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Things That Are Bothering Me


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Nothing too tedious today, asked for khow pat khai and got a plate of boiled rice with 4 strips of chicken laid across it?????????????Maiooooooow Kab then in ther best possible way grabbed some of her pots n pans and danced like Ruprecht out of "dirty rotten scoundrels" :) This enforcdes the myth All Farang is ting tong.

PMSL! WHo the heck remembers Ruprect? Can I be Micheal Caine next time you go out... Oh the mirth of it all :D

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Waking up, standing on the balcony to sniff up some fresh air only to see and smell a huge dog turd in front of our house :)

that's about it for today, then again haven't been out yet except for the gym this morning :D

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OK, glad you started this rant-a-thon. I was tempted to do the same after what happened to me today (and yesterday).

Walking down a sidewalk there was a lot of messy electrical work going on with wires all over the place. So some workers were having a break, they SAT DOWN on the sidewalk completely blocking the path. There was no way through without backing up a long way or walking directly into a maze of dangerous looking, possible live, wires. I know, I know, we as westerners are supposed to take the most disgustingly rude local customs with a smile and a mai bpen rai, but not today. I gave them the the look of death and loudly rudely just walked over them. The look on their faces was priceless. Yes I know it was insulting and they might have beat me up, but what would you call what THEY did?

The second one, much more ambiguous, but also pissed me off. I went to Central and found a cashier that was sitting around after noticing she had some of those lovely red Central bags in stock. I have shopped at Central before and I will probably (but now not so sure) shop there again, but then I just wanted one of those BAGS. I know its a weird request but I like to use them to carry around other shopping, they are very sturdy, and they look good. So first I determined whether she spoke English and she seemed to pretty well. Then I politely asked if there was a way I could BUY a red bag. At this point there was another clerk there, a man. I expected this wouldn't be easy, and was doubtful of my success, but I wanted to try. What bothered me was their rude REACTION. They laughed at me. No! I then tried to explain to them why I wanted the bag and that I was willing to pay for it. Now I do realize they don't normally sell the bags BUT if they had an ounce of customer service mentality they could have called a manager and asked if they could sell or give a bag. Eventually, an even ruder no like I was disturbing their social hour, and I must admit I was so disgusted by the bad attitude that I said a bad thing while walking away.

Sorry, please elaborate about the bags, as I don't get it. Are they for the shoppers purchases, in which case why didn't you just buy the cheapest thing they had for sale? However, yes their attitude sucks.

My attrocities, just to name a few: the sales lady at Watsons who refused to serve my GF because she was doing her makeup, the bi**ch in the Nana Kodak shop who said I was lying when I asked for some film negative envelopes, and I said I had bought some there before, the bi**ch in Tony's tailor shop who refused to give me the accessories to a suit delivered without them, the little s**t who conned me onto the slow bus to Pattaya from Ekamai.

I love going on the skytrain and getting out at Siam. I always stand in the middle of the doors and barge directly into all the impatient people trying to push their way onto the carriage before we get out. Sometimes it helps to be "big", lol.

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ok here goes.

having a load of red shirts walk into my wifes shop and order kutieow nam tok and tom yam and not even have the manners to say krap or ka. order a load of beer, water and soft drinks in a manner like they owned the place and looked at me like i was something they had trodden in.

still got my own back in the end, when it came to asking for the check bin. they were lost for words that not only did a farang understand what they were asking for, but that i had bumped the price up from the usual of 30 baht a bowl to 40 and added an extra 5 baht for the beer and 2 baht for the soft drinks and water.

moral of the story, whats good enough for the natives in this country is even better for the farang that owns the shop in bangkok.

You're lucky that the red-shirts are mostly country bumkins from up north...or else they might have reported you to emigration ... last time i checked they weren't giving out work permits to Farangs to work cashier in noodle shops :)

Add to that the customers must have been decent people as they obviously accepted the bill and paid.

It seems to me that this small noodle shop operator, this captain of industry, this major engine of commercial enterprise, this source of intellectual capital for the nation, should have been grateful that he had customers that came into his noodle shop and bought anything. Considering the abundance of noodle shops and 7-11s in this country, a wise entrepreneur is appreciative of obtaining customers. At least he didn't say he spat in the broth. However, I'm sure his exacting noodle shop hygiene standards wouldn't have allowed for that. Nice business ethics too. Hypocritical too as the double pricing of some services was used as an excuse for a one off cheating of people that held political views he disagreed with. Instead of exploiting these people, he could have shown how tough he was and refused to serve them. Too scared or more likely too greedy to have done that, I reckon. Had to make the ext 2 baht per bottle. I don't know what's more pathetic, taking delight in the reprehensible behaviour or in just being morally bankrupt.

Jeez and is it any wonder that Thai officialdom has zero respect for many of the foreigners in Thailand. I can't get this scenario out of my head now; Hey you Thai man, I run a noodle shop, you are wrong, do as I say, I am king of the noodles. Thaksin is bad, he knows nothing about anything. I run an important noodle shop. I know. You will respect me. I am farang and am king of the noodles. You are lucky I come to Thailand. Without me, there would be no noodles and my beautiful lady friend would have to use her PhD toiling in some dreary job. I am important to the economy, no one can make noodles like me. I am noodle man, Redshirts bad.

I am beginning to get a better picture of some of the more vocal critics of the redshirts. It isn't particularly reassuring.

Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

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Nothing too tedious today, asked for khow pat khai and got a plate of boiled rice with 4 strips of chicken laid across it?????????????Maiooooooow Kab then in ther best possible way grabbed some of her pots n pans and danced like Ruprecht out of "dirty rotten scoundrels" :) This enforcdes the myth All Farang is ting tong.

PMSL! WHo the heck remembers Ruprect? Can I be Micheal Caine next time you go out... Oh the mirth of it all :D

Hilarious movie who can forget him!! If you havent seen it you're missing out!

"May I take your Trident Sir"

"May I go to the bathroom........ aaaaaaaaaaaaah thank you"

"Why does he have a cork on the end of his fork"

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Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

The myth of rampant double pricing has been debunked many times over the years and the threads are chock full of examples. The point that seems to have missed many of holier than thou types is that;

1. The "Red shirts" are continually belittled as having no ethics and as being dishonest. And yet here we have one of the "superior" farangs intentionally cheating a group of people based upon their presumed political beliefs. If the farang is so superior, shouldn't the farang take the moral decision and do the right thing? Or are ethics and integrity only for the dirty "red shirts"?

2. The people that constantly blame Thaksin and denigrate the "red shirts" have a tedious position that goes along the line of "You can't say that because there is corruption before Thaksin, what was seen under Thaksin was no different. Corruption may be part of Thailand's social fabric, but we superior farangs say that Thaksin should be held to a different standard". And yet here we have a sterling example of the moral paucity, the blatant hypocrisy that says, Yea let's stick it to these people. Without even knowing who these people are, it's the presumption of guilt. This suggests hypocrisy. The reality is that this isn't about red or yellow shirts, it's just about those slaves getting uppity, isn't it. What did the overcharging achieve? You say it's to get back for the double pricing. Ok, but if you don't have the balls to tell these people, how will they know that the local decision to charge non residents for access to public parks paid for by Thai citizens, is being protested?

If you spend your life plotting revenge, you can't be too happy can you? There is more to life that hoping to get back at some guy that ha nothing and is powerless. If you want revenge, go after the oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital. The threads of TV do indeed provide a revealing insight into the dark miserable unhappy lives of so many. I really am beginning to understand what motivates alot of people's comments.

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Tiger, the "kid" is just engaging in the old tactic of distracting from what you are really talking about ie being treated like a load of s**t in your own shop, by attacking you with some completely irrelevant stuff. No doubt next time the "kid" is being double charged at some Thai national park or such, he will add a big tip, and bend over for them to give him him the royal salute of the boot.

In a life time of being treated badly by people that shouldn't, I wish I could have the opportunity for some small revenge on occasion. For that, I envy you.

The myth of rampant double pricing has been debunked many times over the years and the threads are chock full of examples. The point that seems to have missed many of holier than thou types is that;

1. The "Red shirts" are continually belittled as having no ethics and as being dishonest. And yet here we have one of the "superior" farangs intentionally cheating a group of people based upon their presumed political beliefs. If the farang is so superior, shouldn't the farang take the moral decision and do the right thing? Or are ethics and integrity only for the dirty "red shirts"?

2. The people that constantly blame Thaksin and denigrate the "red shirts" have a tedious position that goes along the line of "You can't say that because there is corruption before Thaksin, what was seen under Thaksin was no different. Corruption may be part of Thailand's social fabric, but we superior farangs say that Thaksin should be held to a different standard". And yet here we have a sterling example of the moral paucity, the blatant hypocrisy that says, Yea let's stick it to these people. Without even knowing who these people are, it's the presumption of guilt. This suggests hypocrisy. The reality is that this isn't about red or yellow shirts, it's just about those slaves getting uppity, isn't it. What did the overcharging achieve? You say it's to get back for the double pricing. Ok, but if you don't have the balls to tell these people, how will they know that the local decision to charge non residents for access to public parks paid for by Thai citizens, is being protested?

If you spend your life plotting revenge, you can't be too happy can you? There is more to life that hoping to get back at some guy that ha nothing and is powerless. If you want revenge, go after the oligarchy that controls the nation's real estate and holds the flow of capital. The threads of TV do indeed provide a revealing insight into the dark miserable unhappy lives of so many. I really am beginning to understand what motivates alot of people's comments.

just didnt like the attitude of these people and the way they swaggered into the establishment and decided that just because my wife was there to serve them their noodles, couldnt even have the manners to say please or thankyou, when ordering food and the drinks.

i dont know what part of the country you are living in, but unlike some people who like to beleive that this red shirt yellow shirt debate is the bee all and end all of everything. there are actually some people out there that just want to get on with their everyday lives.

from being able to get in a car to go to the market, without being held up in a traffic jam. just because a group of people decide to block the whole road off. to being able to spend their lunch hour eating food in a peaceful and relaxing enviroment, without having to listen to a group of people going on about how and what they are going to change it all.

there are after all some of us(thai and farang) that do actually get up in the morning and work for a living and dont think the world owes us a life.

would i do it again? hel_l yes. why? because having the best part of 10 years in thailand, i havent spent the time walking around in a bubble with my eyes and ears cloesd to everything. oblivious to how thailand really works.

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People who just stop dead when they are walking immediately in front of you.

cannot agree more, this is most definatly one of my biggest peeves. Also when the person is walking and turns 180 degrees to walk back where they came (right into you) gets me too.

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went in a office today for some business of mine .... I look around, no one in sight, so I am getting out but not before my eyes slip under the desk.

There it was .... the b#$!@y girl, asleep, in fetal position, on the bare floor and with a A4 sheet as pillow, during business hours ! :):angry:

I just got out of there

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Sorry, please elaborate about the bags, as I don't get it. Are they for the shoppers purchases, in which case why didn't you just buy the cheapest thing they had for sale? However, yes their attitude sucks.

Yes, correct, normally you get a red bag when you buy something. You see, the thing is, I want a BIG red bag, so just buying anything small to get a bag would only get a SMALL red bag, which I don't want. I wasn't really expecting success to get my bag, but I was hoping they didn't treat me (to my view in a racist way) like a funny dog to be laughed at and mocked, not worth the time of day. Its not like they were busy. The store was EMPTY. These bags are very sturdy and can be used to carry other stuff around town (while advertising their store), but they do eventually wear out (thus my current need). I am not sure I will buy something really big there just for the bag though, but I was happy to PAY for a bag. No go.

Edited by Jingthing
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Nothing too tedious today, asked for khow pat khai and got a plate of boiled rice with 4 strips of chicken laid across it?????????????Maiooooooow Kab then in ther best possible way grabbed some of her pots n pans and danced like Ruprecht out of "dirty rotten scoundrels" :D This enforcdes the myth All Farang is ting tong.

PMSL! WHo the heck remembers Ruprect? Can I be Micheal Caine next time you go out... Oh the mirth of it all :D

Hilarious movie who can forget him!! If you havent seen it you're missing out!

"May I take your Trident Sir"

"May I go to the bathroom........ aaaaaaaaaaaaah thank you"

"Why does he have a cork on the end of his fork"

Grrr you beat me to it!!! :D Great film

Back on topic, can i add the woman who has been promising me some stock for the last 7 days, still not having it!! More apologetic emails needed :)

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That is some temper you got Jingthing. Both encounters result in you cursing at Thais. How unseemly.

It is true that I do have a temper. However, it only rarely rears its ugly head. The vast majority of time it does not.

Also, did you READ the post? Did I ever say I cursed at the sidewalk blocking workers? No, I didn't say I did, and I did not. I walked over them loudly. I meant my FOOTSTEPS were loud, not my voice. I said nothing.

For the racist clerks at Central, actually I DID curse upon taking my leave, and I am sorry I did, I regretted it instantly, because I am fully aware that in this culture that means I lost. But they did deserve it. This was a rare slip on my part and don't recommend it. It does show you just how pissed off those lazy buggers made me though. The way they laughed at me as if I wasn't a human being tripped my wire. So sorry for being human. Cheers, Ity.

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how do you know that they were laughing at you because they are racist and not because of your actions? :)

It was a strong FEELING I had. Like I said, I am human. People have feelings. I can't prove anything in a court of law. Cheers.

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This is more in the category of a minor nit, but for the first time today I saw TIP boxes at a pharmacy. I didn't really make me angry; more like it made me laugh inside that the Thais have so perverted the imported western concept of tips to bizarre levels.

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ok here goes.

having a load of red shirts walk into my wifes shop and order kutieow nam tok and tom yam and not even have the manners to say krap or ka. order a load of beer, water and soft drinks in a manner like they owned the place and looked at me like i was something they had trodden in.

still got my own back in the end, when it came to asking for the check bin. they were lost for words that not only did a farang understand what they were asking for, but that i had bumped the price up from the usual of 30 baht a bowl to 40 and added an extra 5 baht for the beer and 2 baht for the soft drinks and water.

moral of the story, whats good enough for the natives in this country is even better for the farang that owns the shop in bangkok.

love it

is that dual pricing then? :)

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Nothing too tedious today, asked for khow pat khai and got a plate of boiled rice with 4 strips of chicken laid across it?????????????Maiooooooow Kab then in ther best possible way grabbed some of her pots n pans and danced like Ruprecht out of "dirty rotten scoundrels" :D This enforcdes the myth All Farang is ting tong.

PMSL! WHo the heck remembers Ruprect? Can I be Micheal Caine next time you go out... Oh the mirth of it all :D

Hilarious movie who can forget him!! If you havent seen it you're missing out!

"May I take your Trident Sir"

"May I go to the bathroom........ aaaaaaaaaaaaah thank you"

"Why does he have a cork on the end of his fork"

Grrr you beat me to it!!! :D Great film

Back on topic, can i add the woman who has been promising me some stock for the last 7 days, still not having it!! More apologetic emails needed :)

i gotta watch it again, a classic :D

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look at all the people in CENTRAL; there are 3 groups ( maybe you just invented the 4th :clap2: )

1st, ( the majority...) no bags at all, walking around astonished, showing off their mental/financial red shirt

2nd, small bag, Look at me, I actually bought something!

3rd, BIG BAG, look at ME, I've bought something BIG!!

4th, Jingthing, trying to pretend to be the "Real Thing", make himself the laughingstock of the central staff.


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Like I said, the store was EMPTY. Pretty much just me and a few idle workers. I know about the bags and how much I like the bags from previous shopping at the store. You think you are funny, but I think you are inane. Overuse of emoticons is no substitute for REAL wit. Cheers.

The bottom line is the bags are a commodity. A commodity I happen to want to acquire. People spend money for bags everyday. Luggage is a kind of bag. I like their bags, there, I said it, I like their bags. I like them a lot. I want to buy their bags. One is never enough. The BIGGER their bags the better. I want several. Several big ones. I don't want to ever run out. I want a life time supply of big red Central bags.

But of course I realize they are not officially for sale. So I wanted the staff to try to exercise their brain matter just a tad to see if they could help me buy a commodity at their store. I wasn't asking to buy the tiles on their floor, but rather a lightweight item they had a large stock of directly in front of them. I realized from the start I was asking too much, to ask staff like that to think out of the box, or out of the bag, as it were. I expected flack but they went too far, I think.

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Having to wait 20 minutes to get through the construction site near my home--a 10 meter bridge, built 2 years ago, evidently has to be torn down and rebuilt.

Then taking 45 minutes to get from Central Ladprao to Fortune thanks for the friendly folks blocking the roads today while the police just watched and seemed to be having just as good a time.

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