasonable discussion. You want to lead with an insult.

I wrote a much more concilitary response in another thread before seeing this one. Now I wonder why I even bothered.

I don't see things as you think I am supposed to see them, therefore I am wrong. This is your logic form.

Ok. Score one for personal insult and intellectual dishonesty.

I concede you are right in all matters because you say so.

:D Great tactic in a discussion ... cry about how the information is delivered instead of addressing the information! This tactic is used commonly by people that get caught in strawman arguments like you have been caught.

You don't see things as they happened which has nothing to do with how I see them. You made definitive statements that were untrue and those were pointed out to you.

Your conclusion is right (I am right) but your basis for reaching it is flawed (not because I said so, but because I actually addressed your untruths.) Please note that I addressed all your issues:)

on a final note ... to accuse someone of "intellectual dishonesty" certainly fits what you are crying about in the above post. Since I did not personally insult you, but only addressed your lies and statements that you presented as fact but were not based on facts, you will have to try harder to make a point in the future.

I don't need you to preach the government's talking points to know what has happened in Thailand. I have lived here and followed it closely.

You can't pretend you are democrats, elected and rightful government when your party is just as guilty of electoral fraud but went unpunished because of a biased, militarily altered judiciary.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party and major supporting elements openly preached about "New Politics" and how the poor are unworthy of equal voting power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party eliminated ALL checks and balances and only gained power through military, judicial and violent mob rabble coups.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party was NOT elected like any other government before it. Using military, judicial, and violent mob rabble coups to obtain power.

You can't pretend you are democrats when your party has ALREADY threatened and used violence and mob rabbles to obtain power.

The poor in Thailand do deserve a voice and until the current government concedes to holding an election at earliest possible time, they will NEVER get any fair assistance from this government.

Apparently you in fact have NOT followed events closely. As for your living here .. who knows that might even be true :)

You state that the Democrats have committed (as a party) electoral fraud and has been protected. Your proof? Oh, right, there is none.

You state the Democrats 'preached New Politics", this is proof that you have not followed things closely. The democrats have never done that. Some of the leadership of the PAD did. Note they have their own political party now which negates some of your further arguments.

You state that the Democrats did away with checks and balances that are part of democracy. Another lie. They have not. Thaksin did. In fact the best thing about the current constitution that was pushed upon the electorate is that it includes strengthened checks and balances. This was pushed on the electorate by the Military installed government and not the Democrats.

You state that the current government was not elected like the prior 2 governments and that is 100% a strawman argument. They were elected by the Members of Parliament and that is how Samak and Somchai got into office as well. In fact, Samak and Somchai were elected into office by the same MP's :) Yes .. truly a strawman on your part.

The Democrats have not used violence or a mob to gain office. Again you can't see the difference between the PAD and the Democrats and that shows that you just don't "get it" at all when it comes to Thai politics.

The poor do deserve a voice and if you look at what has happened since the democrats were elected you will see something that Thaksin and his proxy governments never gave them. That is sustainable and real help without using them. There will be elections when either the current coalition fails OR when they are scheduled. I trust that the poor in ALL regions of the country will have seen the progress made under the Democrats by the time that the next elections are scheduled! :-)

On a final note (for the guy that fails to mention or even notice the violence done by the reds) exactly how was the judiciary "altered" as you claim above?

lovely yellow new politics:

People who want the "new politics" proposed by the anti-government People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD) do so because they want "politics that has something to do with the word morality", Kasit Piromya, a PAD supporter and former Thai ambassador to Washington, Moscow and Tokyo, said on Tuesday night. ...

Kasit said "the Thai people" did not have "the patience and tolerance" to allow electoral democracy to evolve and sort out its own problems, so "new politics" was needed.


Democrat Party deputy leader Korn Chatikavanij defended the PAD by saying those who criticised the alliance for being undemocratic held a very narrow view. Until not long ago, Britain had a hereditary House of Lords and yet nobody called the UK undemocratic, he said.


, October 2, 2008

The new PPP-led government can also expect spirited resistance from the opposition Democrats, who boycotted parliament in protest against Tuesday's violent melee. PAD co-leader Somkiat Pongpaiboon also serves as a Democrat parliamentarian, and after weeks of distancing the party from his protest persona, more recently party leaders have openly aligned the Democrats with the PAD's agenda.

That was seen in the arrest last week of PAD co-leader Chaiwat Sinsuwong, who was picked up after a private meeting with Democrat deputy leader Kraisak Choonhavan at his personal residence. Kasit Piromya, currently a Democrat party shadow cabinet minister, acted as a de facto PAD spokesman at a foreign press event on September 30. He was joined on the panel by Democrat deputy party leader Korn Chatikavanij, who expressed his personal support for the PAD and its call for political reforms, including a move towards more appointed representatives.

, October 2, 2008

The PAD, which has a Democrat MP as one of its core leaders, was quick to declare victory. The renamed ASTV Manager Daily ran photos of PAD members celebrating Abhisit's victory.

Khamnoon Sitthisamarn, a columnist and editor at the paper, wrote on Monday that the new "political phenomena" with Abhisit as PM "was genuinely a PAD victory!" The editor, who is also an appointed senator, how-ever did admit in his column that this was an "Anuphong-style coup d'etat."

This comes from some-one who has first-hand experience in military intervention - Khamnoon was made member of the National Legislative Assembly soon after the 2006 coup.

Yesterday, the paper shame-lessly ran an "instructive" article on its front page, which said that former diplomat Kasit Piromya, de facto PAD "foreign" specialist, was "ready" to be Foreign Minister. By the way, Kasit is a Democrat Party member and until Monday, was a shadow deputy PM of the party.

, December 17, 2008


Should be ok.. think she's entitled for a refund up to 2 weeks after the performance..

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

"abhisit arrested for accepting illegal ivory" ??? haven't heard about this one. Anyone else got any information?

I seem to recall he received a gift (not arrested) from one of his ministers of a pair of elephant tusks that weren't registered so it couldn't be proven if they were legit or poached.

Something like that unless I dreamed it.

"abhisit arrested for accepting illegal ivory" ??? haven't heard about this one. Anyone else got any information?

I seem to recall he received a gift (not arrested) from one of his ministers of a pair of elephant tusks that weren't registered so it couldn't be proven if they were legit or poached.

Something like that unless I dreamed it.

britadders28 is just posting more half-truths, I see...


Apparently you in fact have NOT followed events closely. As for your living here .. who knows that might even be true :)

You state that the Democrats have committed (as a party) electoral fraud and has been protected. Your proof? Oh, right, there is none.

You state the Democrats 'preached New Politics", this is proof that you have not followed things closely. The democrats have never done that. Some of the leadership of the PAD did. Note they have their own political party now which negates some of your further arguments.

You state that the Democrats did away with checks and balances that are part of democracy. Another lie. They have not. Thaksin did. In fact the best thing about the current constitution that was pushed upon the electorate is that it includes strengthened checks and balances. This was pushed on the electorate by the Military installed government and not the Democrats.

You state that the current government was not elected like the prior 2 governments and that is 100% a strawman argument. They were elected by the Members of Parliament and that is how Samak and Somchai got into office as well. In fact, Samak and Somchai were elected into office by the same MP's :D Yes .. truly a strawman on your part.

The Democrats have not used violence or a mob to gain office. Again you can't see the difference between the PAD and the Democrats and that shows that you just don't "get it" at all when it comes to Thai politics.

The poor do deserve a voice and if you look at what has happened since the democrats were elected you will see something that Thaksin and his proxy governments never gave them. That is sustainable and real help without using them. There will be elections when either the current coalition fails OR when they are scheduled. I trust that the poor in ALL regions of the country will have seen the progress made under the Democrats by the time that the next elections are scheduled! :-)

On a final note (for the guy that fails to mention or even notice the violence done by the reds) exactly how was the judiciary "altered" as you claim above?

In your very 1st sentence you call me a liar based on no knowledge.

What chance is there of having any reasonable discussion. You want to lead with an insult.

I wrote a much more concilitary response in another thread before seeing this one. Now I wonder why I even bothered.

I don't see things as you think I am supposed to see them, therefore I am wrong. This is your logic form.

Ok. Score one for personal insult and intellectual dishonesty.

I concede you are right in all matters because you say so.

:D Great tactic in a discussion ... cry about how the information is delivered instead of addressing the information! This tactic is used commonly by people that get caught in strawman arguments like you have been caught.

You don't see things as they happened which has nothing to do with how I see them. You made definitive statements that were untrue and those were pointed out to you.

Your conclusion is right (I am right) but your basis for reaching it is flawed (not because I said so, but because I actually addressed your untruths.) Please note that I addressed all your issues:)

on a final note ... to accuse someone of "intellectual dishonesty" certainly fits what you are crying about in the above post. Since I did not personally insult you, but only addressed your lies and statements that you presented as fact but were not based on facts, you will have to try harder to make a point in the future.

LOL just LOL

You accuse me of lying about something as basic as where I have lived. You have no knowledge of me or where I have lived and for how long.

That is a personal insult and a LIE. You want to take a discussion into the gutter and conduct it via personal attack. I don't. There are multiple things I could respond with, but I won't sink to your juvenile level. Insult as a form of argument is a sure sign you are losing and can't provdie content.

You have not addressed my suppossed untruths. You have only continued repeating, ad naseum, the same same talking points, ignoring any and all facts that detract from your conclusion.

In essence you are far more Thaksinesque than most red shirt supporters. Like Thaksin, you seem to think shouting the loudest and longest and most times makes your argument convincing or correct. You must be a Thaksin apologist.

My Thai wife is going to rally in Bangkok next weekend.

She is NOT paid for it and she bought her polo-shirt and heart-shaped rattle from her own money.

For those who cannot read: SHE IS NOT PAID FOR IT.

wat goed van je vrouw Dick, Gaat ze bloed geven of kaalscheren?

mai deng

IMO most “country folk” are better Buddhists and better people than most “Buddhist ruling elite”.

Really? I haven't seen any indication of that sofar.

I guess you have not read the book,"Only 13, The True Story of Lon" by Julia manzanares and Derek Kent It is about a 13 year-ol from Isaan who went to work in the sex trade industry because she was responsible for the support of her family after her father died. Her family being her mother, who decided she did not want to work, her grandparents, her two little sisters and her brother. She details Isaan culture and the picture described by her,an insider, and it sure isn't pretty. The women (and girls) are treated less than second class citizens. Sons receive the better toys from an early age and the focus of education. The children are regularly beaten. Daughters are only of use for how much money they can bring in the house, by whatever means. The more money, the more face the family has She talks about their superstitions and how they hold them back.

The more money the daughter sends, the more they squander, and the more they want. They have parties for everyone in the village and buy unnecessary things, just to show off or have face.The sons are characterized as laying around the house, drinking and never working to support their family. they are more than happy to be supported by the earnings of their sister's prostitution The family has gone way beyond sustaining an existence above poverty. When these same daughters stop sending money for whatever reason, they are ostracized from the family. They cannot even return to live in the home they worked so hard to buy.

The one girl writing the book sent money for her sister's bail and to pay hospital bills. The mother took all the money and did not bail the sister out nor did she pay the hospital bill. The woman states the men would rather sit around drinking beer,gambling, going to the local cheap brothel (100 B -not available to foreigners), playing the lottery, almost anything other than look for additional work after they are through with the rice crop for the season. The ones that really care about supporting their family will leave the family and go to Bangkok, sending money home.

Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

I suppose that when the yellow shirts took over ment house and distroyed it was not to overthrow the govenrment? And what about the airports? I guess that did not hurt tourism here in Thialand? So now I am thinking YOU must be one of those elite smart people of Bangkok.

Well I say this to you "up yours Mother f-----"

Why is it that the government seems to know all about the intentions of the bombers but can't identify those responsible?

Why is it that security laws are being applied to achieve political objectives? Can we have some transparency here, please?

So are you saying that the Thai Government is bombing government buildings? The government is not trying to overthrow itself. It is Thaksin and his Red Shirts that are trying to overthrow the goverment. Prime Minister Abhisit was very calm, cool and collected against the Reds. No other country in the world would have allowed protestors to throw blood on government property and at the feet of soldiers without reacting violently against an act that was clearly done to provoke violence. There needs to be security measures taken to protect the government's property and the people from Thaksin's Red Shirts that will not give up as long as Thaksin calls for the violent overthrown of the present government. The Reds lost. They made themselves and Thailand look like a Third World country throughout the world. Tourism was further harmed and many poor earn their wages working for hotels - thousands of rooms cancelled just in Bkk. Yeah, the Reds really helped Thailand's economy and standing in the world didn't they?!

I suppose that when the yellow shirts took over ment house and distroyed it was not to overthrow the govenrment? And what about the airports? I guess that did not hurt tourism here in Thialand? So now I am thinking YOU must be one of those elite smart people of Bangkok.

Well I say this to you "up yours Mother f-----"

I didn't see anything in Grey's post about what the yellows did. And certainly nothing that deserved such a lovely response from you.

Why is it that a lot of people think that just because you attack the reds that you must support the yellows.

A lot of red supporters talk about the bad things that the yellow shirts did, and in the next sentence say that it is OK for the red shirts to do it.

What the yellows did was very bad for Thailand. And what the reds originally threatened to do was also very bad for Thailand.

Now the reds haven't done what the original aim of the protests was to do, which was bring down the government. Mainly because they don't have enough support and they don't have any quality leadership. They don't know what to do. Now they are just an inconvenience.

They have made a point by keeping their protests peaceful, which, according to some of their leaders, wasn't their aim. But what next? Why not go home? Stop the corruption by the local leaders and business men. Make sure the government delivers on it's promises. Wait for the next election. Vote. Learn a little about democracy.

I suppose that when the yellow shirts took over ment house and distroyed it was not to overthrow the govenrment? And what about the airports? I guess that did not hurt tourism here in Thialand? So now I am thinking YOU must be one of those elite smart people of Bangkok.

Well I say this to you "up yours Mother f-----"

"took over ment house and distroyed it"

Presumably a reference to the occupation, by the PAD, of Government House in 2008 ? Happily you are mistaken, Government House was not destroyed, unless it has been rebuilt since exactly as before ? I would certainly agree that there was limited damage to the interior & contents, estimated I think at about 25 million Baht, but that is a long long way from "distroyed".

Why do people like to exaggerate so, and make their argument ridiculous, when they can make a perfectly sound (if weaker) case by sticking to the facts ? It only weakens their own credibility. :)

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