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What Do You Want Pm Abhisit To Do Now?


What do you want PM Abhisit to do now?  

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

So sayeth the civilian murderer abisit apologist.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

So sayeth the civilian murderer abisit apologist.

Clearly some reds expect to attack with petrol bombs and guns without retaliation.

No apology necessary.

Red intimidation will not succeed.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

So sayeth the civilian murderer abisit apologist.

Clearly some reds expect to attack with petrol bombs and guns without retaliation.

No apology necessary.

Red intimidation will not succeed.

The apologist of the civilian murderer abisit

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Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

So sayeth the civilian murderer abisit apologist.

Clearly some reds expect to attack with petrol bombs and guns without retaliation.

No apology necessary.

Red intimidation will not succeed.

The apologist of the civilian murderer abisit

Have the red cheerleaders been instructed to put their responses on auto-pilot?

Or maybe they are tired of dreaming up new ideas.

Wait until Thaksin wakes up.

He will think of something for you.

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Just think of the civilian murderer abisits apologist

If your fingers are stuck in the keyboard, you can try to extract them.

If it is more comfortable to leave them there don't worry, we understand.

If you do manage to get them out we really do hope you can help us with whether you were able to see the armed red attacks.

Or read about them.

Please let us know.

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^Sorry Jing I doubt the Reds are going anywhere no matter how much you dislike them.

to Mr Britmaveric,

the other thread relating to the soldiers being ambushed was closed and moved to news section so you did not have the opportunity to answer my question:

''i would like to see the footage you refer to of ''One sniper took part of the lads head off. (all he was doing was waving a thai flag) ''

can you send me a link to that please?''

so do you have a link to that please?

like you i want to be balanced

thank you

Edited by blackman
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While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

well, erm, Abhisit is undeniably the prime minister which was put into office after an election where many of the PAD's opponents were banned form running and after weeks of shady and cheesy maneuvers to form a coalition, which probably involved bribing red MPs to join the democrat's coalition ranks.

I don't know if bribing MPs to change allegiances is a crime in Thailand, and maybe it doesn't make Abhisit's nomination illegal, so he may well be legitimate but at least his representativity is debatable..

Edited by tgw
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While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

well, erm, Abhisit is undeniably the prime minister which was put into office after an election where many of the PAD's opponents were banned form running and after weeks of shady and cheesy maneuvers to form a coalition, which probably involved bribing red MPs to join the democrat's coalition ranks.

I don't know if bribing MPs to change allegiances is a crime in Thailand, and maybe it doesn't make Abhisit's nomination illegal, so he may well be legitimate but at least his representativity is debatable..

MPs accepting payments to switch allegiance happens every election so don't sweat it. There are not many in politics purely for sincere reasons such as actually helping & truly representing their constituents,

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Your nick is perfect; clod.

What Do You Want Pm Abhisit To Do Now?

Disperse the mob and move the country forward... elections in 9 months.

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Thai people want PEACE at 92% under the ABAC poll.

Abhisit has become the PM after a Coup and a serie of dismissals and political manoeuveurs, even if his nomination is Legal, his legitimacy is seriously tainted (truly or wrongly- it is an endless debate, but the fact is the debate do exist).

It is obvious that Abhisit cannot bring now Peace to Thai people, he is a partisan more, the leader of one Party. After the bloodshed, whatever is the responsability of each side about deaths/ injuries, Abhisit wear an heavy personal responsability by setting up the conditions of the confrontation. Clearly Abhisit cannot stay as PM because he is

a symbol of the confrontation. He has to resigned: it will be smarter that he takes the decision himself and avoid others to dismiss him.

A cooling down period is required before Elections. A Government of National Unity, with personnalities above the Parties is the best option. A roadmap to elections has to be designed including correction of the flaws in the current Charter, for this reason, dissolution of parliament has to be planned. Immediate measures have to be implemented for the Northern Population who must be associated with the economic development of Thailand, farmers must have a guarantee of income, the development of Thailand cannot be at 2 speeds.

I do hope -I repeat again- that the Government of National Unity solution will come out this coming week. I hope that the meeting of the 4 ex PMs (Anand, Barnham, Chavalit, Chuan Leekpai) will result in a roadmap to General Election in a peaceful way.

Falcons on both sides represent the minority and have to be sidelined. Good will people have to rebuilt Confidence and Peace for the sake of Thailand.

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Thais must learn to obey the law.

What kind of law are you talking about ?

The law that privy member can invaded and occupied national preserved land ?

The law that is enforced multiple standards to each group of people.

The law that was written during curfew imposing across the country.

That was written by a group of 'appointed' elite after the coup.

This is not law.

This is a criminal law. And is totally unacceptable.

Arpisit himself has been questioned about his legitimacy to lead the country as PM.

He constantly denied.

And look at all this mess -under his administratives, many people dies. Think about it. If it was your country, what would your PM do ?

Needless to say who started. The Red leaders must obey the law, true.

PM, however, must show a sign of responsibility.

He will surely reject to stepdown, no doubt.

Because he has never stayed in democratic way since the very beginning.

And because of this. Thailand will never reconcile as long as he's in office.

This is the fundamental fact that so many people desparately try not to talk about.

Get over Thaksin.

Well I'm talking about he law that probably you and your countrymen never obey . The law that probably you and your countrymen often change to suit your own agendas, usually greed. I'm talking about the law that due to endemic cradle to the grave corruption ingrained into the very sinew of almost all Thais has never been respected.

And in my country this just doesn't happen. We respect and obey the law of the land and we go about our political machinations in an orderly, lawful manner.

Personally I don't I couldn't care less about that creep Taksin. It's your kinfolk who idolize or hate him and are putting such focus on him.

Enjoy the termoil that all 60,000,000 of you have created and I'll come back in a few life-times to see if you've all grown up and got rid of the corruption and are all law-abiding citizens.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

We put ourselves up as intelligent Farang

But reading all the posts I see western so called Thailand lovers split in hatred

If we so called smart westeners can not agree what chance do the easily led Thais

I think it is time all Farlang come to an agreement on what must be done

and show the Thais what democracy and intelligence is

Government has till late next year for elections

Red shirt say no 15 days

Government compromises and say 9 months

Red shirts say No 15 days

Government shows real restraint for nearly a month

Red shirts just keep increasing the pressure

Red shirts start to push the law keepers

Lawkeeps fight back

This has nothing to do with what people believe in

But the law is the law, right or wrong

If you don't agree change the law with your numbers

If you do not uphold the law the country is in a state of lawlessness

Government compromises and say 6 months

Red shirts say no today and PM leave the country

Any one see a problem here

and who is splitting the country in half

The budha broke

but it was the Budha in the Red shirts hands not the Army or government etc etc

What is needed is everyone go home

New elections as soon as possible 6 months sounds reasonable

All the red shirt thugs be replaced by new blood from the North and Nth East

Fair elections where every party is allowed to campaign in every electorate under not stress

The village chiefs be put on alert that if anyone from their village is caught vote selling or buying that village will be penalized, if not they will get financial help

If everything that has been talked about here, the new party from the North will win the new election

Sounds good doesn't it

Only in my and my wifes dreams

Power hungry red leaders and Thaskin will never allow this

Thailand get ready for 10 years of internal fighting

You have all been conned big time

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

We put ourselves up as intelligent Farang

But reading all the posts I see western so called Thailand lovers split in hatred

If we so called smart westeners can not agree what chance do the easily led Thais

I think it is time all Farlang come to an agreement on what must be done

and show the Thais what democracy and intelligence is

Government has till late next year for elections

Red shirt say no 15 days

Government compromises and say 9 months

Red shirts say No 15 days

Government shows real restraint for nearly a month

Red shirts just keep increasing the pressure

Red shirts start to push the law keepers

Lawkeeps fight back

This has nothing to do with what people believe in

But the law is the law, right or wrong

If you don't agree change the law with your numbers

If you do not uphold the law the country is in a state of lawlessness

Government compromises and say 6 months

Red shirts say no today and PM leave the country

Any one see a problem here

and who is splitting the country in half

The budha broke

but it was the Budha in the Red shirts hands not the Army or government etc etc

What is needed is everyone go home

New elections as soon as possible 6 months sounds reasonable

All the red shirt thugs be replaced by new blood from the North and Nth East

Fair elections where every party is allowed to campaign in every electorate under not stress

The village chiefs be put on alert that if anyone from their village is caught vote selling or buying that village will be penalized, if not they will get financial help

If everything that has been talked about here, the new party from the North will win the new election

Sounds good doesn't it

Only in my and my wifes dreams

Power hungry red leaders and Thaskin will never allow this

Thailand get ready for 10 years of internal fighting

You have all been conned big time

Sounds good to me but make sure the next elections are free and fair. No vote buying. The one good thing this is doing is shining a big light on the next elections. It will take at least 6 months to set up fair elections thats bad for the reds! They seem to want a hasty election so less transparent.

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Sadly I feel that the current situation has gone past the point of return and another coup seems the only pathway to some degree of normality.

The Armed forces are the only body capable of forcing all parties back to their corners.

The army should disarm and arrest the militant sections of the red shirts and disperse the rank and file back to the provinces . They should then get about the job of arranging free and fair elections ,by free I mean free of vote buying, this should be overseen by international observers to ensure transparency.

The rank and file redshirt supporters have been forcefed the need for democracy but I wonder how many of the poorly educated in their ranks know what democracy means.

Do they think democracy will make them financially better off? If they think democracy will suddenly allow them to buy a new pick-up and live the life of Riley on the income derived from a couple of Rai of rice they are sadly mistaken.

Rice production is the main income earner along with work for pay for most of the rural poor so rice marketing should be centralised in order that a fair price can be paid for the commodity,the rip-offs and dubious practices currently carried out by the many internationally owned rice mills must be curtailed.

A fair working wage should be introduced and a welfare system to assist those that fall through the cracks implemented poste haste .

Although only small steps they would lead to a fairer distribution of the Nations wealth.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Amazing, you would think the red attack with petrol bombs and guns had never happened.

But hold on, here is someone who follows the Thaksin line in denying that the reds kicked off the violence last Songkran.

At least he is a consistent Thaksin cheerleader.

Appreciation of truth purely optional.

So sayeth the civilian murderer abisit apologist.

Clearly some reds expect to attack with petrol bombs and guns without retaliation.

No apology necessary.

Red intimidation will not succeed.

Clearly some intend to attack verbally at such a low level of discourse,

that our IQ's drop precipitously until we can't think anymore. :)

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

We put ourselves up as intelligent Farang

But reading all the posts I see western so called Thailand lovers split in hatred

If we so called smart westeners can not agree what chance do the easily led Thais

I think it is time all Farlang come to an agreement on what must be done

and show the Thais what democracy and intelligence is

If you can not get the 2 sides to sit down and talk peace now

What do you think it will be like if elections are called with out a cool down period

The theme is now set

Guns and bombs and grenades at the ballot box

we need time for all the hot heads to cool down and new Non thugs elected to represent the red shirts

Government has till late next year for elections

Red shirt say no 15 days

Government compromises and say 9 months

Red shirts say No 15 days

Government shows real restraint for nearly a month

Red shirts just keep increasing the pressure

Red shirts start to push the law keepers

Lawkeeps fight back

This has nothing to do with what people believe in

But the law is the law, right or wrong

If you don't agree change the law with your numbers

If you do not uphold the law the country is in a state of lawlessness

Government compromises and say 6 months

Red shirts say no today and PM leave the country

Any one see a problem here

and who is splitting the country in half

The budha broke

but it was the Budha in the Red shirts hands not the Army or government etc etc

What is needed is everyone go home

New elections as soon as possible 6 months sounds reasonable

All the red shirt thugs be replaced by new blood from the North and Nth East

Fair elections where every party is allowed to campaign in every electorate under not stress

The village chiefs be put on alert that if anyone from their village is caught vote selling or buying that village will be penalized, if not they will get financial help

If everything that has been talked about here, the new party from the North will win the new election

Sounds good doesn't it

Only in my and my wifes dreams

Power hungry red leaders and Thaskin will never allow this

Thailand get ready for 10 years of internal fighting

You have all been conned big time

Sounds good to me but make sure the next elections are free and fair. No vote buying. The one good thing this is doing is shining a big light on the next elections. It will take at least 6 months to set up fair elections thats bad for the reds! They seem to want a hasty election so less transparent.

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Thailand needs to open up to more public debate and discussion on all political matters.

Understand that in a democracy one respects the rights of all parties. Be able to concede defeat as part of the political process.

Get rid of this "respect" and "loss of face" nonsense. All they know is two words, Money and Power.

It goes much deeper than Thaksin. The current PM is well qualified and well educated.

The ABC-TV and SBS- TV in Australia have had coverage on the news and current affairs programs, with interviews with the representitives of both sides.

Monarchy mentioned along with the privy council.

Latest score 19 dead and 900 injured including one Japanese newsman. Source ABC-TV(Aust)

And we all thought it was going to be like a one day cricket match, now more like a test series.

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Thailand needs to open up to more public debate and discussion on all political matters.

Understand that in a democracy one respects the rights of all parties. Be able to concede defeat as part of the political process.

Get rid of this "respect" and "loss of face" nonsense. All they know is two words, Money and Power.

It goes much deeper than Thaksin. The current PM is well qualified and well educated.

The ABC-TV and SBS- TV in Australia have had coverage on the news and current affairs programs, with interviews with the representitives of both sides.

Monarchy mentioned along with the privy council.

Latest score 19 dead and 900 injured including one Japanese newsman. Source ABC-TV(Aust)

And we all thought it was going to be like a one day cricket match, now more like a test series.

As I said

If only we can get members of TV so a general agreement

There are many trouble makes and game players who are senior members

like wise in the red shirts there are same same,

and I guess in the government to

Can we show the way first

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...We can CHOOSE TODAY as Thai people to make the lives lost this week and those lost due to conflict,

injustice and corruption throughout our history… WE can CHOOSE to MAKE THOSE LIVES LOST MEAN SOMETHING!

Something important to the Thai people today… and for future generations to come!

Rather than allow ANYONE to exploit those precious lives lost for their own personal or political gain....

Well said mindful!

One must ask if any believe that revenge attacks for these dead will somehow make their deaths worthwhile?

Will increased chaos in the streets bring these dead a more fulfiiled legacy?

Will opening a real and truthful dialog on all issues make these deaths worthwhile?

Will reaching a truce and bringing all sides to the table to talk

and ONLY those at the table calling the shots,

make these deaths of greater value to the Thai people as a whole?

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This country is rapidly heading towards a Myanmar regime under the iron fist of Thaksin, Jutaporn, Veera, Weng and the rest of Thaksins self enriching thugs.

Thais need to wake up as do the army and the police who have proved by their ineffectual action and lack of both discipline and leadership they are about as effective as an ice cream sunshade.

Yet agin the Red Shirt Brigade have shown that they are not in favour of DEMOCRACY in the true sense of the word, their brand of DEMO(NO)CRACY is based upon a DICTATORSHIP IDEAL.

If as such these creatures attain power Thailand will be under a yoke of slavery and debt bondage to the junta that may come to rule the country,

You will come to dread the knock on the door whatever time of day it may be.

You will come to fear the car that draws up beside you as the local version of the Ton Ton Macoute step out of it.

You will come to fear if your loved ones are late in returning to home. (if of course they actually do)

You will be afraid to speak with neighbours or friend as they may well be Stazi style informers.

Then you will realise that you are trapped like rats in a trap.

This moment in time is the most crucial point in the history of Thailand (Land of the free).

All factions are flawed , all politicians are flawed however some of those flaws are fatal to DEMOCRACY

Currently there is in power a flawed system that the very system itself gave birth to, however it is a better system than the one that is being born.

This emerging system based on violent rhetoric and action fed by blood to sate one persons quest for money power and revenge,

It or he will destroy any of its or his rivals to consolidate its and his life and its and his grasp on power money and revenge and the people of Thailand will indeed be the poorer for their inaction and indeed their gullibility.

Beware of the wasp grub that hatches inside the caterpillar and then sucks the very life out of the caterpillar to ensure its own survival and growth into a wasp.

Edited by siampolee
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It is apparently about Money and Power. CNBC Asia interviewed a member of Abhisit's cabinet who tried to explain the situation as well in hand but was unable to do so. CNBC questioned him whether the govt will shorten the time before new elections by 3 months, which he quickly responded affirmatively. CNBC and the business community apparently has a huge impact on the Thai govt decision making.

Thailand needs to open up to more public debate and discussion on all political matters.

Understand that in a democracy one respects the rights of all parties. Be able to concede defeat as part of the political process.

Get rid of this "respect" and "loss of face" nonsense. All they know is two words, Money and Power.

It goes much deeper than Thaksin. The current PM is well qualified and well educated.

The ABC-TV and SBS- TV in Australia have had coverage on the news and current affairs programs, with interviews with the representitives of both sides.

Monarchy mentioned along with the privy council.

Latest score 19 dead and 900 injured including one Japanese newsman. Source ABC-TV(Aust)

And we all thought it was going to be like a one day cricket match, now more like a test series.

Edited by mauiguy90
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This country is rapidly heading towards a Myanmar regime under the iron fist of Thaksin, Jutaporn, Veera, Weng and the rest of Thaksins self enriching thugs.

Thais need to wake up as do the army and the police who have proved by their ineffectual action and lack of both discipline and leadership they are about as effective as an ice cream sunshade.

Yet agin the Red Shirt Brigade have shown that they are not in favour of DEMOCRACY in the true sense of the word, their brand of DEMO(NO)CRACY is based upon a DICTATORSHIP IDEAL.

If as such these creatures attain power Thailand will be under a yoke of slavery and debt bondage to the junta that may come to rule the country,

You will come to dread the knock on the door whatever time of day it may be.

You will come to fear the car that draws up beside you as the local version of the Ton Ton Macoute step out of it.

You will come to fear if your loved ones are late in returning to home. (if of course they actually do)

You will be afraid to speak with neighbours or friend as they may well be Stazi style informers.

Then you will realise that you are trapped like rats in a trap.

This moment in time is the most crucial point in the history of Thailand (Land of the free).

All factions are flawed , all politicians are flawed however some of those flaws are fatal to DEMOCRACY

Currently there is in power a flawed system that the very system itself gave birth to, however it is a better system than the one that is being born.

This emerging system based on violent rhetoric and action fed by blood to sate one persons quest for money power and revenge,

It or he will destroy any of its or his rivals to consolidate its and his life and its and his grasp on power money and revenge and the people of Thailand will indeed be the poorer for their inaction and indeed their gullibility.

Beware of the wasp grub that hatches inside the caterpillar and then sucks the very life out of the caterpillar to ensure its own survival and growth into a wasp.

Yes the situation s quite serious and may skid out of control.

However, I do believe that there is an upper level of Responsible, experienced Thai Leaders. They remain silent until now. After Songkan there is the meeting of 4 exPMs , four respectable ex leaders. They take the time of thinking. I do believe that they will bring the solution.

Thai people want peace. Falcons have to go back to their nests.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Absolutely agree. So many people warned him pull back troops in the evening and start again morning day after.

He didnt. .. Not because he wanted to enforce the law.

He was just 'try' to show a bold move to publicity after being so humiliated again & again by the Reds.

His decision was not based on morality. It was THE biggest mistake for him to care his own image more than civilians' life !!!!!

Abhisit must stand trail for this incident.

Lots of Thais, especially Reds (50% of country - no bias ), will never forgive him.

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Higher level of Thai hierarchy have not expressed themselves.

I do think they are looking for a solution. It should be presented this week by the meeting of the 4 ex PMs.

Today the Government Coalition begins to crack, Elections are now in sight as soon as possible.

But, the Country must cool down in order the Election campaign is not a butchery.

two solutions:

-Army; the risk is high of insurrection in the present circumstances. Army is disqualified for cooling down the situation

- one leader above current political Parties as the PM of a Government of National Unity. It is my option, the most peaceful one IMHO.

In any case, Abhisit cannot continue: his image is associated with division of the Society and bloodshed.

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While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

well, erm, Abhisit is undeniably the prime minister which was put into office after an election where many of the PAD's opponents were banned form running and after weeks of shady and cheesy maneuvers to form a coalition, which probably involved bribing red MPs to join the democrat's coalition ranks.

I don't know if bribing MPs to change allegiances is a crime in Thailand, and maybe it doesn't make Abhisit's nomination illegal, so he may well be legitimate but at least his representativity is debatable..

If your logic does apply,

then Thaksin, Samak and Somchai are equaly guilty of the same crime.

Buying the allegiances of small parties is S.O.P. in Thai politics.

These same parties and same party power brokers changes allegiances, for the SAME reasons,

to join Thaksin's TRT.. when they change BACK then there is a hypocritical howl for their heads.

Whining about that from the losing side is typical, but no less hypocritical.

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Abisit should surrender himself to the police and stand trial for the murder of civilians.

Absolutely agree. So many people warned him pull back troops in the evening and start again morning day after.

He didnt. .. Not because he wanted to enforce the law.

He was just 'try' to show a bold move to publicity after being so humiliated again & again by the Reds.

His decision was not based on morality. It was THE biggest mistake for him to care his own image more than civilians' life !!!!!

Abhisit must stand trail for this incident.

Lots of Thais, especially Reds (50% of country - no bias ), will never forgive him.

He gave no orders to shoot or kill civilians.

He gave no orders other than clear our the illegal occupiers of public land.

If the occupiers chose to fight against a lawful order to disperse, it is

a ) their individual discretion and responsibility

b ) the leaders responsibilities for not pulling them back.

c ) if this be insurrection to "create a new state" as Veera and Jatuporn and Arisman have ALL stated,

then those going into harms way have them selves to blame.

And Abhisit has a responsibility to not allow a mob to take over the country,

no matter how heartfelt or altruistic SOME of the members may be.

You can spout the red party line all you want, wiser minds see through it as the propaganda effort it is.

This red group is not about actual democracy, but acquiring raw naked power.

Nothing more nothing less.

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While Abhisit is undeniably the Thai master of spin

Save the campaign diss for election time. Election time isn't now. Right now, Abhisit is UNDENIABLY the legally elected Prime Minister of Thailand. If the election was so contested, why weren't these red riots right after the election? In any case, just wait until the elections, reds, time to lick your wounds and go home. You've damaged Thailand enough for awhile.

well, erm, Abhisit is undeniably the prime minister which was put into office after an election where many of the PAD's opponents were banned form running and after weeks of shady and cheesy maneuvers to form a coalition, which probably involved bribing red MPs to join the democrat's coalition ranks.

I don't know if bribing MPs to change allegiances is a crime in Thailand, and maybe it doesn't make Abhisit's nomination illegal, so he may well be legitimate but at least his representativity is debatable..

If your logic does apply,

then Thaksin, Samak and Somchai are equaly guilty of the same crime.

Buying the allegiances of small parties is S.O.P. in Thai politics.

These same parties and same party power brokers changes allegiances, for the SAME reasons,

to join Thaksin's TRT.. when they change BACK then there is a hypocritical howl for their heads.

Whining about that from the losing side is typical, but no less hypocritical.

When Thaksin did, Abhisit accused him of vote manipulation.

Later he found the better way. Getting military to back him up.

Abhisit is no longer a good politicant. He only thinks about himself just like other corrupted dictator.

Screw Reds. I'll stay in office as long as I want to.

Because the law says I can do. Then I'll do it. Get the point ?!

Dont mess with me or else I'll use M16 1!!!!!!1

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We put ourselves up as intelligent Farang


Um, you don't spend much time on TV, do you?

No shortage of 'dumb as a doorstop and proud of it' guys, just like a US country music song.

Is there an international word for redneck?

Ah may be no smarter than a cowpile

but ah know ah love Jay-sus

an' ah love my country

an' ah love yew

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