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managed to lose just over 11.5 kilo in 24 days so far nearly 15% of my body weight yet according to the bmi scale im still obese :) oh well cant win em all but just one now and again would be nice.Must admit i fell great but been very hard work rowed over 400km in gym no beer that was the big killer nowis the hard bit to try and keep it off well heres hoping cheers oh no thats beer thinking again. :D


In a short space of time the weight loss is likely to be water and stored 'energy' from your liver. If you return to normal eating the weight will return. You need to change eating habits, less fat etc etc. develop muscle (muscle burns fat - but weighs more than the fate you have lost) - so don't rely on weight as a measure of your success but the BMI (although a crude measure it's a start until you get fitter) and the improved fit of you clothes. If the weight stays off for a year then the diet is working.

Best of luck.

In a short space of time the weight loss is likely to be water and stored 'energy' from your liver. If you return to normal eating the weight will return. You need to change eating habits, less fat etc etc. develop muscle (muscle burns fat - but weighs more than the fate you have lost) - so don't rely on weight as a measure of your success but the BMI (although a crude measure it's a start until you get fitter) and the improved fit of you clothes. If the weight stays off for a year then the diet is working.

Best of luck.

I agree that there are other things to pay attention to, such as the fit of your clothes, because scales do show frequent fluctuations. However, I don't understand your suggestion to measure success based on BMI instead of weight. BMI is calculated using your height and weight, correct? Height is most likely not going to change, so the only thing that changes a person's BMI is in fact, their weight. BMI therefore fluctuates as much as weight. Am I missing something? Can you explain your reasoning in a different way?


I don't worry too much about this BMI fad. Sure, as said, it is a CRUDE indicator of your physique but it is a purely objective indicator. Two people of the same height and same BMI are not necessarily the same physique, one may be a top flight muscular sportsman the other a beer drinking couch potato.

The other thing about BMI is the psychological damage it can do to someone trying to attain somebody else's ideal.

you are below a number and your okay but over it just by a little and your borderline obese. It's also become a weapon in the health fascists armoury. There was a case in the UK recently of a kid, 7 y.o. I think, who was weighed at school to be told he was obese and given a letter to his mother telling her so and lecturing her on what to feed him. They published a photo of the lad and sure he had a little puppy fat but in no way was he anything approaching obese.

The problem many people have with dieting is that they think it is a finite process. You diet to lose weight, but it goes beyond that. Ignoring adverse medical conditions you are the weight you are because of what you eat/drink and your lifestyle, exercise or lack of. In order to reduce your weight you have to change your lifestyle permanently or else you spend the rest of your life on a rollercoaster of weight gain/loss.


well one thing is for sure the belt has gone on three notches so got to buy new clothes but with the bmi i agree with you i have always been stocky so is not foolproof but is ok as a general guide to get down to my bmi would req drastic surgery involving chopping my legs off but the would not be so tall so bmi would get me again oh well lifes a bitch


Lots of docs have dropped BMI, having realized on their own the fallacies of that system. For instance, not that long ago there was a newspaper story about a world-class body builder who could not get insurance - simply because his BMI was too high, and was considered morbidly obese.

No one system works for everybody. I've got a long torso and short legs - so I'm either overweight or undertall. i vote for the latter :)

However, I don't understand your suggestion to measure success based on BMI instead of weight. BMI is calculated using your height and weight, correct? Height is most likely not going to change, so the only thing that changes a person's BMI is in fact, their weight. BMI therefore fluctuates as much as weight. Am I missing something?
People like to see progress, in particular at the start of a long term project. The weight took a long time to put on and it ain't coming off by Easter. The measurement of current weight down to 100 gram resolution (even 10 gram at our local shop) for 1 Baht at almost every Thai drug store is fairly meaningless when aiming at removal 11-15Kg (+?) of flab. Looking at the BMI will act as a reminder that the break points of '30' and then reaching '29' then less then '29' take longer to achieve than focusing on Kg, half a kilo this week, if I take a really big rest room break I'll loose another kilo. Changes in BMI are slower than Kg.
There was a case in the UK recently of a kid, 7 y.o. I think, who was weighed at school to be told he was obese and given a letter to his mother telling her so and lecturing her on what to feed him. They published a photo of the lad and sure he had a little puppy fat but in no way was he anything approaching obese.
Indeed - diet (I mean the foods that you eat every day - not a restrictive program) is an issue, children need more fat and calories (pro-rata) than an adult so should be eating potato chips, snack foods etc. BUT taking excerise too. I did 3km with the dogs this morning and same again in an hour or so.
well one thing is for sure the belt has gone on three notches so got to buy new clothes but with the bmi i agree with you i have always been stocky so is not foolproof but is ok as a general guide to get down to my bmi would req drastic surgery involving chopping my legs off but the would not be so tall so bmi would get me again oh well lifes a bitch
I had an ex that told me she needed more holes drilled in a much loved belt she had, I said, "Which way?"
Lots of docs have dropped BMI, having realized on their own the fallacies of that system. For instance, not that long ago there was a newspaper story about a world-class body builder who could not get insurance - simply because his BMI was too high, and was considered morbidly obese.
There is a refined version of BMI (I read about it some months ago) to 'do it right' you need a practiced person using fat calipers, and total immersion in a water tank while measuring the upthrust from the body fat. But assuming average body the BMI is a good guide, if a person finds that they are arguing with the measurment process to get a '0.5' improvement in their score they have yet to acknowledge that the road is a long one and that they have just started.

Considering that weight loss is a long term process and that people like to see improvement consider learning a bit more about yourself and see the improvements in those factors rather than focus of weight.

Fat people have higher blood pressure, get yours checked now and again monthly. Our local hopspital carry out free visits checking BP from time to time, otherwise most doctors offices can do so. Try to use the same place/machine - same time of day, be rested etc etc.

Take your pulse, my resting pulse is 60-65, good for my age and level of fitness.

How many breaths per minute.

How long to walk the length of a long road near your house?

Get your blood cholesterol checked, and again after two months of the new you.

Finally the easiest, use a tape measure to record the loss in cm/inches from your upper arms, chest waist, thighs etc. If in Pattaya it might be possible to sub-contract this work to a friend and have some fun too, I wonder what else they could measure?



congrats to that! :D

May I ask what the diet part was? People around me comment that I start growing horizontal and I would like to curb this before it gets too late.....but the thought of no beer shudders me! Would Saengsom/coke be in order? :)


i cut out the beer and coffee instead of fruit juice drank veg juice no bread and worked like hel_l in the gym 20km per day on average saturdays off sunday full marathon got that down to 3 hour 17 minutes but bear in mind thats in the gym??.

Would Saengsom/coke be in order? :)

Unfortunately, as I'm led to believe, alcohol is fattening so even Lao Khaw and diet tonic ain't going to work except maybe, due to the flavour :D:D , you may end up drinking less.

Recent study showed wine drinkers thinner than non-wine drinks over the general population due to different metabolic pathways developed by the liver. Didn't mention other types of alcohol though - beer is the one that keeps you fat....

Finally a research with a desirable outcome! :)

Did they mention cream sauces?


Did 12 kilo in 15 weeks.

No Beer

No Milk

No Cheese.

No potato

No Rice.

No White bread.

No Red meat.

Easy, Vodka soda and loads of salads, veg, some boiled eggs, boiled fish.

and loads of sex with the air con off.

Did 12 kilo in 15 weeks.

No Beer

No Milk

No Cheese.

No potato

No Rice.

No White bread.

No Red meat.

Easy, Vodka soda and loads of salads, veg, some boiled eggs, boiled fish.

and loads of sex with the air con off.

Excellent, and slightly awe-inspiring. Good job; you must feel great... you are The Man!

Did 12 kilo in 15 weeks.

No Beer

No Milk

No Cheese.

No potato

No Rice.

No White bread.

No Red meat.

Easy, Vodka soda and loads of salads, veg, some boiled eggs, boiled fish.

and loads of sex with the air con off.

So chicken, fish, salad and bugger all else ?

What did you eat ?


Basically very little.

Most days.

4 oranges or apples

1 slice of whole meal bread.

Loads of red and green peppers as much as you want. (dont be a pig)

6 tomatoes.

2 boiled eggs.

1 boiled fish or boiled chicken breast.

As much green salad stuff as you need to feel ok. (again dont be a pig)

Soy sauce on most things.

One multi vitamin pill.

4 large vodka and soda, slice of lemon or 3 glass of red wine.

no eating 4 hours before bed.

Edit (Forgot No oil or any fried stuff at all.)

And im not saying this ok for anyone to do this.

It just works for me.

Basically very little.

Most days.

4 oranges or apples

1 slice of whole meal bread.

Loads of red and green peppers as much as you want. (dont be a pig)

6 tomatoes.

2 boiled eggs.

1 boiled fish or boiled chicken breast.

As much green salad stuff as you need to feel ok. (again dont be a pig)

Soy sauce on most things.

One multi vitamin pill.

4 large vodka and soda, slice of lemon or 3 glass of red wine.

no eating 4 hours before bed.

Edit (Forgot No oil or any fried stuff at all.)

And im not saying this ok for anyone to do this.

It just works for me.

Didn't you go mad, no rice, no variety.

Where is the substance ?

If I ate just that I'd be permanently hungry.


it depends how much you want to lose the weight as they say no pain no gain or loss i hated it all but god do i feel better for it now

Did 12 kilo in 15 weeks.

Easy, Vodka soda and loads of salads, veg, some boiled eggs, boiled fish.

and loads of sex with the air con off.

Poor girl - getting banged by an overweight & very sweaty farang....

Have to admit to adopting this approach myself though - huge calorie burn!!


I have to say, this is an entertaining topic. Good luck to you all. My weight hasn't gone up in 8 years, and all I do is run up Jomtien Beach Road three or 4 tmes a week at 9am - when the sun is on me and it feels like I'm running in a sauna - and I don't go mental on booze or food.

I get bored running so I just do half an hour round trip each time. 15 out 15 back.

it depends how much you want to lose the weight as they say no pain no gain or loss i hated it all but god do i feel better for it now

Agreed but I know I cannot sleep if I'm hungry.

Maybe add some sleeping pills then !

I have to say, this is an entertaining topic. Good luck to you all. My weight hasn't gone up in 8 years, and all I do is run up Jomtien Beach Road three or 4 tmes a week at 9am - when the sun is on me and it feels like I'm running in a sauna - and I don't go mental on booze or food.

I get bored running so I just do half an hour round trip each time. 15 out 15 back.

I spent a lifetime running cross country which does tend to keep one fit but torn ligaments and worn out knees are now coming back to haunt me.

I keep thinking I should move this thread to the I'm too fat forum so they can benefit from stevef determination and diet over there, but the replies keep coming in so will leave it for a bit.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


had the same problem as you rimmer but find the rowing machine and x trainer dont impound on my knees like running as you are applying constant pressure not a sudden bang down of up to 6 times your body weight as in running.

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