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Post Your Wet Pattaya Girl Pics Here


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What a bunch of <deleted>. A guy posts a picture of a face and gets accused of being everything under the sun.

Nothing but Ajarn-style flamers here it looks like.

Get a life people.


Cool it dude, or stay off the piss. It was a reply to the person who posted the photo of a face which was flamed.

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She could easily be thirty. The powder makes it impossible to tell her age. :)

No Im sorry, she isnt oozing the 30yo attitude & bs they go on with.

Im back the 12yo brigade :D

more info on 30 year attitude please---------my lady 31 soon getting worried now

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Here 'ya go:


Happy New Year!


Covered in powder, and still gorgeous! I luv LOS.

Hmm, you think gorgeous? I think she's only about 12 years old.... worrying!

You beat me to it.Says a lot about the quality of westerners in Thailand.

why can't a 12 year old girl be gorgeous pray tell???

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Here 'ya go:


Happy New Year!


Covered in powder, and still gorgeous! I luv LOS.

Hmm, you think gorgeous? I think she's only about 12 years old.... worrying!

You beat me to it.Says a lot about the quality of westerners in Thailand.

:D Well she approached me first ! Waddya do ?

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Easy to see she is around 12, anyone who have kids should be able to see that.

Yeah, but what's the big deal of calling a 12 year old girl gorgeous anyway? Parents often use such adjectives to describe their children.

Ay Tropo,the problem isnt calling the girl beautiful,the op asked for sexy girls from Songkran and the op sent 2 of young kids,irrelevent of beautiful or not,its unusual

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Happy New Year!


Covered in powder, and still gorgeous! I luv LOS.

Hmm, you think gorgeous? I think she's only about 12 years old.... worrying!

You beat me to it.Says a lot about the quality of westerners in Thailand.

:D Well she approached me first ! Waddya do ?

Looks like my mate's wife.

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cryptosporidium,plus a waste of scarce water,no nice pics to date cos people are careful not to give their camera's a soaking................all quite depressing.thought one out of two pics posted was gorgeous,am talking about the canine.

Edited by samuibeachcomber
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