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Rebel Without A Cause

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The oldest son ( 14 ) of my Thai wife is lazy and a good-for-nothing, but his mama don't want or is afraid of chide him. I tried to motivated him but without results, fundamentally I am "only" a Falang.

Are there army or police schools which we can send him to, at his age, in order to, at least, learn him some discipline, by preference in the Chonburi or Isan area

Many thanks.

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Practically speaking it is too late (14 years). Military schools in the west serve the same function and are rarely effective in changing motivation.

My only suggestion is finding something he likes to do.

For example I had a stepson who liked to shoot pool. That’s all. Shoot pool, drink and mess with loose women.

I bought him a small pool hall. I told him if he could make some money with it he could spend it on booze and broads.

It was working well and he was on his way to being an pool entrepreneur but some personal problems intervened (drugs, pregnancy, jail, you name it, it happened). Too bad. But, like I said in the beginning 14 is too late to do much behavior change.

What a child is going to be like is pretty much set in stone at 5 years of age.

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You're in an impossible situation. Anything you do will be undermined by your wife & his other relatives. The only thing to do now is to protect your assets. If your house is in your wife's name, make sure that you get an usufruct, so that he can't kick you out if your wife predeceases you.

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I am going to make a reminder, but just once. If you want to get a warning and suspension, go ahead and be off-topic, trollish or flaming.

The OP asked about military or police schools (academies) in Thailand. Does anybody know.

By the way, I've known tons of 14 year olds who were unmotivated, lazy and worthless who turned out just fine--some even better than fine. I've also known a few who were motivated, bright with opportunities galore, who went down the tubes.

Don't count him out until the games done.

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I thought all 14 year old were this way. (joking) Have to agree with Scott, there is hope for the little <deleted> even through we wonder at times. I do not know of any military type schools but there are some boarding schools who some parents have resorted to for similar problems. A school mate (female) of our daughter was recently sent to a school on Puket. Some TV member down there may know about it. Some of the remote temples are also known for their tough love handling for problem kids. A couple of friends have gone thru this and its to say its discouraging is a understatement.

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The police and military schools are in high demand and difficult to get into for the average Joe.

There are tutor places that prepare kids for the tests to get into the schools. I think I remember that they don't want kids with problems, bad grades or behavior.

Good luck

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