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Bangkok Residents Become Hostages To Red-Shirt Anarchy


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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

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Thanks for the picture of the violent red shirt thugs. Let us agree to stop this propaganda fiction once and for all that the current red shirt protests are legal and peaceful. It galls to hear red shirt lovers continue to try to sell those lies.

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This court decision that leaders can only be arrested on stage i.e. while actually committing a crime, seems very strange to me. If they are observed, and probably videoed, committing a crime, why can't they be arrested as quietly as possible.

To force your way through a large crowd would be difficult, lead to chaos, and probably be ultimately futile, the birds would fly the coop. On the other hand, how difficult would it be to determine at which hotel they are staying, and do a 3am arrest? If the fat cats had to endure the conditions of the protesters, this whole thing would be over much sooner. Hope they enjoyed the croissants!

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"THE NATION: PM: Court has ruled police can arrest protest leaders 'when they are breaking the law" only.(arrest can be made only when they are on stage)"

So in Thailand you are only able to be charged if caught in the act ?

I am sure there is a break down in this translation.

This makes no sense, even in Thailand. An arrest warrant is just that ... paper giving permission to arrest somebody on sight because there is probable cause they have ALREADY committed a crime.

If police needed a warrant to arrest somebody who they see committing an arrestable offense then Thailand has bigger problems than any of us can imagine.

Edited by johndpoole
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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

The majority of the people of Thailand support the Reds.

Thats the major issue and why the government is very very scared to do anything against them

You say who cares what they want ? Well, they want Democracy.

I think that is very relevent.

Hold an electon in 2 months time and see who wins, then you will see why the present minority running the country do not want elections to be held until as late as possible.

The Reds rejected the 9 months as the government said "9 months and change the consititution" which would have meant following a year of wrangling there would be no early dissoluton, it would take the full 1 year and 9 months the present government has. And in 9 months when they do not step down who is going to support another rally with just 12 months left.......

Please, think about the games being played on both sides and understand more.

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Sadly, I agree.

Abhisit is coming out of this far too wishy washy.

Just read a quote of his translated speech, which basically says that because more people joined the mob, it was impossible to enforce the law :)

<deleted> is all that about?????????

I am afraid that Abhisit is being far too soft, and the red shirts can see that. They are behaving like a naughty child whose parent keeps saying "If you do that one more time, you will get a smack". And the smack never comes!! Its actually becoming a rather embarrassing joke.

Actually what is embarrassing is the sight of expatriates baying for blood - without much knowledge, without context and certainly without understanding.

So far Abhisit hasn't put a foot wrong.Unlike sadly many forum members he has a profound and wise understanding of recent Thai political history.He knows that to over react would be fatal and is showing admirable patience.Sooner or later the Reds will go home and will understand that they were treated in a civilised and non-patronising way.In Thailand violence and thuggishness is always just beneath that she surface.Abhisit has resisted all that.He should be proud and his detractors on this forum ashamed.

Polite golf clap. :D

Fatal?????????? Hmm, I didn't see his death last year during Songran and we've seen his popularity grow since then as we have his success and why now the Reds are so desperate to derail him, even if it means it hurts the entire country and the livelyhood and freedoms of anyone who stand in their way ... including their own people who they are leading to a provoked and wanted confrontation with the police. They are going out of their way to provoke authority and police and hoping the military will be called out to restore peace so they can use and twist video footage as they did with the doctored audio tape from last year and replayed again today to their followers claiming it to be authentic.

Which is precisely why they shouldn't be gifted with that wish.

The narrative they are wanting to create sees themselves as the direct inheritors of 1992 and 1976. They are not that.

When 'fatal' was used above it wasn't with respect to Abhisit but rather about the narrative that the red shirts would like to be able to construct by inciting a violent reaction. That would be 'fatal'.

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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

The majority of the people of Thailand support the Reds.

Thats the major issue and why the government is very very scared to do anything against them

You say who cares what they want ? Well, they want Democracy.

I think that is very relevent.

Hold an electon in 2 months time and see who wins, then you will see why the present minority running the country do not want elections to be held until as late as possible.

The Reds rejected the 9 months as the government said "9 months and change the consititution" which would have meant following a year of wrangling there would be no early dissoluton, it would take the full 1 year and 9 months the present government has. And in 9 months when they do not step down who is going to support another rally with just 12 months left.......

Please, think about the games being played on both sides and understand more.


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A [ peaceful Red headed off to a baseball game?


With a FLAG!!

Beware of the clappers though in the wrong hands they can very deadly.

Cool pic! is that Muslim red shirt?

Edited by monkfish
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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

The majority support the reds? Your opinion only. The country seems about evenly split, very few in the south support the reds. And more and more are sick of all the coloured shirts.

If you think that Taksin and his cohorts buying votes equals democracy I would hate to live in a country run by you.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

The majority of the people of Thailand support the Reds.

Thats the major issue and why the government is very very scared to do anything against them

You say who cares what they want ? Well, they want Democracy.

I think that is very relevent.

Hold an electon in 2 months time and see who wins, then you will see why the present minority running the country do not want elections to be held until as late as possible.

The Reds rejected the 9 months as the government said "9 months and change the consititution" which would have meant following a year of wrangling there would be no early dissoluton, it would take the full 1 year and 9 months the present government has. And in 9 months when they do not step down who is going to support another rally with just 12 months left.......

Please, think about the games being played on both sides and understand more.

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This court decision that leaders can only be arrested on stage i.e. while actually committing a crime, seems very strange to me. If they are observed, and probably videoed, committing a crime, why can't they be arrested as quietly as possible.

To force your way through a large crowd would be difficult, lead to chaos, and probably be ultimately futile, the birds would fly the coop. On the other hand, how difficult would it be to determine at which hotel they are staying, and do a 3am arrest? If the fat cats had to endure the conditions of the protesters, this whole thing would be over much sooner. Hope they enjoyed the croissants!

You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

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levelhead, buddy, you're myopic. I have great respect for the posts by johndpoole. you should listen, break out of your own head and try to understand a reasoned and balanced argument.

live up to your name, man!

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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

How do YOU know the REDS would accept that offer?

If that is the case why did THEY not offer that instead of saying 15 days or nothing over and over again?

Seems like you have your own agenda that has NOTHING to do with the REDS

They have democracy right now or they would have been run over by Tanks quite a while ago... please tone down the hyperbole...

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You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

Not the only propaganda machine working overtime :)

The have already committed crimes. That's what a warrant is for. But go ahead, keep making up your own reality, its entertaining.

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"From now we will be taking the offensive," red-shirt leader Natthawut Saikua told the crowd. "Let our people from Pan Fa Bridge march to all 11 banned 11 roads immediately. If there is anything blocking us, break in peacefully."

How peaceful can a break-in be? What's next? "Kill them gently"?


But at 1pm, red-shirt leader Nattawut Saikua reversed the decision and ordered the protesters to mobilise to 11 banned roads in a total defiance of the government.

He told them to break any barriers preventing them from entering the areas, and asked Mr Kwanchai and Suporn Attawong to lead the protesters.

These guys have some twisted definition of "democracy". They can do anything to inconvenience anyone they want, but noone is allowed to raise a finger against them.


Back at Ratchaprasong, another red leader Weng Tojirakarn ordered red-shirt guards to take control of four fire engines and an army humvee brought in to the area by the authorities.

"We [the red-shirts] will not destroy state property but we will deny them access to the vehicles," he said.

So if you take something but don't destroy it, it's alright. Therefore stealing is not illegal as long as you don't destroy what you stole. Where did they learn all this? From Thaksin?

With the level of corruption nationwide I think you will find that a lot of people have a difficulty understanding that government property or funds aren't actually their own.

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You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

Oooops sorry I completely forgot it was you, the same guy posting yesterday that has NO clue as to what is actually happening of the legality of anything being done. Don't know how to break it to you but a number of the RED leaders have warrants outstanding already and they have in fact broken Thai law during their little sit in. You should really refrain from posting if you have no clue what you are talking about... IMHO

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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

Who cares what the Reds want? They are just one small part of the people that make up Thailand and when they pull the BS they are pulling now ... only an utter moron would believe they should have any part of running this country. Here is one of the Red leaders now rallying the troops to come to BKK ...

The majority of the people of Thailand support the Reds.

Thats the major issue and why the government is very very scared to do anything against them

You say who cares what they want ? Well, they want Democracy.

I think that is very relevent.

Hold an electon in 2 months time and see who wins, then you will see why the present minority running the country do not want elections to be held until as late as possible.

The Reds rejected the 9 months as the government said "9 months and change the consititution" which would have meant following a year of wrangling there would be no early dissoluton, it would take the full 1 year and 9 months the present government has. And in 9 months when they do not step down who is going to support another rally with just 12 months left.......

Please, think about the games being played on both sides and understand more.

OMG, does that sound rational, reasonable or logical to you?

is that's the way your mind works? connecting dots out of blue skies of your preferred delusion? than write it down in sentence-like structures - & you really believe it makes sense?

are you another example of the bright democratic future of thailand?

GUY, I AND MANY OTHERS - WE DISAGREE! learn to respect diversity of opinions. you, like so many other reds, sound more & more like setting up gulags so that everybody with different views can be treated nicely... to learn "the truth".

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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

How do YOU know the REDS would accept that offer?

If that is the case why did THEY not offer that instead of saying 15 days or nothing over and over again?

Seems like you have your own agenda that has NOTHING to do with the REDS

They have democracy right now or they would have been run over by Tanks quite a while ago... please tone down the hyperbole...

Its called negotiation.

One side starts at 9 months and says it over and over again, so the other says 15 days over and over again.

You negotiate until a reasonable middle period is agreed upon.

Look at both sides, not just one.

This government coaliton was not elected by the people, and therefore the people want Democracy back and to be allowed to vote for the government of their choice.

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This court decision that leaders can only be arrested on stage i.e. while actually committing a crime, seems very strange to me. If they are observed, and probably videoed, committing a crime, why can't they be arrested as quietly as possible.

To force your way through a large crowd would be difficult, lead to chaos, and probably be ultimately futile, the birds would fly the coop. On the other hand, how difficult would it be to determine at which hotel they are staying, and do a 3am arrest? If the fat cats had to endure the conditions of the protesters, this whole thing would be over much sooner. Hope they enjoyed the croissants!

So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

You really do need to put on a red nose!!

That is NOT how it works here in Thailand!! Total nonsense!!

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Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

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I fail to see how people demanding that Democracy is returned to them is "anarchy".

Anarchy actually means there are no leaders. So how can there be anarchy if there is a leadership.

I find the amount of scare mongering in the Yellow owned media quite amusing.

The simple fact is that Democracy was crushed in Thailand and the rule of law was not obeyed by the coup leaders and that problem has resulted in all problems to this day.

Democracy was crushed once by men with guns and secondly by people appointed by the men with guns.

Until free and fair elections are held then Democracy remains crushed in Thailand.

The government came to power by courts and manipulation behind the scenes and is not "Elected" by the people.

This is the problem and a problem that is easy to resolve.

Simply dissolve the lower house, say there will be elections in 3 months and in the interim period a "unity government" will oversee the period leading up to elections.

The Reds would accept this.

How do YOU know the REDS would accept that offer?

If that is the case why did THEY not offer that instead of saying 15 days or nothing over and over again?

Seems like you have your own agenda that has NOTHING to do with the REDS

They have democracy right now or they would have been run over by Tanks quite a while ago... please tone down the hyperbole...

Its called negotiation.

One side starts at 9 months and says it over and over again, so the other says 15 days over and over again.

You negotiate until a reasonable middle period is agreed upon.

Look at both sides, not just one.

This government coaliton was not elected by the people, and therefore the people want Democracy back and to be allowed to vote for the government of their choice.

You crack me up.

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You do have to actually commit a crime before you can be arrested (well that is unless they make something up as a crime you did).

So the truth is "arrest warrants" have been issued but with "no names" filled in. If any of the leaders commit a crime they will fill in the details and arrest them.

However, until they actually commit a crime, as opposed to expressing their rights under the constitition as a Thai citizen, they cannot be arrested.

Its all very simple to understand, unless you beleive the nonsense being spouted by the Yelllow shirt propganda engine which is working overtime at the moment.

Oooops sorry I completely forgot it was you, the same guy posting yesterday that has NO clue as to what is actually happening of the legality of anything being done. Don't know how to break it to you but a number of the RED leaders have warrants outstanding already and they have in fact broken Thai law during their little sit in. You should really refrain from posting if you have no clue what you are talking about... IMHO

Try reading from other media sources. The Nation article fails to mention "no names" but other media sources correctly say "no names filled in".

Open your mind, do not get oppressed by the "Yellow" view, what they spout is very wrong at times.

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Its called negotiation.

One side starts at 9 months and says it over and over again, so the other says 15 days over and over again.

You negotiate until a reasonable middle period is agreed upon.

Look at both sides, not just one.

This government coaliton was not elected by the people, and therefore the people want Democracy back and to be allowed to vote for the government of their choice.

I see, so when one side has a mandate of 19 months and offers to shorten it by a FULL YEAR, I see THEIR give and take, but when the other side shows up asking for 15 days and never changes anything where is THEIR give and take to the negotiation process?? You seem to be a little confused as to what that word means... I see the gov't offering up a huge concession and asking for more talks. I see the REDS say we get what we want OR we will not talk anymore... is that called negotiating 101??

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Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

Most strange, as you say.

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Try reading from other media sources. The Nation article fails to mention "no names" but other media sources correctly say "no names filled in".

Open your mind, do not get oppressed by the "Yellow" view, what they spout is very wrong at times.

Dude you are the most close minded human being I've seen spew on a forum. As for opening my mind I did NOT get my information from the Nation. but thanks for assuming. I was not talking about this round of warrants.. perhaps YOU should be opening your mind.. and stop believing all the RED propaganda you are so clearly falling for hook, link and sinker....

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I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

Most strange, as you say.

What part of Bangkok do you live in?

There is almost ZERO support of those thugs in my neck of the woods. Curious where you see so much support?? Or you are just taking some reporter's word for it?

You might want to get out a little more the support in Bangkok is NOT strong throughout the city...

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Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

i'm sorry to help lift veil of ignorance:

what you're referring too was a _comment_ on tulsathit's tweet-feed. tulsathit is of nation, that's the source webfact references.

who pulls the strings here? who knows?

but who pulls the wool over their own eyes?

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Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

Most strange, as you say.

The only thing strange is the Thaksin apologists complaining about unbiassed reporting,

while drinking from the same cup as Jataporn,

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I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

Most strange, as you say.

What part of Bangkok do you live in?

There is almost ZERO support of those thugs in my neck of the woods. Curious where you see so much support?? Or you are just taking some reporter's word for it?

You might want to get out a little more the support in Bangkok is NOT strong throughout the city...

Trader- pay him no mind - obviously paid by Sondhi to post the most insane nonsense posing as a Red supporter in order to discredit the entire red movement. No other explanation for his ideas :)

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Sorry, but what on Earth is going on with this Nation reporter who posts as "Webfact"? I have been following the locked thread for NEWS updates. This is one of the latest statement from this "journalist" regarding the PM:

He is taking full responsibility. He has character. He is best to ask for our support. UDD WANTS violence.

What the fk kind of reporting is this? Its just as bad as the red shirts. Its like watching little kids. "Am Not!" "Yes you Are" "No I'm Not" I hate You!".....

In all seriousness, who owns The Nation and who pulls the strings there?

I think today "The Nation" went passed just being biased as a Yellow supporting agency, some working there appear to have lost the plot totally now and are probably boiling with resentment that the Reds have so much support from the local people ??? I simply do not know, the bias is not subtle now, its loud.

Most strange, as you say.

I think you will find that is a retweet which was tweeted by Tulshi - not written by him, though - as part of a Twitter interaction going on.

As this is the frist "Twitter protest" in Thailand, to be fair to the Nation, perhapsd they need to look into how they use Tweets.

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