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Do You Approve Of Foreigners Participating In Political Protests In Thailand?


Foreigners sighted at red shirt rallies  

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They should be allowed to deomonstrate if they feel that they might benefit from it in some way beyond being in their partners good books for 24 hours. Do I approve? Not really. Don't disapprove either. Up to them to check the small print of their medical / holiday insurance if they have it.

Edited by Geekfreaklover
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NO, I would not want foreigners coming to America to rally against our govt (even though they do) so I don't think foreigners should do so here in Thailand.

Then I suppose you were opposed to the hundreds of thousands of illegal imigrants protesting around the US nation for immigration reform against the govt. Yet the US govt sat back and watched without any disruption to thier peaceful rallys.

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I think it was the excellent Willie Rushton, a sadly missed humorist and wit, who when completing an US immigration questionaire succinctly answered the question 'Do you intend to commit any act designed to overthrow the Government during your visit to the United States? by stating that that was the sole reason for his visit.

Immigration were not at all amused and he was detained for about 4 hours. This event occured long before 9/11 so it seems that a sense of humour was sadly lacking. There was much shaking of heads in 'the sceptred isle' I seem to remember.

My only participation in political knock about was to occasionally attend Speakers Corner at Marble Arch in London to listen to some misguided ranting and call out "What about the workers" at regular intervals. I cannot help but feel that anybody attending the current rallies is living very dangerously and possibly needs to increase the dosage of his/her medications.

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In Thailand, every westerner is a 'visitor', but many are de facto residents.

As a de facto resident, I don't see why someone shouldn't care about the political situation of the place they live in. In fact, it's quite ignorant to absolve yourself from any care for anything that happens outside your little box on sukhumvit.

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Its a stupid thing to do,I can only assume they had too much to drink,it only takes Immigration to get informed, and

kiss your Visa goodbye.

Its one thing discussing their Politics on a Forum,which amounts to nothing much,and has no effect on the end result,but

outright involvement may come back to haunt you for interfering in the business of others.

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farang will always be second class citizens if they are scared to get involved with Thai politics.

Don't fkn moan about discrimination again if you are scared about getting your visa taken away.

My God, they'd still have appartheid in Usa and Africa if the blacks thought like that.

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farang will always be second class citizens if they are scared to get involved with Thai politics.

Don't fkn moan about discrimination again if you are scared about getting your visa taken away.

My God, they'd still have appartheid in Usa and Africa if the blacks thought like that.

Brilliant and valiant! We are all citizens of the world! Borders, id cards, etc. are all a bunch of crap invented by evil men.

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farang will always be second class citizens if they are scared to get involved with Thai politics.

Don't fkn moan about discrimination again if you are scared about getting your visa taken away.

My God, they'd still have appartheid in Usa and Africa if the blacks thought like that.

I suggest that you go to one of the Middle East countries and practice 'free love'. You might well find out that the phrase getting getting stoned takes on a whole new meaning.

The vast majority of Thais are standing on the sidelines wishing that this madness would come to an end. Farangs should follow that example.

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