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May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.

i think abhisit will never have a moments peace in his mind for the rest of his days...he sent the troops in,,after all

he'll be most remembered for these dark days...

Thats why we love him...

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The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

You really believe that the UN could even agree on sending peacekeepers to Thailand in anything less than 9 months? Then another 3 months deciding who should pay fo rthem and which countries would send them etc etc etc. Thailand could have 3 election cycles before the UN got its act together.

The Thai Government ought to consider asking for UN peacekeeping intervention before this gets really over everyone's heads and we see this 'protest' transform into a full-blown, nationwide civil war. Deploying impartial military peacekeepers (not observers) with clear rules of engagement would allow the Thai military a face-saving gesture as they are reluctant to kill and maim fellow Thais...despite the bullying provocations witnessed over the past few days at the hands of the rabid dog-like UDD goons. The zealots leading the UDD, controlled by their puppet master from abroad, started this entire mess and it is clear now to anyone that they intend to fight to the death for their misguided cause. It is simply astounding that any Thai citizen would actually want this outcome, but there it is, and plain to see now. If that ugly spectre is what now confronts this society, with internecine, class-driven warfare spreading across the width and breadth of Thailand, then perhaps the government needs to accommodate these fools...well-guided and assisted by external multinational assistance. This has quickly escalated way beyond the bounds of a protest. The megalomaniacal paymaster is throwing in all the cards now...and cares not one whit for his homeland or its beleaguered people. And those at his beck and call, giddy at prospect of huge wealth and political power, are willing to toss their nation down the drain as well to get a chance at that golden trough. I pray that a higher order in the heavens above will save these poor souls from themselves before it is too late. The abyss beckons...

This the best post I have read on this issue over the past few weeks. Brilliant and well said.

F.ck UN, they have never solved a problem anywhere in the world. It's a dead organisation keeping themselves alive extorting money from the countries.


Just like the PAD the UDD are a bunch of hooligans, they both claim that they are ready to die for their cause, but when it really happens they bitch and complain.

he sent the troops in,,after all

Yes, he is FINALLY started to do his direct job. Any doubts? Ohh, you dont like troops on the streets, I see. You hate'em, right?

But I personally HATE red's processions around the city, where traffic is still far from light anyway. I personally hate their poor behaviors - they reminds me "Yankee Doodle goes to New York". I personally HATE closed malls and BTS shut down. I personally HATE to think every morning - which colour of my t-shirt should I wear today and not to be kicked in the dark soi's end? I personally scare their blasts around the city, and I just GREET to someone trying to restore the order. Military? Good! Abhisit? Good!! Santa Claus accompanied by Mickey Mouse? Good and fun!!

Any questions?

Hope tomorrow this all will end.

My greets to the soldiers doing their job.

May Thaksin never have a moments peace in his mind till his days are done.

i think abhisit will never have a moments peace in his mind for the rest of his days...he sent the troops in,,after all

he'll be most remembered for these dark days...

You think that? There is a new facebook group supporting Prime Minister Abhisit with 254,000 new members in 3 days

You are the one that is living in dark days

As leaders of any country, he used democracy and diplomacy as long as he could

Now here is a quick math lesson for you?

There are 60,000,000 people in Thailand, 16,000,000 in Bangkok and 25,000 protesters

When 25,000 protesters disrupt the lives of 16,000,000 others in defiance of the law, then something needs to be done

The Prime Minister has exercised more restraint in dealing with this protest than any other leader in the free world

That is what he will be remembered for

The reds shot and killed a Japanese Reuters News Reporter? For what?

The Reds have no objectives towards democracy.

Grenades, guns and bombs were all part of the red democracy prior to the govt taken action

They have never fought for anything except how much money they can make prolonging this action

Not one country in the whole world has stepped forward to support the reds

Now why is that?

Not even one, not in Cambodia anymore

End of story

let me remind everyone that condoning violence of any sort is still against forum rules

regardless of your political beliefs and values, Im going to ask everyone to refrain from suggesting further violence and killing of anyone from ANY side is justified.

any further such suggestions will be met with stern warnings. theres enough chaos happening on the streers, please at least the discussions peaceful? is that too much to ask?

Sorry Mod but, yes, it is too much to ask. The military has a 70+ year history of violently suppressing any move towards democracy in this country. As in '76 and '92, citizens are being gunned down in the street. This time, there seems to be some effective resistance. The birth of democracy is usually a bloody affair. I, personally, support, advocate, and applaud the use of violence to overthrow tyranny, whether it be in the form of a meglomaniac, a military junta, a greedy aristocracy, or a socio-economic oligarchy.

"When in the course of human events...."

Are you blind or not? Where do you see tyranny? The present government is one of the most reasonable I have ever seen in the world. The red shirts are fighting for a wrong cause, they are fighting for a criminal who almost sold the country completely and used his power for his family's benefit, like avoiding paying tax for buying land by his son and building villages for further personal benefit ( not for poor people's benefit). From the start they are wrong and they will not achieve anything by violence but people crying for their dead relatives. Sorry for the fooled people. Wake up!

I see. You hate'em, right?But I personally HATE red's processions around the city, where traffic is still far from light anyway. I personally hate their poor behaviors - they reminds me "Yankee Doodle goes to New York". I personally HATE closed malls and BTS shut down. I personally HATE to think every morning - which colour of my t-shirt should I wear today and not to be kicked in the dark soi's end? I personally scare their blasts around the city, and I just GREET to someone trying to restore the order.

Yes, this is all about you and your feelings Mr. "I".

he sent the troops in,,after all

Yes, he is FINALLY started to do his direct job. Any doubts? Ohh, you dont like troops on the streets, I see. You hate'em, right?

But I personally HATE red's processions around the city, where traffic is still far from light anyway. I personally hate their poor behaviors - they reminds me "Yankee Doodle goes to New York". I personally HATE closed malls and BTS shut down. I personally HATE to think every morning - which colour of my t-shirt should I wear today and not to be kicked in the dark soi's end? I personally scare their blasts around the city, and I just GREET to someone trying to restore the order. Military? Good! Abhisit? Good!! Santa Claus accompanied by Mickey Mouse? Good and fun!!

Any questions?

Hope tomorrow this all will end.

My greets to the soldiers doing their job.

well they were only using the same tactics as the yellows before,,,and they of course gotta a free pass..And they probaly used these tactics coz they could scream double standards if they got different treatment...and im not saying two wrongs make a right ...

and you could say they were only defending their right to protest,,,and the abhisits lot have used some draconians laws that should be left in


let me remind everyone that condoning violence of any sort is still against forum rules

regardless of your political beliefs and values, Im going to ask everyone to refrain from suggesting further violence and killing of anyone from ANY side is justified.

any further such suggestions will be met with stern warnings. theres enough chaos happening on the streers, please at least the discussions peaceful? is that too much to ask?

Sorry Mod but, yes, it is too much to ask. The military has a 70+ year history of violently suppressing any move towards democracy in this country. As in '76 and '92, citizens are being gunned down in the street. This time, there seems to be some effective resistance. The birth of democracy is usually a bloody affair. I, personally, support, advocate, and applaud the use of violence to overthrow tyranny, whether it be in the form of a meglomaniac, a military junta, a greedy aristocracy, or a socio-economic oligarchy.

"When in the course of human events...."

But of course in this instance the protests have NOTHING to do with democracy :)


You'd think these people would embarass of using these "double standards" arguments. Not a one of then hasn't exercised that privelege of the wealthy and connected. If justice were their aim they'd know it was the double standard of Thaksin's assets concealment aqcuital that got all this started. That emboldened the megalomaniac to do everything that followed, no question. The "elite" dug their own grave there for sure.


Don't talk shit, when the yellows where demonstrating the democrats were not even in the government. So if nobody took action it was the fault of the government at that time. That is the TRT and the PPP. Get your act together. Abhisit is doing a great job. I hope he keeps smashing the reds out of the city.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

My Facebook is going nuts too. :) Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

UDD has truly shown its true face, which is to pursue Thaksin's objectives at all costs, including sacrificing their own lives in order for the fugitive to get his stolen money back, which is sad.

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

My Facebook is going nuts too. :) Except I have friends who support democracy and freedom.

The government has truly shown its ugly face; gloves seem to be off, which is sad.

What's amazing that people like Jutaporn and co not only use the poor people for their political gain while their living, they even go into the morgue and continue to use them as ponds once they have died.

Very sad. No doubt this is the kind of democracy and leadership you aspire to Mr. Kwai?

Shockingly disgraceful and morose conduct on the part of their leaders to steal corpses from the morgue.

well they were only using the same tactics as the yellows before,,,

and you could say they were only defending their right to protest,,,

No, I will say that me myself personally HATE yellows that time. Yes, noone kicked their yellow asses that days.

But now they are in the past. "Noone able to judge the winners!"©

As the reds will be very soon in history (but not as a winners of course, but as a losers).

Me myself is colourless. I just happy to live, do my job and get paid for. Military? I'll vote for Military IF they show that they are able to handle the things more effective than current government. I am really not care which colour of their khaki t-shirts they wear.

Reds show me opposite. Completely, PURELY id_iots at it's essence, killing their own country for their own 500THB/day profit.

Yellow show me opposite. They have ruined biz's and face of TH for almost a year. Yes, they MUST be punished too (but seems noone cares).

Abhisit shows me STILL some better than previous - rural Samak, ball-less Somchai etc...... At least Abhisit HAS some education. Let's see.

But God, PLEASE remove those reddish idi_ots from the streets. They were told: OK, elections in 9 months. But they pushed things to violence. OK, let's do some violence than. Is it better now???

Don't talk shit, when the yellows where demonstrating the democrats were not even in the government. So if nobody took action it was the fault of the government at that time. That is the TRT and the PPP. Get your act together. Abhisit is doing a great job. I hope he keeps smashing the reds out of the city.

the army didnt lift a finger

Sad nightfor the country, mothers will wake to find their sons dead, wifes' missing husbands, sons with no fathers and all because Jatuporn and the reds couldn't wait nine months. Thefamilys of this night y will be waiting the rest of their lives.

Best, saddest, truest comment so far.

Simple solution Mr. Abhisit offer to step down if Thaksin and all his groupies agree to face the charges and/or jail time they have been sentenced to. This would be a win win situation for you, Thaksin and his groupies would never go for it making him look even worse and maybe some reds will realize he is only out for himself and if they actually did face the music then the country could get passed all this drama. You would also look like a reasonable man willing to put the country in front of your own aspirations.

On a side not why are they not arresting people in most countries when there are violent protests you march in with security forces you hit the violent protesters once or twice and throw them in a paddy wagon waiting behind your lines. Arrests a few hundred of them and they will realize that 500 baht a day is not worth a 20,000 baht fine or even more for those who really break the law like those who have kidnapped soldiers, (an offense punishable by life in prison in most countries as it would be considered treason or a terrorist attack). The only way to prevent this from happening every time there is a new government is to make it not worth it for the average citizen to break the law.

lastly you reds better be off khao sarn by MOnday I got hotel reservations and when you were ready to march down there last Songkroan everyone was ready to push you guys back.

Simple solution Mr. Abhisit offer to step down

For a WHICH CONSTITUTIONAL REASON? Some minor group was paid to ask him to step down? Sad but I can't find the appropriate line in the Constitution that he MUST follow those crowd. What if he says "NO!" to this ask?? :)

Or...just curious...may you have someone BETTER to his position? Please, enlight us about his name?

Dont forget - once (IF!) red's win - the yellows are near, prepared and ready. Wanna another show? :D

Simple solution Mr. Abhisit offer to step down

For a WHICH CONSTITUTIONAL REASON? Some minor group was paid to ask him to step down? Sad but I can't find the appropriate line in the Constitution that he MUST follow those crowd. :)

Or...just curious...may you have someone BETTER to his position? Please, enlight us about his name?

Dont forget - once (IF!) red's win - the yellows are near, prepared and ready. Wanna another show? :D

no i dont have someone better i guess my first post was too long because you did not read it. In my perfect world it would just be an offer because Thaksin would never call his bluff.

no i dont have someone better i guess my first post was too long because you did not read it.

I did - and the questions popped up. You did not answer'em. :)

May I remind you how Mr.T has ENTERED Th, welcomed in the airport by some of the ministers, was freed on bail and FREELY left the country when his biz here is complete?? C'mon, it was just a year ago or something. Now you try to offer me to believe his next "We'll accept all the charges - let's us in!!" ?

A joke. It already WAS. And, please tell me - was someone in the Customs PROSECUTED to let the person-on-bail (SUCH a well-known person!!) left from the country under the arrest warrant?

No. NOONE!!!

Man, if you have MONEY at this country - you're higher than God, and can fly above the ANY law. Sad but true.


seeing abhisit him on tv tonight all alone, isolated,,,

eating him up already

looks like he's gonna take this all on his chin..

and so he should..

always be remembered for these dark days in thai history..

the rest of his life if gonna be a living nightmare

no i dont have someone better i guess my first post was too long because you did not read it.

I did - and the questions popped up. You did not answer'em. :)

obviously you didnt read it where i said he would not have to step down as Thaksin and his groupies would never face the charges and he would look great just for offering

obviously you didnt read it where i said he would not have to step down as Thaksin and his groupies would never face the charges and he would look great just for offering

Read my FULL message above.

seeing abhisit him on tv tonight all alone, isolated,,,

You want him to be circled with reddish Isaan folks, playing music and dancing to it - right as they are on the streets? :)

Bo p'hen yan do, if speak Isaan'ian! :D

Good bye Reds. The silent majority are not going to stay silent after you killed Thai soldiers. My facebook is going nuts.

the army will hold back till the reds get more tired and hungry. my guess is they might start to block food supplies and water. if i could and i was the thai army i would spray gass into the food centers and water cannon all there supplies. block people coming into the protests. block people leaving. bascially shut down any roads where the reds are and detain them in the section that they are already in

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