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Glitterman Speaks About Part 3. The Gold Coat

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This article covers Thailands second most famous 'Gold Coat', and third Golden Wonder after Royalty and Religeon.

It was back in mid 2006, that i first had the idea of the gold coat. I had been knocking around on a bicycle covered in shiny wide leafed gold tinsel for about a year already, but i had been only wearing elegant dragon motif shirts. It did not really match my bicycle. The bike had already generated so much attention over that past year that i was feeling left out. I knew i had to wear something just as flashy as gold tinsel. Then passing a Beer Bar one night someone shouted out to me "why dont you dress up in gold too". [or something to that effect]. And so that made my mind up to go ahead with my idea.

So the next time i went down to Bankok to see my girlfriend, i shopped around for material that was like gold tinsel. I discovered something suitable in an Indian run material shop in a material market, at 150 Baht per metre. I originally only wanted to make a long sleeve SHIRT, so i only purchased 3 metres.

Then later that very same day, while standing with my girl outside the Grand Palace, watching the Royal fireworks display for the celebration of the Kings 60 years on the throne. I took out the gold material from the bag and wrapped it around me, like a Kings cloak. Instantly Thai families around me started taking photos of me. And i realised i had once again struck gold. The first golden dawn being the gold tinsel covered bike, and now the second golden dawn was about to come my way. The people around me were more interested in taking photos of me, than watching the Royal Firework Display........a taste of things to come.

The gold shirt proved a hit and also resulted in my first Pattaya Media coverage; 'Pattaya Mail Newspaper' stopped me for a big interview and photos one night. [ Being Pattayas number one expat public figure, in the past 4 years i have constantly appeared in a wide variety of local, national and international media. Most of the time without me even knowing about it untill months later]

After wearing that shirt for about a year i became bored with it, and being a big fan of movie star Clint Eastwood i thought i would lengthen the shirt to knee level, after the style of the cowboy Western 'Long coats'. Not after Royalty as some people may think. Although i have added white shoulder ribbons worn by most Royalty around the world. [which they use to 'pin' in place their large heavy gold neck chain to ends of shoulder width]

The material of the coat is made from highly reflective small plastic gold squares stuck on to a very fragile thin material. Very impractible for outside wear. The material easily splits and the gold squares endlessly fall off, or quickly wear away. Over the past 4 years i have patched the coat up so many times, that there are in some places 3 or 4 layers of this gold material. I am also sticking with glue indivigual gold plastic squares one by one back on. Inside the gold coat is a plastic mac, this prevents my sweat going on to the gold coat, which would unstick the gold plastic squares, but in turn makes me sweat much more.

Over the last 4 years i have also had 2 more gold coats made, all 3 exactly the same [although the last one is slightly too long to ride my bike with] But i only prefer to wear my favorite first one. I also have a Chinese silk dragon coat made of my gold coat design, and i also made a cape from the gold coat material, it's funny how that one metre of material catapulted me into the superhero league, with my new name on the streets being; "Hello Superman".

In the past week i have sewn 140 large rhinestones [plastic diamonds and rubys] to the borders of the gold coat. This took me 15 hours. I am a perfectionist and thats a terrible thing to be, it means you take much longer designing / creating than anyone else would.

See my 48 photos in my 'view members albums' in my member profile.

Review all my 11 articles in my 'Glitterman Speaks About' Series.

Comming soon PART 4.

The Royal Glitterman hath spoken.


Mildly interesting post.

I am sure that we would all like to know what you actually do in Pattaya. We know you don't drink, don't socialize, don't womanize or watch television, but I would be fascinated to know what (as the young man you are) you actually do?

Surely you don't work on your bike all day and then take the 90 minute ride out at 1600 hours.


Good on yer Glitterman it is interesting to see your dedication to your recognition.

I'm sure you are not put off by the disparaging remarks from people whose only response to their minute of fame was............

"you really think I am hansum man"



Hey Glitterman,

I've seen you about, I thought the missing part of your get up was Emu, stick him on the handlebars and you've cracked it.


This poster is a troll for sure

It is really the Golden One. His identity has been verified by a team of moderators with flashy badges.

My view, sometimes "artists" should just do the art that they do and let that speak for itself, and leave their personal life out of it.


Nice one.....A Golden Emu.

Could also try out the Emu costume with false legs that make you look like you,re riding on the back of it.

A worthy addition to getting about, jogging , as it were.

All in gold of course.


Mildly interesting post.

I am sure that we would all like to know what you actually do in Pattaya. We know you don't drink, don't socialize, don't womanize or watch television, but I would be fascinated to know what (as the young man you are) you actually do?

Surely you don't work on your bike all day and then take the 90 minute ride out at 1600 hours.

Its kind of a waste for him to be living in Pattaya IMO .All that pussy + LBs and he is not interested

as far as i know .

Mildly interesting post.

I am sure that we would all like to know what you actually do in Pattaya. We know you don't drink, don't socialize, don't womanize or watch television, but I would be fascinated to know what (as the young man you are) you actually do?

Surely you don't work on your bike all day and then take the 90 minute ride out at 1600 hours.

Its kind of a waste for him to be living in Pattaya IMO .All that pussy + LBs and he is not interested

as far as i know .

lack of interest sometimes spells "impotence".

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