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Not Thailand related but this You Tube clip of Kentucky 1934 shows how poor many Americans used to be. On the other hand, the rural folk were pretty self sufficient and seemed content. Post WWII living standards improved dramatically in the US. Once those ex GI farm boys saw the big city, there was no keeping them in the sticks.



Great clip Lance. Very Great. I could say many things here, but I just say, America is still the great hope of the free and the Want to Make Money crowd. If you want to work come to the US. I am not happy with the current situation but here in this post I just want to say that America has the best intentions. - SunSeek01

:D everything is better......


But owning a property which is the dream of many and the goal of why people work was a lot more easier then.

You old fcukers have been building up the national debt and living well beyond your means for years just as they as they have in England its us lot under 35 that have got globalisation and cheap labour making us non competitive in the global labour market aswell as your debt to repay that now have it a lot harder.

We were just unfortunate to be born to a non too bright generation who've fcuked things up for their offspring .. still its always good to listen to the stories of how you had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways. :)

:D everything is better......


But owning a property which is the dream of many and the goal of why people work was a lot more easier then.

You old fcukers have been building up the national debt and living well beyond your means for years just as they as they have in England its us lot under 35 that have got globalisation and cheap labour making us non competitive in the global labour market aswell as your debt to repay that now have it a lot harder.

We were just unfortunate to be born to a non too bright generation who've fcuked things up for their offspring .. still its always good to listen to the stories of how you had to walk 5 miles to school uphill both ways. :)

Nah its your generation of not knowing about walking 3 miles to school or not having a car until well into their mid/late twenties or not knowing about capuucino lattes, and not knowing money comes from graftt rather than Mummsy pockets we have to blame. Then theres the schooling, well when i was at school anyone who got an "A" was a big deal but of cpoure with your new fangled mulitple guess answers you can have "A****++++" and still be so thick you cant cross the roads. IMO :D Kids your age when I was a kid dint borrow money we actually saved to get something. PS Im 46


Great clip. My Mom is starting to develop dementia...so she tells stories over and over. One is about how they lived in a peach grove for many years. Living in a tent, getting water from the creek, and literally using burlap bags for clothes. Her father was a Scottish immigrant. She used old newspaper for writing paper in school. Very poor. But today, lives in a great big house on a golf course. My father is part native American indian, born on the reservation, and very poor. But got into the air force and retired as a colonel. As some would say, the great American dream.

My father is part native American indian, born on the reservation, and very poor. But got into the air force and retired as a colonel. As some would say, the great American dream.

Agreed. USA has some problems but what country does not. At least in the USA the average guy has a shot at improving his or her life, just like your fathers success story :)


Some more old footage from San Francisco 1906, 4 days before the great earthquake.

Interesting mixture of horse-drawn carriages, early motorcars and trams and not an overweight person to be seen, apart from the policeman perhaps, at 0.36. :)


Yeah, nowadays it's much better where everyone can have a mortgage and pretends like they 'own' a house or three. Better keep up with those payments though...


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