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'okinawa' The Japanese Singer Who Used To Play At Walkingstreet

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Okinawa is his nickname and were he came from. A short and very cute guy who is always friendly to everbody, he sung a few times in my former café and was always present at the sunday's walking street where he played his traditional Japanese ukelele singing together with his Japanese friends for many years.

Few months ago I talked with him and he already looked terribly weak and sick and sitting in a wheelchair. But today at the walkingstreet I was really shocked to see in what deplorable shape he now is. Wearing shorts and short sleave shirt and his skin totally covered by psoriasis. His whole face covered with a cloth, could not even see his eyes so asahamed he must feel, thus he hobbled around begging with a can with few coins in it.

I knew him as a very lovely and always optimistic guy who made many people laugh and applaude, and see what tragic life he has now, if someone does not deserve this it's him. I'd love to start collect some money for him and get him decent treatments and a more worthy life then this....


Thanks ManilaLover for your warmhearted post and information about Okinawa.

I had the pleasure of enjoying his music about 5 or 6 years ago but haven't met him for a long time now. Always liked his big smile. 

I agree with the OP that it is very sad to see him in very bad health without money.

As ManilaLover wrote, pls. post his contact address if you know it. Probably a few TV members out there would be happy to help.


Thanks ManilaLover for your warmhearted post and information about Okinawa.

I had the pleasure of enjoying his music about 5 or 6 years ago but haven't met him for a long time now. Always liked his big smile. 

I agree with the OP that it is very sad to see him in very bad health without money.

As ManilaLover wrote, pls. post his contact address if you know it. Probably a few TV members out there would be happy to help.

Hi Tawai, thanks.

Good plan, I will try to get some information, allow me few days for this.

I remember one of them (the Japanese friends) runs an artgalery, somewhere between Walkingstreet and Ratchamanka street.

Perhaps another reader he knows more.

Curious - how did Okinawa get himself in this state?

Nobody asks for a desease !

Guess one of those doubtful fish spa's might be a solution for him, but guess they will never allow someone with serious psoriasis, and the nibble fish would become way too fat and not eat for 3 weeks.

Perhaps there is a fish spa that has no customers and is about to close ?

Curious - how did Okinawa get himself in this state?

Nobody asks for a desease !

Guess one of those doubtful fish spa's might be a solution for him, but guess they will never allow someone with serious psoriasis, and the nibble fish would become way too fat and not eat for 3 weeks.

Perhaps there is a fish spa that has no customers and is about to close ?


The fish spa is not good fro psoriasis at all. it exposes the skin after the fish have nibbled.

sunlight is what is needed.

Curious - how did Okinawa get himself in this state?

Nobody asks for a desease !

Guess one of those doubtful fish spa's might be a solution for him, but guess they will never allow someone with serious psoriasis, and the nibble fish would become way too fat and not eat for 3 weeks.

Perhaps there is a fish spa that has no customers and is about to close ?


The fish spa is not good fro psoriasis at all. it exposes the skin after the fish have nibbled.

sunlight is what is needed.

I don't know either, just remembered a neighbour back home with a psoriasis problem he went on a nibblefish holiday and said he had good results.

But guess you are right.


The best skin doctor in Chiang Mai has his clinic very near the Walking Street. If you head toward the corner to go to Irish UN pub, it's on the left just before the turn.

I have psoriasis and he helped me a lot.

If you friend is that covered with it he is in very serious condition. It will probably take methotrexate -- a very strong medication used in chemotherapy -- to get him started to clear from such a serious case.

Yes, sunlight is about the best -- along with minerals in seawater -- but it would take about three months minimum for him to clear decently using daily sun and sea.

Mine was triggered by chronic heavy drinking. I quit drinking and it cleared up. For sure, no alcohol at all with psoriasis

I think the doctor's name is Dr. Seri.


I recently heard that psoriasis is strongly linked with heart disease. Those who have it are advised to check out their hearts. Sorry to hear about this nice man is suffering so much now.

I recently heard that psoriasis is strongly linked with heart disease. Those who have it are advised to check out their hearts. Sorry to hear about this nice man is suffering so much now.

Probably it's not real psoriasis but the side effect of long time use of prednisolon etc. that has many terrible side effects like skin problems. I know some doctors here sell prednisolon easy if it's aspirine, very dangerous.

Probably it's not real psoriasis....

How on earth could pretend to know that? Psoriasis affects all races, but more so white skinned people from cold climates. Thais do have it as well. As I recall the word for it is "silver dollar" in Thai because of the round, silvery placques that develop if it is untreated.

As well, it is related to arthritis and can become psoratic arthritis, which could explain why he is in a wheelchair. If he has it on his face -- which is very rare -- that means it is a very serious case.

All speculation, of course ....

I wish him well because it can make life --physically, socially and emotionally -- hel_l. I had a "kind' Thai lady point at my legs on the beach start yelling "Aids". Thankfully, mine went into remission when I stopped drinking.

I recently heard that psoriasis is strongly linked with heart disease. Those who have it are advised to check out their hearts. Sorry to hear about this nice man is suffering so much now.

Yes. A very pleasant, cheerful musician who, I am told is quite famous in Japan. He has been called a 'folk singer' in English by fellow Japanese. I don't know what 'panhandling' means. This man is a talented entertainer, not a beggar.

If you know where he is or can be found, there are 2 places which SHOULD (might?) help.

Japanese Consul - a lady named Junko Yokota, office at Airport Business Park, tel 053 203367, e-mail: [email protected]

Etouzaidan Foundation - a charming Japanese man named Makoto Konishi who speaks fluent Thai but almost no English. Imagine a tiny Alliance Francaise type cultural office/library and you've got it, located in a small soi almost opposite Global House. tel 053 124527-8, //email removed as per forum rules//

Sorry I can't do more. Can someone help to make some links here?

Probably it's not real psoriasis....

How on earth could pretend to know that? Psoriasis affects all races, but more so white skinned people from cold climates. Thais do have it as well. As I recall the word for it is "silver dollar" in Thai because of the round, silvery placques that develop if it is untreated.

As well, it is related to arthritis and can become psoratic arthritis, which could explain why he is in a wheelchair. If he has it on his face -- which is very rare -- that means it is a very serious case.

All speculation, of course ....

I wish him well because it can make life --physically, socially and emotionally -- hel_l. I had a "kind' Thai lady point at my legs on the beach start yelling "Aids". Thankfully, mine went into remission when I stopped drinking.

Yes my Dad had severe psoriasis and it was a very stigmatizing condition. In some ways the psychological part was worse but I can't speak for that really. Yes, it can look like Aids as can many skin problems. Thai people are often very non-PC about such things as well.

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