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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok


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well look at the #1 on the list.... :D

I can see that and knew that before. So what now?

Bit confusing and I am not open to speculation. :) However like anything in Thailand, things are not always as they seem.

Don't be surprise, This is the Kingdom of Thailand!

If it would not have been then you are not here now writing on this forum.

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rainman, by now i know you prefer your delusions.

look, i'll share sth from my past in democratic germany: there had been a tradition going on in west-berlin (way before the wall came down)... it was street-fighting all day, all night, all week long. way back in the 80ties. most of it happened in an area called "kreuzberg" & majority of people were turkish immigrants of 2nd, 3rd generation, house squatters, drug dealers: i was young & it looked like fun ;-) burning down other people's property: the wealthy class, the oppressors.

we even had a night of real anarchy. people looting a super-market (no, not thai malls like), burning it down, a night people dancing in the streets.

i got arrested. many times. actually, it's just detention: they take you off the streets for some 24 hours to ease tension.

i encountered riot-police high on adrenaline as well as some male anarchist leaders, who raped their girlfriends (sorry, but true).

once i was detained in a subway-cell, blood on the walls, police "freaked out" to push aggression.


1) na, as said before: leave criminal proceedings against PAD to the courts - & _not_ to neither Abhisit nor _you_. let law become law in thailand, ok?

2) my little story from germany: it's not even emergency law, it's just setting the frame for confrontation & state authorities are entitled to take you "out of the game". if you're not _able_ to accept that, if you're _not_ able to accept there's a "concept of law for benefit of all", if you're _not_ able to "be hold responsible for your actions" - rainman, what kind of society you wanna have?

You were arrested multiple times. I was never arrested even once in my life. Says a lot, doesn't it? Thanks for clearing that up. No we can get on with the real issue.

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Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

Oh .... Thank God, now I understand. LOL LOL LOL :)

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where there is a will there is a way.....

but is it back on cable TV

Yup, but not hearing any of these "fireworks". What's the story?

There were some LOUD explosions I thought might be FIRE CRACKERS coming from the Rajprasong area... now it appears quiet... not sure what that noise is... I see VEERA on TV talking and sweating in the dark... not sure if it is live or recorded... there must be over 50K people sitting there fanning themselves and cheering... like sheep about to be slaughtered....

You wouldn't be fantasizing - would you?

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Okay... given what I see on TV right now, there must be at least 50K people clapping and cheering the red-shirt leaders at Rajprasong. This can end in only a couple of ways... (1) thousands of people driven away by riot gear - a lot of injuries, perhaps a few killed, or (2) the Army General declares a coup and all is well (?!), (3) nothing happens and we are still stuck in time...waiting for either (1) or (2) to happen....

The big difference with the past is that, NOW, Thailand is an industrial Country, and who are the basic workers running the production for the profit of the Elite: northern guys and girls, as it has been often underlined.

So if there is a riot the response will be probably be a General strike... and the Elite has perfectly understood the risk, the huge impact on potential investors (japanese for example) who will be heading to Vietnam or Malaysia where the risk of work stoppages are nil: this is one of the reason why Abhisit is loosing some supports.....

Even in this day and age, I don't think I've ever heard of a major, well organized strike, have you? I just don't think the concept of organized labor has made it to this country yet.

ummm well ... not a WELL organized strike ... but labor unions are not going to be pro-red.Jerrytheyoung is working from a flawed premise.

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However, this endeavor has not been successful. The rally has led to a violation of the law and the Constitution and has caused great inconvenience for the people, the economy, and foreign confidence in Thailand.

Nothing like the county's prime minister painting a picture to the newsrooms and lowering foreign confidence even further ...


It had to be said. The views or opinions of the Falang rarely count for a jot but, there is an impact on the external view from this protest. Some rural Thais are concerned by Thailand's overseas image - many are not.

Most are not... most Thai's either don't care what the rest of the world thinks of them and their government or even have a clue that the world outside of Thailand is even watching. The Thai people I know who live here in the U.S., have no desire about going back to live in Thailand. After living outside Thailand for any length of time, the consider living in Thailand again, like going back to the stone age. They see the news and read the stories of the problems back there and shake their heads at their ignorant cousins..

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Exactly . Agree 100%.

A court dissolves an entire party , the one in power mind you .

(Well it could have been the army arresting all the MPs same philosophy)

Then the opposition can take over , no general election .

Surrealist :D:D:D

Hmm, I thought the party in power did some things that were against the law? Could that be? :)

Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct.It does happen.

Go back a bit further...1975? The 'Queen's Representative' replaced the elected government in Australia.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

I hear farangs constantly bitching about the lack of democracy in Thailand. But they always seem to rally around Abhisit, the darling pretty boy figure head for the anti-democratic aristocracy that has ruled the country for hundreds of years. Come on, shit or get off the pot, try to be consistent. It's time to give a chance to the folks that have grown all the food for so long, but had nothing for it.

Of course in this modern day and age of rapidly changing inter-relations and commerce,

actual competence at governance and economic management might be considered

more important than growing the food for 100s of years...

If they want to lead, let the show us what they PLAN to do...

Where has the PTP Shadow Government been all year?

Oh yes plotting and trying no confidence votes going nowhere,

and using ginned up audio lies, and generally disrupting parliamentary workings.

Well I guess that's 'leadership'...

but only straight to hel_l on a quick downhill slide.

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As a visitor here in Thailand, I would like to know, which Government the majority of Thai people support -

(a) The one they themselves elected or

(:) The one brought to power by the military.

Just A or B answers only please.

Only A or B, huh? Yeah ... I wish life were that simple. Problem is, too many people only think in A or B and can't be bothered with the whole alphabet because it's just too much work.

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By the way does anyone know the regualtions issued pursuant to the SoE? These are the things that show what it really is about.

Surprised none of the red side have asked this already

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so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

Don't be so selfish. Lives are on the line now. This is no joke. Thank Thaksin for this mess. He was willing to destroy his own country for his money and power greed.

First, the baht isn't likely to fall....foreign investors have already written in the fact that Thailand is a SE asian banana republic....with very limited violence in their "revolutions".

Second, you can also thank the army coup team, the yellow shirts that kicked out the last pro-thaksin regime, the policitized judiciary and army, and the yellow shirts.

What is happening now is just a replay of what happened with Thaksin....why do you think Abhisit isn't getting on that plane? He is afraid of a replay of history.

The best thing is for the army to just take control for 5-10 years and let all this wash away....and hope the royal turnover to come goes smoothly...because history has shown this country's only stable factors are the monarchy and the army. Every attempt at democracy has failed with this country.

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As a visitor here in Thailand, I would like to know, which Government the majority of Thai people support -

(a) The one they themselves elected or

(:) The one brought to power by the military.

Just A or B answers only please.

Only A or B, huh? Yeah ... I wish life were that simple. Problem is, too many people only think in A or B and can't be bothered with the whole alphabet because it's just too much work.

They prefer elected governments (A), like the present one, the one brought to power by the military (Surayud), while well meaning was completely ineffectual but served his purpose in reminding Thais they would still prefer a democracy.

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so, when's the baht gonna start falling???

According to the BBC's news website the baht rose today notwithstanding the temporary invasion of parliament, which lasted 20 minutes and was supervised by the police, on the basis that the markets i.e. currency speculators believe that the elites will win in the short term. One broker who was interviewed said that the markets viewed the longer term very differently. He was talking about the innevitable in relation to a subject we cannot discuss.

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Okay... given what I see on TV right now, there must be at least 50K people clapping and cheering the red-shirt leaders at Rajprasong. This can end in only a couple of ways... (1) thousands of people driven away by riot gear - a lot of injuries, perhaps a few killed, or (2) the Army General declares a coup and all is well (?!), (3) nothing happens and we are still stuck in time...waiting for either (1) or (2) to happen....

The big difference with the past is that, NOW, Thailand is an industrial Country, and who are the basic workers running the production for the profit of the Elite: northern guys and girls, as it has been often underlined.

So if there is a riot the response will be probably be a General strike... and the Elite has perfectly understood the risk, the huge impact on potential investors (japanese for example) who will be heading to Vietnam or Malaysia where the risk of work stoppages are nil: this is one of the reason why Abhisit is loosing some supports.....

Even in this day and age, I don't think I've ever heard of a major, well organized strike, have you? I just don't think the concept of organized labor has made it to this country yet.

ummm well ... not a WELL organized strike ... but labor unions are not going to be pro-red.Jerrytheyoung is working from a flawed premise.

In the French History, often General strikes have been launched by Political parties and not by our very weak Unions at the difference of US or UK. So, it is possible.... However,I expect we will see nothing that after a stand by period, a negotiation will provide a solution to the current crisis, maybe from the 4 Ex PM discussions? Who knows?

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Why don't you keep your opinion to yourself. 

Do try to not speak for everyone, "Father of the farang nation".

Ignorance is bliss, and I do mean YOU not the "mob".

Edited by cyberia
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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

so now u have taken up speaking for the vast majority of farang - well sunshine count me out of your vast majority - would u like to qoute what percentage u claim is the vast majority --- sounds like another yellow shirt supporter - illegal - what part is illegial - the illegal government in place or the reds who just claim equal justice and recognition -

Count me out of that vast majority too. Speak for yourself and your cohorts, Jingthing, not the rest of us.

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Exactly . Agree 100%.

A court dissolves an entire party , the one in power mind you .

(Well it could have been the army arresting all the MPs same philosophy)

Then the opposition can take over , no general election .

Surrealist :D:D:D

Hmm, I thought the party in power did some things that were against the law? Could that be? :)

Individual persons did something illegal , not the entire party .

If you find another democratic country where an entire party is banned

because of few of its members then i am very interested to learn bout it

In Australia a lovely red haired lady called Pauline had her party banned due to irregularities in money flow.Yes the whole party was banned if I am correct......

Well you're not.

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THe last election in Thailand by the thai people was in December 2007 .

The PPP (proThaksin) won the absolute majority at that election if i remember well .

What election are you refering too ?

You are wrong. The PPP did not win an absolute majority. Here are those 2007 results:

Constituency Vote

People's Power Party: 36.63%

Democrat Party: 30.30%

Proportional Vote

People's Power Party: 39.60%

Democrat Party: 39.63%

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

Why don't you keep your opinion to yourself.

Do try to not speak for everyone, "Father of the farang nation".

Igorance is bliss, and I do mean YOU not the "mob".

Well Jing you certainly hit a nerve with this post.

Most commented on post I have seen in years

for number / in a short period of time.

I watched those assorted polls here and most came out just as you say.

But a lot of these newbies or relative newbies never saw them and can't believe.

Don't sweat it, it's their problem.

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It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

A message to the good people of Thailand.

I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

How can you make such a statement???

What justification do you have to speak on behalf of others????

Have you done a survey????

Do you have FACTS????

Get off your patronising horse!!!

Yes, I have done MANY surveys. I remain totally confident in my conclusion. Red insurgent Thaksinistas -- the government has offered you transport home. Take it!
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But you don't remember the election that came 13 months AFTER the coup? Odd, because there was one. Look it up, it was was in all the papers. :)

"Elections were held on 23 December 2007, after a military-appointed tribunal outlawed the Thai Rak Thai party of Thaksin Shinawatra and banned TRT executives from contesting in elections for 5 years."

Kinda nice to hold elections when you ban the opposing party....

Even though the TRT has been banned , its off-spring the PPP (proThaksin) won that election with an absolute majority......

No PPP did NOT win a absolute majority.

A larger minority than the Dems by a little bit.

They held a majority of seats WITH coalition partners.... till they lost those.

Go check your facts.

The fact still remains that despite the TRT being outlawed and many leaders of that party being sanctioned from any political activity, the remnants from the TRT formed the PPP and won more votes than any other party in Thailand :D That is quite an amazing feat, in any other country if a political party was disolved and its leaders banned from politics it would take years or perhaps decades for the disolved party to regroup and try and regain power! To those ignorant farangs out there who think that this red shirt revolution is just a few uneducated hillbillies, you had better think again because this movement is the core of those who got the most votes in the last election and by the looks of it they are mad as hel_l and not going to take it anymore :D My guess is that we will see parliment disolved and new election by the end of summer :D

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Okay... given what I see on TV right now, there must be at least 50K people clapping and cheering the red-shirt leaders at Rajprasong. This can end in only a couple of ways... (1) thousands of people driven away by riot gear - a lot of injuries, perhaps a few killed, or (2) the Army General declares a coup and all is well (?!), (3) nothing happens and we are still stuck in time...waiting for either (1) or (2) to happen....

The big difference with the past is that, NOW, Thailand is an industrial Country, and who are the basic workers running the production for the profit of the Elite: northern guys and girls, as it has been often underlined.

So if there is a riot the response will be probably be a General strike... and the Elite has perfectly understood the risk, the huge impact on potential investors (japanese for example) who will be heading to Vietnam or Malaysia where the risk of work stoppages are nil: this is one of the reason why Abhisit is loosing some supports.....

Even in this day and age, I don't think I've ever heard of a major, well organized strike, have you? I just don't think the concept of organized labor has made it to this country yet.

Why don't the Reds call for a general strike? Let's see how much support they really have around the country. Not much I would guess. It's been used in India and France, but then those movements had the majority of people behind them.

Yes exactly. For example, the reds do not have the university STUDENTS. Its hard to imagine a successful insurgency without them in any country. The problem is they have no moral authority. None whatsoever. They have no coherent ideology except bring back Thaksin. And now their other violence inspiring leaders.
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