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If it's any consolation, since britmav has taken his eye off the ball :) in the footy forum prediction competition, he has lost his long held position on top of the leaderboard.

bkkjames, Nah started tanking in Feb, and cheers for reminding me. :D

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This is Thais' politic, STAY OUT OF IT.

We DO NOT need any interference (pro or against).

why? who cares? you scared that these foreigners could sway anything? thought it was a freevcountry? are you communist? or just a yellow shirt? foreigners could just sway 6% of the economy that's all. so that's interference if you like it or not bud.

I am a foreigner living in Thailand now for more than 20 years. I have my opinions about this and many other situations here in Thailand , and I feel free to express them...... WITHIN my circle of friends and accquantainces, but not on a stage in a public rally. That is not my place.

We foreigners are GUESTS in this country. Any foreigner who publically protests at a open rally, such as is going on in BKK now, is trying to upset/overthrow the government and should be escorted to the airport and deported immediately.

People should know better, when to open and when to keep their mouths closed and opinions to themselves. There are places to express your opinions, but on stage or at a public rally is definitely not one of them.

Immigration, pick them up and show them the door.

Apparently the Thai wife [some of whom can become very rabid with their opinions] have them by the short and curlies. The effect is that these foreigners are not thinking , but reacting with the wrong head.

My opinion is foreigners open you mouth in protest, close the door to this country that we all love as guests in a beautiful place.


thai politics = corruption

corruption = money

money = economy

6% of thai economy = foreigners

so its all good

I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

China is a bad example buddy because they shown how aggressive they are when it comes to these can of things in the pass.

I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

China has the biggest armed forces in the world and possess the most US dollars. don't use china as an example cause its not the same and they have already shown that they will murder to maintain peace and that's the only way with that amount of population and ethnic diversity. they all chinese but not han chinese. very bad example to use china, bud.

I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

China is a bad example buddy because they shown how aggressive they are when it comes to these can of things in the pass.

i think that was his exact point, no?

I personally have no problems about this, but the thing is that they really don't know what it is all about. Do they hope to gain something personally?

Excuse me, would the same foreigners do that where it would be really justified, like in Burma, North Korea and China sometimes? Isn't it a kind of abusing Thai hospitality? Something mentally wrong with these blokes.

China is a bad example buddy because they shown how aggressive they are when it comes to these can of things in the pass.

i think that was his exact point, no?

im not done

china has 55 ethnic groups, 1.4 billion people. have you seen the back of an RMB bill there's 5 written languages on the back of it. no one can even come close to these stats. so don't use china as an example only similarity(singular) it shares with any other country is that it's country.

can't use china as an example

fool had at least two snipers at his ear & chest all the while

he's a good guy but a little cocky. it wasn't anything a level 3 or 4 helmet and/or body body amour couldn't prevent. should of wore protection like for all the good things in thailand


killing demonstrators with the military is wrong in a country that claims they are democratic. it's fine for countries to do so if they are not making that claim. the people making the orders to move these people by force should be tried at International war crimes tribunal which is a foreign operated entity there's no escaping that one FYI those Thais telling foreigners to stay out of thai politics. i don't think thai politics includes these type of military actions. foreign intervention will happen if there is a great injustice. thailand can be compare to other countries unlike china. therefore those similar countries would have better ways to handle this other than the use of military force. there is no room for these type of so-called thai politics on the world stage. foreign intervention will happen as long as these protester don't give up the fight because the current THAI-POLITICS only know forcible suppression. all the power to them as long as its a righteous cause.


diesel, or maybe fire brand is a better term. English may not be your language of choice but you really should read your post prior to posting same. Hope you take my opinion as constructive, as it was intended, as I am somewhat confused as to your intended message.


Any foreigner who gets involved in this huge mess is either losing their marbles or already has.

How long before someone says 'take out a few farang to put international pressure on the country'.

Foreigners dying will garner a huge response. Some idiot Australian/Irish bloke who thinks he is loved will be discarded like a smoked cigarette if it means the agenda moves forward.

What happened to that buffoon anyway?


My friends from the UK were telling me about some guy from London who joined the Reds fighting the army and was boasting about it on the UK news.

What a complete d**k; this has nothing to do with him. That kind of stuff could have a knock on affect for those that live here. Anyone who could stick up for that kind of idiot, needs to have their head sorted.

As people often say, they is nothing more irritating than a farang who thinks they are 'Thai'.

killing demonstrators with the military is wrong in a country that claims they are democratic. it's fine for countries to do so if they are not making that claim. the people making the orders to move these people by force should be tried at International war crimes tribunal which is a foreign operated entity there's no escaping that one FYI those Thais telling foreigners to stay out of thai politics. i don't think thai politics includes these type of military actions. foreign intervention will happen if there is a great injustice. thailand can be compare to other countries unlike china. therefore those similar countries would have better ways to handle this other than the use of military force. there is no room for these type of so-called thai politics on the world stage. foreign intervention will happen as long as these protester don't give up the fight because the current THAI-POLITICS only know forcible suppression. all the power to them as long as its a righteous cause.

There won't be any foreign intervention. There won't be any war crimes. There is no "great" injustice. There is no "righteous cause".

Have you seen any foreign reports condemning what the government is doing?


The foreigners who have jumped up on the stage at the protest centre appear to have a number of personal issues which is all about self worth and validation. Maybe their own govt has treated them badly? Maybe they have Braveheart fantasies like Seh Daeng? Of course they can become a hero for 15 seconds - something that they cannot do in their own country. Or indeed maybe they are now getting the attention they have been craving after being ignored for most of their life. Why is it that people want to identify with a different country, the people and their cause - I guess we all want a place in the world and acceptance but at what price?


Shane the book writer

As you have apparently decided to make this thread your career, these people [ read present redshirts in Bkk ] are no longer protesting..... and haven';t been since they started taking the law and rights of others into their own hands.

This govenrment comes to an end in about a year and a half from now.....

RS don't WANT that ....... the spoiled brats want it now

The govt listened to what they had to say and agreed to disolve parliment in Sept...... the spoiled brats want it now

The RS wanted new elections.......

The govt listened to what they had to say and agreed to hold elections in Nov....the spoiled brats want it now

Now the reds are screaming about shootings and killings.....like they as a group are just singing hymns.... well


Have the elections and then go on from there.......What is wrond with that???

...and tell me .....what kind of mother or father would everyday, expose their children to this danger ?????

I'll tell you....... not very smart nor caring ones....

If you were in a house on fire...... and someone showed you the door out....... what would you do ...... argue about the temperature of the water they were using to put out the fire........Probably....

Even monkeys know to leave a burning barn...... to hel_l with FACE... you'll still be alive...

killing - blah, blah, blah <SNIPPED OUT MINDLESS RHETORIC>

Another brand spanking newbie member with 8 frickin' posts has morphed into a thai political pundit.

A little Googling recent thai political history (even post coup) BEFORE you post would go a long way to your credibility, (then again; so would actually learning how to format a coherent post in the engrish language :):D )

Actually the foreign press has been almost totally PRO-government in their spin of what’s going on. Few if any first world countries news reports show the slightest sympathy to the red-rabble side in this matter.

ALL of them acknowledge that several weeks ago after Abhisit acquiesced to their 'demands' the reds could have called a win and dispersed. This is on the red leaders, no one else. :D

FWIW; the government in POWER is the one to petition the UN for intervention, and NOT an armed mob of miscreants running amuck in the streets trying their best to burn the city down and who also have no political representation in the current government.

Even the PTP party (read; the opposition party in the Lower House) which shares the red-rabble ideology has distanced itself from what's going on. Go figure that one out. :D

Again, keep up on those ESL classes (they'll pay off eventually), Google more, post less (we'll all be happier). :D


I say arrest ANY foreigner who takes the stage at Rachaprasong. I've yet to meet even a single pro-red sheep like sock puppet foreigner who can speak more than 'horse-peak' or '2-word-tourist thai'. :D I doubt they ever know how this present situation came about, and even if they do, it is NOT our business, its for thais to sort out.

he's been here for 15 years nice,,, I guess he wont get to the 16th year,, lol good morning Thailand!!

agreed, the land of smiles changes pretty fast when you stick your farang neck out where it doesn't belong. Hope he has little trouble getting a foreign entrance visa for his wife to follow him back home.

The foreigners who have jumped up on the stage at the protest centre appear to have a number of personal issues which is all about self worth and validation. Maybe their own govt has treated them badly? Maybe they have Braveheart fantasies like Seh Daeng? Of course they can become a hero for 15 seconds - something that they cannot do in their own country. Or indeed maybe they are now getting the attention they have been craving after being ignored for most of their life. Why is it that people want to identify with a different country, the people and their cause - I guess we all want a place in the world and acceptance but at what price?

I just had this same conversation with friends yesterday. This was also my take on the situation; although you have stated it better than I did. :)

diesel, or maybe fire brand is a better term. English may not be your language of choice but you really should read your post prior to posting same. Hope you take my opinion as constructive, as it was intended, as I am somewhat confused as to your intended message.

Slapout, English is my first and only language. Sorry, I don't proofread before I post because I think faster than I can type. I don't care for commas, capitals, crossing my t's, dotting my i's and j's. I do take your opinion as constructive. However, when people are flabbergasted by what i post on forums, they seem to make comments about the lack of proofreading I perform on my posts. Thereafter, they move on to tell me what is not my first language. i'm not white but i'm sure as hel_l born and raised in canada and french is not what i remember speaking.



FWIW; I live just a few kilometers from several red bamboo/rubber tire tree forts, and walk thru or past them every frickin' day here . I also feel I have “first hand knowledge” of what’s actually going on here at ground zero, as opposed to being spoon fed my info in pidgin thai-engrish.

I still say foreigner have abso-tively, posi-lutely NO business in this b/s. :) As I said before most foreigners I’ve met (even some 20+ year long-stayers) can’t string three frickin’ words together in coherent thai. :D They would have very little chance in understanding the last several years political wrangling which has caused this ‘peaceful protest’ to come about.

It’s one thing to offer up opinions and observations on an engrish language forum, but for a foreigner to actually take the stage at Rachaprasong is totally whacked.. :D

FWIW: I PURPOSELY misspell the word 'English' on this forum as 'engrish'. .. deal with it :D)

Everyone I know that's been down to the red protest sites - said it was quite festive and very peaceful. Good people from all reports. :D

However I agree Jing - if the thai military decides to use snipers again, they just might injure or kill foreigners as well as the peaceful red shirts, so best to stay away. :)

You did see the report about an Army sniper on one building shooting a red sniper on another building, right.

And people complain about double standards.

killing demonstrators with the military is wrong in a country that claims they are democratic. it's fine for countries to do so if they are not making that claim. the people making the orders to move these people by force should be tried at International war crimes tribunal which is a foreign operated entity there's no escaping that one FYI those Thais telling foreigners to stay out of thai politics. i don't think thai politics includes these type of military actions. foreign intervention will happen if there is a great injustice. thailand can be compare to other countries unlike china. therefore those similar countries would have better ways to handle this other than the use of military force. there is no room for these type of so-called thai politics on the world stage. foreign intervention will happen as long as these protester don't give up the fight because the current THAI-POLITICS only know forcible suppression. all the power to them as long as its a righteous cause.

...that righteous cause being to die for Thaksin apparently.

The idea that the red thugs are just peaceful demonstrators is just silly now.

And as for international intervention, well the reds can't even get their ducks in a row here.

They do not want US intervention.

Now why is that?

Because the US bugged Thaksin's communications with his red leaders.

He had a direct line into Khattiya, but now Khattiya has been taken out Thaksin has lost face.

And red apologists screaming like headless chickens.

A couple of times the government announced that if foreigners get involved in these protests they will be arrested and deported. I would be cautious about anyone wanting to join in.

And if they want to join with the Army, will we give them a resident permit for life??

Good idea, let those who want to get involved catch the stones for our troops

all the power to them as long as its a righteous cause.

Shanediesel I note your claim to be Canadian I presume your memory extends to and you can remember the violent actions of the Quebec separatist movement .

Perhaps your own backyard should be ''spring cleaned'' first before you go dispensing your somewhat crude and vulgar advice to the Thai people and indeed posters on the forum.

One can only presume the poster shanediesel was dragged up rather than brought up.

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