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US Deeply Regrets Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests


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I see it as the US giving their condolences for the dead and accepting that the bussiness had to be done. I seem to recall from the last major Thai event, the US along with most other western nations condeming the coup in Thailand as lost democracy. I don't see anything near as scathing here apart from hey Pinnochio try and negotiate with the rabble (again) so that you may be able to avoid kicking them for their next stupid violation against society. And the USA view still holds sway when I last looked.

Yes, the USA under our wonderful peace loving President Obama understands that tough action must be taken by any civilized government when murderous aggressive anarchy breaks out on the streets. It is indeed regrettable. Why did the red shirt leaders refuse to negotiate before and why do they STILL refuse to negotiate (and follow the law)?

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Martin Luther King was murdered, the Vietnam war protests did nothing but make the poor country boys that were drafted look bad and, Gandhi well he wan't as nobel as you think.

Very few revolutions have been won by talking, actually I do not know of a peaceful demonstration in history that has had a good out come.
Read the news! The red shirts STILL refuse to negotiate! All of this blood is on the hands of the red shirt leaders. Now they have another chance to stop this by following the LAW and talking. Yet they refuse.

Peaceful demonstrations making a difference?

There have been many. You should read history. Your statement reflects a shocking ignorance.

Some examples --

Martin Luther King, I had a dream. Now we have President Obama

Vietnam war protests (no intent to start a civil war like the reds) pressured the US out of Vietnam

Ukraine Orange revolution

Gandhi's protests

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Read the news! The red shirts STILL refuse to negotiate! All of this blood is on the hands of the red shirt leaders. Now they have another chance to stop this by following the LAW and talking. Yet they refuse.

Whats to negotiate? The balance of power seams to have taken a seismic shift this past week. Army commader saying troops tired and he is not sure how much longer they can stand this. Anupong saying they are all Thais (troops - and reds). Abhisit balling army out is not winning him any friends either.

Why negotiate with an illegal and murderous regime? Just tell em to leave the country (which they have told Abhisit) and thatas much as they deserve.

Reds were saying last night that even if the Army prevails (they didn't), it was only a battle in any event and the war would continue. If hospitalizing 800 of them didn't work, just what are you proposing next?

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Veitnam and Korea caused by our dear friends in France who called us to clean up their colionial mess in both cases it was a police action not started by us. If you had taken care of your own problems in world I and II we would continue to be the peaceful un-paranoid country we once were. As far as the problems in the Middle East today... yep you bet ya, the French colonized them too and ticked the Arabs off at the Western world in general. If you want to sling insults look in the mirror first.


That is all.

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It's important for the world's leading nation to speak out when necessary. I understand that there is a lot of irrational anti-Americanism because of our strong stand for democratic principles. Yet, the US has strong democratic institutions. It's important for the world to hear from one of the most stable and successful democracies the world has ever known.

And who declared the USA to be the "world's leading nation"?!?!? Leading in WHAT? FACT is, the USA would be much better off if it simply stopped meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Very simple really... And no, this is not "America-bashing".

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Read the news! The red shirts STILL refuse to negotiate! All of this blood is on the hands of the red shirt leaders. Now they have another chance to stop this by following the LAW and talking. Yet they refuse.

Whats to negotiate? The balance of power seams to have taken a seismic shift this past week. Army commader saying troops tired and he is not sure how much longer they can stand this. Anupong saying they are all Thais (troops - and reds). Abhisit balling army out is not winning him any friends either.

Why negotiate with an illegal and murderous regime? Just tell em to leave the country (which they have told Abhisit) and thatas much as they deserve.

Reds were saying last night that even if the Army prevails (they didn't), it was only a battle in any event and the war would continue. If hospitalizing 800 of them didn't work, just what are you proposing next?

A COUP! A period of everyone taking a step back and reevaluating this mess. At this point a 1 year cool down period would be the biggest benefit to Thailand.

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It's important for the world's leading nation to speak out when necessary. I understand that there is a lot of irrational anti-Americanism because of our strong stand for democratic principles. Yet, the US has strong democratic institutions. It's important for the world to hear from one of the most stable and successful democracies the world has ever known.

And who declared the USA to be the "world's leading nation"?!?!? Leading in WHAT? FACT is, the USA would be much better off if it simply stopped meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Very simple really... And no, this is not "America-bashing".

Every government who rides the USA's coattails and there are too many to list.

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Where are you from and what year did we have to liberate your country?
Indeed nobody cares about what one of the worlds most hated nations has to say about this.....what the coalition of the willing has inflicted on the world in the last few years (decade or two) makes Bangkok Saturday look like a walk in the park.


Ohhh silly me, I forgot the USA and the rest of the worlds wonderful western nations Save Everyone, they do no harm. :D

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Read the news! The red shirts STILL refuse to negotiate! All of this blood is on the hands of the red shirt leaders. Now they have another chance to stop this by following the LAW and talking. Yet they refuse.

Whats to negotiate? The balance of power seams to have taken a seismic shift this past week. Army commader saying troops tired and he is not sure how much longer they can stand this. Anupong saying they are all Thais (troops - and reds). Abhisit balling army out is not winning him any friends either.

Why negotiate with an illegal and murderous regime? Just tell em to leave the country (which they have told Abhisit) and thatas much as they deserve.

Reds were saying last night that even if the Army prevails (they didn't), it was only a battle in any event and the war would continue. If hospitalizing 800 of them didn't work, just what are you proposing next?

A COUP! A period of everyone taking a step back and reevaluating this mess. At this point a 1 year cool down period would be the biggest benefit to Thailand.

It could be, but only if they dismantle the court structures and un-elected, election commisions during this time.

Free elections that are seen to be free and observed by outside agencies.

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It's important for the world's leading nation to speak out when necessary. I understand that there is a lot of irrational anti-Americanism because of our strong stand for democratic principles. Yet, the US has strong democratic institutions. It's important for the world to hear from one of the most stable and successful democracies the world has ever known.

And who declared the USA to be the "world's leading nation"?!?!? Leading in WHAT? FACT is, the USA would be much better off if it simply stopped meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Very simple really... And no, this is not "America-bashing".

Hahahaha! Such a LAME post!!!! Where are you from, my friend?

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The irony of the whole thing is that America is made up of foreigners from England, France, Australia, Russia, Belgium, etc., etc.,

You left out the Scots and Irish, arguably the biggest contributors to the United States of America bar none.

When was there a mass emigration of Australians to the US?

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I love when foreigners bash Americans... just shows that they are deeply envious. Otherwise, why bother saying anything??????

Get on with it and stop being so bitter and jealous.

I don't know why other foreigners bash Americans but I bash the Yanks for one simple reason: they NEVER know when to shut up!!! Who appointed the USA to be the guardian of the world/world police force anyway? Why do you people think the whole world has to dance to your tune? Why do you think that the USA and everything about it is just right and perfect? Seriously, I don't understand. Just obnoxious.

Believe me when I tell you I'm NOT envious, bitter or jealous. Quite the opposite in fact...

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The irony of the whole thing is that America is made up of foreigners from England, France, Australia, Russia, Belgium, etc., etc.,

You left out the Scots and Irish, arguably the biggest contributors to the United States of America bar none.

When was there a mass emigration of Australians to the US?

Actually Herr 'Oberkommando' ...

It's German by a long shot... that's why it took Pearl HArbour to get the US into WWII

German 15.2%

Scots 1.7%

Irish 10.8%

English 8.7%



But by 2050... the USA will be predominantly HISPANIC!

(let's hope they start taking siesta's and generally chilling the **** out)


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If the thread were titled 'Average Americans On The Street Deeply Regret Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests' it would be more acceptable. But as this comment comes from the American Government, it is hard for many people not to mock.

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I love when foreigners bash Americans... just shows that they are deeply envious. Otherwise, why bother saying anything??????

Get on with it and stop being so bitter and jealous.

I don't know why other foreigners bash Americans but I bash the Yanks for one simple reason: they NEVER know when to shut up!!! Who appointed the USA to be the guardian of the world/world police force anyway? Why do you people think the whole world has to dance to your tune? Why do you think that the USA and everything about it is just right and perfect? Seriously, I don't understand. Just obnoxious.

Believe me when I tell you I'm NOT envious, bitter or jealous. Quite the opposite in fact...

I think that has already been clarified in post#106

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If the thread were titled 'Average Americans On The Street Deeply Regret Violence, Loss Of Life In Thai Street Protests' it would be more acceptable. But as this comment comes from the American Government, it is hard for many people not to mock.

I think the statement is far too weak. That is my criticism. There is a very subtle spanking of the red anarchists in the text, but it should have been more clear. I want my government to be on the side of the legally elected government here and against aggressive violent anarchists who have made terrorist threats against innocent civilians.

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Martin Luther King was murdered, the Vietnam war protests did nothing but make the poor country boys that were drafted look bad and, Gandhi well he wan't as nobel as you think.

I have to quote a previous memember here: Your statement reflects a shocking ignorance.

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As an American working in Thailand, who cares what the USA thinks anymore??? They invaded Iraq bombing the sh#% out of Bagdhad just to get rid of a slime-ball leader. This whole process to give the people "democracy" has been a failure. The Iraq people are worse off now than before. So (for me) it is sad the USA is no longer a role model for what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. (Though the Republicans and Democrats are not EXACTLY like the REDS or YELLOWS they are somewhat the same--- both parties only thinking about themselves, and not for the whole country... and slowly, the two parties in the USA are becoming more and more hostile towards one another. (And TV stations like FOX NEWS does nothing to inform Americans, only to brainwash them towards a particular political veiw point. )

As a Non- American citizen, living and working in Thailand I really need to add that America had god on its side, listening to Bullshit, when they killed lots of innocent and last but not least their own people.

Some ‘friendly fire’ could not just lit up your cigarette.

Is it possible that the American government was sending all the Mormons to Thailand to keep peace?

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It's important for the world's leading nation to speak out when necessary. I understand that there is a lot of irrational anti-Americanism because of our strong stand for democratic principles. Yet, the US has strong democratic institutions. It's important for the world to hear from one of the most stable and successful democracies the world has ever known.

And who declared the USA to be the "world's leading nation"?!?!? Leading in WHAT? FACT is, the USA would be much better off if it simply stopped meddling in the internal affairs of other nations. Very simple really... And no, this is not "America-bashing".

Hahahaha! Such a LAME post!!!! Where are you from, my friend?

be4 obama

usa was the supreme leader!   and everyone knew it! :)

now , we not so sure.

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Well this is a good deflection for the Euros - have at it lads :)

Who cares about the Euros? :D

I'm an American and I'm surprised at the cynacism shown here by non-Americans. This is precisely the crap that starts wars, violence. riots, feuds, hate in families, anti-government protests like we had yesterday.... it is all about greed, ego, selfishness... etc...

I'll refrain from insulting all of you non-Americans, because I'm sure we have our faults, but no one is perfect, even you - those who hide behind the safety of your keyboards insulting others]. Fortunately the majority of people are pretty cool. They realize this and can bite their tongue. Kudos to you cool people! :D

First i am wondering how many of the critics of the US are in fact US ex-pats living in Thailand!

Second I am thinking maybe the US should be a little more gung ho about Thailand - I cant think of anything more likely to re-unite the two sides than overt interferance from another country!

The reality is that countries are made up of "people" who elect governments made up of "people" - it seems to me that one of the most common traits most "people" have is that they think they know "what is good for other people" or "what is right" and all assume some sort of moral high ground - so why expect them to be any different when they go into politics!

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I for one as an American don't mind the America bashing very much. It is a harmless, natural way of venting at "Mr. Big." It means people still do consider us the leading country in the world, and still do expect moral leadership from us. No matter what they say to the contrary, we simply don't believe them. I would be worried if the America bashing stopped and was replaced with only China bashing or Germany bashing, etc.

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