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State Of Emergency Decree Imposed In Bangkok

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Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

Wow, that's totally hammered Hammereds argument :)

Go back reads the bit where he said they were lucky to be being paid in reference to people on daily wages as opposed to his pprivileged wife who got to do a degree and had to put up with 6-12 months of job trasinign. Few poor people ever get the opportunity to do a degree and would happily forego a lot to enter middle classes by doing so. Helps if you mix with the poor by the way. The you know them.

Anyway go back and check it out. The comment was vile.


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Now it is done. Time to arrest all of their leadership as soon as possible. They have declared war. Enough of the sham that they were EVER a non-violent movement.

The Red Shirt leaders should be arresting for inciting to riot, terrorism, damaging government & private propery & many other reasons to arrest them for lawlessness. They are attempting to overthrow the government. Abhisit tried diplomacy. It doesn't work with these neanderthal Reds. All of Thailand is looking like a fool to the entire world. These mobs must be controlled. It is time for the military & police to do their jobs and quit letting these Red Shirt thugs push them around. The Reds tried to terrorize Parliament making them all look like cowardly fools climbing the fence in the back of the Parliament. At least one MP should have been brave enough to walk out the front door where the Reds had blockaded it and walked right into them. When one of the Red Shirt thugs attaked him the police would be forced to act. That scenario would have the Reds starting the fight - assaulting an MP. If Abhisit has no control over the military & the police it appears he will have to resign. Too bad because I don't think Thailand has ever had a PM that is so well educated, a man who has given peace a chance (for too long now) by attempting to talk to the Reds who do not want peace but war. Not acting against these lawbreakers is making Thailand look weak in the eyes of the world, not to mention the billions of dollars that will be - if not already - lost on tourism alone. The Reds are hurting the poor who work in the hotels, restaurants, as street vendors and keeping Thais from going to school and keeping the government & corporate offices closed. Even the girl that did gave my wife a pedicure said that the Reds had hit every shop along Chao Fah Rd. offering 500 baht per day to protest in Bkk. The buses are still leaving from Phuket. These Reds are keeping foreigners from buying homes are renting and keeping foreigners from retiring all over Thailand. We can't rent our house next door because foreigners see Thailand as unstable & dangerous. So, the Red Shirts are hurting the economy of Thailand in every area. It is time to use military force against these neanderthals. Thaksin has almost an unlimited supply of money to pay these protestors. Thaksin has been successful - through his Red Brigades - to destroy the economy & the reputation of Thailand. I am retired here so it affects me. So, even as a foreigner (though my wife is Thai & really upset about the Reds) I have a right to voice my opinion because this lawlessness affects the both of us.

Nice pics. When taking them I hope you also explained to them how you despised daily paid workers as you did on here before. I assume you being such an upright citizen albeit hater of the poor that these are your pictures and not some you knicked form somewhere else and posted here ilegally without any permission as I am sure someone with such an understanding of the poor as demonstrated in here prviously would happily mix with them and even have the courage of conviction to state they should lose their daily pay as copmpared to university students on job trainign they didnt deserve to get it

Wow, talk about twisting. Feel free to go back in my posts. I never said that I despised daily paid workers. I however said that I don't support unpaid trainees and that I always pay my trainees a salary, never use them for free. I said that I despise employers who use trainees as a free work force.

Wow, that's totally hammered Hammereds argument :D

It's not too difficult to hammer any of hammereds arguments, after all he is not the brightest bulb in the room thats for sure :)

Hey Mr right wing go back and see what this vile dude wrote about the poor. No dont bother right wingnuts dont care about the poor;)

before Obama was elected President :) With the socialist agenda that Obama is trying to stuff down the throats of hard working Americans, it is quite possible that many of those Thais (and many Americans as well) may be liquidating their assets and moving overseas in the not too distant future, at least until some sense of sanity has returned to the U.S. governemnt :D


Vic is missing the point (this aint the USA --- this being the country I live in). Vic is also wrong about his vote count but hey .... if he repeats the lies often enough someone might believe it!!)

moresomekl --- ah why bother ... Just to repeat the facts the PPP formed a coalition government.

YES they did . And without the help of tanks , yellow morons at the airport , or a judge that has no business banning parties .

Amazing Thailand :D

Stop pointing out the obvious, guys like JD and jing can't handle the truth :D

What DATE were those pics taken? They are clearly pure propaganda. The violent red shirt insurgents who today attacked Thailand's parliament have clearly worn out their welcome in Bangkok!



All those were posted to the host MARCH 20th 2010.

so 18+ days ago...

Very truthful THEN... today is another story.

Not True,

Today is April the 8th, so these must be in 12 days time. :)

Strange but true...

Thanks... snnnnzzz time for bed, been up since 6:45am

Whats this MP holding in his jacket? Golf clubs?


It looks like the new Calaway driver :)

Anyone can see it's a Ping


Funny Jing - the reports I am getting seem to be that the reds have more support than you think. :D Or should I call you Bangkok Jing, head of the Propaganda Ministry?

Love it :)

Let me break it down for the Americans out there. The Red shirts are like hill billies from the Ozarks and Appalachians. Poor, not well educated and a bit marginalized by the rest of the country. They idolize a corrupt billionaire named Bernie Madoff, they thinks he's the cat's ass. Bernie is in jail for his misdeeds but sees these rubes as his ticket to freedom and the restoration of his ill gotten fortune. He tries to enlist the help of a million of these fine folks, but through bribery and angry rhetoric he only manages to get 50,000 to participate in his scheme. He has them march on Washington, he even puts gas in their pickups so they can make the journey. They occupy the streets of the nation's capitol. They piss on the sidewalks and make a nuisance of themselves. They loiter and block intersections and hang out at the Lincoln memorial. They hope by doing this that Obama will not only pardon Bernie, but that he'll declare him the new President. Sounds insane doesn't it? What about the other 300 million or so citizens? Shouldn't they get a say? No, all that matters is that Bernie Madoff gets rich and powerful once more. And when he does his protesters can go back to moonshining and marrying their cousins.

And that in a nutshell is what it is like to live in Thailand these days.

Very well put. LOL

Where is the poster that wanted to go in and "blast away" all the red shirts with water cannons?


Only blast away Arisman and his crew of thugs who are making use of the situation .

The rank and file are peaceful farmers which deserve the respect of everyone


Whilst the images in Rainman's posts are interesting, they are from an uncredited [by him] source, Post Today not by him I gather. Further, they are about 10 days old, so have little relevance to today's events. They do, however, further highlight a point I made earlier. These 'marchers' are not the poor oppressed underclass so many of you seem to believe [wish?] they are.



Inflammatory insulting posts have been deleted.

Off topic posts about US politics have been deleted.

Keep it civil, keep it sane please.

Jesus man if you think Obama is a marxist you dont know nothing about politics beyond what facist fox news and the tea bags feed you. Obama in world terms is a complete moderate. There is nbothing socialist or marxist in US politcs. It is all well right to center

Yep, there is a lot of political ignorance from right wing Americans. Probably explains why most of them in Thailand support the red shirt insurgents.

Jing, you are just digging yourself a deeper hole, why don't you cease the idiotic posts while you are behind :)

This is an appeal to all the 'farang' active on this forum. I don't care if you prefer yellow or red, but stop your bickering on behalf of one of the parties. Try to think about how each of you could contribute to a peaceful solution of the current crisis instead of shouting your expert advices to... yes to who? To each other? Try to look at what is happening with objectivity and being concerned about the well being of Thailand and it's people. When you do that, you can only be concerned about the imminent future. There is a government confronted by civil unrest. This government declares the state of emergency for parts of the country and orders the arrest of red shirt leaders. To enforce this it has - like any government in any country - to rely on police and eventually armed forces. If they do not act it may be a sign that police and armed forces are as divided as the rest of Thai society. In that case the threat of civil war is a real one. Nobody will gain from that, everybody will suffer. Demonizing the opponent serves nothing. So lets hope and pray that the THAI who are in a position to do so stand up and act wise with the sole objective to do good for this country.

Good that at least someone notice . Great post

Whats this MP holding in his jacket? Golf clubs?


It looks like the new Calaway driver :)

Anyone can see it's a Ping


Its Tiger in preperation for the Masters this week,just without the baseball cap...easy!

Where is the poster that wanted to go in and "blast away" all the red shirts with water cannons?


Only blast away Arisman and his crew of thugs who are making use of the situation .

The rank and file are peaceful farmers which deserve the respect of everyone

One reason why the governemnt would not crack them down, they are bringing their innocent children in the front line.

Irresponsible I woulld say.

Where is the poster that wanted to go in and "blast away" all the red shirts with water cannons?


Only blast away Arisman and his crew of thugs who are making use of the situation .

The rank and file are peaceful farmers which deserve the respect of everyone

One reason why the governemnt would not crack them down, they are bringing their innocent children in the front line.

Irresponsible I woulld say.

Wasn't there talk of human shields before?

At least the real leader is safely at the back of them all.

^hmmmm wonder where the Reds got that idea from??? (shhhhhh the Yellows) :)

Yes, it was a heartless bastard idea then, and it's a heartless bastard idea now Brit.

Jesus man if you think Obama is a marxist you dont know nothing about politics beyond what facist fox news and the tea bags feed you. Obama in world terms is a complete moderate. There is nbothing socialist or marxist in US politcs. It is all well right to center

Yep, there is a lot of political ignorance from right wing Americans. Probably explains why most of them in Thailand support the red shirt insurgents.

The vast majority of uneducated Americans vote for all Democrat Party candidates. Certainly as a percentage fewer loyal voters for Democrat Party candidates have college/university degrees. Hate Republicans if you like - and I didn't vote for the Presidential candidates of either party for 42 years - but they are much more educated, better mannered & dress much better. And, the trash in the Hollywood movie industry vote 90% Democrat, just as the Blacks do. Jews & Mexicans only vote 78% to 84% respectively. There is no doubt in my mind that the vast majority of Red Shirts would be voting for the Democrat candidates for all offices - local, state, & federal - if they were in the U.S.

^hmmmm wonder where the Reds got that idea from??? (shhhhhh the Yellows) :)

Dog gone it Brit, there you go again trying to mess up some more yellow shirt propoganda with the truth :D


I never said the photos were mine. But these photos don't lie and they can't be distorted. They show the support that the red shirts have in Bangkok and they are physical evidence of that fact. Anyone posting repeatedly on this forum that the red shirts have no support and are all just violent terrorists and insurgents will be unmasked as a liar.

These photos are the truth. Anyone that claims otherwise lives in their own little dream world.

I'll follow-up with photos from today and yesterday.


Or has he done this knowing that most red supporters will be heading home next weekend and he will have a better chance of controlling the situation?

SONG-KRAN COUP ("We know a song about that")

Nobody is in a hurry, little bit later after songkran we will get a pro democracy surprise.

On April 20 the election commission will announce the recommendation for a the Democrats dissolution. The supreme court will follow the EC findings. no 'double standards'.

It will be the outcome will be a government of national unity, but not immediately election. people are to much in anger, not a climate for election.

The government will start a reform process that moves the country forward.

The current parliamentarian system failed more than once. Like the mob on the street the MPs will fight each other in parliament, instead of working together for the good of all people.

The Dissolution of the Democrats will give the way for a even better future. The beginning of New Politics.

The people will select the honest and the righteous amongst them. Carefully selected Mp we can trust. Carefully selected diligent ministers who can shoulder the responsibility. Carefully selected wise leader with no other intention than to serve the King and the country and do good for all people.

A government the people respect - that is democracy.

Thai strength through unity!

^hmmmm wonder where the Reds got that idea from??? (shhhhhh the Yellows) :)

Yes, it was a heartless bastard idea then, and it's a heartless bastard idea now Brit.

I hope I'm forgiven for this slightly off-topic post, but whilst we're on the subject of kids being put in the firing line check out a group of people for whom this is really not an issue:

http://wikileaks.org/ see 9:30. the kids are in the van.

I never said the photos were mine. But these photos don't lie and they can't be distorted. They show the support that the red shirts have in Bangkok and they are physical evidence of that fact. Anyone posting repeatedly on this forum that the red shirts have no support and are all just violent terrorists and insurgents will be unmasked as a liar.

These photos are the truth. Anyone that claims otherwise lives in their own little dream world.

I'll follow-up with photos from today and yesterday.

I agree with you, photos don't lie and please post some more. BUT their leaders are liars!

Singing, dancing, waving, and partying on the streets doesn't make this demonstration right. Why not work with the government and have national election within 90 days? What's so wrong about that? Is Thaksin dying and cannot wait for 90 days?

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