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Bangkok: 10+ Dead, Hundreds Hurt In Bangkok Clashes


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Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

And because of Abhisit as well

Just not so. That is red spin and nothing more.

ABHISIT is doing the job of being national leader, under the most trying of circumstances.

Thaksinm= has been financing the aggravation of those circumstances.

The blame must rest were it is most deserved.

And that is in the lap of the one fomenting the violent situation.

Not the one dealing with it as national leader.

By all standard of democracy in the world including Israel Abhisit is illegitimate .

Perhaps in Uganda or Somalia he might pass for duly elected

Then he send soldiers with M16 and live ammo against civilians

and they start shooting in the air then on protesters .

Is that PM guy normal ?

Total Thaksinista twaddle. Uganada and Nigeria,

that is Thaksin terretory these days, even HE hasn't

sunk down to Somalia level yet. Wait the week maybe...

PS no soldier with rubber bullets would not have real ammo on his belt.

It just isn't done by any soldier in the world. You carry a weapon, you also carry the full ability to use it. SOP.

Considering that the red shiorts did use live ammo and grenades agains the soliers that was even more prudent.

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Is it just me or are there really a lot of hate mongering newbies coming out of the woodwork? (both sides) Big job at hand to clean up the forum.. respect for that. :D

i don't know why you are supporting these mobs that want only violence since day one. have you listened to their leaders talking on the stage? it's

sickenning and senseless.

oh, i see now, you are from chiangmai. you don't give a shit about other people in bangkok who think otherwise, do you?


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The 'leader in exile' has any number of immediate media mechanisms to condem the violence, urge a peaceful and resolute ending to the bloodshed. U think he has yet to view the facebook pix???? the 'man' tweets when it serves his agenda such as announcing these magical meetings with foreign investors, discrediting cancer treatments, mocking the media....yet we have yet to see a single message, video link, staement or otherwise condeming the blood shed. Maybe he's just busy.

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Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

you make me laugh, it's like election for you is just like handing out cakes. there are things to prepare and they need time, they have already expalined this

during the peace talks but the morons wont' listen.

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Anyone still claiming that protesters are there because of money should feel deeply ashamed of themselves.

You are telling people to be ashamed of themselves? You who have been cheerleading endlessly for a movement led by thugs, anti-royalist Maoists, and terrorists? Please spare us.

You got the blood you called for, hope your feeling better now.

Who are you talking to? Winnie? If so, that would be correct if he supported the reds, as this was exactly what they were looking for, they provoked this for weeks now.

Agree, the red leaders have been pushing for confrontation for weeks, all from the orders of the paymaster who knows very well that time is running out fast because abhisit is gaining ground fast. More and more people are realizing how credible abhisit is and he's gaining speed as he works through the minefield he's unfortunately inherited.

Go for it abhisit.

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Sure he was joking. No? :)

Is this really how to deal with what was essentially a sit in?

Sit in's don't break through police lines to get into parliament, army lines to get into a satelite station and army barracks.

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Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

those people will have died in vain if he did that

if you reds had accepted his reasonable offer of an early election in 9 months none of us would be in mourning tonight

If he wasn't so concerned with hanging on to power at all costs, we wouldn't be mourning them tonight. Abhisit is full fear, and for good reason now. He's going down in a big way.

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Do rubber bullets do this?


I saw that and the answer is no.

And neither do regular bullets do that.

That looked like a large shrapnel wound as in a fragmentation grenade,

or he fell very hard in stone.

We know the Reds were seen on camera throwing grenades.

if this guy was front lines he could have been hit too.

Besides the distastfulness of you posting that,

it also shows a lack of medical fundamentals

to imagine it is from a regular round.

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Wrong. Democracy has been stolen in Thailand. Here are the key recent events:

Sep 2006: Coup removes Thaksin

Dec 2007: People Power (allied to Thaksin) wins elections

Sep 2008: Constitutional Court removes Samak

Dec 2008: Constitutional Court forces out Somchai as PM

Dec 2008: Abhistit becomes premier, with no election

I make that 4 thefts of democracy. No wonder the reds and other non-privileged people in Thailand are angry. It seems it's only the wealthy Thais and the (relatively) rich farangs here who support these 4 years of theft of democracy.

I say the reds have a good argument - maybe they're being a bit crude about it (and Thaksin is surely no model leader) but democracy has always been won through resistance and compromise. People also struggled and died in UK, France, USA, etc, to win our rights. Unfortunate but true.

good point and cryptic too - minus most of the other mumbo-jumbos here....... :)

unfortualty it is true. before if u want to become PM u basically had to buy thailand. take it out of debt and buy votes from poor people. question is why would someone want to do this. onl 1 reason personaly gain. so taksin is very clever he minipultated democrocy.

then the yellows who also have valid reasons don't like taksin probably because he breached many human rights laws. just one of the many things.

so basically i have no clue as to how this country can carry on. Martial law ? i hope not.

anyome selling any condos cheep in sukumvit. i might be able to help

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And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

Obviously another example of something that has been deleted because the TV censors found it unfit to print. Yet, when you ask to have an account deleted they say, "If we delete everything you posted it will make the thread not make sense."

Nobody's cannon fodder for Taksin you dirty government shill. You side with murderers and you're anti-democratic. Today nine Thai citizens were murdered by there own people under government order; and one of yours too, "Yoshiwara".

This was the red's plan all along. Provoke a response, for as long as it takes, dancing, dancing, poking, poking, until BAM they get a response. Then blame the government. The post above is the kind of garbage they think the Thai people will believe. The truth is only the red true believers may believe it. The reds may still win, but the majority of the country will be afraid and disgusted if they do.

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And where is Abhisit?!?

People keep dying because of him.

Actually they are dying because of your hero Thaksin.

They are just cannon fodder for him.

And what's thaksins response to this shameful and sad scenario which is a result of his massive corruption, abuse of power etc?

One poster says abhisit is to blame for the deaths which happened this day, but of course the fact that thaksin supervised the deaths of 2,500 fellow Thais and had oversight repsonsibility for the death of 250 young men dying of suffocation, and more, is not mentioned by the red supporters.


ตอนแรกกระผมขอขอบพระคุณท่านประชาชนไทยทุกคนทั้งปวงที่ได้รักษาพระองค์ตลอดมาหลายศดวรรษ ให้เรามีประเทศไทยอันน่าเยี่ยมดีเลิศแห่งโลกมาถึงวันนี้ขอรับกระผม

ผมเพิ่งดูนายกรัฐมนตรีในแถลงข่าว และผมก็ขอโอกาสนี้เืพื่อชื่นชมว่าท่านนายกได้สื่อสารกับประชาชนอย่างชัดเจน และไ้ด้แสดงความเมตตากรุณาขอรับ ผมมีความยินดีที่ได้เห็นรัฐบาลใช้อำนาจของแผ่นดินใหุ้ถูกคน ทุกฝ่ายพิสูน์ครับ ผมขอขอบคุณท่าน นายกรัฐมนตรีนายอภิสิทธิ์ จากที่ท่านได้ใช้ความอดทนในการดำเนินกฎหมายในวันนี้และมาก่อน และขอแสดงการเห็นด้วยที่ท่านได้เอากำลังแผ่นดินอย่างถูกควบคุ เพื่อที่จะหยุดการวะเมิดของผู้ชุมนุมที่ได้ผ่านมานานพอแล้ว ผมหวังว่าสิ่งนี้จะประกาศให้ทุกฝ่ายทราบว่ากฎหมายไทยมีความศักดิ์สิทธิ์ครับ เืพื่อที่จะสร้างสังคมอันน่าอยู่ครับ

ผมอยากเห็นการเจรจา โดยทุกฝ่ายเห็นความปลอดภัยรอบตัวและสังคมครับ อยากเห็นความสันติสุขในประเทศไทย และโลกนี้ครับ




Greetings Everyone

First I would like to express my appreciation and gratitude to all Thai people who have kept the Kingdom safe for many centuries so that we have Thailand so worth visiting and great.

I just watched Khun Abhisit on a televised press conference. I would like to take this opportunity to appreciate the fact that he communicated with the world clearly showing loving kindness and compassion.

I am glad to see the government use its power from the earth for all to see. I wish to thank Khun Abhisit for his patience in executing law and order today and up until now. Also I wish to show that I agree with his use of controlled force to put an end to the lawlessness of the "red shirt" protesters that has been ongoing for long enough. I hope that this will show the sacredness of Thai law to all so that we can create a society worth living in.

I would like to see discussion and negotiation happen where all parties feel safe. I want to see peace and happiness in Thailand and the world.

Also thank you to everyone who is participating in the communication here.

It is my intention and imagination that all sides, everyone, can learn and practice communication using the 4 true communication skills; friendliness, compassion, delight, and equanimity.

(End of Translation.)

Non-Violent Communication as taught and practiced by Marshall Rosenberg would be useful here. It's a good start for anyone interested in improving their communication.

I would like to add in response about Thaksin, that the drug war that caused between 2500 and 5000 casualties, and problem of dead protesters in the south, are some of what Thaksin would do well to publicly apologize for and maybe instead of buying football teams with his countrymen's money, he'd make up for some of his failing while in office, and put it towards curriculum that teaches children how to communicate in a non-violent way and how to create love, compassion, delight and equanimity. It is my opinion that society would well do to move on from having wars against its own citizens, be they for drugs, religion, or color, and move into working together in creative ways of making this world good for everyone.

Maybe we could teach sports in school that emphasize cooperation instead of conflict and competition. I saw that True is doing some exemplary work taking interactive education to the masses of young children in schools. I think I'll go have a look at their website now.

At the entrance to the site there was a beautiful video of music by the king with a Thai song, unsung, but with subtitles.

May all Thai people be united in working together to create a harmonious society.

May all foreigners here show respect and love while enjoying the beautiful Kingdom of Thailand.






P.S. I wrote the Thai first and did a translation after and rambled on in English.

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Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

Great idea... I think every government in the world that has any opposition at all should just call elections. Maybe Obama should listen to the Tea party and give up too?? Get a grip.

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Is it just me or are there really a lot of hate mongering newbies coming out of the woodwork? (both sides) Big job at hand to clean up the forum.. respect for that. :)

Yes ... I saw a few very red newbies in the last couple of days, then noticed an anti-red newbie too. All supposedly very knowledgeable.

You get to know who they are by who goes missing when they are posting!!

Edited by anotherpeter
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Is it just me or are there really a lot of hate mongering newbies coming out of the woodwork? (both sides) Big job at hand to clean up the forum.. respect for that. :)

its just you

your posts attract hate mongerers

As my sainted nona used to say "an ass will bray and bray, until he finds another ass".

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Whatever colour you are, it's going to get people saying their thing ,but anybody with half a brain knows what this was all about from the start.It's sad that these innocent people have been used and brainwashed.

Yes, because every single one of them is too stupid to think for themselves or to congregate with like-minded primates to discuss (HA!) their political, economic, and social circumstances. How wrong you'll find yourself to be.

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So what do you suggest ? Accept an illegitimate governement

that has robbed you of your vote and go home ?

Abhisit went on to put off the air the red TV station in spite

of advice not to do that by his colleagues ex PM .

It all started there .

You stole my vote, I sold it to Taksin..not to Abhisit, Now Taksin says i have to get my vote back that he bought from me...hmmm :)

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He's responsible for the deaths of several protesters and soldiers. AND a Reuters journalist. Plus the overall attempt didn't even work, it's essentially a failed operation.

Probably the reason for the smirk on Abhisit's face. Got one farang and 9 farmers killed. :)

I despair over the mentality of this sort of remark....

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A very reputable Thai source in my Facebook feed said about a half hour ago that the Red Shirts have taken 28 soldiers hostage. Surprised there is no new thread about this, if it is accurate...

It is accurate. There are pictures. The soldiers look afraid of being murdered. The reds have become grade A terrorists now.

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Abhisit should stop this lunacy. Step down and call an election now

he is in deep sh.t now and pulling back will be a lost of face -kai nah is not a very thai thing.

like lady macbeth in a state of sonambulance, he has to go through the nightmares to try to wash the THAI red spots off his

hands now , FOREVER.....

HE HAD HIS CHANCES TO STEP DOWN , but he stubbornly hung on to power with absolutely no moral authority whatsoever... :)

Edited by sealy
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Is this really how to deal with what was essentially a sit in?

Sit in's don't break through police lines to get into parliament, army lines to get into a satelite station and army barracks.

So they attacked the reds at the parliament? At the Tv station? At the Barracks?????

NO they attacked the sit in!

Edited by asiancup2007
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A very reputable Thai source in my Facebook feed said about a half hour ago that the Red Shirts have taken 28 soldiers hostage. Surprised there is no new thread about this, if it is accurate...

It is accurate. There are pictures. The soldiers look afraid of being murdered. The reds have become grade A terrorists now.

they have declared war with the government long before. they are the enemy of the state now and they should be destroyed.

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May all those in the military who died serving and protecting their country rest in peace

May the journalist who died while doing a job he hopefully loved rest in piece

May the reds shirts who died while looking for a war rest in peace

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This whole scene is beyond repair now. C'mon Thaksin.... issue something...condem this violence. Tweet us, vidoe us, get one of your lawyers to get up on stage and tell eveybody to stop the carnage!!!! You could win major points by showing restraint at this point. :)

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