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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes

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It's their country. No matter how much you "invest" in it - financially, emotionally, socially - you are just a farang. On a par with a "n***er" in the US 200 years ago in their view. Tolerated as long as you keep spending money.


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get the leaders first and give a free shuttle

to e-saan and it's over ... i come over next week and it's not finish - i do it


(45 replies but 0 views?)


they need to be taken down quickly from the top.

there must be at least one team of soliders with balls that can arrest the heads and take them to some far off military base

I think we are past the point of "due process" and having to explain actions

If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

please, not that old chestnut again.......


Our prayers should be with the families of the death of both sides. I am shocked and sad. This should not have happened.

However it is not about Thaksin anymore, but about a long overdue revolution slowly preparing. An elitist system based on clientelism and fear to speak out can not last forever.

On the positive side hopefully the THB will tumble and investors and tourists will be attracted to Thailand again.


Awful awful photos of some of the dead on UDD website, tragic when an army fires on it's own citizens. Really sad.

Our own democracies in the West have a particularly bloody history, many people are probably unaware of just how much blood has been spilled to get us to the point where no-one even bothers to vote and no-one trusts any politicians. So when anyone says how Thais don't understand democracy and their politicians are corrupt, I think the phrase 'people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones' comes to mind.

Understand the history of the European and American democracies, they may not be violent now, but not so long ago people took to the streets to demand rights that we now take for granted. All over Europe people from all over the world, fought and died for democracy and freedom of speech.

The leaders of any political movement want power and only power, what matters to most people is what they are prepared to give you in exchange for that power.

As usual, it's the poor people at the front line who take the bullets, one minute you're a soldier for your country, next minute one of your countrymen is shooting at you.

One minute you're a protester, next minute one of the soldiers of your own country, could be your own family, is shooting at you.

Awful, truly awful.

And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

And because of Abhisit as well

what? they have been warned right?

Said it before, but if the court ruled in favour of Thaksin last month and returned is billions, would this be happening now?

I highly doubt it.

No I don't think so, because his face was still too tarnished for him to look in the mirror.

This may have set the inevitable off earlier, but there would have been another trigger at some point.

He had the opportunity to walk away with most all off it for years,

he ignored that chance several times because he ego said he couldn't.

Hubris is only hubris if you lose.

After 1 month of peaceful protesting this was bound to happen, something better happen soon before it gets worse.


Arisman invading the EC commission

Arisman invading parliament

oh shit sorry, those were fake reds............

I seem to remember the yellow shirts headed by sondhi doing far more serious things, but of course they have way more influence and friends in high places. No matter what happens now, the current government cannot hold on to office. They have clearly shown that they cannot handle the responsibilty. RIP to all the people that died, in what basically is a protest. Whether or not you agree with it is besides the question, it seems to me that the way they handled the protest, the number of people that will agree with their main demand will only increase. So sad that it apparently has to costs lives.

If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

That's the truth. Democracy has been stolen in this country several times since 2006. The reds have a good point...

The reds were a cleanly elected party?

The only points they have are provided by Thaksin who insists on electoral corruption as his right.

Actually none of this would have happened if he had gone to prison for his crimes.

For theft.

Just my personal view on this:

The government has done an incredible job keeping its cool. Personally, I'd would have picked up a club and smashed some teeth out of this Jaturporn. Absolutely amazing how K.Abhisit has kept going, even after Friday's trouble.

There is, for me, no doubt that there is one principal reason behind all this which is greed for lost money.

That people out there don't see this is not their mistake, it is a problem that will take generations to solve and you can not blame 99% of the red-shirts for whatever happened today and in the last 3 weeks.

There is a small group of people that need to be punished for being responsible for the death of 9 people.

That group is easy to identify, they all got arrest-warrants in the last 3 days or so.

The only person escaping this would be Mr. Jutaporn, but my gut-feeling is that he will not show up in parliament anymore and loose his MP-immunity status very very soon and will be spat upon once he opens the door to enter parliament.

Toss in an arrest warrant for the PM and that general as well .

Thaksin is calling room service now to order up more champagne and caviar.

Ohhh what a grand celebration.

I would very much like to send Abhisit a bottle and a thank you card for finally saying enough is enough and taking the necessary steps to restore law and order to the nation's capital. Send the misled farmers home for Songkran and arrest the leaders for treason and murder. Tragic deaths all in the name of a convicted criminal who pays other to die for him. The blood of the dead is on Taksin's hands. No doubt he's also enjoying the show from his luxury suite in Dubai. The man has no conscience and cares only for himself.

And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

And where is Thaksin?

People keep dying because of him and his money.

Sad that innocent people died. Rest in Peace. Let’s hope the senseless deaths have an end now.


The current government didnt waste any time blaming the previous governments for the 7 deaths of 2008. So why should they themselfs claim any less responsibility. But then again - the current government never apply double standards...

Its truly sad to see it come to this. All over some TV signals and disrupted shopping. Is the few months extra in office really worth human lifes?

They had it coming all along, or perhaps that was the idea from the beginning

Thaksin has been clear. This is the end game and ANY tactics can be used to achieve the goal. Of course they would have preferred if Abhisit had just caved, but that was never going to happen.


So... 500+ injured.

The good news is, thanks to Thaksin, it will only cost 30 x 500 = 15,000 THB to treat the lot.

Who says he's not a hero?

And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

it is not going to help, we need democracy,

we do not need a coup or a PM handled by the

militars = your hero Abhisit.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

As he is most certainly the root cause of this:

I nominate this as stupidest Post of the week!


And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

it is not going to help, we need democracy,

we do not need a coup or a PM handled by the

militars = your hero Abhisit.

We should leave Thaksin out of this mess

As he is most certainly the root cause of this:

I nominate this as stupidest Post of the week

The hate and love towards Thaksin is creating this mess.

If we do not forget about him, we will always have red and yellows.

The current government should have concentrated in Thailand

and not in Thaksin life...

If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

That's the truth. Democracy has been stolen in this country several times since 2006. The reds have a good point...

Abhisit has offered to hold the elections in nine months from now. Seems very fair to me. With some negotiations the Reds could probably have reduced this timeframe to 6 months. But no, they stick to an unrealistic 15 days. People have died because of this stubborn attitude and many more were injured.

The reds could have had a victory.

By the way, when were the red shirts (except Jatuporn who is a MP) duly elected????

They had it coming all along, or perhaps that was the idea from the beginning

Unfortunately true.

Watch the red lie machine go into overdrive to put the deaths at the foot of the government in order to force Thaksin's demands.

The use of petrol bombs and guns by the reds will be airbrushed out.

That is the next step next week.

The Thaksin apologists should expect to be very busy.

They have a job to do.

They know how to do it.

We are ready.

Without any doubt, Abhisit's time to go has come.

ok i'll bite

why is that then?

her looks stronger than ever to me

You don't look strong when you kill your own people just to stay in power. It could all have been avoided by calling new elections. If he is indeed backed by the majority of Thais as he claims, he should have no problem winning an election and proving his mandate.

Abhisit now has the blood of Thais on his hands, and the Thai people will not forgive him.

Jatuporn and his buddies make me sick. This is exactly the situation they've been trying to provoke - a big mess and some bodies to bring the government down. They knew the consequences, they don't give a dam_n about their own people.

Neither does Abhisit

If it is proven that some of these people that died were paid by Thaksin to be there I would think he could be up on some very serious charges '

none of this would have happened if the red shirts were left to govern the country as duly elected...

That's the truth. Democracy has been stolen in this country several times since 2006. The reds have a good point...

Utter crap - the Isanies are the once that sold their votes to Taksin and are the main cause why democracy does not work here. The coup happened because Taksin was planting his supporters in key positions to make sure he would sray in power - this government we have has shown an awful lot of restrained and its the "peaceful" red shirts that are using life ammo - most if not all of the dead red shirts have probably been killed by their own either by accident or on purpose as propaganda meterial - anyone still supporting the red shirts is either totally insane or has no clue of reality

Why is there no more live updates on the Saturday updates thread?

I think Abhisit was just on television 5 mins ago.

He basically said that it was impossible that his army killed the people that died. And he would "investigate" into what happened. Basically taking no responsibility for the Thai people that died by the army using live ammunition.

Hospitals have determined that 9 killed were red shirts (shot with live ammunition), 2 were army (pierced with bamboo sticks), according to TNN news.

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